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"Lani can you help carry in the groceries?" Lani groaned. "Why????" She pouted. Her mom gave her that death look and Lani hopped up and quietly went outside to fetch the groceries.

I stood up, feeling awkward for not helping.

"Hello." I greeted. Miss Keller forced out a smile. "I see Lani invited a friend over... hi Adrain, how are you?" I leaned against the white tile counter.

"I'm good. Lani and I were working on some homework together and I guess it got late.." I lie.

Ms. Keller narrowed her eyes and Lani dramatically came bumbling in, huffing and puffing like someone who was dying. "Did you get the whole store?!" She asked. Her mother sighed and started unpacking the groceries. "You could of took a smaller load. You didn't have to get it all in one trip."

Lani scoffed. "More than one trip is for the weak!" I laughed and Lani laughed with me.

Her mother just kind of stared at us so I quickly stopped and cleared my throat. "Uh thanks for the homework help Lani but I think I should get home for dinner now."

Lani's mother thought me and Lani were more than friends, that we were hooking up and fooling around... but... let's just say I'm not into that...

I go to turn around when I bump into someone.

I step back, the apology already out of my mouth before I can even look up at who it is.

It was Lani's brother.

"Zak what are you doing home?"

Zak was Lani's older brother who lived at the house still but I'd see him around town working in the mechanic body shop.

He was ripped and hot as hell. He hardly came with the family to public events and he was pretty quiet. I remember when I was really little and me and Lani met. I came over without permission and walked in the house to find Zak getting yelled at by his mother.

It really upset me and I felt like I had to make Zak feel better.

I still don't know what exactly happened between them but ever since then Zak doesn't talk to his mother like a normal person.

It was two months ago when I found out why I wasn't welcomed here. Lani was one of my closest friends but her mother didn't like me very well.

This family wasn't like other families. They were different.

I guess I'm use to it by now though.

The Keller's were hunters. They killed demons, vampires, werewolves, and anything that was supernatural that was believed to be harmful.

Believe me. When I found out I was terrified. I thought they were crazy! who wouldn't though? honestly the more I thought about it the more I kinda realized how cool it kinda was.

They were the real life Winchester family! Although the Dad was the one that was gone, the mother was still alive and instead of two boys they got a boy and a girl.

Don't get me wrong, I knew the dangers of the business and being associated with people like them but it was all worth it because of Zak. He was hot and I really hoped--

"I'll walk you out!" Lani announced, bringing me back to the present.

I looked down at my feet and felt Lani grab my arm and pull me along. I glanced back at Zak and he was now looking at his mom.

Lani and I left before anything happened though.

"Your mom still hates me." I note. She rolls her eyes.

"One day she'll see that you are trustworthy. Besides you make doe eyes at Zak every time he comes around, I doubt you'd hurt him trying to expose us." She smirked.

I blushed. "I do not!" I deny. She raises her eyebrow. "Mmhmmm..."

"You two shouldn't be out here." Zak comes up to us.

I gasp, jumping to the side.

Did he hear our conversation?!! Please tell me he didn't, cause if he did I would probably die.

"And maybe you should actually try talking to our mother..." Zak shot Lani a look. He sighed and changed the subject.

"It's a full moon tonight. You know what that means.."

"Werewolves..." Lani muttered in disgust. I tapped my chin in thought. "Have you ever come across a werewolf who wasn't a threat to people?"

They both turned to me.

I shrugged, feeling embarrassed at this point. "I'm just curious. In all the stories I read the werewolf isn't some psycho killer." Lani sighed, putting her hand on her hip.

"This isn't some fantasy Adrian, werewolves pose a real threat to us. They're nothing but vicious killers and that's all they'll ever be."

I bite my lip, shrugging.

"Just a thought... I better go." I turn to leave and Lani grabs my hand. "Adrian!" I turn around at the sound of her suddenly worried voice. She smiles at me. "Be careful."

I smile. "I'm always careful!"

With that I actually leave.

The night was dawning fast.

I pulled out my phone to text my mom.

Me- sorry I'm gonna be late I was hanging out with Lani

Mom- Lani? Aren't her and her family weird? Are you sure they're okay?

I laugh.

Me- I've been friends with her since 3rd grade. They're not so bad. See you in 15

Mom- k love you

I shake my head, smiling.

