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Week 3: April 02nd, 2018 to January 08th, 2018.


Happy Easter! xD

We are back for the third week!! :)

We hope that your year is going well so far! After all, the last time we updated this book was nearly three months ago.

The instructions are simple. There are 10 available positions, up for grabs. What you have to do is to make an inline comment against one of the available numbers.

Here is the layout of the form that you should have when you make the comment:

• The title of the book
• The author
• The genre of the book
• Tags of 3 people so that more people get to know about this book.

Please include all these four important things in your form!

Got it? Good!

Here are the 10 positions:

1) Taken by mnlght_

2) Taken by Goatloverforever

3) Taken by _Choppers_

4) Taken by GryffindorFlowers

5) Taken by chanttii

6) Taken by Snow_Leaves

7) Taken by JordanSnyder101

8) Taken by ArthurFoo

9) Taken by S_Clifton

10) Taken by Trisha_Patel

So there you go!

What are you waiting for? :D

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net