Kitchen Disater

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When I asked myself 'How hard could it be?' to teach Rachel to cook I clearly had no idea what I was up against. It was like teaching a blind kid to read. Literally. I decided we would go for something easy it being our first lesson and all. I choose spaghetti. You season the meat and then brown it and boil the noodles and then drain them and then you mix everything together. Simple. Or at least I thought so. Boy was I wrong.

"Add the salt, pepper, seasoning salt, garlic salt, and oregano and then mix it into the meat." I told her as I sat on the counter watching her attempt to cook. She spilt half of the seasonings onto the floor which meant I had to give her more seasonings to add to the meat.

"Crap!" She yelled and I tried to comfort her to calm her down. She started to bend down and scoop up the spices on the floor with her bare hands.

"Rach it's okay, don't worry about the mess right now. We will clean up afterwards. Wash your hands you touched the floor." I explained to her and she agreed that was a good idea. When she was done with washing her hands she came back and stirred the meat. So far so good mostly.

"Okay now you need to pour your water into the big pot and let it boil before you add the noodles." I instructed and she carefully poured the water and turned the burner on medium. While she waited for the water to boil she finished the meat and strained the grease out of the meat. Instead of doing it over the trash can she strained the grease onto the kitchen floor which made a big greasy mess.

"Oh fuck!" She gasped and dropped the meat onto the kitchen counter meat flying out of the strainer and onto the cabinets.

"Leave it we will clean later. Don't worry about it." I wanted to laugh because she looked so mad it was almost comical but I held it in.

"You need to put the meat back into the pan because you need to drain the noodles." I read the next step off of the recipe. She carefully completed the task without spilling anything and for that I was thankful.

"What next?" She asked me with big eyes and a huge smile on her face I'm guessing she is happy she didn't spill any thing. That made two of us.

"Now that you've drained the noodles and your meat you need to put the noodles back into the big pan and then add the meat." She again completed the task without making a mess.

"Next?" She asked me again with a big smile on her face.

"Now you are going to make your sauce. It's a little tricky. First you need to empty the can of sauce into the little pan." I told her and she looked confused.

"I thought I was making my own sauce?"

"Well you kind of are. You're taking the can of sauce and you are going to make it your own. Just follow my instructions." I told her and shooed her back to the stove.

"Once your done add salt, pepper, garlic salt, and Italian seasonings stirring slowly as your pour them in."

"Once you've added the seasoning you need to add your milk, wine, and your drained tomato chunks in." She poured the milk and wine in but when it came time to the drained tomatoes she dropped the can onto the floor sending diced tomatoes all over the place.

"Dammit!!" She yelled frustratedly. I opened another can of diced tomatoes and drained then and sat them on the counter.

"Don't worry you're almost done then we will clean this mess up. Now you just have to add the fresh can of tomatoes in and stir." She did as I told her and mixed everything all together.

After she finished that she added the sauce to the meat and noodles and mixed everything very good.

"What's going on in here?" Adriano asked while he and Matteo, Vincent, Donatello, and the girls walked in.

"I'm teaching Rachel how to cook." I said in a duh tone and he looked shocked yet he smiled.

"Oh Rach why won't you just give up on that already? It's obvious you weren't cut out to cook. Why even worry about it? We have a chef here." Bethany told her and Rachel looked deflated by the negative comments from Beth.

"Hey she will learn to cook. I am teaching her. The negative comments won't do anything but discourage her. Sure she made a mess today but she will get it down. I promise." Rachel's eyes watered and she squeezed me in bear hug.

"But why do you want to cook so bad? We have someone here 24/7 who cooks." Bethany wondered curiously.

"Because I want to learn how to cook for Adriano. It shouldn't be a big deal. I just want to know how to do stuff that girls are supposed to know how to do." She defended herself and Adrianos face beamed with pride. The way he looks at her was enough to melt anyone's heart.

"Awh!" I cooed and she sent me a playful glare.

"Dinner is ready." Rachel smiled and everyone's faces fell and her smile faded. I grabbed a bowl and served myself an even bigger amount than I usually would have. I took a bite and despite the huge disaster in the kitchen the food was actually delicious.

"Wow!" I moaned loudly which brought a huge smile to Rachel's face. She was ecstatic making this whole kitchen disaster worth it.

"Is it okay?" She asked kind of skeptical, she probably thought I was just saying it was good to make her feel better.

"It's amazing! See I told you you could learn." I high fived her and everyone else made their bowls and joined me at the table.