My mom was always worried that Lani and her family were weirdos. And I guess if you didn't know their secret they'd appear that way.

Getting to my house I walk in and almost instantly my mom is on me.

"Baby, how was Lani?" My stomach dropped. She didn't sound right. She sounded overly peppy.

Looking up I saw a man standing behind my mother.

He smiled at me. "Who is that?" I ask. My mother pulls away from me and smiles nervously.

"He's here to help us. I met him in the store today while getting groceries and he was so kind to help me when I couldn't carry it all." She giggled and turned to the man.

"Michael this is my son, Adrian."

The man smiled wider.

"Adrian..." his voice was rough and deep. I grab the leash hanging up by the door and glare at my mother. "I'm taking the dog for a walk!" With that I'm clapping my hands and Zale came running over. I clipped the leash to his collar and headed for the door once more. My mother touched my shoulder. "honey it's late, why don't you stay in." I shrugged her off and left.

As soon as the door closed my tears spilled. It has only been 5 months since my father left us. How could she move on so fast?! Tugging on Zale's leash I wiped my eyes and we went for a walk.

The night was really chilly at this point and the desolate town seemed to creep up in my mind. In hindsight this was a terrible idea. I should know better than anyone that there are creatures of night that are scary and harmful. Zak even said that werewolves would be out tonight. Ah, b-but if I stay near home it shouldn't be too bad, right?

Suddenly a cat is rubbing up on my shins. I look down and smile at it. "Awww, are you cold little buddy?" A feral growl has my gut turning, Shoot, Zale is not good around cats!

"Zale! Zale, NO!" before I could stop him he wrapped me up in the leash as he chased the cat around. "Zale stop!" I shout but as the cat takes off so does Zale, the leash breaking. I fall down and shout after the damn dog. God dammit Zale why couldn't you do this any other night?

I untangle myself and chase after him. That dog was the last thing my father gave me before he died!!!

I start running. Where would he go?! Where would the cat run off too?!

I find myself running blindly in the dark. Not really paying attention to my surroundings until I come to the edge of town, the woods.

"Zale?" I ask quietly, tears running down my face.

A rustling from inside the pitch black Forrest makes me jump.

I gulp, wiping at my tears. "Z-Zale is that y-you?" Maybe running out here in haste by myself wasn't a good idea.

Suddenly a feral growling sound hits my ears.

I stumble backwards. "Shit!" If that's a werewolf... lord help me....

Suddenly my ankle rolls and I end up on the ground, crying out in pain.

"Fuck!!" I hurriedly grab my throbbing ankle and try scooting backwards some more.

"I warned you..." huh?!

I squint into the darkness and hear footsteps coming toward me. But from the sound of the voice I knew who it was.

"It's a full moon tonight Adrian. Little boys like you should be in bed."

"Zak I'm so glad it's just you! I was scared that it was–" he cuts me off.

"A monster? What if I am?"

Huh? What's he going on about? I roll my eyes. "Get over here and help me up you meanie!" Heavy footsteps and heavy breathing now makes it's way toward me. I raise my eyebrow and that's when I see it.

A giant werewolf staring at me, his eyes glowing in the moonlight. My eyes widen.

"You see Adrian, I'm a monster." Th-The werewolf spoke, it-it knew my name! I scramble to my knees and lean forward, reaching my hand out. This is– "Your–" But loud howling cuts me off.


"What is this? A human all alone out here in the woods?" Another voice speaks.

Three other wolves come trotting out of the woods, two of them snarling at me.

In panic I reach out and grab handfuls of Zak's fur, hiding behind him.

"He's mine Callen." Zak snarls back.

The one, Callen, looks over to me.

"If he's yours why is he still a virgin?"

What?!!! "Enough!" Zak barks out.

"Adrian get on my back!" Huh? Whoa! Suddenly Zak is dropping his wolf body lower and swinging his tail. "Get on now Adrian!"

Zak's voice was so demanding that I found myself scrambling to get on.

With out any more hesitation Zak takes off. Branches whack me in the face as Zak runs through the woods. "Zak slow down!" I beg. "We can't I need to get you to safety!" I lower myself and almost end up laying down on Zak's back so as to stop most of the branches from hitting me.

I squeeze my eyes shut and desperately cling on to Zak.

