Chapter Thirty Six- Kiss Goodbye Part 2

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Anaya and I reached the warehouse first and parked up the road away from it. It was huge, bigger than the ones the boys run and I could only image how man people work inside of there and how much were probably out numbered by.

I glanced at Anaya and she stared into our space probably thinking about Ohaji which was normal for her. I had these butterflies in my stomach I was trying to make go away and they weren't helping the situation at all.

"Can you calm my nerves please I feel like I'm about to throw up everywhere, where is everyone?" I asked Anaya and she started crying before looking at me with pleading eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry Ivory, I didn't mean for any of this to happen" Anaya choked out and before I could respond I was being pulled out of a car and carried away as I screamed and kicked. Anya set me up, this fake bitch set all of us up.

All of the screaming I was doing must of made whoever was carrying me mad because he punched me in the face and threw me over his shoulder as my vision began getting blurry.

I could hear the clicking of Anaya's shoes and I knew she was following behind closely. She tried to wipe the blood dripping from my nose but I hit her hand away and prayed that everyone else would hurry up and not fall for the same shit I did.

When we got inside I was thrown in this room and forced inside with Anaya as the doors closed and locked.

"Ivory lis-" she started but I zoned her out and stared at the wall.

"Do you have any idea what the fuck you've just done? You think after I'm dead my father will keep you alive? What about when Ohaji find out because you do realize that my daughter is his niece and if anything happens to her or me he'd kill you without even thinking about it right?" I asked and she started sniffling back tears.

"Ivory, Ohaji set all of this up" she said choking back tears and my eyes grew wide, he wouldn't that fucking bastard wouldn't do this.

"I don't believe you he wouldn't team up with Will" I said not even believing myself right now. She nodded her head yes and I started crying.

"He didn't have anything to do with Reina's death or Will taking your baby, I don't know what his motives are Ivory you know how he is the only thing I know is he told me to make sure that they got you and that's what I did" Anaya said wiping her tears and I took deep breaths.

"Give me your gun" I said sucking in my tears and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Ivory I said I was so-" she started but I got up and started walking towards her not wanting to hear what she had to say.

"Give me your fucking gun, I'm done playing these cat and mouse games" I said and she reached behind her and hesitantly handed me the gun.

"Promise you won't kill me" she said wiping her tears.

"Fine I promise" I said with a shrug and she handed me the gun. I observed it and she watched me closely before I turned the gun on her.

"You said you wouldn't" she said quickly standing and I smiled.

"I lied, so what?" I shrugged before pulling the trigger and watched how quickly the bullet tore through her head making her body slump onto the ground. Of course a guard rushed in to see what was going on and I shot him before he could even get his gun out.

I'm so tired of this shit I don't care anymore because I've finally reached my mental breakdown and anyone who stands in front of me getting my daughter is dying it's simple.

I walked slowly through the hallways trying to avoid guards. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket with a text from Don asking where I was but I didn't reply. I didn't know who I could trust anymore Jade could've been working with Ohaji the whole time.

I came to this room with big red double doors and kicked it open revealing my father and a whole bunch of security. He looked surprised but only for a second before he glanced down at the gun I had and it was quickly snatched away from behind me.

Ohaji was leaning against the door staring at me with a small smile on his face and Will clapped as Ohaji walked to his desk and slid him the gun.

"So after everything you'd betray your brother and your niece?" I asked in disbelief and he looked me over reminding me of the day I first met him.

"It's nothing personal Ivory, it's a business move you of all people should know that and know how I am, where's Anaya?" He asked glancing behind me and I chewed on my bottom lip and sniffled feeling like all of this was over.

"I killed her when she gave me her gun" I said honestly and he chuckled and stepped closer as he bit his bottom lip.

"This is why you my nigga Ivory because your smart" he said truthfully and I felt like the walls were closing in on me.

"Where's Jade, Silas and Don?" I asked and he chuckled again and looked towards my father who was enjoying this.

"Where you think they are? They're dead Ivory" he shrugged and I dropped to my knees and started weeping.

"What about my baby?" I asked as tears continuously rolled down my face.

"She's dead too, so just close your eyes and relax I promise this won't hurt, trust me Ivory" Ohaji said smiling and I nodded and closed my eyes as I cried silently.

I didn't care about anything before, my family was dead, the people I'd grown to love were dead and there was nothing more for me to live for. I would've never expected Ohaji to be capable of all of this.

As my eyes closed I felt a sharp pain in my chest and I held the area as I dropped to the ground feeling blood leak from my body.

My ears felt like they were plugged when a series of shots rang in the air. Why wasn't I dead? I could still feel what was going on around me.


"Do what I said young" Don said dapping me up as he continued to shoot his gun. I took the gun I had off safety and ran through one of the doors of the warehouse glancing around quickly before leaving out.

I saw stairs leading down into a basement and looked back towards Don but couldn't see him anymore it was just a bunch of the army shooting out.

