17| Sour Gummy Worms

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Gage called out of work today for the first time in over a month. I asked him repeatedly if he was okay but he just kept claiming he didn't feel well. Luckily we have been slow lately so we could manage with just the four of us, but still, I couldn't help but be concerned.

A part of me thinks it might have something to do with what happened at the beach earlier. I knew I acted a little irrationally, but I couldn't help it. I took a chance, something I never really do, and for a while, I thought it was okay. But I haven't been able to talk to him about it so I'm not sure. And although I hope it's not true . . . maybe he's actually calling out because he doesn't want to talk to me. Did I mess up our friendship? Have I made a mistake?

I groaned trying to push the thought away and continued sweeping the backroom. Since we hardly had any customer, which was normal during this time of the year, I let everyone go early and decided to stay back for some last minute cleaning. If I was being honest with myself it was to help me get my mind off of a few things as well.

Once the backroom was finished I decided to tackle the front but realized the twins already did it earlier. I was running out of things to do. I even ordered supplies and washed all the dishes. The prep was finished for a few days, so that left me with . . . nothing. I had run out of things to do.

With a sigh, I admitted defeat and decided to call it a day. After I put everything away, turned off the light, and shut the door behind me, I turned to my bike and froze. My tire was completely flat.

Well, fudge muffins. I thought it looked a little odd this morning. I should have just taken my car like I originally planned but it felt so nice I couldn't pass it up. Now this is where it brought me.

I could just walk home, but it's getting dark and I don't think walking around at night was the best idea. So instead I went for the second option and called Lamar. When he didn't answer I called the twins, then called Lamar again. I guess they were all busy. I didn't want to, but my thumb hovered over dialing Gage's number. He wasn't feeling well, and maybe I could just take the bus, although I don't have any cash on me to pay.

With a sigh, I said screw it and dialed his number promising myself if he doesn't answer I will just find another--

"Hello?" he answered, his voice sounded thick.

I perked up. "Gage! Hey! I hope this isn't a bad time. And I'm sorry to call when I know you're not feeling well. Actually, I shouldn't have called at all if you are sick. This was really rude of me actually. Just . . . ignore that I called you. I'll hang up--"

"What's wrong, Shortcake?" he sounded concerned, not what I was expecting.

"Well . . . umm, you see," I ran my fingers over the handlebars, "my bike's tire is completely flat so I don't have a way home."

There was a pause before, "Is Lamar not there with you?"

"I sent everyone home early since it was slow."

"Oh. So I'm guessing the twins are out of the picture as well."

"I don't think they were ever in the picture," I made a face. "I don't know if that made any sense."

"Well, there is always the bus, but I know you never carry cash on you." He sighed then a beat later added, "I can . . . grab my things and head over."

I tensed up. "It's really no problem. I can call Lamar again. I'm so sorry to bother you."

"You'd never bother me, Katy." I smiled at that until he added, "Unless it's in the mornings."

I frowned. "I guess I should have seen that one coming."

"I will be there after I uh . . . take care of a few things around here. Just wait inside and I'll text you when I'm close," I heard a bit of shuffling on his end of the phone.

"Okay. Thank you so much. I'm really sorry Gage. I should have been more--"

"Stop apologizing. It's not like you are asking me to rebuild the bakery or anything."

"Well, now that you mention it, I was thinking of redoing the--"

"I'll pick you up at the front. Be there in twenty," he said before hanging up.

I smiled at the phone before putting it in my purse and went back inside the bakery. I knew the backroom was completely spotless so I decided to be proactive and check out the front once more. I wasn't an anal boss that required every single crumb to be swept up, and I trusted to twins entirely, it's just that since I couldn't do anything else I might as well fiddle with stuff. And so after unlocking the front door for Gage, I went to work on the display cases.

In the middle of reorganizing some bread, Gage made the other day my mind started to drift back to our time at the beach. Sometimes when I conjure up the memory I cringe at it whereas others, like now, I let myself enjoy it. It brings me happiness I never knew and sometimes it scares me, but I couldn't deny how much I adored that little moment. I never imagined falling for someone like Gage, not even in the slightest.

