Trembling steps

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Written by VeGirl 2013 © All Rights Reserved

When they hung up, Linda took a strengthening breath and walked inside again. The smell hit her just as hard and her body started to tingle. Enthralled she closed her eyes and drew in the sweet scent. Immediatelly she was transported to their secret hide-out on the island. She could hear the waves crashing in and she could feel the overwhelming arousal; the anxious expectation of what he would do to her.

"Oh Jay..." She almost expected him to answer, but the flat was empty, just as she had been for long now.

She had been so incredible empty.

She opened her eyes and gripped her phone again and dialled next number. "Maya."

"Hey sexy, what can I do for you today?"

Linda could hear the girl get up from a squeaking leather chair and the echoing sound made her think that her friend had walked out from whatever room she was in.

"Did I disturb you?"

"Your calls are never inconvenient, sexy."

Linda sighed, but with a smile. "I spoke to Jayden..."

"Did he tell you how desperate he is?"

" was implied..."

Maya chuckled soft.

"He's been to my work, and he's even been to my home when I wasn't here." Linda was suddenly upset again. "He was in my bedroom and placed flowers on my bed."

"What a romantic... Isn't that a little sappy?"

Linda grid her teeth. "It was honeysuckle, that's what he tied me up with on the beach and then fucked my brains out."



"You're turning me on, Miss Li, and I'm in the middle of a meeting with my shareholders."

"Maya! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to hear your sweet voice."

"Come on, you have to stop sounding like we're lovers."

"We have.."

"Stop! We're friends!"

Maya chuckled sweet. "I'm sorry to put an end to this, but I have to get back."

"I'm sorry I disturbed you."

"You brightened the day for me. Tell Jayden from me to fuck you good."


She just chuckled. "Bye now sexy."

Linda took an annoyed breath when the line went dead. The scent made her body tingle again, while she still wondered why Maya made her feel like a prude. Linda had her share of naughty in her life, how could Maya make her feel like a little prude schoolteacher?

She sighed and shook her head. She was hungry, but the scent made her realize that she could never eat in here, she needed to get out. Before she could think, she had once again fled.

She walked around town until the rumbling in her stomach made her aware of how hungry she was. Suddenly the town swirled with delicious scents of food, mouthwatering food and she scanned the area to find something to eat.

"Oh my God." She mumbled to herself. "I'm like a freaking dog in heat."

A pizzeria she had never stopped at was where she ended up and the food was absolutely devine.

She had just put another slice of pizza in her mouth and was chewing with her eyes closed, almost about to moan when somebody harrumphed. She opened her eyes and sat upright. "Mr Mathews?"

The good looking guy was leaned against her booth and watching her with an amused expression. "Hi, was I disturbing you?"

Linda blushed. "I never knew they had this good pizza's here." She mumbled embarrassed.

"They're delicious." He smiled. "Do you mind if I join you?"

"Eh... no, please sit." She gestured to the empty seat in front of her.

"I think I want what you're having." He smiled and gestured towards the half of her pizza, making her blush deepen.

A waitress showed up to take his order and she soon arrived with a glass of what looked like Cola.

"Is everything okay with you? I haven't seen you out and about for the whole summer?"

"No, I've been out of town."

"And you look like you've been through a tough time."

"But that's better now." This was not a conversation she wanted to have with this man. "I've been doing my best to work through this kidnapping business."

"Yeah, I heard about that." He looked concerned. "Did everything worked out with that?"

"Yes, that's done." She really didn't want to talk about that.

The waitress came and served him his pizza and she could dodge the infected subject.

"This is good." He said and she smiled.

They savoured the pizza while Linda noticed the waitress and a few of the females in this place oogle the guy oposite her.

"So, are you seeing anyone?"

Linda almost choked on her food and her stomach clenched in an uncomfortable way.

"I'm engaged, Mr Mathews."

