What eternal snows unravel

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In the tunnel was pitch dark. Anya could only hear soft footsteps of her companions and try to keep up with them, wondering where the passage would bring her.

However, before her eyes adjusted to the blackness, a distant light came into view.

Anya found herself standing in a great hall that was larger than a football field. The hall was decorated with green plants trailing down the celling and the upper balconies. Like a secret treasure, a giant oasis hidden beneath the earth.

Anya couldn't count numerous hallways and staircases winding in opposite directions, and people bustling here and there. Humans?.. she mused. Daitias.

"Nikk, Daphne! Oh, I missed you so much!" a guy waved his hand, approaching them. His long chestnut hair was gathered into a neat ponytail, he had square glasses on the bridge of his nose and a jumper embroidered with a maple leaf. The outfit made him look quite ridiculous. And yet, he held his chin up, confident and arrogant even.

"How are you? Finished with reading of those antique books?" the guy asked, a tingle of taunt in his voice.

"Hey, Feerce," Nikk idly greeted him, running the eyes up and down Feerce's jumper.

"Ah, don't pay attention to my look," Feerce took off his glasses that appeared to be with no lens in them. "I've just returned from Toronto. You know, Astarta sent me to a conference about the ancient Roman culture." He wiggled his fingers, indicating that the business trip was rather boring and pointless.

Nikk and Daphne were about to leave without further conversation, but Feerce finally noticed Anya hiding behind Nikk's back shyly.

The smile fell off Feerce's face. "You brought a human being with you?!"

"Eirney and Amarillis are still here?" ignoring the question, Daphne asked her own one.

"Yeah... I mean, I think so. They're with Astarta," Feerce's stunned eyes were still fixed on the unexpected human guest. "She demanded nobody to disturb her, but... I see you have a good reason."

"A very good reason," Daphne echoed coldly and marched past him, toward one of the passages.

Nikk hurried after her and beckoned Anya to come along. Feerce stayed where he was, watching them leave with astonishment and aversion written over his face.

The passage Daphne had chosen was lit with lanterns hidden somewhere behind the walls. It was impossible to find the source of illumination, so it seemed as though the velvet light was pouring from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

There were also a lot of doors on Anya's left and right. In several rooms, she could see the daitias behind wide the screens of computers, thoughtfully working on something. As they spotted the unfamiliar person, all of them began to whisper and murmur to each other in alarm.

"You told me your people don't build underground bases," Anya said to Nikk quietly. She felt consternation and excitement kindle in her chest at the same time.

"We don't," Nikk agreed in the same low voice. "We only took care of the interior here, added a few things of ours." He pointed at the flowers tracing along the wall. "This place was deserted when we arrived on Earth."

"Who built it then?"

"I don't know. Humans?"

"And how exactly did you discover this place?"

"Well, we don't really into space ships as you might have noticed already," Nikk patted his pocket where the crystal was with the flat of his hand. "So when we came on Earth for the first time, we had to get somewhere, right?"

Soon Daphne stopped by a door that wasn't particularly different from all the others. She cleared her throat, hesitating, but then knocked, rhythmically rapping her knuckles on the portal made of matt glass.

"What's up again?.." an annoyed female voice was heard.

Daphne pushed the door open slowly.

Anya saw a big room with an oval table in the center. Amarillis, Eirney and another woman were sitting here.

"Oh, there you are," the woman said with a barely visible nod. Anya caught the trace of a faint accent in her voice, but was unable to place it. "We've been talking exactly about you. Come, make yourselves comfortable."

Nikk and Daphne sat by the table, and Anya settled next to them. She couldn't help sensing some tension in the air as she saw Rill's disturbed expression.

Seated at the head of the table, the woman watched them take the chairs. She seemed to be no more than forty five, but her hair was absolutely gray.

At last, she gave Anya a puzzled look, and then shifted her eyes to Daphne. "I consider some contingency as I see all of you present."

Eirn creased his forehead, "Yeah, why haven't you waited as we agreed?"

"The fomoires exposed us," Daphne explained briefly. "We hardly got away from them."

