Chapter Forty Two

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The barrier was down and Sem sprinted. Her angel-heart pumped and her muscles obeyed every command she gave. The ladder was skipped as she jumped clear up to the next level of the steel works. A large blob of metal steamed on the floor, flickers of flame erupted here and there. Above the metal a large container hung, swaying calm and gentle. Only the siren could be heard now and Sem looked around frantic, then locked eyes on a little girl.

Sem bound over towards her but skidded to a halt when she saw who lay on the floor. The little girl hadn't noticed her. She was too busy trying to wake up the man on the floor.

'Mister,' she said, 'I want to go home mister. I want to go home to my....' sniff. She shook him again. 'Mister, I want to go home now. I want to see my mom.' Abigail shook John's shoulders again. 'Mister, you promised and promises can't be broken.' The little girl started crying into John's neck.

'You promised mister.'

Sem walked up behind the girl and placed her hands on the small girl's shoulder. 'Don't worry little one, you are safe with him.' She knelt down beside John, placed one hand on his heart and the other on his face, and prayed. When she was finished, she stood and held Abigail's hand.

John's eyes flickered open, he looked at Sem, then at Abigail.

'I have dreamed of you most of my life Abigail Brown. He looked at Sem. 'I have dreamed of you too Sem,' he said with a smile. He grimaced as he sat up, the beatings to his face were going down thanks to Sem, but they still hurt.

He looked at the girl again. 'Time to get you home, I bet your mommy is worried sick.' She nodded with a tear streaked face, then smiled. It lit up John's soul.

Together all three walked out of the steel works, past all the work men assembled outside. A ragtag woman, a little girl, and a man dressed in strange clothes. It was a talking point for some time.


'What year is this? John asked as they made their way down the lamp-lit street.

Sem smiled. 'I have not the slightest clue John.'

'It's just I-' he started.

'Don't feel any different?' Sem finished for him.

'Yeah, I thought something might change but it hasn't. Have I changed time Sem? Have I saved them all?'

Sem raised an eyebrow and John looked down in mock shame. 'Okay Sem, did we save them all?'

'I think we have John, I really do.'

'It's just I expected something more.'

'More?' Sem cocked her head.

John shrugged. 'Yeah, more. Like fireworks or something.'

Sem punched him on the shoulder. 'We don't do this for the thanks John, we do it because it's the right thing to do. We are guardians you and I. We're a team.'

John blushed. 'I suppose, but after everything we have done...?'

Sem nodded. 'People have given more than us John, we're still alive.'

A small voice below them caught their attention. 'This is my house,' Abigail said, pointing.

John opened the gate and watched as Abigail skipped down the path, she opened the door, turned and waved, then ran inside. John had enough time to hear the cries of joy before he was sucked into a vortex of swirling colours.

Both John and Sem were unceremoniously dumped on a path near an unfamiliar road. It was raining and night time. John looked around and shook his head.

'What the fuck was all that about?' Sem asked as she dusted herself off.

'I have given up trying to fathom my life anymore Sem. It's just plain old weird.' John grabbed her hand and she pulled him to his feet.

John looked up and down the road. Sem was about to say something when John put his hand up. 'Sem, if you're going to say anything about roads, paths, and choices, I swear I am walking away from you.'

She dropped her shoulders and walked away, sulking.

It was a few hours before they heard a car, a clapped out car by the sounds of things. John put his thumb out to try to flag it down. Luck was with him this time and the car drove closer. Around ten meters back, the indicators lit, flashing, and the driver pulled over.

The old man in the car wound down the window. 'Hello,' he said. 'Are you young'uns lost?'

John wiped the rain from his eyes, the heat radiating from inside the car felt inviting. 'Yeah,' he laughed. 'I've been lost for years, just hoping to find the right way now, the right way home.'

'Well,' said the old man, 'I'm from around these parts, so you're in luck. Is your wife joining us?'

John wiped the rain away again and smiled. 'She's not my wife, we're just good friends. Partners even, you might say.' He looked over at Sem who was looking at the car in a very strange way.

'Come on Sem,' John said, 'this kind man has offered to give us a lift.'

Semila opened the car door and slid into the rear seat, unable to take her eyes off the old man.

John sat in the front passenger seat. The old man put the car into gear and set off.

'James Mason?' asked Sem.

The old man looked a little shocked. 'Why yes, how did you know that young Miss?'

John looked back at Sem, who now had a very worried expression on her face. 'What's up Sem?'

