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"C'mon anna" .

"Say cheese".

For the 10th time , Anastasia flashed a fake smile. The mother was going crazy ,taking loads of pictures for her first day of college. She was not going to kindergarten. Jungkook stood behind Elizabeth, leaning against the wall and laughing at Anastasia's annoyed facial expressions. He could tell she just wanted to leave but Elizabeth was beyond excited.

"Okay honey. Enough pictures. She'll be late for orientation ", he grasped her shoulders and she smiled , lowering the camera. "Fine , atleast take this lunch I packed", she rushed off to the kitchen. "Thank you", Anastasia mouthed to jungkook who flashed her a bunny smile. "You needed to be saved", he joked. "Do you need saving from her too?", Anastasia chuckled and he laughed , shaking his head.

"Do you need a ride? I'm passing by the college. The headquarters are that way ", he offered and she gladly accepted. She didn't feel like riding on a bus with strangers in a city she had just moved too. She was unfamiliar with the streets. What if they kidnapped her? "Grab your lunch and let's to kid", he ruffled her hair and she smiled.

"Here ,you two angels", Elizabeth handed them their lunch packs. "See you later babe. I'll call you during break-", he gave her a Cheek kiss. "Love you babe" , she waved as kookie walked out of the house. "And you ! My precious baby, have a great day. Make friends ", she tucked a strand of hair behind Anastacia ear. "Call if you need anything-", she waved as Anastasia rushed to jungkooks car.


"Do you need money?".

Anastasia turned away from the window to look at jungkook who was driving his black audi through the busy streets of New York. Guess Monday traffic was hectic throughout the world. "Uhm no. I don't think so -", she mumbled. "For cafeteria?", he glanced at her before facing the road. "No thank you. Mama packed more than enough, besides its only a few hours", she explained as he turned into the college gates. "Super nervous ", she rubbed her sweaty palms on her jeans as the car halt. "You'll be fine. If you need anything- just give me a ring", he reached over ,clasping her jittery hand. Her eyes finding his - "Deep breaths. You're not forced to make friends on your first day but remember that there are other news students too. They'll be searching for friends-", he smiled , squeezing her hand. "Thank you jungkook ", she exhaled loudly and he drew back his hand.

"See you later kid", he waved as she got out and paced toward the entrance. She did a few breathe exercises before entering. "Wow", she whispered to herself. Why did she expect college to be something snatched out of a movie?

The place seemed normal. People were in their own world , at their lockers. Some chattering while others had earphones plugged in. Why was she expecting this rowdy first day with paper balls flying through the air and teen pop music booming as she walked to her locker while every stared at the new girl? This wasn't high school. Everyone here was mature young adults.

She quickly filled her locker with heavy textbooks on biology which was what this little smart ass was studying. She found beauty in the things around her and decided to branch into learning more. With her excellent grades in physics, math and chemistry- so ofcourse the University of New York would accept her.

"Couldn't help but notice how you made those expressions when you walked in-".

Anastasia pulled the locker door forward to peek at the blonde Korean behind it. He was busy digging in his messed up locker beside hers. Did he speak to her? He looked down at her and gave a toothy smile which reached his twinkling crescent eyes. "I was expecting more ", she smiled up at him. "Alittle Regina George vibes?", he chuckled and she nod ,closing her locker completely. "Hi , I'm jimin-", he stretched out his hand and she politely shook it , "Anastasia ".

"You're new I'm guessing ", he tucked his hands into the pockets of his overall hoodie. "Unfortunately ", she mumbled. "This is my second year , so if ever you need a tour guide- I'm your man", he grinned. "I'd like that. Thank you ", she smiled as they paced through the hallway which was now alittle more loud than when she entered. "What's your major?", he spoke above the chatter. "Biology -", she responded while trying not to bump into other students. "Engineering-", he tapped his chest and she gave a nod. "Smart-", she smiled and he blushed alittle.

"Gotta run - don't want to miss orientation ", she paced a few steps ahead and he called out , "Can we have lunch together? Cafeteria, 10 : 30?", he waited for her response. Anastasia hummed and flicked up her thumbs. "See you there ", she waved and rushed to her class. Jimin combed a hand through his hair and divert to the staircase to head to his own lecture room.

09 : 38 am

Mama :
Tell me everything?
How Is your first lecture?
Made friends?
Did you eat?

Anastasia sighed as she scanned through the 16 messages from her mother. She was far too excited. Anastasia entered jungkooks chat to respond to his less bubbly texts.


Need a ride afterward kid?

Yes please
I finish at 12

I'll be there.

