Bound by Law || 43- Joy to Dread

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A few weeks later and things were going smoothly between us. Though today was more chaotic than I had predicted to be.

"Ah, fuck, I'm going to be late!" Jai yelled, hurriedly tying his tie.

We had ended up sleeping in late because we got up really early to go to church yesterday. So, this morning turned out to be very hectic.

I ran over to Jai after placing his lunch box in his bag, and stood in front of him, pushing his hands gently out of the way.

"You're not tying it properly, so let me do it," I said, softly.

He let out a controlled breath through his nose and nodded. I could feel his intense gaze trailing my features slowly as I worked on his tie.

Glancing up, I looked right into his fierce amber eyes, full of depth and glowing with deep emotions that I couldn't name; one stood out the most which truly exposed his vulnerability: love.

I shyly smiled at him before looking back down at his neck, tightening his maroon tie and pulling down the collars to cover it.

"There," I said softly. "Now, you're ready to go."

"Mhm," he hummed in agreement. His hands came down on my hips and he pulled me towards him, smirking mischievously.

"Jai!" I exclaimed in shock.

"What?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

Placing a kiss on my shoulder, he buried his head in my neck, and hugged me tightly.

My hands that were placed on his chest, fisted his neatly ironed shirt, unintentionally.

"Jai, you're going to be late," I whispered, my voice trembling.

He sighed in contentment against my neck.

"Nah, I think I'll stay here for a little while."

I pushed at his chest playfully and he pulled away, frowning.

"Wow. Didn't think you'd want me gone that bad," he grumbled in a low voice.

I went to object when he winked at me with a small smirk on his face. Shaking my head with a smile on my face, we walked out of his room and went down the stairs with me in front of him.

All of a sudden, he stopped me by encasing my wrist with his hand.

I swivelled around and looked up at him in confusion when a devilish smile—a smile I had never seen on him—appeared.

I gulped as he leaned down.

"Give me a kiss."

"Now?" I asked, incredulously.

"Why not now?"

"Well, I mean," I laughed nervously with a shrug, "you just said before that you were going to be late and—"

"A kiss isn't gonna take hours."

He stepped towards me. I wriggled out of his hold.

"No, but maybe when you come back! Right now, you should get to work."

He shrugged carelessly. "I'll call Ross and tell him that I'll be late by a minute or two. Simple."

"But you're the COO of the company!" I tried to reason with him.

"Which isn't that much of a big deal. It's not like I'm the CEO."

It's not that I minded kissing was just embarrassing how things had gone so quick.

...And also, I didn't want him to be late for work.

Plus the smile on his face meant mischief.

What is he planning?

My mind went blank when he suddenly leaped forward, causing me to let out a little squeal as I turned and ran.

An unexpected laugh escaped my lips and his vibrant chuckle echoed behind me as he chased me.

I ran to the living room and took cover behind the sofa, out of breath as I watched Jai, who didn't seem to be fazed at all.

He was perfectly composed; his arms were folded as he watched me from the opposite side of the sofa, an eyebrow raised.

"Jai," I said through panting—I was clearly very unfit—breaths, "you should be at work!"

"I would be, if you gave me a kiss." He shrugged.

I bit my lip and looked down, contemplating the idea.

When I glanced up, I panicked when I didn't see him in front of me.


A meek shriek left my lips when I was swiftly tugged to the side. The force of the tug caused me to crash right into Jai's chest. My eyes met his bright, almost golden ones and we were so close, our breaths mingled.

"Just one kiss," he leaned closer, "and then I'll be out of here," he whispered, his voice lower than usual.

I chewed on my lip and nodded slowly.

"Okay," I began but then raised one finger in front of his face, "but just one."

A lop-sided grin grew upon his face and he nodded.

"Alright, I'll take that."

I went on my tip-toes slightly and tilted my face up, hesitating.

Just do it!

As I built up the confidence to press my lips against his as I had so easily done the very first time, he suddenly leaned away.

The shock of the situation caused me to drop back down to my height. I stared at his chest like a fool, mouth agape.

"Actually, you're right; I better leave now," he said abruptly, holding back a chuckle at my expression.

Disappointment instantly consumed me as he picked up his bag and walked towards the front door. I followed him, sulking to myself.

I glanced up and felt my face flush as my eyes met Jai's, a knowing smirk on his face.

Fixing the cuff of his sleeve, he bent down a little.

"Don't worry," he whispered, "we have plenty of time to make out when I come back."

I choked on my own saliva in horror and started coughing as a result.