"My name is Joshua, I've told you that! I'm not that much older than you." He said, almost sounding offended and Linda chuckled embarrassed. "I just noticed that you didn't wear that ring anymore."

Linda gulped. " was taken from me during the..."

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to upset you Linda."

She put on her brave face. "I'm just still processing it." She lied, because she didn't want to admit that him coming on to her was terrifying. "So, I'm still taken." She smiled apologetic.

"That's too bad."

She looked away and continued to eat the pizza that wasn't that exquisite anymore. I guess I'm not in heat anymore; she thought and had to bite her cheek to stop from smiling.

"So have you been engaged long?"

Are we really having this conversation? "No, but we've been together for almost seven years." Another lie...

"That's impressive." He said thoughtfully.

"What about you, there's no Mrs Mathews?"

"No, we were never married, and then she found something better." He sounded a little bitter. "Well, that's her loss, right?"

Linda had never seen the insecurity behind that flirty exterior. "Absolutely!" She smiled.

They finished their meal in a little more comfortable way, now that Linda knew she didn't need to fend the man off. He was actually quite funny and a nice man. Linda started to ponder about what would have happened if she had found that out before Jayden got his claws in her again. She had probably ended up with Jayden anyhow, she thougt. He seemed to be her destiny; her saviour and prosecutor.

"Thank you for the company, I enjoyed it emensely." He said as they were done.

"Thank you, Mr... Joshua." She corrected herself which earned her a smile from the handsome man.

"May I walk you home, I think we live in the same direction..."

"Really?" She looked around, not really sure where she was at the moment, since it was her nose that had brought her there. "Sure", she smiled and they walked together.

"So do you like it here? I think I heard that you're from London?"

"I've been around a bit, but I like it here." She did not want to discuss her time in London, certainly not how she spent most part at the club. "Have you lived here long?"

Deflect and distract.

"I grew up just outside Liverpool, but I like it here. And it's good for the kids with a smaller town."

"It's not that small."

He chuckled. "But it has a good school, with great teachers."

And there goes the flirt again.

"Yes, I'm very lucky to be part of such a great staff. What do you do, Joshua?"

"I'm in real estate."

"Oh, is that a lucrative business?"

He smiled, a little impressed with her question. "If you have your head on straight you can make it worth your while. I've done some good deals in Liverpool and in London to afford settling down here."

Linda actually had a good time while walking through town. Joshua was a great guy as long as he stopped flirting, and they seemed to be able to joke a little. When they reached Linda's block of flats, Jayden came walking out through her front door.


Her body was tingling at once. "Hi darling." She said and gave the surprised man a peck on the lips. "You've met Joshua."

Both men were a little startled to meet, but Jayden hid his surprise and played along. "Hi, nice to see you again, Joshua." He took the advantage and slid his arm around Linda's waist.

"Yeah, hi." Joshua turned towards Linda. "Thank's for keeping me company, Linda. Perhaps I see you in school."

"Sure, tell Carl I said hi." She smiled and then Joshua left.

Linda was almost scared to look at Jayden.


"My god, he was coming on to me, I had to do something." She snapped. "A bit stalker by the way, with the flowers on my bed."

He smiled. "They smell really good." He said suggestively and her breathing picked up again. "Almost like the ones on the island."

"Yes." She exhaled breathless. "What are you doing here Jay?"

"I just had to see you."

Her body ached for his touch and her heart had been hurt for so long, that she was scared. "Please don't hurt me." Her words were barely more than a whisper.

His superior expression changed into something entirely different. "I can say the same to you."

"I am sorry Jay, I am so sorry." She breathed. "Perhaps there has been too much bad blood running between us. Maybe we need a clean cut?"

"Never!" He snapped; his eyes were filled with anger. "You. Are. Mine."

She was so on edge that she wanted to cry from those words. She wanted to be his unconditionely. She wanted for him to make everything okay. She wanted him back. "But you are mine as well." She breathed. "No going home with old flames or naked submissives in the office."