The woman nodded with apprehension, her gray bangs swayed as she did so. Then she turned to Anya again. "My name is Astarta, I am in charge here. Amarillis and Eirney have told me of your unfortunate acquaintance with Leir and his dangerous friends," her voice was emotionless, but her pale eyes held warmth and kindness. "Here you're safe."

"Look, Asta," Daphne began, nervously licking her lips, "Leir won't leave us alone so easily. You know that. Say we could—"

"We could not," Astarta abruptly cut her off. "I recall you and I having this conversation about ten years ago. Don't even ask it again."

"But why?" Daphne sounded irritated, yet her tone was almost begging. Nikk touched her hand calmingly, but she jerked away and went on. "There are only four of them on Earth and over a hundred of us. Give me a few people, Astarta, and we'll take care of the fomoires in the blink of an eye!"

"No. We will not turn this planet into our warzone, Daphne." Daphne's mouth set into a thin line and she crossed her arms on her chest as Asta continued. "When we get the book in our possession, the problem with the fomoires will be solved by itself. Did you bring the map?"

Everyone flicked their eyes at Anya.

"Um... Yes." Anya blurted, sinking in her chair under the pressure of the inquiring eyes focused on her.

When she drew the folded paper out of her pocket, Astarta stood up and took the chart from Anya's hands personally. It was plain to see the chief's athletic constitution that wasn't even concealed with the black coverall she was wearing.

"Truly, what an interesting document..." Asta said, her eyes traveling along the silvery scrollwork. "I'll take it to laboratory."

"And what about Anya?" Rill who was silent all this time prompted.

"Anya can stay with us as long as the situation requires. I think we need about two days to do the research to make sure the map is real, and two more days to check the location it shows." Asta paused, thinking. "If we succeed, we can finally return back home, and the fomoires will be gone with us."

Rill's face brightened.

"And if we don't succeed?" Nikk asked.

"If we do not succeed," Astarta sighed, "we will distract our enemies while erasing every single memory of this place and all of us from Anya's mind."

"E-erase my memory?" Anya was surprised to hear herself stammer.

The atmosphere around her seemed to be peaceful enough, but the more Anya was listening to the daitias the more she was coming to the understanding she knew nothing of the word she'd been living in. And what's more, now she faced the possibility of an artificial amnesia. Great, keep it up, Anya.

"Nothing personal, but if the wrong people learn at least one tenths of what you know of us now, Anya," Asta spoke, standing as motionless as a statue. Was she even breathing?.. "Our work here will be in danger."

"Enough of frightening my friend," Rill pleaded, toying with a necklace hanging around her neck. "Everything will be just fine."

"Eventually it will, I have no doubt. And now you all can go." Astarta made a dismissive gesture. "When there is any news, I'll let you know."

Without any questions, everyone stood up and headed toward the exit.

Inspired, Amarillis hoped to Anya. "Come, I'll arrange a room for you! And you'll see how actually wonderful it is in here!"

"Amarillis, can I talk to you for one more minute before you leave, please?" Asta called.

The green-haired daityan motioned others to wait for her outside and stayed. As the door closed behind them, Anya heard the chief quickly explain something to Rill.

"Well, I assume while the map's in the lab we have a few days off since the last thirty years," Eirn said, stretching his back lazily. "How do you feel about having some fun? I think I stashed a video game console somewhere in my room..." Excitement illumed his face. "Or! We can play billiards! I always wanted to learn how to knock those balls."

Nikk narrowed his eyes incredulously. "Do you have a billiards table stashed in your room, too?"

"Nope, but I can bring it from the shop in Dallas in no time."

"Astarta forbids anyone to leave Kelas since the fomoires are back," Daphne said brusquely. She didn't share the enthusiasm. "How are you going to bring it?"

"I know how the security system works in here, so..." Eirn gave her a mischievous wink, but Daphne only rolled her eyes at that.

"You'd better get enough of a real sleep while you can." She turned around and walked off, her long platinum hair looked like a silky veil covering her slim figure from behind.

Amarillis and Astarta appeared in a doorway. Seemingly, the topic of their conversation didn't affect Rill's mood at all, no matter what business they'd been discussing.

Rill smiled at Anya and spoke in her lilting voice, "Ready to go?"

"Anya, one more thing," Asta touched her shoulder lightly. "I hope you do understand that our work on your planet is strictly secret. We do not want to interfere in humans' lives and expect none of their involvement in return. That is why nobody should know you are here."