Annoyed, I pushed at his arm. "Will you just leave!"

Jai let out a deep, heart-warming laugh; it sounded heavenly and made my heart race ten times faster than it always did when I was around him.

"Alright, alright, I'm going," he said, still chuckling.

Walking to his Bentley, he turned and subtly winked at me as I waved.

When I shut the door, I sighed in contentment and skipped to the couch in the living room.

Sitting down, I couldn't contain the wide, child-like smile on my face as I thought of Jai.

We were now together, bound by love, and not just by law. That thought made me experience emotions that I never thought I could.

It had been weeks of complete bliss. Waking up every morning of every day with him by my side and snuggling up close to him—it was an extraordinary feeling I would never get tired of.

I always woke up earlier than him so I had time to just study his profile for a little bit. I would always analyse the gentle rise and fall of his chest, his long eyelashes that seemed to cast a shadow on his cheeks and cover his beautiful, bright amber eyes; his soft, tender lips that enveloped mine just a minute ago–it made everything feel so real.

Thank you, God. For everything.


"Kari chechi is asleep, Ma!"

I heard a little girl whine. My eyebrows furrowed and I stirred, turning the other way, trying to get warm.

"Shh, Khushi! Let her sleep, okay?"

Another familiar—this time, male—voice reverberated through my ears.

"So, how was work, man?"

"It was alright. I'm just fu–"

Jai is here?

"Jai!" A disapproving voice squeaked.

"–freaking tired."

I heard a deep chuckle accompany the words and I opened my eyes, immediately coming face to face with the cream-coloured couch I was laying on.

I took my time in sitting up and rubbed my eyes.

"Sanaya? Khushi?" I mumbled softly. "Are you all here?"

"Oh, you're awake!" I heard Sanaya exclaim.

My blurred vision cleared and I looked up to see four pairs of eyes swivelling to stare at me.

"Sleeping beauty has awoken," Mohit joked, snorting with laughter before stopping and clearing his throat at the look Sanaya gave him.

Khushi clapped and rushed over to me, giving me a big hug.

Smiling at her excitement, I hugged her back tightly before getting up.

My eyes automatically went to where Jai was standing; he was loosening his tie as he stared at me with a wild grin on his face. He winked at me and I smiled shyly, averting my gaze.

Sanaya glanced suspiciously between us until she gave me a knowing look.

My eyes widened and I immediately looked away.

"Um, so!" I began in an attempt to divert the attention away from me. "Did you guys come together?"

Jai shoved his hands in his pockets, the bandages now gone, replaced by a small bandaid.

"Yeah. I came back from work at the same time they were knocking on the front door."

Oh, and I was sleeping so I didn't let them in.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I fell asleep and I–"

Sanaya flicked her hand in a dismissal wave and Mohit laughed.

"No, it was fine. Luckily, Jai my man was here!"

As the two men talked, Sanaya came over to me to chat when Khushi hugged me again to get my attention.

I smiled down at her softly. She pointed to her mother's stomach, her big eyes glinting with excitement.

"My mommy's tummy is getting bigger! Did you know my little sis is in there?" she asked, her eyes as wide as saucers.

My eyes glanced to Sanaya's stomach which was, indeed, getting bigger.

She was rubbing it affectionately as she looked down at Khushi lovingly. I smiled and nodded.

"I can see that! Wh–"

I was cut off when Jai stepped in front of me and picked her up sideways, causing her to let out a shriek, followed by exuberant laughter.

"Hey, I was talking to her," I said, sulking. Jai raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well, I guess I'm the one talking to her now."

I narrowed my eyes at him playfully and we stared at each other. Before I could react, he bent his head down and quickly captured my lips with his in a gentle kiss.

A gasp escaped my lips as he pulled away and I turned my head to see if anyone saw, but was relieved when I saw Sanaya had been whisked away by Mohit and was talking to him animatedly.

Jai swiftly began teasing Khushi again, not looking suspicious or guilty at all.

Does he have no shame?! He's lucky Khushi didn't see!

"Mommy, look! Joi is tickling me!" Khushi squealed whilst still in Jai's arms.

At her shout, Sanaya came over to us, one hand on her hip and the other, on her belly. She had a wide smirk on her face as she regarded us.

"Interesting," she drawled, coyly. Jai narrowed his eyes at Sanaya.

"There's nothing interesting about this," he said, before turning back to Khushi who was still in his arms.

"How come you don't hug me like that, you little monkey?" he then said, his low voice acting as a growl.