What the heck was going on?! If this werewolf is Zak then... Then that means-!

Finally we slow down and I'm basically thrown off of Zak's back. "what the hell Adrian?! I told you to stay in tonight, why the hell are you throwing yourself into danger?!" I look up at the angry wolf and feel my bottom lip trembling. "I didn't think about it! I was trying to get my dog back and I ended up in the woods somehow! I'm sorry!" I look down, trying to hid the tears that were about to pour down my face.

Suddenly a hand lifted my face up and I came face to face with a human Zak. "I know, I'm sorry I was just scared that they were going to hurt you. Werewolves are territorial, the fact you hadn't specifically been marked by a werewolf meant you were up for grabs."

My eyes widen. "W-wait, really?!" Zak nodded and my tears spilled. I shook my head and let it fall once more. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know.." Zak's hand caressed my cheek, wiping away my tears before brushing his other hand across my other cheek. "It's all okay now, your safe with me." I sniffled and leaned in, hugging him.

"I'm scared!" I mutter. Zak warmly wrapped his arms around me. "I've got you, it's alright." I nuzzled into him, liking how his bare chest radiated warmth around me. WAIT!!!

I pull back, baffled. "Zak, you're a-a werewolf!!" He chuckled. "Glad you're catching on." I stood up. "Don't you get it?! Your family hates werewolves!!" Zak stood up as well, still very naked. "Yeah I know, trust me I grew up with them."

My heart began racing. "Zak they want all werewolves dead! How are you gonna-" he stopped me with a gentle kiss. I started to calm down, feeling his lips press against mine as his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

He pulled away, leaving me dazed. "It'll have to be our secret Adrian."

I stared up at him, still dazed. I found myself nodding. Zak smiled. "I can hear your heart you know..." What? At that my heart starts pumping louder. He can hear my heart beat?! I start to blush and look down only to come face to face with Zak's manhood. "Eeek!!" I stumble backwards, covering my eyes. "Don't you have any extra clothes?!"

Zak chuckled. "What's wrong Adrian? Feeling self conscious?" He teased. I blushed more. "No! B-but you're... and I saw... ummm-" Zak's footsteps cut me off as I cautiously peel my hands away to look at him. He grabs them and smirks at me. "You're adorable Adrian..."

Mesmerized by his sweet words I began to smile. "Really?" He chuckled once more, it was soft and seductive.

"You know Adrain, I've liked you for a long time..." I gulped and watched as he took a step backward. I followed after him, taking a step forwards.

"R-really?! I've liked you for a long time too..." I muttered out the last part, a bit embarrassed.

Zak hummed, smirking at me as he took another step backwards.

I took another step forwards. "Yeah, I think your amazing!"

Zak finally rested up against a tree and motioned me to come to him. And so I did.

Once I got close enough he grabbed my waist and pulled me in to him, firmly holding my butt.

I looked up at him, simply waiting for the next move. Was this a dream? Was I actually about to do something naughty with Zak?

"This isn't a dream princess, you've got the real deal." Zak stated, chuckling slightly.

My cheeks turned pink. "Sh-shut up!!" Zak laughed and one of his hands left my butt and grabbed my chin.

We stared at one another for quite sometime actually.

His eyes seemed endless and a seed of want started to grow within my stomach.

I've always felt something toward Zak. He was so mysterious and handsome. When he kissed me it was as if every confusing puzzle piece in my life fit together. It was perfect.

Staring into his eyes now made me the most nervous I've ever been but also really bold and wanting.

I wanted to be pinned down by Zak, to be pleasured and numb with bliss.

My whole body began to burn and I grew hot. I've always wanted Zak... and he feels the same. I'm so happy!

My eyes fell halfway and I leaned in to Zak. He's gonna be mine! I lazily smiled. I like the sound of him belonging to me. It's romantic!

Zak chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "Like I said, you're adorable..." he chuckled before leaning in and kissing me.

I moaned in relief at finally having his lips on mine once more.

In mere seconds I'm being pinned to the tree he was just leaning up against moments before. I cried out, my cry sounding sexually charged. And it was. 

Boy was I into the roughness... Nothing too harsh but enough to enjoy it. He could bite me and tease me relentlessly but I wasn't so sure how I'd feel about whips or spanking.