Anya silently nodded. Clearly, it was enough for the daitias' chief, because Asta gave her one more emotionless smile and closed the door.

"Are you coming with us?" Amarillis switched her attention to Nikk and Eirney.

"Sorry, I think I need to talk to Daph," Nikk said apologetically, rubbing his neck.

"Yeah, I'll pass too," Eir shook his head, tousling his sandy curls. "I'm exhausted. We've been talking to Astarta all night, and I'm actually surprised to see you're still full of energy, Rill."

"Oh, you know," Amarillis shrugged flippantly. "There'll be plenty of time to sleep when we die. Not now when there's so much fun around. That's okay," she wrapped her arm around Anya's shoulder. "We'll enjoy the time together."


As Nikk and Eirney were gone, Rill led Anya through the headquarters.

The place was really enchanting. Anya was amazed with the high ceilings and the smooth turns of the hallways imitating the mountain's geometry. The curved stairs guided them further and further. Every wall was adorned with plants and flowers and mirrors that made Anya feel lost in the infinity of lights and reflections.

Regardless, Anya couldn't fully appreciate the beauty, for she was too tired after everything she'd been through during last several days.

"If you want to have some rest, I don't mind," she said to indefatigable Rill, but the hint in Anya's voice was obviously too subtle.

"No way!" Rill protested, strolling across the hall and beaming smiles to every person she saw. "I won't let you get bored."

Anya eyed a daitya who gave her faultfinding glance. "Tell me the truth, Rill. Astarta asked you to keep an eye on me, didn't she?"

"Well, she did." Rill frowned a little, then grinned. "But don't think that I don't like your company. I do! You're the first human being I can openly talk to, tell you about the transpassage crystals and so on... I have so much to share with you!"

They came back to the great entrance hall and walked through another archway.

Rill was an unstoppable chatterbox as she'd already told a story of how she'd got lost in Chinese streets once. There, she'd persuaded some cook to sell her a rabbit instead of eating a rabbit stew. No surprise, the rescued animal was sent to a nature reserve in Australia afterwards.

The story about Swiss ice cream brands followed. And then, a narrative of Norwegian waterfalls...

The hallways seemed to have no end. Every previous corner looked exactly like the next one in Anya's eyes, and soon she gave up all the attempts to remember a way out.

"Labs are on the third floor. The second one is residential, we'll stop by later," Rill was continuing her excursion, pointing at different stairs. "The first floor has nothing but orchards, security block and other administrative stuff."

"And what's downstairs?" Anya glimpsed a narrow tunnel they were currently passing by. Hardy visible steep steps merged into the dark were winding deep down.

"Downstairs..." Rill slowly repeated, as if she was uncertain about the answer. "Downstairs are just energy generators. Nothing to look at."

The daitian had omitted some information, but Anya decided not to press. She was still anxiously glancing at her phone from time to time. There was no signal underground—that was no surprise—but her father wouldn't understand, would he?

"Here we are," Amarillis clasped her hands as giant oak doors rose before them. "My favorite place in Kelas."

She pushed the door open, and birds twittering reached their ears.

"Is this for real?" Anya tilted her head to one side, listening. "Or—"

"Yes! It is our canteen, or garden—call as you like it." Rill eagerly jogged inside. "Fruits and vegetables and potherbs. The most fresh and refreshing food, and all indoors."

As a matter of fact, the place was barely distinguishable from an actual garden. Lush trees with red and green apples were neighboring maize plants here, little banana palm trees next to the perfect rows of tomato plants. In amazement, Anya's eyes rummaged along the spectacular terraces hidden under the mountain.

The garden workers casted Anya curious looks as she walked past them, but they said nothing, pretending to be utterly busy.

"Come," with a graceful gesture, Rill invited Anya to a small, cozy verandah decorated with carved ornaments, where the whole range of baskets full of fruits was standing. She fetched out two fruits—or vegetables, who knows, for they distantly resembled round potatoes with thick rinds as if of a lemon—and gave one to Anya.

"What is it?"

"It's called krizām. Try it," Rill suggested, nestling on a bench and handing Anya a spoon.