She squealed and reached up to hug Jai.

"I'm sorrrrry Joi! I'll hug you like that all the time!" she stressed, her cutesy voice coming out even stronger at the mention of his nickname.

Jai pinched her cheek as he put her down and crouched down to her level.

She looked up at him innocently, her hands playing with her Elsa doll before giggling when he pinched her nose.

"How do you know she's a she?" he asked, pointing at Sanaya who still stood there, watching us with her head on Mohit's shoulder.

"Because I said so," she replied casually.

Jai gave me a side-glance. I hid a smile and we both turned to look at Khushi at the same time.

"I can't wait to see your sister, then!" I said.

Khushi nodded her head, the loose bun on her head flopping back and forth as she did so.

"Me too, I'm so excited!"

Her excitement caused Jai to chuckle and Khushi stared at him. He chucked his chin at her in a 'what's up?' gesture and she poked his throat.

"Why is your voice so deep?"

Jai seemed startled by the question and ran a hand through his hair, letting out a short chuckle.

"Well, it's because I'm a man," he said, deliberately making his voice go even deeper. Khushi giggled and tried to imitate him.

"Can I be a man too?!"

"I see you've already turned into one. You're a much better man than I am." Jai pinched her nose and she clapped her hands enthusiastically.

"Khushi, come over here and help your dad with something, sweetie," Sanaya called her over, smiling with amusement at Jai who laughed, his shoulders shaking with mirth.

I shook my head at him and his antics, a small smile on my face, just as he turned to glance at me.

Catching my gaze, his eyes shone with curiosity.

'What?' he mouthed, grinning.

'Nothing,' I mouthed back.

As if my body had a mind of its own–I boldly poked my tongue out at him and watched as he slyly smirked.

My eyes widened and I instantly turned away, shuffling over to Sanaya. Despite the embarrassment I felt, I couldn't contain the giddy smile on my face. I felt invigorated at the new relationship we had together; it felt fresh and new.

I was much happier, too.

Sanaya turned to me and eyed the look on my face. Her eyes then followed the movements of the person behind me who casually walked past us, to Mohit.

"I see the way you look at each other," she whispered, leaning towards me. I looked at her, guiltily, trying not to give away anything.

I scoffed a little. "W-what look?"

She crossed her arms and raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me.

"You know what look, Karishma!" She pointedly directed her eyes over my shoulder.

I followed her line of sight and stiffened as my eyes met with Jai who was staring at me intensely whilst Mohit talked.

He nodded to whatever Mohit was saying despite the fact he wasn't listening. My eyes widened and I wrenched my gaze away, turning my back on him.

Sanaya smirked. "Now do you know what I mean? Miss Feigner of Innocence?"

I sheepishly smiled to myself just as she excitedly grabbed my shoulders.

"Tell me everything that happened! Are you in love? What's changed from the last time we got together?" she rushed out, her eyes wide with joy.

At the mention of the last time we got each other–the baby shower–immense guilt swirled within me.

"Oh, more importantly—I'm so sorry," I said, genuinely to a now confused Sanaya. "The last time we got together, I made a huge scene and–"

Realisation flickered across her face and she waved her hand dismissively.

"Karishma, it's completely fine! We already talked about that," she said, a smile forming on her face.

"No, I know, but st–"

"But, nothing. Now, we came here to chat to you guys again and I want to know all the juicy details!" she exclaimed, before pointing to her bump. "And so does this little guy."

I laughed and opened my mouth to tell her everything–except for the secrets–and by the end, Sanaya blinked up at me in awe.

"Wow. Your life sounds like some sort of dramatic TV show."

"It does, doesn't it?" I said, mulling over her words, eyes wide.

I actually hadn't thought of it like that but now that she had mentioned it, she was kind of right.

Although, to me it was just simply life with its normal ups and downs.


Sanaya was cut off by the blaring ring of the telephone. Jai made a face at it, and glanced at me briefly before moving to pick it up.

"H—Carol?" his voice and face expressed nothing but utter shock.

I could hear Carol frantically speaking in her familiar Southern accent from the other end.

My heart dropped as I watched Jai's face change drastically; his eyes became devoid of any emotion and his lips set in a thin line.

"What?" He sounded heart-broken as he listened intently to whatever Carol was saying.

I could feel Sanaya's worried gaze turn to me quickly, but I couldn't take my eyes off of Jai who had turned stiff.

In an empty voice, he said three words and nothing else.

"Okay. Thanks, Carol."

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