When we were young

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I thought doing a chapter of them as little kids would be cute since I was watching the Boondocks the other day and I miss 10 year old Huey and 8 year old Riley... Since Jada, in my opinion, is apart of the Boondocks family, she will be in this too

Oh and the video above is absolutely hilarious to me!! I think I cried watching it.. Anyways, enjoy!


"I CALLED DIBS FIRST!" Riley yells.

"SO?! I SAID I WANTED IT!" Jada argues.

"I'M OLDEST! IT'S MINE!" Huey snaps.

Yelling filled the Freeman house one Sunday morning. A crash was heard and Robert groaned. It was only 7 in the morning and he wasn't ready to face his annoying ass grandchildren.

Huey had thrown the nearest frying pan at Riley while Jada kicked Huey in the side. She went for the small carton of orange juice and was about to snag it but Huey grabbed her, throwing her to the ground. 

Riley rubbed his head before jumping up and pulling Huey down. Jada threw an empty wine bottle at the two and jumped over the counter, grabbing the orange juice carton. She ran upstairs, her brothers on hot pursuit.

The closest room she could go in was her grandfathers so Jada ran kicked the door, startling Robert.

"What the hell?!" He questions.

Jada jumped on the other side of his bed, holding the orange juice close to her chest.

"Huey and Riley won't let me have the last cup of OJ," She cries. Robert snaps his head towards his grandsons.

"Let her have it," He says.

"But granddad," Riley pleads, "I called dibs."

"So? Let your little sister have it. Ya'll niggas drank most of it anyways," Robert leaves the room, going downstairs to start his day. Jada sticks her tongue our at her brothers, drinking the juice straight from the carton.

"Tattle tail," Riley snaps.

"Whatever gets me what I want," Jada teases.

"You know it won't always be that way," Huey comments. 

"Well I'm gonna enjoy it while I can."

The kids were later kicked out the house since Robert wanted to do his morning nude yoga. They were in their driveway, Riley playing basketball while Huey and Jada just watched him.

"You play so good alone but if Cindy and Jada play against you, you suck," Huey said.

"Shut up, punk!" Riley snaps, shooting another shot. He had missed that time and the ball had rolled to the end of the drive way.

"Don't be mad cause it's true," Cindy says with a smirk. Riley rolled his eyes and smacked his lips. "Lemme play."


"Why not?"

"Cause he knows he's gonna lose," Jada mumbles.

"No!" Riley snaps. "Cause I wanna play alone."

"Hi guys!" Jazmine greets, skipping across the street. She sits next to Huey and gives a smile. "What're you all doing?"

"Trying to convince Riley to let Cindy play," Jada replies.

"Why can't she play, Riley?"

"Because, Mariah, I wanna play alone," Riley snaps.

"Or maybe cause you suck," Caesar comments walking over with Hiro. 

"Hi Caesar!" Jada greets with a giant smile as Huey glares. The 10 year old boy sits next to the 7 year old.

"Hi Jada," Hiro greets shyly. Jada smiles at him.

"Why all ya'll nigga here?" Riley groans.

"We come here everyday, Reezy," Cindy says with an eye roll.

Huey get's up.

"Where you going, Huey?" Jazmine asks.

"To the hill," He replies, walking. Jazmine follows behind him. 

"Wanna go walk, Jada?" Caesar asks. Jada nods, getting up and following him down the street. Hiro walks behind the two.

"Looks like we gon play after all," Cindy smirks, snatching the ball from Riley.

"Mane whateva!"

With Huey and Jazmine...

They make it to their spot at the top of the hill. Huey sat against the tree, watching everyone from below. 

Riley was getting whooped at basketball by Cindy like normal. He could see him pouting and throwing that ball in frustration. Huey knew Riley had some sort of feelings towards the blonde. They were always together and she was the only girl that had a lot in common with him.

Then he saw Jada walking with Caesar, giggling at whatever he was saying. Why was Jada so interested in his best friend? She was always so giggly and happy when he was around. They were 3 years apart. Why did she like him so much?

"Huey?" Jazmine asks, breaking the retired domestic terrorists thoughts.

"Yes Jazmine?" Huey replies, trying not to sound irritated.

"You think all of us will be together in the future?" 

"I don't know. Maybe we'll all die tomorrow," Huey comments, forgetting the strawberry blonde was naive.

