She's mine

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Quesoftheday: How do you prefer your birthday celebration?

I take a long breathe closing my eyes and walk towards my car. A call over my phone stops me from putting the key into the ignition.

“Mum?” I whisper to myself surprisingly watching the name flashing on my phone’s screen.

“Hello mum?” I pick it up.

“Reen? Reen…………..Fiona…………”

“What happened to Fiona mum?” My whole body goes numb hearing her anxious tone.

“Reen she was playing in the garden and I came inside to check your father for a while but……………when I came back she wasn’t there.”

“How……………..have you checked properly inside the house? Sometimes” I ask avoiding the shakiness in my voice.

“Reen I’ve checked everywhere my child, I've went to the neighbors!”

I decide to keep my voice normal hearing mum freaking out at the other side of the phone. Worse things may take place if everyone takes decision in panicked mind. I know my whole world has just shuttered in front of me but I also know I’ve to be the one to step forward and build it up.

“Mum I’m coming as fast as possible, have you informed the police?” I ask wiping the tears from my face, starting to drive my car.

“I’ve Reen.”

“Okey now calm down. Nothing would happen to my brave girl.” More tears roll down my eyes as I realise how much I need someone to hug me and tell me the same things I'm telling to console my mother. But I've none.

I press my palm against my lips when small whimpers comes out of my lips along with the tear. Fiona’s tiny face and memories with her starts to play cruel flashback in my mind. My blurry eyes widen when I see a car stopped in the middle of the road. I press the honk because I can’t pass by it in this narrow road but it doesn’t move.

I stop my car keeping a fair distance and get down of the car furiously wiping away my tears. I walk towards the car and lower my head down to reach the height of the open window. My jaw drops down the two person sitting inside.


My breathe hitches not discovering his nasty brown eyes on me. I feel my knees getting weak watching Fiona beside him. No wonder how he succeeded to bring Fiona here when my eyes land on her lap full of chocolates and candies.

I open the door of the car with a jerk avoiding his nasty whistles and take Fiona out of the car. Wasting no moment I walk fast towards the car but it’s too late. My wrist gets wrapped around Derrick’s tight grip and my tensed figure firmly pressed against his muscular torso.

“Fiona, my dear love, can you go and eat your chocolates sitting inside the car? I have to talk something important with mommy.”

Every word coming from his mouth sends a nauseating feeling to every drop of my blood. I try to free myself keeping my eyes on him but fail. He blocks my thoughts of kneeing him when I found his legs between mine.

“Yes daddy!”

My eyes widen hearing these two words from Fiona’s mouth. My shocking eyes fall over the little girl who’s not a bit scared or annoyed because of this man. Instead she giggles while Derick bends down to kiss her cheek. Only if she had any idea who is standing in front of her. I look at Derrick again when Fiona is inside the car, getting busy with the chocolates.

“You’ve raised her so well love and named her after such a lovely name.” I tilt my face away from him when his finger trails down my arm, pulling me closer by my waist.

“Why don’t you leave us alone? Aren’t you happy with what you did years ago?” I shout over his face and try again to knee him but realize he has make his position so firm over me that I can’t offend anyway.

I just need someone to come and save me, anyone. At least we’re behind Derick’s car and Fiona isn’t watching us. I don’t want her innocent mind to struggle thinking what’s going on.

“You’re still a furious little player, aren’t you?” His evil smirk makes me to groan. “Let’s go home love. Just imagine what a perfect family we would make with Fiona. Fiona also needs siblings as much as we want to give her some, right?”

“Fiona is not yours!” I yell over his face, letting my sweaty long strands stick beside my ears.

“Oh really!” He laughs and then clenches his jaw before cupping my cheeks harshly using his one hand, the other one still around both of my wrists. “What did you think Miss Glena? I know everything. Every-thing.”

“Maybe you’ve forgotten that my father is a lawyer but a dishonest one who can do anything for who pays and I'm his son. So it wasn’t hard for me to get out of the custody just after a weak you’ve put me in. You ruined my reputation, I’ve to run away from the city just because of you, filthy woman! And it was not hard to get the news that you’ve given birth to my child.” I flinch when he jerks away his hands from my cheeks and moves it around my arm instead.

“And what did you do?” I say gritting my teeth. “How can I tell you that she was yours when it wasn't only…………………..”

I burst into tears before the most dreadful day of my life starts to play behind my mind. All the painful whimpers leaving my intoxicated limbs getting numb with time and all the memories I tried to forget holding Fiona’s little fingers.

“Be mine Reen, come back to me. I’d protect you and Fiona from everything. I just want you, I'm still madly in love with you. What do you want more than that?” Derick caresses his thumbs against my cheeks gently but I flinch in his touch, a squeal full of ignorance leaving my lips.

“Derick you’re too late, I can't trust you anymore, never, now leave me and Fi……………………..”

Before I can finish my sentence, the corner of my eyes get wrinkled when the bright ray of a car’s headlight interrupts me. My eyes lighten up at the next moment when I see the person coming out of the car.

