Chapter 13

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"She beautiful enough " Cassie shrugged. Miss Elena was a quite industrious woman. She ran her own business of fashion designing and had a good past record. She picked up her phone dialling the number she had found on the advertising page.
  "Miss Elena could you please spare some time. My boss happened to want to discuss a business preposition with you."
"That would be okay. Contact me when you've decided the time and place."
"That's nice." Cassie said and hung up.
        After that, she informed her boss of the meeting via e-mail. After considering her qualifications, Calvin decided to meet with her at the fund raiser ceremony that he was supposed to attend in a week's time.
    With that, Cassie informed Elena who agreed. All was set, and soon Mr. Carter would have a wife and this assignment would be over. But why wasn't she happy?
Cassie sat at her computer just lazying about the internet. She was definitely not    going not going to the fund- raiser this evening. The thought seeing Mr. Carter dancing with another woman irritated her. As she net surfed, she saw a comment about Mr. Carter's company she immediately clicked on the topic only to find out that Elena had been a long time critic of Mr. Carter's company. What was she going to say when he ask her to get married to him? It was going to be the talk of the year and she had to fix it in time before Mr. Carter made his proposal known.
        After getting up and taking a quick bath she walked up to her wardrobe. She only had one evening dress - a blue body fitting dress with a low back. It wasn't exactly a dress she wanted Mr. Carter to see her in, but what was a girl to do? She hardly ever shopped. So she put on the dress and went to the dreaded ceremony.
Calvin walked towards the woman with raven- black hair. He felt absolutely no attraction towards her. He wished Cassie had come with him. "Hello ma'am, I believe your Ms. Elena"
  "Yes I am."
"Why don't have a seat." As they got seated, Calvin signalled the waiter to bring them drinks. As the drinks arrived, Calvin began the conservation.
"So, Ms. Elena, I believe my assistant explained the terms of our agreement."
    Elena frowned, Cassie had not told anything. She was about to reply when someone interrupted them.
  "I hope I'm not missing anything?"  Cassie asked.
   Calvin looked up. Cassie looked like an angel. Her hair was styled in a beautiful ponytail. Her dress hugged those beautiful curves and left her shoulder and  upper back bare. Her neck was beautifully adorned with a simple blue necklace and on her ears were blue earrings that contrasted the brown colour of her eyes. Now this was a woman he felt attracted to, she always managed to catch his attention in every situation.
     Cassie took a seat and faced Elena giving her a smile.
"Oh Ms. Elena, a wonderful evening to you. I happened to have stumbled on your comment while browsing about my bosses company. It didn't sound too well."
Elena's cheeks turned red. And Cassie noticed an engagement ring on her finger. This was serious.
Keeping up the act Cassie pretended to think and then continued.
    "What was it you wrote? Um, I think it was something like - The CEO runs after everything in a skirt."   "Oh, I found out that you have been criticizing his company for a long time and.... is that an engagement ring?"
    Elena's voice was quite now " I admit that I am engaged and that I have criticized your company sir, ma'am. But what I say is true except you have changed. If you don't mind, I have to go home." With that, she got up and left.
   Cassie let out a huge sigh.
"So, what is this all about, Ms.Wilson?"
Cassie faced him. "I'm very sorry sir, I didn't know that she wasn't an eligible candidate. I had to do something quickly."
"So who going to be date now Ms. Wilson, the dance is about starting."
  Cassie thought for a moment then shrugged.
  "You could call one of models to grace your arm sir."
"And what, per chance would you be doing at that time?" Calvin asked. He hoped she hadn't brought a date. He knew he wasn't supposed to interfere with her life but he just couldn't watch her dance with another man. She was his!
    "I would be at home resting sir or on my way to places where I am needed." Cassie answered. This was a very good opportunity to visit her mother.
   "Well, I'm very sorry, but you'll have to dance with me as I no longer attend functions with models and actresses."
      Cassie's mind leaped. She hadn't expected this but she couldn't say no. What if she stepped on Mr. Carter or they had another clash. She was emotionally stressed from caring for her mother and fighting her attraction to Mr. Carter. She should probably convince him to drop the idea of dancing with her and let her go home. Besides, parties had never been her thing. As she turned to talk to Mr. Carter, the first notes of music began to play and Mr. Carter got up and offered her his hand. She was about to refuse it when she remembered that her job and funds to take care of her mother's health were at stake. So she took his hand and walked with him to the dance floor. She had wanted a quite evening for herself to think and plan her life and present situation. But, what could a girl do?


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