Chapter Fourteen

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A week passed, and it was a good thing that Jungkook was feeling better from his headache. He was not blacking out anymore, and his nightmares were decidedly less severe, though he still had them. In every single one, Jin and Taehyung were being tortured by Jungkook's own parents. But everytime, when Yoongi stepped out of the shadows, Jungkook would wake, gasping for breath. He was glad that neither of his roommates knew of his horrible nightmares. Or so he thought.

Every night, Taehyun lay awake, listening to the older boy's groaning, and when the groaning turned to sobbing, he would slip out of his bed, sitting beside Jungkook, singing softly, so as not to wake Terry (the boy slept like a rock anyway, there was no fear of actually waking him), as Irene used to do for HIM. As she had done when Taehyun had trouble falling asleep when their dad died. And on those nights, Jungkook would fall asleep just fine.

It was a good thing too, because Roger Davies was working the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, hard. Jungkook was extremely tired by the end of their training practices, but his competitive streak was starting to show. They were playing Hufflepuff on the weekend, and Jungkook definitely wanted to beat Tae. This was what the Sorting Hat had been talking about, Jungkook supposed. He DID have a huge satisfaction in winning. Then again, who didn't? (Maybe Hobi, but that was a different story-)

And so he worked through the tiredness. In all their practices, Roger was a bit perturbed. During one of their breaks, he commented: "Did you guys see how the Slytherin and Gryffindor teams played? Those new Seekers- man oh man! They are GOOD! But then-" and he stopped, then smiled at Jungkook. "We've got an amazing Seeker too."

Jisoo nodded. "I'm so glad that Flitwick found him!"

Irene agreed. "Last year, we did well, but at the beginning of this year we were missing a good Seeker. I remember, Roger over there was about to pull his hair out!"

"I was not!"

"Yes, you were!"

"I was not!"



Ji-Eun jumped up. "Once you guys stop arguing like a married couple-" she ignored the glares Irene and Roger gave her- "let's continue practicing! Come on! Get up everyone!"

For the team was sprawled on the floor of the Quidditch field, utterly exhausted. Jungkook pulled himself off the ground. He knew that the other teams were working just as hard (well maybe not Minguk, but JIMIN was!). The night before he had seen Taehyung heading outside with his broomstick, practicing hard.

Quidditch was hard, but boy, was it fun!


Saturday dawned, clear and bright. It was freezing outside, but the sun was out, melting away the first snow of the year that had blanketed the ground the night before. Jungkook, for once, got up on his own, before Taehyun was even awake. He sat in bed, snuggled under the covers, looking out the window of their dormitory. He had not had a bad dream in the night, but he still was haunted by whatever happened in them. In the light of the morning, though, he could never seem to remember or recall what happened. He sighed, falling back onto his pillow, then looked over to Taehyun's bed, where a Taehyun shaped lump under the covers shifted. The blankets moved, and Taehyun emerged from underneath them.

Jungkook grinned. "Taehyun!" he whispered. The other boy turned towards him, and in the grayish light coming through the dorm window, Jungkook saw his eyes widen in surprise.

Taehyun was by his side in a flash. "What are you doing up so early?" He checked the clock. "It's 6 in the morning!"

Jungkook was shocked too. He wasn't even that tired! "I guess I was just excited for today!"

Taehyun nodded. "Are you nervous for your first ever Quidditch match?"

Jungkook shivered with excitement. "A bit. But I'm just mostly excited. I love flying, and today seems like a really good day for a game."

"Yes! And don't worry Kookie! We are all rooting for you! I kind of think Hobi is too, even though he's Hufflepuff. He's too nice. Actually, I know many Hufflepuffs who are cheering today for both their own house, AND for us! How crazy is that? They are just amazing people."

Jungkook nodded, smiling. He was glad they were playing Hufflepuff first, not Gryffindor, and not Slytherin. He would definitely be more scared and anxious (for his life) if they were playing Slytherin. The night before, at dinner in the Great Hall, Minguk had given him the most AWFUL smile. As if Minguk wanted nothing more than to set him on fire. Jungkook shivered involuntarily, not from excitement this time, but fear of his brother.

Taehyun noticed this. "Kookie!" he shouted.

"What?" Jungkook was startled out of his fear. "Are you alright?"

Taehyun grinned. "Yeah, I'm fine."

From the third bed there came grunting, as Terry peeked out from under his covers. "Did I just hear someone scream?"


By the end of breakfast, Jungkook's nerves were getting the better of him. Remember him thinking he was not nervous, only excited? Well, that was a lie. He was actually freaking out. A lot. Like, A LOT, a lot. The Ravenclaw Quidditch team stood up to leave the room.

"Don't worry Kookie! You'll be fine!" Taehyun called after him.