Surprising myself by gaining stamina all of a sudden just watching my savior’s face, I push Derick away and let Louis’ arms clutch around me tightly. My fingers snakes Louis’ black button up snugly as I bury my face in his bare chest where the shirt is unbuttoned. I open my eyes slowly when his warm fingers traces down my cheeks, his blue eyes meet mine.

“Get inside my car, now.” His cold voice hits my ears and my blood gets colder noticing his clenched jaw moving.

“Excuse me Mr whover you are popped up out of nowhere in our moment!” I turn around and find Derick behind us. "I was talk.........."

“You’re excused and get your fucking self out of my sight before you discover yourself in hell in your very next blink of eye. Heaven obviously doesn’t have room for piece of rotten ham like you.” Louis steps forward after these words come out through his gritting teeth.

I look at Fiona and gesture her to come to me and she does so.

“What this slut is to you? Night stand or part time girlfriend?” My eyes widen and a tear drops off my eyes as the words come from Derick.

Me and a slut? I’m a slut? No, no I’m not a slut, I can’t be a slut. I am…………….a mother of a lovely child.

“Louis!” I scream and run towards Louis, trying to shove his firm grip away from Derick’s neck. “Louis please stop! For God’s sake stop Louis! Louis please stop for my sake!”

I cry and yell at the same time as his hands slowly slides down from Derick’s neck. Derick bends down and coughs as I see he wipes a few drops of blood away from his lips.

“Whatever she’s to me, she’s mine. And whatever mine is , is only mine. Get this thing inside your peanut size head you busted coconut. Next time if my eyes meet yours, that would be last time you'd see this green planet.”

I look at Louis with blurry eyes, blinking away the salty water drops from my eyes. My eyes move to our fingers which are interlaced now.

“You’re going to pay for this Reen, you’re going to pay for this.” Derick mutters looking at me with an evil smirk on his face while moving towards the car.

I feel Louis takes a step forward but I stop him. He glares at me and I shake my head side to side, pointing to a scary Fiona behind us.  A long breathe leaves my lips as Derick’s car is driven away.

“W…................why you hit daddy? Who are you bad guy?” Fiona’s voice turns me around and I kneel down in front of him.

“Who said that’s daddy Fiona? He’s a bad guy and if he told you that he’s your daddy, he was just lying to you.” I hug Fiona and burst into tears this time.

It’s unbearable.

I’m a slut.

I can’t even ensure the safety of my child.

I am just a nothing.

I’m useless.

“Muuummaaahhh don’t cry!” I feel Fiona pushing me away and she caresses her small palms against my cheeks, wiping the tears away. “Now I know he’s bad. Because he made mummaahh cry. No good guy can make my mummmaahh cryyy.”

I smile sniffling and place a gentle kiss on Fiona’s forehead. I stand up with Fiona in my arms hearing Louis clearing his throat.

“T-thank you Louis, how did you know I was………………….”

“Tracked your phone, easy as that.” He shrugs his shoulders as if he’s not the one who was killing Derick a while ago just with his thumb and index finger. “Now let’s go. We’re going to my house.”

“Hey it’s okey, I can drive to my house wi……………….”

“Reen try to understand and just listen to me for fuck……….” He cuts himself off from cursing looking at Fiona. “I can’t let you pass your days with fear of getting attacked by a f…......” He looks at Fiona again and then rolls his eyes looking down.

“Please? For her at least? We both know she’s not safe in your house for a while.” Louis almost coos looking at me and I look at Fiona.

He’s right, even I’m not safe. I know how much of a psychopath Derick is. All he wants is Fiona and me to be with him which is not happening in a multibillion years even if I succeed to live this long being a vampire.

“But do you have big ice creams in your fridge like we haveee?” Fiona throws the question looking at Louis and he nods, his lips trying hard to put on a smile but he won’t smile.

“Reen.” Louis looks at me with pleading eyes. “I’m asking you to stay at my place, I’m just asking my friend to stay at my place. Is it too much to ask?”


He’s my friend.

My sister is dating him.

Oren would definitely not be happy me staying at Louis’ place.

“Louis.” I suck in a long breathe and look at the ground. “I’d be careful from this time and Derick would not be able to harm us aga…………..Louis you broken coconut leave me!”

I scream and keep cursing him with different kind of fruit’s name when he flips me over his shoulder and carries me towards his car. I hear as he tells Fiona to get inside the car before he puts me on the passenger’s seat beside him, buckling the seat belt.

“There’s not a single difference between you and Alvin from Alvin and the chipmunks.” He tells before starting his drive to his place.

“You’re annoying.” I cross my hands above my chest.


Annoying attractive.

“Annoyingly attractive bitch.” I whisper to myself.

Whatever she’s to me, she’s mine.

I’m yours, whatever I’m to you, I’m yours.

A smile creeps on my face as I look at him and then Fiona through the mirror.

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