Anya looked at her lunch once again. The dark wrinkled skin of the fruit looked disgusting, the insides turned out to be even worse—some kind of mud-colored sour cream. Nauseated, Anya held her breath as she put a spoonful of the cream in her mouth.

But the next moment, she couldn't stop her whoop of delight. "It tastes like a chocolate pudding!"

"Aye-hya," Rill made an agreeing sound while chewing. "And no need to bake."

"So, this garden is kind of a kitchen here?"

Rill swallowed, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Right. You can come here whenever you like and eat whatever you like. Do you want a sugar apple now?"

Amarillis jumped up and started to toss the baskets without waiting for an answer.

Anya looked at her phone again. No reception as before.

"Rill, listen," she said, pitching her voice into an innocent wonder. "Is there a way to make a call from here?"

The green-haired girl whirled to look at Anya, sending her dress sway around her. The corners of lips turned downward, and she was silent for a long moment before speaking. "If anyone discovers you're here—"

"I won't tell anything. I promise."

Rill sighed. "I'm not trying to accuse you, Anya. There's something else. If the fomoires catch the signal of your phone, they'll be able to find this place."

"What if my father called and couldn't reach me?" Anya raised her eyebrows imploringly. "He's worried as hell, I know him. Please, Rill, just a few seconds. I'll tell him I went camping with my friends and hang up. I swear."

"You're irresistible," the daitian let out a resigned breath. "Fine. There's a place where you can call from, actually. Let's go."

They quickly left the blossoming garden and continued their journey through the maze of the mirror-like passageways.

This under-the-mountain building—if you can call a building at all—seemed to be surprisingly deserted. Nonetheless, Amarillis's endless chit-chat attracted one girl.


Rill flinched at the voice and cocked her head to see another daitian mysteriously appeared from nowhere. Rill's eyes flashed. "Elvin, hey!"

Heavily breathing Elvin wore tight sport suit, emphasizing the gentle features of her body. She tossed the long plait of her bronze hair over her shoulder and smiled. "Hello, Rill. Haven't seen for a while. How's it going in the big world? You know, I've been stuck in here for almost a month, waiting for another mission."

"Oh, I'll tell you everything later tonight," Rill winked, looking sideway at her human friend. "And this is—"

"Anya, right?" Elvin's gaze crept over her with curiosity. Anya felt like being studied under the microscope.

"Do we know each other?"

"Now we do," Elvin's smile grew wider, revealing her snow white teeth. "Kelas is buzzing with the news about an earthling wandering among us and the map she brought with her. I'm frankly surprised that there's no line trotting behind you and dying to shake your hand!"

"Really?" Rill gawked at Elvin. "Anya has arrived just a few hours ago!"

Elvin smirked. "That is how the gossips work, Rill. You know it very well. The last time everyone was so agitated was when Ther..." She suddenly trailed off. "Whatever. I'm looking forward to your narrative tonight. See you."

Elvin vanished from sight down the hall as swiftly as came into view a couple minutes ago. Amarillis watched her leave and guided Anya further.

They walked past the curtain of convolvuluses dropping down the second floor balcony, past the third floor recreation and up the small stairs.

"You didn't mention there's something beyond the third floor," Anya pointed out, noticing Rill cautiously look around before putting her feet on the steps.

"Because there's nothing to mention. Almost."

As the two of them climbed up, Anya had to admit that was true. There was a tiny garret under the very top of the mountain. On the opposite from the stairs wall was a long narrow breach in the stone, the howling wind threw snowflakes inside. It was shivering cold in here, no desire to stay an extra minute.

"That's it," Rill said, gazing upon snowy peaks through the rift. "Call and let's leave before someone found us missing."

Anya took the phone out of her pocket and quickly dialed her father.

You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service, artificial voice flatly said on the other end of the line.

"No luck?" Rill asked, hearing that too.

"That happens sometimes when dad's out for excavations. I just need to try again," Anya shrugged, feeling the frosting cold catch her limbs slowly. Trying to buy some time, she queried, "Elvin mentioned a guy, Ther. Who is he? Eirney once told me about him, too."

Rill's bright eyes suddenly captured a sad spark. "It is not the most joyous story," she said quietly. "What did Eirn tell you about

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