Jungkook winced. That boy could be quite loud sometimes.

As he passed the Hufflepuffs, Hobi grinned and waved at him. "You'll be fine, Kookie! Good luck, try your best, but most important, HAVE FUN!"

Many of the Hufflepuffs nodded, smiling at the passing Ravenclaw team.

And then they were passing the Gryffindors, who were also grinning. As Jin had put it to Jungkook and Taehyung the night before: "We're just there for entertainment! So give us a great game! But seriously though," he spoke louder as the two younger boys rolled their eyes. "Don't worry, and whatever you do, don't fight! There's enough fighting going around as it is, between us and those- I'm not talking about Jimin and Yoongi, mind that- those ANNOYING Slytherins. Just-" he saw that he had lost their interest. "You know what?" he threw up his hands. "You can do whatever you want! The Gryffindor Quidditch team is still the best!"

That had gotten their attention really fast. You can probably imagine how THAT went down.

Jungkook grinned, but soon his grin sprouted wings and flew far away as Minguk stood up. "A toast! I propose a toast! Let me ask for the good health of my dear baby brother, Jeon Jungkook! I am hoping that he doesn't start having nightmares and calling for our parents in the middle of the game! I am hoping that he doesn't fall off his broomstick or something like that, for being too weak! A toast!"

"Hear hear!" The Slytherins mockingly bowed to Jungkook. Jimin smiled apologetically to him, and Yoongi gave an eye roll in Minguk's direction.

Their actions told him to not mind Minguk's mocking, but his brother's words had touched a nerve. After all, Jungkook had also been thinking about what would happen if he were to suddenly black out. He didn't think he would survive the embarrassment for being so weak. That thought kept going through his mind as they entered the changing rooms.

Irene saw his nervousness. "Don't worry Jungkook! You'll be fine! Just remember, we're all in this together."

The two Ravenclaw Beaters, Jason Samuels and Duncan Inglebee snorted.

"Wow Irene, are you an advocate for cheesy lines? We're all in this together- HA-" Jason started, then stopped talking as the fifth year prefect glared at him. (A/n *cue High School Musical songs: WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER~ Sorry---).

IU rolled her eyes. "Irene is just trying to make Jungkook feel better! Honestly... these kids!" she muttered to Jungkook, who grinned. Jungkook was rather abashed. It was no small secret that he had developed a pretty- sizable crush on Ji-Eun.

Roger smiled rather tightly. This team was going to be the end of him. "Ok team! We're playing Hufflepuff today! They've got a pretty good lineup. Seulgi has been having them practice their flying, and I saw them yesterday on the field. I know that in the past Hufflepuff hasn't really been an EXTREMELY hard opponent, but we cannot let our guard down! We have got the BEST team in Hogwarts-"

And here Duncan and Jason sighed. "He says this every year-" Jason explained.

"And I KNOW that we can win! We can do this! I believe in you guys!" Roger took a breath, and was about to continue, when Irene interrupted him.

"Roger, we got it. We CAN do this!"

"Together~ Forever~" Duncan started.

"OH MY GOD, seriously guys-" Ji- Eun started.

Jungkook (to the others' AND his surprise) interrupted loudly. "ALL RIGHT! LET'S GO!" He stood up, clutching his Nimbus 2000, and motioned for the rest of his team to proceed.

"Couldn't have said it better myself!" Jisoo exclaimed as she jumped up as well.

Jungkook opened the door to the locker room, and immediately, the sounds of cheering and excited talking exploded.

The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff Quidditch teams walked onto the field. From all around, there came cheers. Even the Slytherins were excited. Though they had a rivalry with Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff as well, it wasn't as strong as their hatred for the Gryiffindors, so they were okay with either side winning. As long as they didn't get too many points in the process. Most of them were okay with it anyway. Minguk probably wished for all of them to drop dead. Then Slytherin would definitely win. That just got really dark. Anyway...

They entered the field. Jungkook saw Taehyung's look of determination. He probably mirrored it. What? They were really competitive!

"Captains, shake hands!" Madam Hooch called. Roger smiled at Kang Seulgi, the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain. It was almost- tame. Quite unlike the air between Marcus Flint and Oliver Wood. And then, the whistle sounded, and the sounds of 14 broomsticks shooting off the ground filled the air.

"And they're off!" their commentator for the day, Choi Soobin shouted. "The line-up for both teams is absolutely amazing this year!" Jungkook concentrated on the boy's voice as he scanned for the Snitch. There was no sign of it. Hovering near him, Tae was also searching. Neither could seem to find it.

