Rich daddy kink

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A/N: Name your favourite country specific food (e.g: Italian, Indian etc) rather than your homeland. What's your most favourite food from that country?

"Reen where is the key of my car?" I pull the pillows to my ears more when Oren jerks me by my shoulders.

"Reen I'd be late for my work. Please tell me where you have kept the key for the sake of ice cream!"

I finally sit up on the bed with my rainforest hair and sleepy face, looking at her with a blurry vision. I place my hands on my hips and look at her with a disgusting face this time when my vision get clearer.

"Do you know how sinful it is to wake a person up when she's dreaming hard?" I frown passing her the key under my pillow which I kept after arriving home from the airport yesterday night.

"I love you sweetie. You're going to work today?" She asks planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Yeah," I yawn and then look at her with pop up eyes when a sudden cautionary thought crosses my mind, "And listen!" I stand up in front of her on the bed. "Don't talk anything about the business trip with Louis, anything as in anything! Avoid his questions if he asks though he has promised he won't talk about it."

Only if she knew why they shouldn't talk about it, only if she knew what happened in the warm Spanish weather. I don't know for how long I'd be able to hide it from her because she knows almost everything about me. For an unknown reason, my heart isn't strong enough yet to tell her what I did to her boss and how reckless I've been just a drag smile on his cold face.

"Okay," She rolled her eyes confusingly. "We'll definitely talk about it once I'm home Reen. Something is definitely fishy." She chuckles rising up her eyebrows.

Finally she walks out of my room and I walk towards the washroom. A gentle breeze of cold air passes through my body when I look at the wound on my back. Memories with that blue eyed gent starts to corrupt my fresh morning mind when I get ready for a shower.

"That's it!" I hit my hands against the sink before grabbing the edge, leaning my upper part forward and look at myself on the mirror. "Stop thinking about him like a pathetic secret crusher Reen!"


"And he took you to Spain from America for a coffee? What kinda rich daddy kink is that?" Liam yells surprisingly, the spoon still in his mouth.

"Spain is really special to him ok? And he had to ease his mind, nothing else." I stab the fork in my bowl of noodles and roll my eyes.

Liam, I don't know how he has become one of my two best friends. I still remember his annoyed face when I started to work here in this adidas shop when my best friend Bebe arranged a job for me here. Liam and I became friends after he saw me punching a boy because he was teasing some other girl, he was amazed.

I am not a furious feminist, I'd protest against injustice staying in my zone, that's it.

"Congratulations girl!" Liam tells patting my shoulder when Bebe rolls her scary eyes. "So what's the problem with he being your daddy?" Liam asks shoving the spoon full of macaroni in his mouth while I and Bebe both roll our eyes again looking at each other.

"Because." I say gritting my teeth before hitting my hands against the table we're sitting on, "He thinks I'm Oren and we both hate each other." I scoff tilting my head down.

"You hate him?" Bebe asks cocking her eyebrow, her lips pressed in a small smirk in the corner. "That's so true Alexa, play bad liar by Selena Gomez."

"Obviously I hate him more than I hate backless dress!" I scoff looking at her and she nods before collecting the plastic bowls from the table.

"Now let's go guys or the moron will start shouting." Liam gasps observing that the lunch break is going to finish soon.

"Are we up for the club tonight by the way?" Bebe asks turning around, flipping her blonde hair before shoving them into a updo ponytail.

"Up for it." Liam chuckles snaking his arm around my shoulder.

"Up all night." I grin before walking inside the shop with them.


"But Mr. Erwin......................."

"I want to listen nothing Reen. I accepted your leave application because you agreed to work overtime. You have to work overtime tonight and that's it."

Before I can say anything the moron makes his way to the girl on the cash counter, obviously to make her disappointed somehow like me.

"Bullshit!" I whisper yell throwing the new collection of white sneakers in my hand on the ground, immediately picking it up when the moron turns around.

I smile sarcastically displaying as much as of my teeth, looking at him rising up my thumbs and he turns away from me after rolling his eyes. I bring out my phone from the pocket and leave a text at Bebe and Liam's phone that I won't be joining them tonight because of my overtime duty. I smile tiredly when they curse that moron and tell that we can go another day so that they don't have to go with me.

"Reen, I'd be handling the customers outside. Can you please queue up the new arrivals on display?" Marley asks and I tell her I'd mange it here before she walks away smiling.