Placing down her phone. Her eyes shift to the lecturer who was still writing down important dates to remember on the massive blackboard. Her classmates were in a soft chatter. No one alone or out of place to befriend. It was just her who sat there awkwardly, drumming her pen against the book. Hopefully she'd find a friend in the blonde Korean, Jimin.

He seemed nice.

"Okay my beloved students-", the man with a long beard and glasses resting on the bridge of his nose turned his attend back to them. His hair looked as if he had just gotten out of bed. "These dates are important. Let me tell you why -"

10 : 48 am

Anastasia had regret not taking the money from jungkook. It was quite weird to be eating homemade sandwiches while jimin hogged on cafeteria pasta. It was not uncomfortable but it would be nice to fit in and eat what most of the students were.

"So - you're not happy that you guys moved?", he asked while wiping the sides of his mouth with a napkin. "Uhm , I'm happy. Just that my best friend is miles away and that makes the move ,sad", she pout and closed up her lunch box. "Want my apple juice?", he held out the small box and she glanced at his cute face. He looked like a lost puppy. "Sure-", she took it ,not wanting to hurt his feelings. "Not really into apple", he smiled and his eyes closed. She couldn't help but find him adorable. He wasn't trying to flirt to hit on her and she appreciated that.

"Do you like your step dad? I know it took me years to get settled with my step mother. She's not a witch from those Cinderella stories ", he laughed. "I'd say we've built a bond in these 5 years. It's impossible to dislike him because he's perfect. My mother is happy and so am I ", she explained and he nod. "He's a good man. I can't hate him for taking care of us-", she trailed as jimin pushed the box of chocolates toward her. "Taste ", he smiled and she sighed - "Jimin, we all can't keep that figure ", she gestured to him and he snorted.

He was cute.


12 : 23 pm

"You'll be fine right?".

"Yes, thank you ".

Jimin gave her shoulder a squeeze and rushed back inside the building. He had 2 more lectures to attend. Anastasia stood outside, arms crossed over her chest for warmth. The rain had set in , beating down onto the ground which were slowly becoming puddles of mud. She stood underneath the shelter, waiting for jungkook.

Jimin had kept her company but he couldn't miss his lectures.


She turned to look at the 2 girls standing a few feet from her. One blonde and the other a red head. "Hi-", she whispered, unsure if they had greet her. "You're new ", the red head smiled but it never appeared real. Anastasia only nod. "Couldn't help but notice you're hanging with jimin-", the blonde spoke. Her tone laced with jealousy but well hidden behind that Barbie smile.

"Yes", Anastasia smiled politely. "That's nice. He's nice", the blonde said , adjusting her mini skirt. Anastasia wondered if she weren't feeling cold. "We broke up last semester ", she add and Anastasia realized it was out of jealousy and curiosity that they had approached with conversation. "I'm sorry ", she whispered but the blonde shook her head. "There's nothing to be sorry about. I broke up with him -", she flicked her hair off her shoulders. "Far too immature ", she mumbled.

Anastasia didn't grace that with a response. If he were immature then why was it bothering her that they were hanging ? Was thud barbie the Regina George of the university? She looked popular. Dripping in Gucci.

"I'd stay away from him if I were you. He's toxic at times", she placed her hands on her slim waist. Anastasia furrowed her brows- "I think I'm good. Thanks for the advice anyway ", she deadpan. She was a great judge of character. If anyone was toxic , it had to be Ms blonde over there. She was just jealous and didn't know how to say it without dragging jimin through the dirt.

"I didn't expect the new girl to take my advice", the blonde spoke to the red head but loud enough for Anastasia to hear. "I'm not interested in dating him. We're just friends-", she made it clear so they won't get the wrong impression. The two only put on sassy faces and snobbed Anastasia.

"Hey-", they all snap their heads to jungkook. "Oh ? Hey", Anastasia whispered. She hadn't seen him enter the gates and now he was all wet. "I hoot several times. You must have not heard over the rain", he combed a hand through his glistening hair. "I'm sorry- ", she apologized and he smiled. "It's fine". Anastasia turned to glance at the two who were practically drooling over jungkook. It made her feel disgusted, knowing that they were eye fucking her mother's husband.

"Shall we leave?", he asked and she nod. "Here -", he removed his coat , holding it above her heads as they left the shelter and ran in the rain to get to his car. The mud splashed up with each stride, soaking their bottoms. Anastasia squealed as she quickly got into the car, jungkook following with a loud sigh of relief.

"That was fun-", he turned on the heater while she laughed. "Feel like a wet seal", he add and smiled at her .

Jungkook was youthful and she admired that.

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