Chapter 16: A Fun Festival

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The day would normally start the same way. Wake up, get ready, eat breakfast, and then go on several missions; You know, the usual. However, today was a special day, not just for me, but for everyone as well. And why is that you may ask? Well, that is because today was the star awards festival. As you may or may not know, after each successful mission, the wizard king awards stars to each magic knight squad to acknowledge their achievements. This festival is held to announce how much stars each squad has gained during a full year and decide which of the nine squads performed the best. Although that is the main purpose for the festival, you can also enjoy the various foods, activities and overall atmosphere of the entire thing while you wait for the event to begin.

And so currently at the golden dawn headquarters, (Y/N), Yuno, Klaus and Mimosa were walking around the courtyard discussing about the incoming festival, it was the main topic today around the kingdom.

(Y/N): "So, do you guys think we'll win?"

Klaus: "Absolutely."

Yuno: "Without a doubt."

Mimosa: "I believe we will."

The three answered immediately with a proud face. I have to admit, I too believe we are going to win, but I also have a feeling that the black bulls may come close to catching up to us, I heard they were able to defeat another member of the third eye AND retrieve one of the magic stones during an attack on the witches' forest. I wouldn't be surprised if they climbed up the ranks to third or even second place this time.

Klaus: "What about you (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Huh?"

Klaus: "Who do you think will win?"

(Y/N): "Shouldn't it be obvious?" I answered with a smirk.

Klaus: "That's the spirit!"

The four of us laughed until we finally reached the main hall. The festival would start at night, so until then we could do whatever we wanted.

(Y/N): "Well, I guess I'll go to the capital for a bit." I told my friends.

Yuno: "What for?"

(Y/N): "Just want to go and see how the town is preparing for the festival."

Klaus: "Very well. we will stay here, have fun." He told me with a smile.

(Y/N): "Thanks, I'll be back in a while." I waved them goodbye as I left the building.

Klaus: "And make sure to come back befo-" He tried telling me but I was already out of the building.


This place will always feel so nostalgic to me. I remember the first time I walked down this street  was to attend the entrance exam. I looked from left to right, people were on their stalls getting ready for the festival. Everyone seemed excited, not that I blame them, this is a huge event after all, the most important in the year as a matter of fact. I kept walking around the place and would occasionally stop by one of the stands and see what cool items they were selling. Most of the shopkeepers would bow to me as a sign of respect after noticing my golden dawn uniform, making me chuckle and telling them there was no need for that. Still, they even offered some discounts for their items, perks of being a magic knight I guess.

(Y/N): (Not gonna lie, some of these things look nice for room decoration.) I thought to myself with a hand on my chin.

???: "Excuse me.... sir magic knight....."

(Y/N): "Hmmm?"

I looked down to see who was calling for me and saw a boy, no older than ten, staring at me with a scared look and with tears in his eyes.

(Y/N): "Hey kiddo, what's wrong?"

Kid: *sniff* "I-I was looking around the various stores....and I lost my sister..."

(Y/N): "I see. Don't worry little one, let's have a walk, your sister must be here somewhere." I told him as I patted his head and smiled at him.

Kid: "O-Okay...."

(Y/N): (I can tell he is still a little scared.....)

I looked around the place, trying to find something that would cheer him up at least until we found his sister. My eyes scanned the entire market until they finally landed on one of the stalls, a wide grin forming on my face as I got an idea.

(Y/N): "Hey kid, how about I buy you something?"

Kid: "R-Really? Like what?"

I grabbed the kid's hand and made my way towards the stall I saw earlier; I handed the merchant some money and he gave me one of the many caramel apples he was selling and I gave it to the kid for him to enjoy.

(Y/N): "Here, you can have this while we look for your sis."

The kid upon spotting the sweet apple started to jump in excitement and grabbed it and took a bite out of it as soon as he did. At least now he wasn't sad anymore.

(Y/N): "Alright. Now, what does your sister look like?" I asked him.

Kid: *munch* "Umm.... she has.... red hair, blue eyes.. and she wears a blue dress...."

(Y/N): "I see, all right, let's see if we can find her."

