14. Soundproof Walls

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My heart was hammering in my chest as I walked down the hall of my busy school.

I was supposed to meet the boys in our usual spot in less than five minutes, but Ty had sent me a text saying it was urgent, so I came without question. We'd spent so much time together Friday night that after I'd left, his masculine scent was still deeply embedded within my clothes and phantom tingles would erupt on my lips every time he called or texted me.

So much had changed, but within these familiar halls, I had to pretend that everything was the same.

But with each eye that locked with mine or every shoulder that gently brushed my own, I couldn't help the fear that would bubble in my chest at the thought of someone knowing before I could get a chance to finish fully processing it. I wasn't ashamed necessarily, but it was all still so new and raw that I didn't want to taint it by trying to label it our air it out too soon.

I found my legs carrying me to the audio department of the school, but Tyler was nowhere to be found. My eyebrows furrowed and my teeth bit into my bottom lip as I looked at my phone to make sure I'd come to the right place.

Tyler [8:12]: hey, meet me outside of Mr. Swartz's classroom in the audio department asap. It's urgent

I looked at the two doors I was standing in front of and sure enough, one was Mr. Swartz's room while the other was an unmarked door. Ants of anxiety started marching up my spine and into my brain, carrying an arsenal of worried thoughts. What if something happened? Could someone have found out about us? No, this doesn't have anything to do with us. Did it have something to do with the urgent situation? Maybe I should've walked faster or--

My worried thoughts were cut off by arms wrapping around me and pulling me into a dark room so fast that the air left my body. I quickly turned around ready to unleash my fury on whoever it was, but I relaxed when I saw that it was only Ty.

I let out an exasperated breath. "Dude, what the hell? I could've drop-kicked you or something!"

"But you didn't," he slyly pointed out, making me roll my eyes.

"But I could've," I grumbled as I crossed my arms in annoyance. "What do you need?"

"To see you," he said casually as he spread his arms to the room we were in, "and this is the perfect place to do it."

I looked around and realized that we were in a mini studio complete with a mixer, padded walls, a mic, and a mini midi keyboard. "This is the old studio that Mr. Swartz used to call studio A, but it's since been put out of commission since they revamped the department, and as the CA, I'm the only one other than Mr. S that has the key. So, it's a perfect spot."

"A perfect spot for what?" I asked as he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Something like this," he said before he craned his neck down and gently kissed me. I instantly melted like a Hershey's kiss in the sun as I gently kissed him back. I had to keep the groans that were climbing up my throat at bay in order to keep myself from accidentally exposing this intimate moment to the bustling world that raged just beyond the door.

Much like last time, his lips slowly yet skillfully wandered from my lips down my jaw, but this time he kissed down the front of my throat rather than the side, causing lightning to buzz in my toes. "Tyler..." I breathed out causing his grip on me to tighten.

"Hm?" He hummed in response, not slowing down in the slightest.

"We have to stop."

"We do?" He asked as he reached under my shirt.

"We do," I reluctantly said, resisting the urge to melt further into him.

His lips left me as his eyes locked with mine. "Why?"

"Because we were supposed to meet the boys..." I glanced at the clock in the corner of the old studio, "two minutes ago, and I was barely able to cover what you did to me last time."

A grin spread across his face as he eyed the opposite side of my neck than what he'd been attacking mere moments earlier. "I was wondering how you got it to go away so fast."

"I didn't. You're just lucky I've had some practice covering up hickies before."

"Then it wouldn't hurt to help you practice more," Tyler said with a grin as he cupped my cheek and ran his thumb across my jaw.

"Maybe, but not now. Besides, we're not the quietest people to ever live and there are people walking by this room every second."

"That's why it's soundproof," Tyler said as he patted the padded wall next to my head. "So no matter how loud we get, no one can hear."

"No one?" I asked as I turned my head and looked at the simple padding that lined the walls.

"No one," Tyler confirmed as he leaned in and pressed another kiss to my lips.

"Tyler," I whined against his lips, causing him to groan and pull away.

"Fine," he said with a sigh. "But this isn't over."

"I didn't say it was," I quipped as I ran my thumb over my bottom lip, a habit that was quickly forming.

Tyler flipped off the lights before he walked out with me closely following behind him. He relocked the door before he casually slung his arm across my shoulders. To anyone passing, we'd just look like two guys chilling, but the simple action caused a fire to ignite within me. "Tyler-"

"Addi, relax. There's nothing inherently gay about two dudes walking down the hall like this. It's alright, you can chill."

My cheeks became warm as a blush crept onto them. "Oh. Okay."

Tyler grinned, causing an unparalleled warmth to move throughout my body.

We were almost to the spot we were supposed to meet the team when I saw the last person that I wanted to see at that moment.

"Hey Addi," Kyra cheerfully greeted as she walked down the hall toward us.

"I'll leave you to it," Tyler softly said as he removed his arm from my shoulders."I'll text you later," he promised as he kept walking. I instantly felt small without him by my side and my body instantly missed his. He didn't even look back.

I forced a friendly smile on my face. "Hi, Kyra."

"Hey, Addi. I didn't get a chance to tell you at the game, but you guys were incredible," she gushed as she wrapped her arms around me in such a casual hug. It honestly made me uncomfortable. How could she be so cavalier after everything?

But I couldn't say much seeing as I'd moved on literal hours after our break.

The word "thanks" slid through my tight-lipped grin as I tried to act as casual as possible.

"So, do you want to hang out after school or something? We can do what we usually do: watch movies at my place or go on a walk. Anything really. I've missed you."

The words "I've missed you too" instinctively started climbing up my throat, but the same tight-lipped grin that feigned normalcy was the barrier that kept the words from coming out.

I couldn't lie to her like that.

I still loved her too much to do that to her, as weird as it was.

I rubbed the back of my neck and broke eye contact. "Uh, I don't know. I'm already kinda busy tonight."

Her eyebrows furrowed and her lips turned down. "Oh. With what? Maybe I can help."

Tyler was the answer to that question but instead of telling her, I shook my head. "Thanks but you can't help me with this. It's personal."

"Oh, okay," she said, trying to mask her disappointment with a grin as the bell rang.

"I'll see you later, Ky."

"See you later, Addi." Within a moment, her lips were on my cheek.

I instantly pulled away. Although her kiss sent warmth through me, it didn't feel the same as Tyler's. Nothing ever would.

"Uh, I don't think that's a good idea. We're on a break, remember?" I carefully said.

A blush stained her cheeks. "Yeah, I guess I was just on autopilot. Sorry. But could you still ride the subway home with me after practice? If that's not too big of a hassle."

Although a part of me wanted to say no because that would mean less time I would get to spend with Ty, I nodded. "Sure."

She grinned. "Thanks."

We both turned and went our own ways, my lips tingling with the feeling of Tyler's on them and my cheek burning from where Kyra's lips had touched it, but not in a bad way.

A weird feeling bloomed in my chest, but instead of facing it head-on like I usually would, I pushed it deep down as I hurried to my first-period class.


Hey y'all, I hope you enjoyed this cute chapter, and if you did, make sure you comment and vote! I'm loving their relationship so far, but trouble shall be rocking paradise fairly soon, so fair warning. Anyways, as always, if you want to go ahead and read chapter 15 one week before I post it here, click the Inkitt link in my bio.

Have a great rest of y'all's week!

Love y'all- Jordan

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