Valt isn't innocent :")

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Valt : Shu who's your crush?

Shu : Uhm?! Who me?

Lui : of course blockhead. You're Shu.

Free : Toasted

Shu : Why you-

Valt : Shuu tell me!!!

Free and Lui : Yeah tell him Shu. Valt's curious.

Shu : I don't have any *looks away casually*

Valt : Not even a single one?

Shu : Yes (nO-)

Valt : QwQ then what am I to you...? That hurts...

Lui and Free : *smirks at eachother* Valty we have a crush on you. C'mon here baby?

Valt : *goes to them* I love you guys.

Shu : I-...... Wait I have a crush on you too!!

Valt : liar! Hmph!

Shu : .......... I lied to you.... I really have crush on you Valty...

Valt : I'm so sorry but it's fake love fake love fake love

Shu : ...................

Free : Valty let's go watch something cute

Lui : cuddles and snuggles are coming up~

Valt : okie dokie!

Shu : ........... Valty...


Zoey : moral of the story. Never lie.

Shu : Shut the hell up!

Zoey : Meh.... Rude!!

Shu : *growls* *turns into Red eye*

Zoey : Dude- I- don't-

Red eye : Where's Valty?

Zoey : with Lui and Free?

Red eye : *goes to their room*

Zoey : someone save Shu- I mean Valt! Nah Red eye loves Valt so yeah no worries uwu

With Valt~

Red eye : *kicks the door* VALT AOI!

Valt : Shuu wanna join us?

Red eye : *turns back to Shu* Yes honey~

Lui and Free : you're like a chameleon-

Shu : Valty baby!

Valt : Shuu chan!

Lui : Oii don't forgot me!

Valt : Luina!

Shu and Free : Pfft- XD

Lui : What-

Valt : hehe! Kidding. Lui chan

Lui : whatever it's cute after all. *Hugs valt*

Free : me?

Valt : oh! Free chan! :3

Free : Why you have to be so cute?~

Shu : because our valty is an angel.

Valt : but still I'm mad at you for lying to me!

Shu : :') I thought it's good not to tell you I have crush thingy on you..

Valt : nuu! I wanna know!

Free : Hey Lui why don't you turn into a girl?

Lui : Heck no!!

Shu : Why suddenly?

Valt : but it will be awesome if Lui turn into a girl! O//w//O

Lui : in your dreams no way I'm turning into a girl-

Asta : *turn him to a girl* hehe! This is fun!

Lui : Why you little!!! *Looks freaking beautiful and sexy-*

Free : *nosebleeds* why the f you three are so cute in girl version?

Valt : Luina! I love you!! *Touch her big boobs*

Luina : I-...... Hands off Valty

Shu : Valty why you keep touching that thing-

Valt : it's so bouncy and soft!! And look her chest! It's big like yours!


Zoey : I didn't do anything though!!! ;-;

Free : *wipes his nose with tissue* Gahh.. Lui please be my babe

Lui : Not happening!! This is f***ing worst!!!

Valt : Shu luina cussing in front me


Zoey : Valt isn't innocent anymore........ But how this even happened?!?

Shu : Lui it's you!!

Lui : no I'm not.

Free : *hugging Lui* I love you baby girl.

Lui : this bish-

Shu : do not cuss!!!

Lui : oops. But at least kill him for being fu- I mean annoying.

Free : *sniffs her* Sweet

Zoey : go get a room!

Valt : I want a baby!

Shu : you're a baby!

Zoey : if you want a baby then go with Shu~

Shu : B) Oh. Yeah I'm glad to do it~

Valt : NoPe- tHaT WiLl bE pAiNfUl!!

Shu : How did you-

Lui : Maybe Silas ruined his innocence?

Free : nah he's not even here. The culprit is here maybe one of us.

Zoey : Who?

Shu : Asta!

Asta : bingo!

Zoey : That pervert-


Asta : I was watching hentai and he sneak into my room and watch with me.

Valt : :3

Zoey : kjhkbwhshhsjsnhsjs-

Shu : Zoey erase valt's recent memories!!

Lui : Yes we want our baby valt again and Free stop touching my butt I swear!

Free : ;) you're my magnet pulling me to you~

Lui : da fak-

Shu : geez..

Valt : oh I understand it!!

Zoey : time for top valt-

Asta : *shrugs and walks away*

Shu : why you little-

Lui : Free I will murder you!!!

Free : my crimson will shed on your hands and your face~

Lui : *kicks him*

Free : *pins her down* weak~

Zoey : *teleport frui to their room*

Shu : my innocent valty... π^π

Zoey : cheer up dude. Time changes people.

Shu : *sighs* where's Valty?

Zoey : he's here just a minute ago

Valt : *looking at the frui couple's room through the keyhole* Ohh

Shu : Valty!!!!!! *Takes him away from there* Don't see it!!!

Valt : I wanna see what they doing!

Zoey : you already knew it now.

Shu : save my valty's innocence......

Valt : >:)

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