Meanwhile, Soobin kept commentating. "And Hirai Momo takes the Quaffle! Hufflepuff's off to a great start already— " he paused. "Not-not that I'm trying to be biased or anything— I'm just really excited to be the "MC", (A/N: Get it?) you know? But I'm soooooooo sorry—"

Professor McGonnagal pinched the bridge of her nose. Why did the commentators have to be so-so infuriating sometimes? First Lee, now Soobin-

"I'm sorry Professor, I- alright, anyway! Momo passes to Rose, who passes to Seulgi, will she make it in? She aims for the hoop— Oh no! Blocked by the Ravenclaw Keeper, Irene Bae! But I must admit, it was a spectacular save!"

Jungkook kept hovering, scanning for the Snitch. Still nothing.

"And IU takes the Quaffle! She's flying along nicely, and— OUCH! Almost knocked off her broomstick by a Bludger hit her way by Hufflepuff Beater Anthony Rickett. The Quaffle goes flying out of her grip— it's spiraling down— And Ravenclaw Chaser Jisoo takes the Quaffle! She's streaking across the field— dodging Bludgers— aiming the Quaffle— it's soaring over the pitch— will it— ? OH MY GOD SHE'S SCORED!"

And the Ravenclaws were cheering loudly, Jungkook could hear Terry's voice very clearly, a great feat in the huge cheering crowd.

And still, there was no sign of the Snitch.

"The Seekers haven't had much to do yet— wait— has Jungkook seen something? Has he— The Snitch has been seen! Seekers Taehyung and Jungkook are both closing in—"

Jungkook could see the tiny Golden Snitch— it fluttered crazily in the bright light of the sun— Jungkook was closing in— it was within his reach— he reached his arm out—

And suddenly a Bludger came flying out of nowhere, right in the path between Jungkook and the Snitch. He was just able to avoid the Bludger by pulling his broomstick upwards sharply. Taehyung also had to dodge. The Snitch was lost once again.

The crowd sighed in disappointment. It had been close.

"Oh man! Good play by Hufflepuff Beater Maxine O'Flaherty! By sending the Bludger towards the racing Seekers, they had no choice but to scatter, losing the Snitch in all the commotion."

Jungkook furrowed his brow in concentration. So that was how they wanted to play it? O. K. Let's get it!

Taehyung grinned at Jungkook, then soared away, hovering and watching for the Snitch once again. Jungkook was super annoyed. His competitiveness was flaring up. He did NOT want to lose, especially not to Tae.

"And play starts again. Wowie, I'm still breathless over that tactic! I thought they were going to crash into each other! I am REALLY impressed by this year's Seekers! And anyway, did you SEE that wonderful move by Maxine? I—"

"Soobin—" Professor McGonnagal growled. These commentators were just—

"Sorry Professor! Sorry! Anyway— Play continues! In the chaos following the near-crash, Hufflepuff Captain Kang Seulgi takes the Quaffle, and taking advantage of the chaos, she scores!"

Jungkook was now even more determined to win. He scanned the field, searching for that tiny fluttering object. It wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"—And Jisoo scores!—"

He kept looking. Absolutely nothing.

"—Roger Davies and Seulgi are fighting for the Quaffle! Davies steals it, speeding across the pitch, Seulgi right behind. Who will score? Davies expertly gets past Hufflepuff Keeper Herbert Fleet, scoring for Ravenclaw! I say—" and Soobin stopped suddenly. "Has Taehyung-?"

Jungkook suddenly saw Tae dive towards the ground. The Snitch was there, glittering three feet off the ground. He mentally cursed (maybe cursed out loud too), speeding after Taehyung. They were neck in neck, Tae slightly ahead, but slowly, Jungkook drew past him, until they were 100 feet from the Snitch. 95 feet. 90 feet. They were so close.

And then, time seemed to slow down.

"What is it now? Another setback? Our Lord would be most displeased-"

"You don't understand! The Ministry is giving the couple a break! They are traveling out of the country for Christmas! We simply CANNOT-"

"I understand that! But we simply CANNOT waste any more time!"

Jungkook didn't know what was happening. Why was he seeing things? He felt so, so weak. Like he wanted nothing more than to lie down and sleep...

"This is serious! If we cannot get the information and power needed, our Lord may NEVER rise again! These are the only Ministry workers with enough-"


"Please, both of you. Take a deep breath. Calm down. What of the other woman?"

"She's staying here. But it's no use. Her son is not going home for the holidays."

"Well, we have to do SOMETHING!"

And Jungkook barely realized that his hands had lost their grip on the broomstick, and that he was hurtling towards the ground. No. He didn't realize at all. Because then the world went dark.

A/n: I'm so sorry for the slow updates! I've just been having a lot schoolwork and other stuff. Hope you guys don't mind! Thanks for reading! As always, you can comment your thoughts! 

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