Jayden looked appalled and then he turned his head at someone walking by, before they were alone again. "Can we discuss this upstairs?"

She was just about to say yes, when she remembered the smell in her flat, and what that smell made her feel. "Sorry, I can't think there, with all those flowers."

His eyebrows flew upwards in surprise.

"We're gonna have to stand on the balcony."

He smiled smug. "So they worked their charm?"

Linda glared at him. "I feel like a dog in heat." Jayden threw his head back and laughed out loud, and Linda started to laugh as well. The thought hit Linda that this was the first time they had laughed in a long time. She had barely laughed with Zoe and definitely not with Maya who seemed to be in heat every day. "I'm sorry; the flowers were very sweet of you."

He looked a little guilty. "Not so sweet...I just wanted to remind you what we had."

"I remember, Jayden." She watched another girl oogling Jayden as she passed them. "Come on, let's talk." She took his hand and they walked up the few stairs to get to her flat. The pungent scent hit them as soon as they walked inside, and both of them cought fire instantly.

"You weren't kidding." He groaned, suddenly aware of the tight jeans he was wearing. "That was a lovely beach you found us."

The look she gave him was wild.


"Balcony." She confirmed and walked out there with him in tow. The moment she got out there she took a deep breath to calm her edgy nerves. When she turned to look at Jayden, there was a passionate fire burning in his eyes that ignited her smouldering inside at once. The exhale turned into a moan, which widened his pupils.

That was the kind of reaction they weren't supposed to have.

"I better sit at this side of the table if we're supposed to talk." She almost groaned and sat down, giving him room opposite her. "You were saying that the girl I saw was your cousin?" She rambled fast to distract them both.

"Yes, first cusin on my mother's side." His sexy voice was now staccatto and just as forced as Linda's.

"Oh, nice. You have many cousins?"

"Yes." He groaned and held her look in a deadbolt. "Many..."

"I don't... Just a few.."

"Laurinda..." His voice was now the smooth, swirling chocolate she remembered. "You look like shite."

"Mmm, you too." Linda started randomly thinking about if people actually could spontaniously combust. She had been determined to talk to the man, but now she just wanted to throw herself at him. "But hot..." slipped through her lips before she had a chance to process it.

"And you are the sexiest girl I have ever met." His voice was making it tingle like something crawling along her spine and she was out of breath.

"Good thing we're just here to talk."

"Yeah, or else I would have thrown you over my shoulder and worshiped your body on an altar of love."

She just growled and pressed her thighs together to ease a little of that throbbing ache that was spreadding therefrom.

"Laurinda." His tone held a warning, but she was totally unaware what the warning referred to. Her eyebrows were now bent outwards as in pain or extreme pleasure. "Don't do that." He groaned.

"What?" She wet her lips and that was what pushed him over the edge.

He leaned forward and kissed her ferouciously, with all the longing and pain he felt for months. With all the passion he had for her. "You. Are. Mine." He mumbled between the kisses.

"Yes. Always." Was what she was able to press out while letting her hands slide into his hair and grip handfuls of it. Her body was screaming at her from the top of the lungs to let him do whatever with her and she had stopped listen to the brain that was in charge of the other the team.

She was pressed against him, but still wanted to be closer. He caressed her dearly. "Oh Linn, you have stopped eating." His hands ran along her ribs.

"I ate tonight."

"Yes, with him."

"We only ate."

"But I know that you once wanted his hands on you."

"Not now Jay, I even lied and said that we were still engaged."

His face held a silent beg. "You did?"

She nodded small and fast repetitions.

"Are you still mine?" His voice was merely a whisper.


He managed to pull her around the table and incage her in his arms. The hug proceeded the kissing, but when their lips met, it was violently, borderling agressive.

It didn't take them more than a minute before Linda had her intentions clear when she took his hand and led him through the balconydoor.

"Oh look, it's the cheating bastard!"


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