Zak took note of my feelings and began to abuse my mouth. Biting it, pulling on my bottom lip, and sucking on them. When he decided to pull away a whine escaped my throat to show my displeasure at having it end.

But soon enough Zak was abusing something else.

My ass.

He grabbed at it, making my hands fall to my sides as pleasure began to course through me. "Nngh! M-more!" I pleaded. He chuckled sinfully. "You like being played with don't you??" I nodded my head vehemently. "B-but only if it's you." I add childishly.

Zak smirked. "That's good." He leaned into me, pressing his body into me so that I was being pushed into the hard bark of the tree. "Because if anyone else touched you this way things wouldn't be very pretty. For them or for you."

I shivered.

His rough actions were actually exciting me quite a bit. The way his voice was. It was so low and serious but yet really passionate and caring.

"O-only y-you! Only you!" I quickly reassured him. He smiled kissing my neck. "No, Adrain, only you."

Heat pooled into my face. Wha!!!!

He chuckled and picked me up slightly, his hands still firmly on my ass. "Only you can make me this way." He muttered out, his voice low and strained as I felt his bulge begin to press into me.

After a bit more teasing from Zak he finally indulged me in himself.

He picked me up, laying down on the ground. I look up at him, eyes blurred by passion.

"Zak! I wan– I want more! Please! Oh god please!!" He seemed to take pleasure in my begging as he effectively rubbed my hard on through my pants.

"God, you're dripping with sex hormones!" He growled out in excitement. I didn't know exactly what that meant but I knew he now understood how much I was being pleasured by him.

The cold grass surrounded my body as Zak pulled my shirt off. "What do you want?" He asked, leaning in to gently kiss my collar bone.

I hummed, closing my eyes. "You. Please Zak. All I want is you!"

Zak pulled away and smiled. "I'll give you much more than that, love." And boy did he keep his word.

His words became actions and our bodies responded to one another's instantly. Our passionate moments grew hot and steamy.

Zak pounded into me from above. He pulled me underneath him, leaning down to kiss my neck.

The blur of the moment, the heated exchange, the mind numbing pleasure made my memory of anything prior to this moment disappear.

I was completely immersed in the pleasures of sex.

As Zak kissed my neck I begin to rock my body with his thrusts, wanting more pleasure. However, as I wrapped my arms around his neck he bit into mine.

I cried out, cumming then and there.

"Ah Zak! More!!" I shamelessly begged. He obliged, pounding into me faster and harder than ever before.

He slid in and out of me, each time he'd slide in and fill me up he'd stroke my insides.

I dug my nails into his shoulder. "God Zak, I love it!" I moaned out. He grunted. "You're so tight!" At the sound of his erotic voice I could feel myself tightening around him even more, trying to milk out his essence.

The pit of my stomach grew hot and tight.

He moaned. "Relax baby, you're too tight!" I locked my legs around his waist, trying to make him go deeper. "B-but it's so~ good!" I whimper out.

Zak chuckled. "You're so erotic..."

I blushed, smiling. Does he like the way I'm acting? Is he finding pleasure in this experience? I want him to feel this mind numbing pleasure just like I do.

"You li-like it?" I stutter out, his powerful thrusting and big manhood making my brain over work itself to try to speak this one sentence.

"Yes baby, you're amazing!"

I smiled, hugging him tighter.

In a few short thrusts I'm cumming once more, feeling Zak's own cum coating my insides.

My body heaved as I gasped for air after such a pleasurable release.

My body started to come down from the high and I lay lifelessly on the grass. "You're beautiful." Zak stated, peering down at me. I smiled, giggling.

"Hey, next time can we do it doggy style?"

Zak smirked. "We can do it any way you want princess." He leaned down, placing his muscular arms on either side of me.

"You're mine Adrain, don't forget that."

My legs, still loosely wrapped around Zak, tightened up.

"Take me to a bed and show me." I dared him, my voice playful.

Zak grabbed my thighs, his strong grip arousing me. "Is that a demand?"

I wrapped my arms around him. "You betcha!"

Come early morning me and Zak lay in his bed, his arms wrapped around me, our feet tangled in a mess and our bodies nestled into one another. The sheets delicately lay on our naked bodies and I hummed, nuzzling my head further into Zak's chest.

"You know... you should be getting back home soon." He whispered, running his warm hand through my

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