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Hello people! Wow I can't express my gratitude towards you guys! Thank you for sticking with me as I write this story! Stay with me because things are fixing to get crazy! :)
Two weeks had passed since the night at the club. Things were very tense and awkward whenever Vincent and I were in the same room. I ignored him and he ignored me, most of the time. He wouldn't let me out of his sight, everywhere he went I had to go too except for the bathroom of course. I got sucked into going on every run they went on which I wasn't happy about. I just wanted to be left alone. Vincent made me take more shooting lessons and self defense lessons since I was going on more runs but thankfully Matteo was my trainer instead of Vincent because I would have strangled him the first chance I got.

"Anna you need to get up and go to shooting lessons. Why do you have the same argument with me everyday?" Vincent asked clearly annoyed with me. It was true everyday for two weeks I had became the biggest pain in his ass and I couldn't lie, I found it amusing.

"Because I don't need to go Vincent! There's nothing wrong with my shooting!" I yelled exasperatedly waving my arms around in the air.

"I beg to differ, you need more practice." He crossed his arms across his chest lifting an eyebrow giving me a look that told me 'not to push his buttons' I crawled out of my bed and walked up to where he was standing I reached over and unholstered his gun from his belt, making sure it was ready to shoot which it always was. He looked at me confused before I opened my window and stared him deep in the eyes.

"I. Don't. Need. More. Practice." I said as I shot three rounds making eye contact with him the whole time. I hit a flying bird each time I fired a shot. Vincent stood there in shock and slightly amused.

"You killed three birds without even looking!" He blubbered and it was almost comical seeing Mr. Mafia badass amused that someone could shoot so well without looking.

"I told you I didn't need practice. You've had me practicing for months." I shrugged uninterested.

"Anna I know that I've hurt you but can you forgive me? It's been hell without you." Vincent's voice came out just above a whisper. My heart clenched just knowing that he was as broken as I was.

"I don't know if I will ever forgive you Vincent." I told him honestly and a look of understanding crossed his face. I wanted to forgive him but images of him with her came flying back and it made it impossible.

"Can't you at least try to?" He asked me seriously. I almost felt bad being the one to hurt him but I had to put my heart first.

"No-" I started to explain but the door to my room was slammed open by a very panicked Matteo.

"Boss we have to go! Shit is going down at Antonio's!" Matteo yelled in between breaths. I had almost forgotten about Antonio, when we went to help him it was my first run with Vincent and the guys. It seemed like ages ago when it was only two months ago.

We wasted no time making sure we all had our weapons and rushing out to the car. We all piled in the Tahoe like we had many times before and rode in silence the whole way there. You would think that my nerves would calm down by now but each run we went on they only got worse and worse.

We pulled up to the abandoned warehouse and the sight before me scared me to my very core. There were dead bodies of bloody men scattered around. Several men in suits and skeleton masks carrying machine guns ran across the field towards the building.

We all got out of the car and tip toed our way into the building. An eerie feeling crept throughout my body. There were guys fist fighting in every room. We finally found Antonio and he was tied to a chair with rope fear evident on his face. He had big dark purple bruises and deep gashes on his face. He looked like he was on the verge of breaking down and honestly I couldn't blame him.

"Agh yes Vincent Colombo, Just the man I was looking for. I knew you would show up it was just a matter of time." A deep sarcastic voice snarled from behind us. We turned around and was faced with the most terrifying man I had ever seen before. He was tall, with scars on both of his eyebrows that ran down both sides of his face. He wore a suit like the rest of the guys but his was wrinkly and worn. Bad vibes rolled off of him and crashed into me like waves.

"Lorenzo." Vincent spat, his voice so cold that it even gave me the chills. Lorenzo scanned our group until his eyes locked with mine. His eyes pierced through me like daggers and he smirked at me.

"You brought a play toy." Lorenzo walked over to where I was standing and made circles around me like a predator preying on a weak animal he was waiting for the perfect moment to attack.

