UA Academy

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Midoriya Izuku

"Oh, God... Tomorrow is the entrance exam, Dad! What should I do?!"

"C-c-calm down, Ichika! Y-you can do it!"

"S-sis! G-good luck!"

"... The three of you should stop that first." [Name] sighed, watching them hopping around with their arms above.

Ichika took a deep breath. She checked her phone. Katsuya and Shouya have passed the recommendation test and they wished her a good luck.

Ichika nodded in determination.

"I-I'm going to do my best" She exclaimed.

That night, she couldn't sleep even a single wink.

Bakugou Katsuki

Katsuya was so set in attending UA. So when he got a recommendation letter, he was beyond happy, to the point it shocked his father.

"Look at this, Dad!" Katsuya exclaimed and Bakugou was shocked yet again. He called him Dad. Deep inside his heart, he was moved by it.

"What?" Bakugou asked.

"I got a recommendation letter while you didn't!"

Ah, it was to make fun of him.


Katsuya stuck out his tongue.


"Mom! Look at this!"

[Name] saw the recommendation letter on Katsuya's hand. She smiled widely, hugging him.

"You're amazing, Kacchan!"

Katsuya grinned.

Hey UA, you got another King Explosion Murder to deal with.

Todoroki Shouto

His parents were very proud of him when he got a recommendation letter from UA. He trained his firepower with his father to prepare for the exam.

At the day of the entrance exam, he didn't see anyone he knew. When he looked around, he spotted Katsuya.

"Katsuya." He called out.

"Huh? You're here too?" Katsuya growled. "Figures..."

"Are we the only ones here?" Shouya asked.

"I saw the fire bitch earlier. The birdie's here too." Katsuya said.

"Oh... Let's do our best, Katsuya." Shouya smiled.

"Huh?! Of course I am going to do my best!"

Iida Tenya

"YOU CAN DO IT, YUKI! I BELIEVE IN YOU! YOU ARE OUR PROUD AND JOY!" Was her father's reaction before she left for the entrance exam.

Yuki was as calm as usual. She wasn't even bothered by the number of the students racing for a spot in UA.

On the entrance exam, she spotted Ichika who was muttering to herself.


"HIEEEE!!! O-oh, it's Yuki..." Ichika sighed.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm sure you can pass the exam." Yuki smiled.

"I-I hope so... I hope they let us work together..." Ichika muttered.

"Students from the same junior high school are not allowed to be in the same exam course." Yuki said and Ichika almost fainted.

"Don't worry." Yuki patted her back.

"We'll definitely pass and meet each other in the same class, right?" She smiled.

Ichika bursted into tears.

Kirishima Eijiro

"Bring it on, UA!!!" Ryuu roared.

"Yeahhh!!!" Kirishima followed.

"Whooo..." Asaki followed with less enthusiasm.

[Name] watched Ryuu training with his father with a smile, silently rooting for him. When morning came, the boy overslept and was almost late for the exam.

"I'm going to do my best today!" Ryuu exclaimed to his friend, Rai and Hayato. "I've trained with Dad so I can crush those robots!"

"Robots? The entrance exam has been changed since a long time ago. If we were to fight robots then I definitely won't pass the exam." Hayato said.

"... What?"

"Pft- HAHAHAHAHA!" Rai laughed at him.

Shinsou Hitoshi

"Why do I have to go to UA?" Hayato asked.

"Why? You don't want to?" Shinsou asked back.

"Not really."

"They already changed the entrance exam. There are no robots to fight now so you'll be fine." Shinsou said.

"Do your best, Hayato!" His mother cheered.

That's why he's currently walking with his friends to UA.

"How come there are no fighting?" Ryuu asked.

"If there's fighting then I'm going to drop out from the exam." Hayato sighed.

"It's a hero school so they should be testing our strength." Rai said.

"Then maybe I'll go home now." Hayato said.

"Don't be like that, bro! We are going to pass this together!" Ryuu placed his arm on his shoulder.

"Yeah! We are going to prove Katsuya that even someone like us can go to UA!" Rai said, placing an arm on his shoulder too.

"Why am I lumped together with you two...?" Hayato mumbled, smiling slightly.

Kaminari Denki

"There's nothing to worry about." Kaminari crossed his chest. "You're my son so you're going to pass."

"What does that have to do with this?" Rai asked.

"Shouldn't you study? What if there's an academic test tomorrow?" [Name] asked.


So here he is, walking with Ryuu and Hayato toward UA.

"Why aren't you worried at all?" Hayato asked.

"There's nothing to worry." Rai waved his hand around, smiling.

"If you don't do well on the academic test, you won't get accepted."

"..... What?"

"What's the passing score for Math?" Ryuu asked with sweats on his forehead.

"Sixty? Maybe?" Hayato tilted his head.

