Chapter Forty-one - Rescue?

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"We'll head toward Anacostia Park," Nick explained. "CIRAS is nearby. It should go okay unless we're being followed. If we are, that's when I'll rely on you to act quickly. You promise you'll do what I say?" He was being repetitive, but he still didn't quite trust Melissa on that account.

"I will. How about you trust me?"

"Deal. Let's go. We'll walk briskly but stay nonchalant. We're just business people heading home after a late day at work."

"Got it." Melissa walked away from him at a swift pace.

Nick ran to catch up with her. "We need to cross Independence Avenue, over here." Nick pointed.



No one followed them. Too much good luck, and Nick didn't like it. Bad was bound to follow soon enough.

"I see it just behind those trees," Melissa said after a few minutes.

"That's it. Hang on. Come over here with me." Nick dashed behind one of the larger trees. Melissa copied his movement. "Mel, make out with me, quick."


"Just do it. Now."

Melissa wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and started kissing him. Nick watched the couple walk by. After they passed, he slid the black bag off his shoulder and brought it into the narrow space between their bodies. He felt around inside until he found the right shape and pulled it out.

"What's that?" Melissa asked through the side of her mouth.

Nick put the small device into his inside pocket. He held his face close to Melissa's. "Blocks security feeds for a short time. Comes across on monitors as a natural disruption." He turned away from her and shifted the bag to his back. She started to move, too. "Wait. Stay there."

Melissa checked her next step and stopped.

"Now reach into the bag but stay really close and make sure no one sees. Get the Glock and slip it under my jacket and into my waistband."

He heard her fumbling. The gun felt cold as it touched his skin. "Let's go. We'll head right to CIRAS and figure out where you can wait for me once we get inside."

"Can't I just go with you?"

"Melissa, you did say you'd listen. Why do I keep having to remind you?"

She looked down. "I'm just worried about Sidney, you know, after what Warner said about him. It sounded like they were thinking of killing him." Her voice shook.

"We'll get Sidney out as soon as we can. I'm sure he's fine. Warner was just trying to scare you."


Nick shot her a stern glance. Emotions had to be put aside. There would be enough time to deal with them later.

Melissa swallowed hard. "Okay." She got a curious look on her face and put her hand into her pocket.

"Did you get a text?" Nick asked.

She nodded, looking down as she walked. "Mmm-hmm. It's from Natalie: 'Someone disabled the security at CIRAS. No one has noticed yet, but they will soon and then they will go there. Don't know how much time you'll have.'"

"At least we don't have to worry about shutting down the security. That's one good thing." He picked up his pace.

Melissa hurried beside him. "Suppose they get to you before you have a chance to get out of there."

Nick thought of his luck balance. "Nothing I'll be able to do about that."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"There's no time for feelings right now, Mel. We have to act. I can only control what I can control. Now come on." He started to jog, and so did she.

The large glass doors loomed before them. "How the hell do we get in?" Melissa asked. "I can't see any kind of handle."

"There isn't one." Nick searched through the black bag.

Melissa stared at him. "Jesus, is everything in that bag?"

"Almost." He rummaged around some more. "Found it." He produced a small switchblade and flicked it open. "Watch." He slipped the blade through a crack between the two panes of glass.

"Oh, come on. That's going to work?" 

The door slid open. "Only because the security is down. Come on in." As he spoke, he put away the knife and snatched the Glock from his waistband. He held it close as they went inside together.

"Where is everyone?" 

Nick had to admit it was unnervingly still. "No idea." He scanned around for someplace where Melissa could wait for him. He felt her staring at him. He shifted his gaze to her. "What?"

She blinked rapidly. All her muscles looked like they were tensed up. "I can't wait here alone. I'll be too scared. It'll drive me crazy."

"And you can't come with me. I don't know what's down there. I won't put you at risk."

"Suppose I come with you  but wait outside the center?"

Nick considered her suggestion. It might be a decent compromise. "You promise to wait outside?"

She nodded. "It'll be easier for me than waiting here alone."

"Okay. Stay close and quiet."

Melissa nodded.

"I don't know exactly where I'm going, so you'll just have to follow my lead. I'll figure it out."

"I know you will." Melissa quivered and clutched her sides.

Nick thought it must be hard for her to be in the place where her son was being held captive. She probably wanted to run right to him.

He looked at her again and clutched his weapon tighter. He angled toward the nearest wall, searching for an exit to the foyer, but couldn't find one. The walls appeared seamless, even though he knew they couldn't be.

He walked the perimeter, looking for evidence of an opening. His didn't find anything, so he walked around again. This time he let his fingertips graze along the wall. He felt a slight ridge.

There. He passed it again. There it was. No doubt. He eased the crack with his knife. The wall opened up. He heard Melissa gasp behind him, but he didn't stop to look at her. He headed straight down the long hallway.

TR would be in the basement. That was the most secure, most secret place there. The security system was down.

Doors. This one on the left? No, that's an apartment or something. Looks like a hotel room. Try that one. Same. Go to a new area. Try over to the right. New hallway. Lots of curved walls. Makes sense. The outside is curved, too. Try this door. Another hallway. Good. Keep going. Long hallway. Where is the next door? Here, in front, hallway ends. Keypads are at every door. but security's down. Hall swerves to left. Door on right. Open it. Stairs. Good.

Nick took a deep breath and brought the gun close up in front of him. He sensed Melissa's chest constricting behind him.

Step down. Quietly. Reach the landing. Another set of stairs. Be more careful. Quieter. They could be expecting you. Control your breath. Control your mind. Steady. Easy.

No more stairs. Last door. This must be it.

He turned around. "Stay here."

"Here?" she asked in a shaky voice. She sounded disoriented.

"Or go back and wait somewhere upstairs. You can't come with me."

Melissa glanced at him and then at the stairs. "I'll go back."

They were wasting time. Nick pivoted away from her and opened the door.

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