I ran down the stairs and seeing four different rooms, she had to be in one of these. The first door I kicked open a dice game was going on and I immediately started shooting but caught one bullet in the shoulder.

I kicked open another door quickly and it was the drug room. Bullets started flying left and right causing all of the cocaine to go up in the air and by now some of the army was down and helping me out.

Loud baby cried filled the area and I kicked another door open and there was a dude holding Alijah in his lap with a gun to her skull.

"Take another step and I'll kill her before she's even had a chance to live" he said nervously and I bit my bottom lip to keep from crying.

"She's a fucking baby and I know you work for Will but even you can't find this right can you? This is his granddaughter and she's done nothing to deserve this shit, can we just make a deal?" I asked glancing at Alijah.

"What kind of deal? I'm gonna die anyway" he said with a shrug and I quickly shook my head.

"If you give me her I'll walk away, but if you don't and you kill her I'll find your entire family and kill them in front of you, if you have a mother I'll rape her and then I'll leave you somewhere locked up to rot for the rest of your life" I said and he looked into my eyes before lowering the gun and putting it on the ground.

"Just take her" he said kicking the gun away and I rushed over and grabbed her from him and held her tightly. She smelled good so somebody had to of been taking care of her, or else she would've been dirty,

When I glanced at the man he was gone, I sat Alijah down by a wall and peeked out and it was empty except for a few dead bodies laying out.

I had to go into each room and make sure there was nobody in them before returning back and grabbing her. There was still lots of shooting going on upstairs and I couldn't take her up there without the risk of her catching a bullet.

"SILAS!? YOU FIND HER?" Don yelled from the top of the staircase and I glanced up as he continued shooting people.

"Yeah she's right here, I just don't know how to get her out of here" I tell him as I continued rocking her and trying to make her be quiet.

"Give me a minute bruh just wait" Don said and he disappeared. I held her on my hip with one arm and the other hand I had a gun in it waiting for him to come back.

After a couple of minutes he reappeared at the top of the stairs and motioned for me to come up as he shot.

"Take the long hallway there's nobody on that side, hurry up I don't know how Lon-" he started before a bulled went through his head and he fell forward holding a surprised facial expression.

I quickly shot the guy who'd shot him and took my foot and kicked Don trying to get him to wake up but he wouldn't, he was dead.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and gasp before running off holding the wound. Blood was soaking threw my black shirt from my shoulder and stomach but I used all of my energy to get the hell out of there.

The car was still parked were I last left it so I jumped into the driver seat with Alijah still on my lap and quickly pulled off with bullets still hitting the car.

I hit the gas quickly and had to hold onto her so she wouldn't fall. Her cries filled the car and I was frustrated and wanted to cry at the same time and I felt light headed. It didn't make it better when I heard police sirens behind me.

"Fuck this shit" I mumbled stopping the car and sitting Alijah in the passenger seat before pulling out my gun again and walking towards the cop car.

I saw Jade and Ohaji's dad and some white cop. I snatched the car door open and pulled him out before he could call for backup.

"Don't I'll handle this" their fathers said before shooting his partner to death. He glanced at my bullet wounds as I dropped to my knees from loosing to much blood and helped me up.

"I think I'm dying bruh" I said as he helped me back up and out me in the backseat of the car. He glanced at Alijah who was in the passenger side.

The last thing I remember before closing my eyes was handing him the piece of paper Jade gave me.


I could feel myself bleeding I just didn't know from where. I picked up one of the guns some dude dropped and used his bullets as I hid behind wall.

It was like a fucking blood bath and I didn't know where anybody was, I had already passed a room and saw and saw Anaya in their dead, I wondered who got her ass.

My eyes landed on Don's dead body and I let a few tears fall as I slowly walked over to him, they got my fucking nigga. I shook my head and grabbed his body moving him somewhere and closed his eyes for him.

"Whats up bruh" Ohaji said coming up behind me and when I turned around he had his gun out pointing it at me.

"So it's like that?" I asked pulling out my gun and he smirked to himself as his eyes lowered to my gun.

"Don't act like you ain't see is shit coming bruh" O said with a chuckle and I shook my head ready to shoot.

"Where's Ivory?" I asked holding in my anger and not trying to show any fear.

"I killed the bitch,what do you think?" He said with a smirk. I shook my head in disbelief and backed up as he pulled the trigger to his gun. My eyes shut tightly but I didn't feel anything and when I looked up he busted out laughing.

I turned around and it was Will on the ground bleeding from a chest wound and struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Ivory's in the back room go check on her" he said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a blade.

"What are you about to do?" I asked watching him.

"What the fuck it look like? I'm about to scalp this mother fucker while he's alive" he said walking towards Will as he tried to slide away on his own blood.

I jogged towards the back and saw Ivory laying in a pool fool of blood and quickly picked her up as some of our crew stopped shooting and looked around.

"Ivory, it's okay you can open your eyes now" I tell her walking with her and she did slightly and gave me a small smile as blood started coming from her mouth and she was struggling to breath.