They all looked kind of nervous but once they took their first bites they devoured it just like I did. After we ate Rachel and the girls and I decided to clean the kitchen while the guys had to go on a "business run" whatever that meant.

"So how did you manage to spill grease on the counters?" Sarah groaned and sprayed kitchen cleaner onto the grease before she wiped it with a paper towel.

"It's a long story. Don't judge me just please help me clean this awful mess!" Rachel begged and we all laughed at her which made her pout.

"Let's watch a movie! We can have a movie night!" Bethany clapped her hands and bounced around like a kid who had too much candy.

"Yeah!" We all agreed that that sounded like a good idea and cuddled up in the living room and spent the rest of the night watching chick flicks.

A few hours later the front door opened and Melissa stepped into the house and slammed the door. Once she saw us all watching tv she smirked her bitchy smirk.

"Aw don't you lesbians look cute all cuddled up together because you can't get real boyfriends." Her high pitched voice made my ears ring.

"What do you want Melissa?" Bethany snapped and Melissa's eyes widened briefly before they went back to their normal size.

"Oh I don't want anything. I have everything I've ever wanted. I have an amazing job, an amazing place to live, and an amazing boyfriend who is amazing in bed!" She sighed dramatically in content which made me want to slap the shit out of her.

"Amazing." I gasped in a heavily sarcastic tone. She narrowed her eyes at me and pointed her boney finger at me.

"I don't like you bitch. Just know that you are nothing. A no one here. Yes you've made friends with these pathetic losers but you are nothing. You think I don't see the way you look at Vincent? He is only being nice to you because he feels bad for you. He wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire." She spoke with so much hatred towards me.

I was off that couch and in her face within three seconds flat.

"You think I care what you think of me?" I asked her and she smirked which only fueled me even further. It took everything in me not to beat her down a few pegs.

"It's obvious that you do." She gave me a fake smile and pushed my shoulders back which made me want to rip her apart. I was so damn mad that I didn't even notice the front door open.

"Oh but I don't. Your opinion of me is trivial. You think I want your boyfriend? Bitch please! You touch me again and I'll rip those fake extensions right out of your scalp." I spat and shoved her back ten times harder.

"What in the hell is going on here?" Vincents deep voice echoed off of the walls sending chills down my spine.

"Baby I came home from work and when I walked inside I told the girls hello and she just started yelling at me. I was just trying to be nice and she got in my face and yelled at me then she pushed me." Melissa cried and wiped her face. She started to fake cry making me look even worse even though she is the one who started it.

"You lying bitch!" I gasped with my mouth wide open.

"See baby! She is always being so mean to me." She whined and tugged on his arm and he wrapped his arm tightly around her in an affectionate way. He actually believes her? Of course he would.

"Annabelle you have no right to be causing problems in MY house. You do not live here. Do NOT threaten anyone here again or I will make you go back to that room upstairs until your sentence here is paid. Do I make myself clear?" Vincent yelled and his veins on his neck were pulsing like they were going to explode. His face was beat red with anger.

Tears pooled in my eyes. I tried to prevent them from falling but a few of them escaped and fell down my face. Melissa wore a shit eating grin because she knew she won this battle.

"Crystal." I spat and stormed up to "my" room and slammed the door. I threw myself down on the bed and cried like I've never cried before. I cried until my tear ducts were empty. I shouldn't be upset that he took her side over mine, I mean she is he girlfriend after all. Why would he choose my side over hers? He never even gave me the chance to tell him what actually happened. That blonde bimbo played the victim and he actually fell for it. Stupid bastard he is.

I finally drifted off to sleep before I was woken up by a loud commotion coming from the room next to mine. Vincents room. It was quiet for a few minutes until I heard loud moaning and the sound of the headboard smacking against the wall. I felt a pang of jealousy flow through me before it was replaced with anger. They were doing it on purpose. They know I'm upset and that I'm in here so they are trying to make as much noise as possible.

I slipped out of bed and walked slowly to the kitchen the noises becoming distant as I got further away. Once I got to the kitchen I made myself a glass of water and sat down on the counter.

"Hey you okay?" Sarah asked me softly from behind me which scared the hell out of me because I didn't hear her come in.

"Yeah I'm okay." I smiled sadly at her. She knew I didn't want to talk about it so she gave me a small hug and left me alone.

I didn't know how long I was going to be here but having those girls on my team made it a little easier staying here.

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