The last guy I was with, Carson, was completely different than Gage. Looking back at it now we would have never worked. He was a great chef and I respected his work, but there was no real affection there. Maybe in the beginning when we found we had a common interest in a lot of things, but other than that, it wasn't the same. Carson knew a little about my past and rather than comfort me about the things he knew he pretty much told me to shrug it off. He didn't understand the danger I felt like I was always in. He didn't understand me at all. He just liked how I baked things and was really ambitious. Those qualities are great, but not enough to fall in love with.

Gage, on the other hand, knows nothing of my past and he still makes me feel safe. He accepts me and most importantly listens to me. He can tell when something is bothering me and instead of ignoring it he wants to hear about it. He's my support that I've always wanted. The only other person who has impacted my life like that, besides Lamar of course, was Ms. Katherine. Just thinking of her saddens me. I can only imagine what happened to her and it scares me so much. I've never had someone who cared for me as much as she did. I wish I had the chance to tell her that before I--

In the middle of my thought, the front door bell jingled and I looked up expecting it to be Gage, instead, it was three men all dressed in nice suites. I'm assuming they are from Miami. Nobody in Doral looks that nice this late at night.

The guy in the front had a very demanding presence, so much so that I could hardly look away. He was an attractive young man with a sharp, angular features and dark set eyes. His equally dark hair was combed back nicely giving the clean-cut appearance. The two next to him did not seem so stylish although they both wore nice clothes although their ties were a little crooked and the collar on their shirts was wrinkled.

Although we were technically closed I still greeted them kindly. "Hello! Welcome to Katy Cakes."

The one in the front flashed a smile that both dazzled and made my skin crawl at the same time. I didn't understand why.

"Hello," he had a heavy British accent. "I know that this is a bakery, but I don't suppose you have any candy here as well do you?"

I stopped rearranging the bread with a frown. "No, I'm afraid not. Although that would be a great idea."

"Ah, pity. I did always love those sour gummy worms," he walked around with his hands behind his back examining the desserts in the display cases.

"Sorry. Can I interest you in something else?" I asked.

"Possibly," he then stopped in his tracks and pointed to something behind the case. "What are these here?"

I looked at what he was pointing to. "Those are our cocoa cappuccino cookies. They sell really fast here."

He looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Cocoa cappuccino cookies? Interesting. And they are only $2?"

"Usually they are but since these are the last few I can just give them to you."

His smile widened. "What a treat you are."

"Oh, it's nothing," I waved him off then went to grab a small bag to put his cookies in. I was hoping after this they might leave and although that sounds a bit rude I just couldn't shake the bad vibe I get from them. Where was Gage?

"Here you go!" I folded down the top of the bag and scooted it over to him. "Four cappuccino cookies."

"Thank you, love," he reached out to get it. When he did my eye immediately went down to the thick black ink on his hand and froze.

It was in the shape of a bird.

Just like the one my father's friend had. The man with the yellow teeth. The man who plagued my dreams.

Although it clearly wasn't him because he was too young, I knew that it wasn't a coincidence. Almost all at once I felt heavy and sick when I realized that the day was finally here.

They have found me.

"I'm sure these will taste very good," he smiled again although this time I couldn't say anything. I was trying everything I could to keep myself together and not crumble in front of him. I could practically feel his eyes slowly taking me in before he suddenly perked up, "Oh! I almost forgot. I didn't just come for the sweets. I actually came in here to look for someone. My . . . friend."

"Friend?" I tried to keep my tone steady.

"Yes, I heard he works here now. Perhaps you know him? Gage Rivers?"

My confusion grew. They weren't here for me? Not that it eased my anxiety. The way he asked for Gage sent alarms off in my head.

"I-I'm sorry but . . . Gage is actually out today. He wasn't feeling well."

"Is that so?" he raised an eyebrow and looked at his friends next to him then back to me. "What a pity."

For some reason I felt like I shouldn't tell them that he was on his way to the store now. Instead, I said, "He might be back tomorrow though. Can I take a message for you?"

He slid his hand into his pocket casually before replying, "Yes, actually . . . you can."

With a shaking hand, I grabbed a nearby sticky note and pen. "May I ask who the message is from?"

"Sparrow," something flashed across his eyes when he said that.