I grabbed the kid's hand once again and moved throughout the whole town. I looked over a few stalls and asked people around to no avail. Finally, I decided to take a look in the middle of town where it is the most lively. As we were walking towards the place, I heard a familiar voice call out my name from behind.

???: "Hey! (Y/N)!"

I turned around and saw Sol approaching while waving at me, I waved at her back and waited for her to catch up, maybe she could provide some help in this small situation I'm in.

Sol: "Fancy seeing you here...I didn't know you had a little brother." She said as she looked at the kid.

(Y/N): "Uh, he is not my brother. He lost his sister and I'm helping him find her. Now that you're here, maybe you can help me."

Sol: "Sure, I don't have much time though. I have to help Sis get ready for the festival."

(Y/N): "You mean.... your captain?"

Sol: "Yup! Oh, she will look so beautiful!" She said excited as she began to daydream about her captain.

(Y/N): "Yeah I'm sure she will, but can we discuss this after we help this child?"

Sol: "Right! Let's go."

(Y/N): "Great."

We made our way towards the marketplace, on the walk there I gave Sol a brief description of the girl we were looking for. After arriving at the place, we separated and searched the area for her. A few minutes later, Sol contacted me and said she apparently found someone that matched her description and so  I went there as fast as I could. After finally reaching Sol's location she decided to check out some of the items in the various shops while I returned the kid to her sister. The young child ran and hugged his sister after spotting her, relieved he finally found her.

???: "Thank you for finding and bringing him back, I was looking all over for him after I realized he was no longer with me."

(Y/N): "No problem ma'am. Just doing my job."

The girl then turned and looked at her younger brother and began to scold him for leaving her side, apparently she stopped to buy something at one of the shops and he wandered off to God knows where.

(Y/N): "Heh, reminds me of my siblings back at my village."

???: "Oh, you have siblings as well?"

(Y/N): "Err, not exactly. We grew up together but we are not related by blood, but I still enjoyed their company and treated them like family even though they could get on my nerves sometimes."

???: "I see, I guess you must miss them a lot."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I do. I often write them letters to tell them how I'm doing, but it still feels a little bit lonely when they are not around." I smiled after remembering my time back at Hage.

???: (Hmmm.... I swear I've heard that before, it must be some strange coincidence.)

(Y/N): "Anyways, I won't take up any more of your time."

???: "Oh no, thank you for bringing my little brother back to me. If you ever stop by the town of Nairn, make sure to visit the local restaurant and I'll compensate you for all your troubles."

(Y/N): *smiles* "Well that's an offer I can't refuse, thanks."

???: *giggles* "No problem, may I ask your name?"

(Y/N): "My name is (Y/N)."

???: "Pleasure to meet you (Y/N), my name is Rebecca. Rebecca Scarlet."

(Y/N): "The pleasure is all mine."

We both shook hands and smiled at each other, once the quick introductions were out of the way I excused myself and began to look for Sol, who was still inspecting various dresses in one of the stores.

(Y/N): "Hey, Sol."

Sol: "Oh, hey (Y/N)! Finally done?" She asked as she picked a dress.

(Y/N): "yup, the kid is back with her sister. So, are you still busy?"

Sol: "Well.... yeah. I still have to buy some stuff Sis asked for."

(Y/N): "Right. Well, I guess I'll head back to my headquarters and get ready myself. Talk to you later."

Sol: "(Y/N), wait!"

(Y/N): "Hmmm?"

Sol: "Are you.... you know, coming with someone to the festival?"

(Y/N): "Well.....not really." I responded with a little confusion as to why she would ask me that.

Sol: "In that case, do you mind if up and go together?"

(Y/N): "I thought you were going with your captain?"

Sol: "Well yeah, but Sis told us she would arrive later, and I want to enjoy the festival as soon as it starts."

(Y/N): "If that's the case, then sure. I can keep you company for the time being."

Sol: "Great! Where should we meet up?"

(Y/N): "How about at this same spot?"

Sol: "Sure thing! All right, see you later tonight I guess?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, see you later!" I answered with a smile.

I walked out of the store and began to go back to the headquarters, however, on the way there I realized something that I should have realized sooner.

(Y/N): (Wait......did we just agree to go on a date?)