"We're all gonna die tomorrow?" Jazmine asks, tears welding in her eyes.

"No, I didn't-"

It was too late. Jazmine began crying and Huey sighs heavily. This was gonna take a while.

With Cindy and Riley....

"Score for C-Murder!" Cindy yells. She looked over at Riley who scowled. "Ohhh, you look mad! I'm scared, you're not gonna cry now are you?"

Riley rolled his eyes, an idea popping in his head. He stood across from Cindy, checking the ball.

"Yo mom got caught givin neck at the Woodcrest Country club and it wasn't yo daddy!"


Riley moved past her, and shot the ball.

"Reezy that ain't fair! Yo ass can't keep saying that!" Cindy pouts.

"Awe, you not gonna cry now are you?" Riley mocks.

Cindy growls. She hated when Riley did that.

With Jada and Caesar... And Hiro -_-

"And I told her, 'ma, that ain't mine!'"

Jada laughed at Caesar non-funny story. She didn't find it the least bit funny, but she had a crush on the boy and only laughed to make him feel good.

"I don't really find what's funny," Hiro mumbles. Hiro knew Jada liked Caesar but that didn't really stop him from liking her. 

"Anything new, Jay?" Caesar asks the girl. His hands were in his pockets.

"Not really. Huey and Riley got mad at me this morning though," The Freeman explains the story, Hiro and Caesar laughing.

"They got mad over orange juice?" Hiro asks.

"I know right! And Huey kept saying I won't always be able to get my way. But I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts."

"That's the best way to go!"

With Huey and Jazmine.. 10 years later....

Huey sat at the hill with Jazmine. Both were 19 turning 20 and were currently dating.

"I can't believe we're all still friends after a decade," Jazmine says with a soft smile.

"I'm shocked too," Huey adds. He didn't think he'd still be friends or even date Jazmine in the future. She was such a cry baby when she was younger.

"I was not!" Jazmine pouts. Huey said the last part out loud.


"I was really a cry baby?"

Huey nodded,

"You cried a lot over everything."

"Well you used to tell me stuff like we were gonna die or we could get killed," Jazmine adds.

"Maybe I was too straight forward."

Jazmine smiles at Huey. She snuggles into his chest, watching everyone from the hill.

With Cindy and Riley....

"Reezy that ain't fair! You taller than me!" Cindy complains.

"You wasn't sayin that when we was littler," Riley laughed. He made another basket, jumping over Cindy.

Riley was 17 while Cindy had just turned 19. Riley was 2 feet taller than her and had a huge advantage over her. Two were dating but that didn't change how their old relationship was. They were still homies regardless.

"Mane, you used to get yo ass kicked."

"Now who gettin they ass kicked?" 

"Don't get cute, boy!"

The two checked the ball. 

"Remember when you used to use my mom to get to me?" Cindy asks, a soft smile on her face.

"Yea," Riley laughed, "Yo ass used to believe that shit too."

"Well you know most of that shit was true! My mama was a hoe!"

Riley let Cindy make a basket and looked over at her. She noticed and raised a brow.

"Why you starin at me like dat, Reezy?"

"No reason," He says. He closes the gap between them, pulling Cindy by her waist. Cindy yelped in shock but smiled. 

"Yo ass always trynna be mushy."

"You like it."

"Yea, whateva."

With Jada and Caesar..

The two walked in a comfortable silence. Jada was 16 while Caesar was 19. Their relationship was looked down upon Huey by the age gap but neither of them didn't care. They loved each other and that's all the mattered.

"Remember when we used to walk all the time when we were younger?" Caesar asks.

"Yea," Jada chuckles. "Hiro used to walk behind us every time."

"He was such a third wheel."

"You think so?" Jada asks.

"Yea. Even though I didn't like you like that, I still liked it better when we were together. Just the two of us."

Jada giggled,

"I had such a huge crush on you."


"You couldn't tell? Why else would I laugh at your non-funny stories?"

Caesar made a fake hurt look. 

"My stories were funny!"

"No," Jada replies, "They weren't. Not even a little bit."

"So you faked laughed the whole time?"

Jada did the same fake laugh she did 10 years ago. Caesar's mouth dropped.

"Wow. I'm hurt, babe."

Jada giggled, linking her arm with his.

"I only did it to make you feel good."

Caesar stopped walking, facing Jada. He leaned down, kissing her on the lips. 

"Thanks Jada."

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