But Sem could only shake her head. 'I don't know John, something's not right here.'

John turned to the driver. 'Where are you taking us?' he asked.

The old man smiled. 'Why home of course!'

'Whose home?' John asked.

The old man smiled, the car disappeared, and he held out his hand. 'My home John.'

John turned around quick. People smiled as they walked by, a few pointed from afar. John looked down to find himself wearing robes.

'Do you know who I am John?' asked the old man.

John shook his head still unable to comprehend what was happening. The old man, who seemed much more groomed now, walked over to Sem. 'Do you know who I am child?' Sem nodded and fell to her knee, jaw slack. The old man smiled, reached down to the angel, and closed her mouth for her. 'No need to drool all over the floor, lass.'

'You did it John Finnie, you saved them all. Every single one, even your sister Charlie. Ripples in the water John, you have saved thousands who should never have died and I thank you with all my heart.' The old man placed his hand over his heart to emphasise.

John just nodded and tried not to look confused. He looked at Sem who was making angry faces at him and pointing to the floor, which seemed to be glowing now that he looked.

The old man started talking again. 'You have changed time again John, but you don't have the memories, so you have a choice.'

'A choice?' John said, still confused at what was going on.

'Yes,' said the old man, 'a choice. I can give you the memories and you will never have to remember about the...Blink again. I can put you back to a time before all this, you never have to remember anything.'

'Or?' asked John. Imagining a life without the Blink brought a large array of emotions boiling to the surface.

The old man smiled and John felt a warmth in his soul he never knew existed. 'Or I can give you the memories of the life you never knew, and you can work for me.'

John fell to his knees, unable to speak. When he finally summoned the courage he looked up. 'God?'

The old man smiled. 'I prefer Father, but yes.'

'Do I have a choice?' John asked.

'We all have choices John, free will and all that. So what do you say?' asked the old man.

'If I choose the Blink, do I get to stay with Sem and my friends?' John looked over at Semila kneeling with her face to the ground.

The old man flicked his hand. 'Of course. But Semila is only a guardian angel. Wouldn't you like a less foul-mouthed one? One with wings?' The old man half chuckled as he spoke.

Semila blushed and shrunk down further.

John stood up in anger and pointed at Sem. 'This guardian angel has put her life on the line for me more times than I can say. She even died to protect me. If I saved them all it was because of her. She is not just a guardian angel, she's the guardian angel, and I wouldn't be with anyone else. Ever.'

The old man smiled again and turned to Semila. 'Many years ago you chose to stick by the humans, to guard them and look after them. Do you still stand by this Angel Semila?'

Sem nodded. 'Yes, Lord.'

The old man placed his hands behind his back. 'Hmmm...what to do with you. You have served the cause of good well and that deserves a reward. But you swear so much...Why?'

Sem looked up like a repentant child. 'It's expressive?'

The old man laughed. 'I was wrong to take the guardians wings away, please accept my apologies Angel Semila.'

Sem looked up. 'Lord, you hav...'

Her eyes moved to the left, then right. Wings of the purest white adorned her back.

She was about to speak when the old man put his hand up. 'I was wrong; I know that now. The courage you have shown, Angel Semila, has given all the guardians their wings back.'

Semila bowed deep and low, her wings completing the action to perfection. She met John's eyes, and he grinned, gave her a thumbs up.

John coughed, looking slightly embarrassed. Both the angel and the old man looked at him. 'I'm not being funny here, but I really want to see my sister again.'

The old man smiled. 'Of course John, of course.'


Birds chirping. That was the first thing he heard. A spring sound. Sunlight warmed his cheeks and he enjoyed it for a moment before opening his eyes. John lay on his bed. Not the bed he had spent a seventeen-year coma in, an altogether different one, but one that was definitely his. He jumped to his feet, opened his bedroom door, and ran out onto the landing. The house was both familiar and not, John looked around, confused at the new memories. He looked across the hall and saw the name on the door. Charlie.

After all this time, after all this struggling and fighting. Could it be as easy as walking over there? And what would he find? He tried not to run down the hall and ended up shuffling hurriedly towards the door. He shoved through and flicked on the switch. A mop of blonde hair rose groggily from a lilac pillow. She flicked her hair back and squinted at him. 'Oy dipshit,' she said. 'What do you think you're doing?'

John grinned.


P.S. BLINK 2 is out! Check out BLINK 2: Circle of Ten on my profile for more from John and Semila! Thanks for reading everyone *high fives all round*

© Steve Ford and Joy Cronjé 2018

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