After finally arriving at the headquarters, I noticed that I hadn't had lunch yet, so I went to the dining room and grabbed something to eat. After a nice meal, I started to go up the stairs towards my room but as I was going up, I crossed paths with my three friends who were heading to the courtyard.

(Y/N): "Hey guys, going somewhere?" I asked them.

Klaus: "Ah (Y/N), you are back."

Yuno: "I was beginning to think you started some trouble over there again."

(Y/N): "How did you know?" I replied with a smirk.

Klaus: "Y-You did what!?"

(Y/N): *laughs* "Relax glasses, I'm joking."

Klaus: "Hmph."

(Y/N): "anyways, what are you guys up to?"

Mimosa: "We are just going to one of the balconies outside and relax while we wait for the festival to begin, w-want to join us?"

(Y/N): "Sure, let me just go get ready."

Klaus: "Ready for what exactly? You are already wearing your uniform."

(Y/N): "I uh.....well, I sort of.....have a date...." I told them as I rubbed the back of my head.

Klaus/Mimosa: "WHAAAT?!"

Yuno: "..."

(Y/N): "Yeah.... I met with a friend and she asked me if I wanted to check out the festival with her....."

Klaus and Mimosa were still dumbfounded by what I informed them, but soon after they managed to regain their composure while Yuno deadpanned at them.

Klaus: *coughs* "Well good for you (Y/N)."

Mimosa: "Y-Yeah...."

(I-I can't believe it......another girl asked him out on a d-date already?! Is this what Letoile meant when she said that I had "competition"?)

(Y/N): "Yeah.... although I didn't know at the time. It is something that I realized on my way back here." I said nervously.

Klaus: "Well.... I wish you good luck on your.... date."

(Y/N): "Y-Yeah, thanks."

After that totally awkward interaction, all of us parted ways and continued our paths to wherever we were going. I can't properly explain it, but there was this tension in the air when I mentioned the date I had with Sol.... maybe I was just imagining things. I shrugged those thoughts away as I entered my room and got inside the shower. Meanwhile, Klaus Yuno and Mimosa were already on the balcony but each were doing their own thing. Yuno was leaning on the railing and peacefully staring at the horizon while Mimosa was seated on one of the many small tables but she seemed to be frustrated about something, Klaus noticed this but he did not want to pry. After a long while, (Y/N) finally made his appearance and joined the trio.

(Y/N): "So, what will you guys be doing?"

Klaus: "Well mostly just explore the place really."

(Y/N): "Huh, well don't have too much fun, not until I join you guys anyway~." I said to them with a mischievous smile, getting a small chuckle from all three of them.


Once the entire squad arrived to the town we all separated and explored the place. It was still rather early, but a large crowd of people were already walking around. I made my way to the spot where I would meet Sol, it was no exaggeration when they told us this was the most exciting event in the kingdom, there was literally endless amounts of things to do and buy. After arriving to the spot, I had a look around the place while I waited for Sol to show up, and to think after all these years I would be finally able to experience this festival firsthand. After a while of being in my own thoughts, someone called out to me catching my attention. I looked over and saw Sol standing there with a smile on her face. She was wearing the white clothes she normally uses under her blue rose knights' cloak.

Sol: "Hey (Y/N). What were you thinking about?"

(Y/N): "Oh uh...nothing in particular."

Sol: *smirks* "If you say so..."

(Y/N): "Anyways...shall we go m'lady?" I asked with a playful tone, getting a small chuckle from her.

Sol: "Absolutely, let's go!"

And with that Sol and I began to enjoy our time together at the festival. At first we simply walked while we got to know each other since we actually haven't got the chance to do it properly. I asked her about her life before joining the magic knights, she would tell me what she would do with her friends in town, what were her pastimes and why she wanted to join the magic knights, and I would do the same after she asked me. Surprisingly, she apparently met Charlotte even before the entrance exam; She told me how some bandits attacked her hometown and she went into action but was easily defeated despite her best efforts, it was here where she told me about one her friends and how he ran away instead of helping her. After she had given up all hope, Charlotte along with her knights saved her, gaining her full loyalty. Even though she was smiling, I could see her disappointment after remembering that bit about her past, I wonder if this was when she began to hate men? Regardless, after seeing her frustration I placed my hand on her shoulder to comfort her, making her turn her gaze at me and smile at my attempt.