"Leave her alone!" Vincent yelled with venom laced in his voice. He moved his body so he was within reach of me.

"My my she sure is a beauty I bet you taste even better than you look." He subconsciously licked his lips as his eyes raked over my entire body. I crossed my arms across my chest raising an eyebrow at the nasty bastard in front of me.

"You are disgusting." I said harshly that only fueled him further.

"Feisty, I like it." Lorenzo winked at me and bile rose up in my throat. This guy was relentless and crude.

"Lorenzo what do you want?" Vincent changed the subject and I had never been more thankful to have him around me.

"Ah yes, well you see Mr. Antonio here still owes me money. I've been nice letting it slide for months but tonight I came to collect. He says he doesn't have the money so I'll take his sorry ass life and count it even." I gasped in shock. Antonio was such a good guy struggling to pay his wife's medical bills and trying to stay afloat he didn't deserve to die.

"I'll pay you whatever he owes you." Vincent offered and Antonio's eyes brimmed with tears. I was even shocked myself but I knew that they had history and if the roles were reversed Antonio would do the same thing.

"Whatever, as long as I get my money. I have one more request." Lorenzo eyed me and gave me a devious smirk.

"What?" Vincent asked losing his patience.

"The girl comes with me." Lorenzo pulled me towards him. Vincent scoffed and pulled me back to his side.

"She is my prisoner, she isn't up for grabs." My heart clenched hearing him call me his prisoner out loud.

"Then instead of paying me the money Antonio owes me I'll just take her as payment." Lorenzo smiled at me wickedly.

"Over my dead body." Vincent pushed me behind him protectively.

"Deal. Let's not waste any time." Lorenzo lunged at Vincent. They sent blow after blow to each other. I quickly went to untie Antonio. My fingers fumbled with the rope trying to undo the knots that were tightly tied.

"I have a knife in my pocket, fish it out and cut the ropes." Antonio calmly told me soothing my nerves slightly. I did as he instructed and cut the ropes freeing his wrists. He jumped up and went to help Vincent. I stood on the side frozen in place watching them fight. Flinching every time Vincent got hit.

"Come with me." A man I had never seen before grabbed my arm pulling me towards him. I punched him and tried to wiggle out of his grip on my arm with no success.

"Let me go!" I yelled as I punched him a few more times catching him off guard. I lifted up my leg and kicked him where the sun don't shine. He instantly let go of my arm and bent over cradling his junk. I used that opportunity to slam my elbow into his nose. I was satisfied when I heard it break. He stood up and in one quick movement he sent a punch flying into right cheek knocking me out cold.

Lorenzo and I circled around each other ready to attack. I heard Anna yell at one of Lorenzo's men and then she started attacking him. I tried not to focus on her or else I would get too distracted but I was worried about her safety.

"Just surrender Colombo. That way no one gets hurt." Lorenzo smirked as he punched me two more times. We were both out of breath and aching from the punches.

"That's not going to happen." I grabbed his face slamming it against my knee. He spat out a mouth full of blood, grabbed his gun from his holster and lunged himself at me. He pointed the gun at my chest and fired twice shooting me two times.

I fell to my knees and then onto my back. I felt my body become cold from the blood loss and I had a hard time getting a good breath in.

"Grab the girl and let's go!" I vaguely heard Lorenzo yell. I tried to get up but someone pushed me down. I looked up and saw Matteo kneeling down beside me with tears in his eyes.

"Go get Annabelle." I told him hoarsely feeling myself fading out more and more.

"I can't leave you like this!" Tears fell down his faces I grabbed his hand and squeezed it as hard as I could.

"I'll be okay Matteo please don't let them take her. I love her." Everything started to go black. Matteo ran out the same way Lorenzo had just went. I laid there feeling myself slip into unconsciousness before I heard slow footsteps coming towards me.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a broken Matteo.

"Their gone." Tears pooled his eyes and then everything went black.

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