I gather the new arrivals form the carton one by one and start putting them on shelves as per as the sequence listed.

Working in this shop is like a fantasy work for me because of my crazy obsession with shoes. I'm attracted easily by the smell of new shoes than the sight of a new gorgeous dress. That's the main difference of mine and Oren's closet. Her wardrobe is piled up with clothes and awkwardly true that I have more shoes than my dresses. The few dresses I consider to put on me, are all black. That's why people thinks I'm wearing the same dress or shoes again and again.

A vibrating sound coming from my phone makes me to grab it and light up the screen. I decide to ignore the text from an unknown number before my eyes get stuck on the word, British beauty.

Only one person calls me by that, a real sweet one, Harry.

I open the text immediately with a big smile on my face.

*British beauty, already missing you in LA. Can't wait to meet you and have loads of candies again. –H*

*I'm missing you here too. Are you coming to England anytime soon? - Reen.*

*Wait? Reen? –H*

*Yeah, call me Reen and consider the rest is history which you'll know once we meet. –Reen.*

*Your history has put me in a mystery girl. Meet you soon. –H*

*Eagerly waiting. –Reen*


My phone was nearly going to hit the ground when I flinch nervously hearing the moron shouting my name behind me. I turn around after sticking up my tongue and look at him blankly.

"No use of phone during work, warning for the last time, ever." He emphasizes each of his word and then walks away again.

I shove my phone inside my pocket and then get busy in my work again before Marley tells me to pass her the white sneakers one by one. She's far away from me so I decide to throw the shows instead of walking and she agrees. A common procedure between us when work needs to be done quickly. Keeping my back on Marley's side, I decide to throw the white sneakers first to her one by one, humming a song.


That's the time I feel my cold blood running fast inside my body when I see the moron walking faster than ever to me, his steps hitting the ground as if he's gonna break the floor. My eyes widen watching the white converse in his hands, the one I threw it to Marley a while ago.

What did I do now?

"You're fired!" He yells over my face.


"Sorry?" I snap widening my eyes under my glasses.

"You are fired!" he yells again, causing Marley to flinch behind him.

"But for what Mr. Mor....Mr. Erwin?" I ask surprisingly getting down from the stool I was standing on.

"Because," he sighs and rolls his eyes before starting again. "You just made a customer senseless by throwing a shoe on head!" He roars.

Shit! This is a violent accident.

"I.......I'm.................Can I apologise to the customer please before I....."

"Just get out!" he cuts me off. "I just gave you this job because Bebe told me you've good experience in supervising! This is your good experience?" He yells waving his hand from my tip to toe sarcastically. "Serving customers by hitting them with shoes?"

"Now get lost before I have to hear any complain from the customer." He points to the door behind me before walking away.

"I'm sorry Reen, I couldn't catch........................."

"It's okey Marley, it's not you. It's just the big hole in my luck." I chuckle sadly before walking to the lockers room.

I sigh heavily taking my black skirt and crop top from my locker.

"Why I'm so dumb!" I whisper to myself standing in front of the mirror, clutching my dress to my chest.

Not bothering to comb my hair. I throw it into a ponytail after I'm done wearing my clothes. Taking my bag from the side, I straight walk out of the shop. I take a last look of the big adidas logo on the shop and smile looking down.

I decide to walk to home instead of taking a taxi to kill time. How I'd tell everyone about it? Oren would be so disappointed with me because this job was really important for any of my working experience record in CV. And obviously I can't spend my whole life sitting all day inside the four walls of my room with a bowl of ice cream in my hand.

I'm working with a company from home. I send them design ideas for their customize implements and the payment is not satisfying though I'm only a beginner. What's the fun of having a job if you're not going out, cooperating with people and learning new things at the same time you're earning?

"Oops sorry." I tell before looking up at the person in front of me.

My heart falls down and a cold shiver runs down my spine watching the person in front of me. A smirk, a smirk I want to run from which is evident on his face. His frame has become more muscular and mannish since the last time we met. I look at his light brown eyes through the dark and my lips apart even watching the way he's looking at me.

"I'm home back baby, back to you." He whispers leaning dangerously closer to me, his warm breathe hitting my ears.

"Move away!" That's the only word I utter and push him away from me, walking fast to home.

He's not back, he can't be back, my past can't be back. He's the only person who can make me feel helpless. Make me weak in my knees by just a gaze, Derick.

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