"Oh... I can manage somehow..." Ryuu sighed. He turned to look at Rai.


Amajiki Tamaki


"Don't worry, you'll be fine!"


"You won't fail, I'm sure of it!"

It was amazing how Tamaki understands Shin's stutters. The poor boy couldn't eat and sleep for days.

Today, he's staring at the huge building of UA with wide eyes and sweats on his forehead. He gulped.

"Oh, Shin!"

He jumped too high until he almost his a tree branch. He turned around abruptly. His heart calmed down when he saw Ryuu waving at him. Beside him was Hayato and... some specks of dust flying around.

"Let's do our best in the entrance exam today!" Ryuu slapped his back lightly with a grin.

"T-thank you!" Shin exclaimed.

Shin smiled, feeling slightly at ease. He walked with him into the building.

"Um, w-what are those dust around y-you, Shinsou-kun?" Shin asked.

"An idiot."



"Are you seriously enrolling at UA? A daughter of villain? To the most prestigious hero school in the whole universe?"

Akemi rolled her eyes at her father, who was genuinely shocked. Dabi plopped onto the sofa, covering his mouth with his hand.

"... Well, not like I care." He said before turning off the TV.

Akemi actually got in through recommendations because her quirk is similar to Endeavor's and her grades are surprisingly good.

"UA, huh..." [Name] smiled while holding her son on her lap. "You're amazing, Akemi."

"Tons of my classmates are going there too." Akemi said.

Tons of my classmates = Midoriya Izuku's child, Bakugou Katsuki's child, Todoroki Shouto's child...

Hawks's child.

Dabi gasped.

Takami Keigo

Kazuma got recommendations from many hero schools, including UA. He's well-known to the public after all.

"Wow, these are too many." Hawks said, flipping through the letters.

"What should I do with these letters?" Kazuma asked and he took only the UA one.

"Nothing. You can just burn it or throw it away." Hawks said.

"I bet Shouto-san's son also got a recommendation." Kazuma said.

"Well, duh. He's Endeavor-san's grandson. What about that girl you're close with?"

"Akemi? She also got one." Kazuma said.

Hawks rubbed his temples, "Why would a daughter of villain enroll in UA?"

The result of the recommendation exams is as following:

1st - Kazuma
2nd - Katsuya
3rd - Shouya
4th - Akemi


"Bakugou, put you feet down from the desk. That's not polite." Yuki frowned.

"Shut up, Iida. Fuck off." Katsuya growled.

"Oh my God... There are so many kinds of student here... I wonder what their quirks are..." Ichika muttered, looking around.

"Shin? Shin, are you alive?" Ryuu asked, shaking Shin's shoulders.

"Y-y-yeah. I-I'm fine, Ryuu..." Shin mumbled with his face on the desk.

"Can you believe that I passed?!" Rai laughed.

"Yes, it's a miracle that it happened." Hayato said.

"Look, Katsuya! I can pass like a normal person!"

"Shut up, Rai. You're only here to fill for an empty spot."


"Ichika? You have been muttering by yourself for ten minutes now." Ryuu said with worried eyes.

"Man, my seat is behind yours again!" Akemi smiled.

"Yeah. But I don't think you can sleep in classes anymore. Even if you hide behind me, the teachers will know." Kazuma said.

"Todoroki's in our class too." Akemi said, painting to the boy beside Kazuma. Shouya turned his head toward her.

"I'm looking forward for this year with you two." Shouya smiled and he turned to the boy in front of him.

"So..." He trailed off.

"Are you... the secret love child of our homeroom teacher?"

Hayato looked at him before looking at the man in front of the class.

"Do we look alike?" Hayato asked and Shouya nodded. "We're not related though. He's just an old man I met through my Dad."

The tired looking man in front of the class sighed, rubbing his temples.

"I didn't get paid enough for this..." Aizawa Shouta mumbled.


1. Bright squad

This is literally the squad that makes people go blind. Whenever Ichika, Shouya and Ryuu are together, their classmates had to put some shades on.

"Who the hell let them together?! I'm going blind here!"

2. Troublemaker squad

"Don't you want to see Aizawa-sensei's surprised face?" Rai asked.

"Nah, I don't want to get expelled." Akemi laughed.

They're the pair who were already threatened to get expelled because of their pranks. No one ever wants to get on their bad sides.

3. Elite squad

"Iida-san is looking as majestic as usual today too..."

"Takami-san looks even more dreamy today..."

The top two of being reserved and elegant. They even have their own fan clubs. They're the two who almost reach perfection.

4. Fuck-the-world squad

The one who puts his legs on the desk and blast everyone who gets on his nerves.

The one who fell asleep in class and will brainwash anyone who wakes him up.

The one who plants his face on the desk and imagine people as potatoes.

They surprisingly get along well.


I realized Aizawa must've been fifty or above but who cares lol.

Thank you for reading!

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