When I tried to write the name down the ink wouldn't come out. Thank God Kellie forgets to put the cap back on. This might actually work in my favor.

"I'll go get another pen," I informed.

At that, I turned towards the back room to flee but stopped when I heard him say, "Oh, that won't be necessary, my dear."

The startling sound of glass breaking made me jump and I quickly turned around to see something straight from a nightmare.

On both sides of my store, the two men with crooked collars had taken a chair from the lobby to smash my display cases with. I was so stunned at what was happening I couldn't find my voice to demand them to stop. Instead, I was frozen on the spot watching in shock as they continued bashing my cases over and over without pausing. All the while Sparrow remained very still in the middle of the calamity, his eyes trained on me with a satisfied smile as he took a slow, deliberate bite of the cookies I just gave him.

When I finally could find my voice buried under my fear, I screamed out, "What are you doing?! Please! Stop this!"

But it was to no avail

They continued their destruction sending bits of not only glass everywhere, but my desserts as well. With every hit, I flinched as if feeling a part of me being destroyed. I could feel them slowly tearing me apart hit after hit.

My bakery, my home, it was being demolished in front of my eyes, and I could do nothing but watch. The worst part is that I didn't even know these men's name and they were mercilessly destroying my soul with a massive smile plastered on their face. To them, this was fun. To me, it was horrifying.

Why? Why is this happening to me?

Once the display cases were ruined and the desserts were everywhere, they decided to flip over my tables as well cackling the whole time. One by one they destroyed my ceiling fans and ripped apart my table cloths. Even my menu signs were torn from the walls. They left nothing untouched.

Everything was completely ruined, and I could do absolutely nothing.

When my legs felt like they could no longer support me anymore I fell to my knees in horror at the scene. It felt like hours before they were finally finished and there was nothing left of my store. Nothing left of me.

Sparrow slowly walked towards me, his polished shoes crunching against the broken glass before looking down at me with a smile.

"Tell Gage that if he doesn't pay me back soon from his loss, the consequences will be much more severe."

I was so shocked I couldn't say a thing. I'm not even sure what I would say if I could form words.

Once satisfied he leaned back up and turned to the other men. After he gave a short nod they walked out the door only to hold it for him. As he walked out, still eating those cookies I gave him, he called out, "And these are very tasty. Perhaps I will come back for more?"

He turned around at the door to wink at me before stepping out and slamming the door behind him.

When Sparrow was finally gone, the rest of my body collapsed to the floor ignoring the shattered glass nearby. I could feel nothing but the warm tears rolling down my face.

My store . . . was completely ruined. All of it . . . destroyed.

I didn't even want to look at it. I just felt so numb from the shock, I don't think I could handle seeing all the damage.

I don't know how long I was like that laying on the floor, a sobbing mess, but when the front door opened again I flinched. What more could they possibly want?

But when I heard a familiar voice, I relaxed only a little bit.

"Sorry, there was a lot of traffic and I tried to text you but--" there was a pause and I could only imagine what Gage was seeing. I mentally counted to three before he exploded all at once yelling, "Holy SHIT! NO! KATY! KATY!"

I heard the crunching noise of glass as he ran over to me and nearly collapsed on top of my body. Immediately I was in his arms, a place of comfort. A place I knew. Or at least . . . thought I knew.

"Katy! No, no, no Katy, please! Fuck this is bad! Tell me that you're okay! Please!" he wiped at my tears frantically. For some reason I thought they would stop when he came, but instead, they worsened.

"Gage," was all I could say before I curled up even further in his arms, sobs wracking my body repeatedly. He held me close and let me cry, slowly rocking us back and forth.

"It's okay. It's okay," he promised although we both knew it was a lie. Still, he continued his attempt to soothe me before pausing to ask, "Katy . . . what happened?"

Once my sobbing died down only slightly I pulled back to look at him directly. I haven't forgotten the message to deliver.

"S-Sparrow came by. He says you owe him money."

At that, Gage's face actually lightened up two shades and he looked at me with an expression I never thought he could have: pure fear.

"Gage . . . what is going on?"


Time to get out the pitchforks.

+Chapter Song: Blackbird by Chase Holfelder
(Thank you ReeReverie for the song selection.)

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