When you find a spider

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    Have you ever been scared for your life? It's one of the worst fears in the world; that is, the fear that you might not live to see another day. 

    Well, congratulations, you just had your first near death experience. 

     In fact, it was just a few seconds ago that you were on the verge of death-- forced to stare into its big, black scary eyes. You could actually feel the life drain from your body and the atmosphere around you go cold. You were able to physically feel your blood slow down... your heart stop... your soul try to leave your body. 

    It's almost funny; you thought Ciel was screwed before, but he hasn't even begun to know what horrors the underworld actually had in store. 

     It all began while you were reading a particularly exciting book in bed. You had just started the next page, engrossed in your story for the plot had thickened, when you saw something move in your peripheral. 

       Slowly raising your head, you realized that your curiosity had gotten the best of you. In retrospect, it was a poor choice; the moment you looked up from the safety and comfort of your words that were innocently printed on the pages, you met the gaze of the damned creature.

    The menace you had the pleasure of discovering was revealed to be a big, furry, black spider that was about the size of your finger tip. Death was only a few meters away... and it had been exploring the wall underneath your window. 

     You had, of course, screamed and ran out of the room upon noticing. And to think, you just barely left with your life. After audibly slamming the door shut, you began to pant and shiver like a mad woman. You had experienced pure evil. 

   It took a little while, but you eventually caught your breath and started to calm down. When you began to hear something other than the loud pounding of your heart, you found yourself listening to a silky smooth voice coming from behind you, "Is everything alright, my Lady?"

    The voice belonged to none other than Sebastian. Although he appeared to have run over to you quite hurriedly, it seemed as though he must've relinquished his concern when he saw you. The man's voice reported no worry or urgency suggesting he already realized that this was only a mediocre problem. 

     "No! There's evil in that room, Sebastian! Evil! Get rid of it, get rid of it, get rid of it, get rid of it, get rid of it!" You squealed. Since he had the role of a butler, Sebastian tried to be comforting and understanding. 

     "What is inside? Let's have a look, shall we?" He calmly asked. Sebastian attempted to reach for the doorknob as to see what had frightened you so but you quickly interrupted him. 

    "No, no, no, no, no, no! You'll release it!" You whimpered. 

     The look on Sebastian's face was now the same look that usually adorned his features when in the presence of Bard, Mey-Rin, and Finny. He never will understand humans. 

    "What's the issue, why was there a scream?" Another, more panicked, voice asked. Although different than the one you had been paying attention to, it was still one you knew far too well. 

    Looking to your left, you noticed Ciel quickly approaching you both from the other end of the hallway with urgency. He must've thought you were in danger or that there was a human intruder. 

     "There's a spider," You breathed out, barely audible. Ciel's worried face immediately dropped and he seemed to exhale a deep breath he had been holding in. 

     "A spider?" He repeated, "That scream... was because of a spider?" 

    You nodded your head, and despite being sure that Ciel wanted to leave you in his dust right now to return to his work, he tried to have compassion. 

    "Damn, Trancy brat..." He mumbled, "Well, Sebastian... you know what to do. See to it that her room is pest free in one hour. In the meanwhile, I'll escort (Y/N) to the library." Ciel ordered, offering out his hand to you by the last sentence. It appeared that he noticed the book in your hand, the only item of which you managed to save from the arthropod, unscathed. 

      Needless to say, you didn't hesitate to take his hand. 

    Immediately leaving the premises, you both advanced to the bookland. Hopefully, that place had no spiders. You weren't sure if you'd ever be able to feel safe in your own room again. 

    ...Maybe Ciel would allow you to stay in his for a while...? 


 ...You sure? 

...Okay then, I'll take my leave. 

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