We then went ahead and bought something to eat, I even bought us some crimson orange juice, said to be imported from the very jungles of the heart kingdom, Crazy expensive as well. During our meal we would occasionally glance at each other but would quickly look the other way and ignore it altogether. After our quick snack, we continued to our next stop this time being a shooting gallery.

Sol: "Ready to be beaten by a girl?" She asked mockingly.

(Y/N): "Overconfident are we? How about loser pays for next game?" I asked with a smirk.

Sol: "Deal! I'll even pay for this one."

(Y/N): *chuckle* "You'll end up regretting that." I told her as I grabbed one of the guns.

Sol: "Bring it!" She exclaimed as she grabbed the other gun.

Should I let her win?......Nah! I'll enjoy wiping that smirk off her face. We positioned ourselves in front of the stall ready to gun down the targets. Since Sol has barely seen me use my magic, I'm sure she doesn't know that I have pinpoint accuracy thanks to my constant training to improve my aim for my piercing beam spell. Heh, who said training doesn't help with your everyday life as well? Needless to say, once the game began, I was already dominating the score. Sol would sometimes hit her targets, but the lack of practice made her miss her shots constantly. As for me, my targets were down as soon as they appeared. At the end, I won by a huge difference.

Sol: "Grrr...." She crossed her arms annoyed.

(Y/N): "Something wrong~?"

Sol: "I'm sure you cheated somehow." She pouted.

(Y/N): "Hahaha!"

We went ahead and played a few other more games and this time the results were a bit more balanced, she would win in some games while I would win in the others, but in the end we had a ton of fun nonetheless. As our date was coming to an end, we came across something that caught our interest. As we walked by a tall building we noticed that there were various discharges of magic coming from inside. Letting our curiosity get the best of us, we entered the building and saw groups of people were watching through the windows into various rooms. As we zoomed in to see what this was all about, we saw people in pairs dueling within these rooms.

(Y/N): "Ah, I see now."

Sol: "A place for friendly duels huh?"

(Y/N): "Want to give it a try?" I asked as I smiled mischievously.

Sol: "W-What?!"

(Y/N): "Oh? Is the tough girl from the blue rose knight scared by any chance~?" I teased.

Sol: "Fine! Let's duel!"

After getting in line and waiting for the rest to finish their fights, it was finally our turn. Some people from the large crowd noticed that we were magic knights and quickly gathered around to watch our fight. Some girls started to cheer for Sol since she was in the blue rose knights and others cheered for me for being in the Golden Dawn. All the attention we were receiving motivated us further to win.

Announcer: "Participants in place. The time limit is 2 minutes. Whoever makes his opponent surrender or unable to move wins."

I began to stretch out while I waited for the duel to begin. In the meantime, I noticed that Sol was staring at me like she was in some kind of trance, which made me curious.

(Y/N): "You okay?"

Sol: "Huh? Oh! Y-Yeah! I'm ready!" She quickly positioned herself to fight.

(Y/N): *smirks* "Good. Let's begin then!"

Without wasting any more time, I launched a plasma beam directly at her, catching her completely off guard. However, she managed to quickly react and create an earthen wall, blocking the path of the streak of energy, but it proved to be fruitless as the ray of plasma easily pierced through the wall. Sol moved out of the way just in time before she got hit.

(Y/N): "Nice job." I said as I smirked.

Sol: "Let me return the favor! Earth magic: Divided mother earth!"

Sol placed both of her hands on the ground and various golems began to form in front of her and began to charge at me. Not wanting to be outdone, I casted my shining guard spell and similarly various paladins of plasma emerged in front of me and charged at the earth golems. I got on the back of one of the paladins and quickly jumped off far enough to be behind the golems. Sol and I were now again face to face while our minions clashed behind me.

(Y/N): "That won't be enough my dear Sol~."

Sol: "Grr, how about this then? Earth magic: Dirt Clod Seal!"

I suddenly felt an immense amount of magic be concentrated above me, as I looked up I saw a colossal amount of earth be created and dropped at my position managing to actually surprise me. I focused on the large mass and casted my explosive supernova spell at it. Once the large ball of energy made contact, it created an explosion powerful enough to make the earth above me

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