"Baby relax hold up, alright?" I tell her stopping and sitting on the ground trying to get her to breath.

I'm about to go get the car" someone from the crew yelled running off and I wrapped my arms around Ivory as a few tears fell.

"You gotta stay awake because I love you and Alijah loves you and you can't leave" I tell her and she grabbed onto my shirt as a few tears fell and she gripped onto my shirt.

"I-I -t-think I'm pregnant" she stuttered as she pinched me and let out a small chuckle before groaning again and I laughed and wiped her tears away.

I picked up her hand with her engagement ring on it and kissed it before kissing her forehead and holding her close.

Ohaji came back and helped me lift her up as we heard lots of police sirens outside. We quickly went out the back and Ohaji helped me get her into the car. I got in the drivers seat and he backed up pulling out another gun he had on him.

"Go, let me handle this, I'll meet you at the spot once everything is clear and she better live" O said chuckling before he and some of the crew began shooting at the cops and cop cars so I could get away without anybody following.

A few lil niggas were in the back with Ivory trying to keep her alive while I tried to find the nearest hospital.

It felt like I was running out of time and she wasn't going to make it. I wondered if Silas got away okay.


"AH FUCK, STOP JUST LET ME DIE!" I screamed as this nigga removed the bullets from my stomach. I felt like I was fucking dying and shit and he over here cutting into me.

Alijah was sleeping in a car seat and we were on a jet headed to Atlanta. Jade and O's pops didn't stick around for long he just took me to the jet without any questions and left to go check on everyone else.

They had a doctor on here helping me out because I fainted from loosing to much blood. Once he removed the final bullet he stopped the bleeding and worked on stitching me up as I groaned.

"Did everybody else make it out?" I asked the doctor and his face looked grim.

"Jade and O are unaccounted for but Ivory didn't make it" he said sadly glancing over at Alijah who was sleeping peacefully.

I took a deep breath and let the tears fall from my eyes as I looked up at the ceiling. This shit can't be happening after everything we've been through she can't be gone.

"What am I suppose to do huh?" I asked crying harder.

"I'm only here to patch you up so you don't die the rest is up to you" he said finishing the last stitch and bandaging me up.

What am I suppose to do with a baby? I'm only seventeen and won't be eighteen for another couple months.

I used the rest of my strength to sit up causing pain to go to my shoulder and I grunted and grabbed the baby car seat taking her out of it.

"I guess it's just me and you" I mumbled laying back on the seat and laying her on my chest holding her tightly.

I was so hurt I couldn't even feel anything else but pain. I watched Don die, Ivory's gone and who knows about Jade and O.

I bit my bottom lip and kissed the top of Alijah's head deciding to not look back, there's no point.

Fuck everything right now, man.


I felt like I played my part right. Everyone thought I set them up but nah I just needed to be on Will's good side so he wouldn't expect nothing and for the most part it worked and only my nigga Don died sadly.

I ended up getting away from the police and got to the hospital where Jade had said he was and when I got there he had his head in his hands and he was crying.

"Is she alright?" I asked shaking him as fear and anger went through my body.

"I don't know she's in emergency surgery" Jade said through sobs and I took a seat next him and wrapped my arm around him.

"She said she thinks she's pregnant" Jade said wiping away some of his tears and I chuckled.

"That gives her even more reason to live, y'all just popping the babies out I see" I said smiling trying to cheer him up.

"We just stopped using condoms, she gotta live bruh she can't just leave me" Jade said breaking down.

"What about Alijah where is she?" I asked looking up at some of the crew who was standing around and waiting for new like us.

"Silas left with her but I don't know where he is" Some chubby nigga said and I nodded. At least they're good. I looked down at the bleeding wound Jade had and called a nurse over.

"Go get that shit taken care of before you did" I joked and he looked at me before pointing to a huge spot on my shirt that was soaked with blood.

"Nah that's from Will" I said and he nodded before getting up and following the nurse. I leaned back in the chair and stripped my shirt from my body.

After two hours of waiting a doctor came out and Jade and I both stood around him with the crew as he held up an ex ray.

"The bullet was very close to her heart and she-"

"Freeze your under arrest!" I turned my head and watched as cops swarmed the hospital and held us all on gunpoint, ain't this bout a bitch.

"This was all me, I did this they're innocent and got caught in the crossfire" somebody said and I glanced at my pops as he stepped towards us in his police uniform with a small smile on his face.

"Just arrest everyone" one of the cops called out and I went willingly while Jade struggled with the cops trying to figure out what happened to Ivory.

"I'll take the fall for this, don't worry about it, this is my way of asking for your forgiveness, so do you forgive me son?" My pops asked and I couldn't help but she'd a tear as handcuffs were being put on me.

I nodded my head and looked away as we were being pulled away. I took one more look back at Jade and he was being forcefully arrested.

"Jade just calm down son, it'll be okay" pops called out as we were walking away.

All I could do was shake my head thinking about everything that we'd been through.

This was suppose to be easy, nobody was suppose to get hurt.



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