Chapter 8: A Resolution

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Robin has decided he needs to come up with a plan.

Jude is onto him. He knows Robin is hiding something and he is going to be testing him. This is a problem, because none of the lies Robin has ever told him were bulletproof. He had to figure it out somehow, so now Robin has to be careful. Robin's never been all that good at being careful.

Jude is also smarter than Robin. Like, a lot smarter than Robin.

This puts the alpha at an advantage. Their whole lives, Jude has always been several steps ahead. The guy is almost never wrong.

Robin sighs, sitting at the front desk of Margo's shop. They're pretty slow today, so he's not expecting to be here much longer. They close in like an hour anyway, he literally has nothing to do but sit here on his phone or think.

Thankfully he doesn't have any homework tonight, for once. It's also Friday, which means no school tomorrow. There is only about a month left of school at this point, and he will finally be free. There aren't words to describe how happy he is about this. The only setback would be the fact that he has no idea what he wants to do with his life.

Jude has already been accepted by a university in Irvine. He will be doing it online, though. Robin? Robin doesn't even want to go to college. Not even community.

He's hated school for as long as he can remember. It's always been so difficult for him, and he's never really understood why. He's aware that he's a bit slow, but it's honestly embarrassing how much he's always struggled with his academics.

He doesn't want to further his education. He'd have dropped out by now if his mom would allow it.

He honestly has no idea what he wants to do, though, and the closer he gets to graduation... the more pressure he feels. Almost every conversation with his parents for the last year or so have been them asking about his future plans, and him avoiding any straight answer.

"You can get out of here pretty soon, if you want." He hears, and he looks up to find Margo Rose with a bag of hair clips in her hand. They've already started closing up.

Margo is his father's twin sister. She's always been kind to Robin, and he can confidently say she's probably his favorite relative. Well, aside from Kat. He can't really talk to Kat about this sort of thing, though.

The woman has given him advice on many topics, and if he's being honest... Robin could really use some advice right about now. He has so much going on, most of which he can't even talk to anyone about. It's starting to drive him crazy, which is why he asks; "Can I talk to you? Just when you have time."

Margo had begun to walk away, but she glances over at him. "Okay. Just go wait in my office for a second."

Robin nods, even though she's already turned around and begun dealing with another closing task. Robin gathers his things and does as told, making his way to her office and taking a seat. He's prepared to wait in here for a while, but it's only a couple more minutes and the door is opening to reveal his aunt.

She walks around the desk and takes a seat, folding her hands. "Please don't tell me you're quitting."

Robin half smiles. Like he could ever quit this place. He gets paid pretty well for a high schooler —twelve dollars hourly. They also work really well with his school schedule and stuff. Also, she's his aunt. He doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, so until he figures it out, he's staying here.

"No. It's kind of a personal matter... I need advice." Margo looks somewhat relieved at that.

"Alright kid, hit me." She responds, seeming to relax as she leans back in her chair and starts messing with a fidget toy on her desk.

Wow, Robin really did not think this far ahead. How exactly is he going to word this without giving away his secret?

"Uh... so, I have this friend—"


"Yeah," Robin nods. Shit, he forgets sometimes that literally everyone knows who Jude is. Also, that they're best friends. "Right. So, there's something that I've been keeping from him and he absolutely cannot find out. Like, it's out of the question."

Margo nods, seeming curious.

"But there is another guy who recently figured it out, and he's been threatening to tell Jude, and I don't know what to do because now I have to keep all my lies straight and Jude is always questioning me and he's starting to get suspicious and I have to keep him under control now? But I don't know how to keep him from finding out and it's scaring me because there's so much going on and I have a bad memory and he's way smarter than me so—"

"Robin." Margo interrupts him, and Robin realizes that he's out of breath. Wow, this has been stressing him out a lot more than he thought. He went a little off the rails there. "Slow down. Someone found out?"

Robin nods. "Yeah. There's a guy that hates me and he found out and Jude doesn't like him and they always fight and he said he's going to tell Jude if I don't keep them from fighting. But he could change the conditions at any time because he has this over me so there's nothing I can do. That's not the point, though. Jude is really suspicious of me and I have no idea how I'm going to keep this from him because there's no way I can win against him in anything and he's actively trying to figure it out. So. I need advice."

Margo kind of stares at Robin for a few moments. Yeah, that's a lot to take in at once. Robin tries to take deep breaths in hopes of calming himself and easing his stress. "Well, why exactly can't Jude find out? The only way I see to solve all these problems would be to just bite the bullet and tell him."

Robin shakes his head. Did she not hear him? Jude can't know. "No. Jude can't find out. It might make him hate me, so no."

Margo frowns, and Robin can tell she wants to know the secret. It would probably make a lot more sense if he told her, but Miles just found out. That's enough for now. He does not need the added stress of someone else knowing.

"Why would it make him hate you? Did you do something wrong?"

Robin starts biting his cheek. Well, technically not. Aside from being born, maybe. "I mean, no. It's more like... something about me."

"Honey, if he's really your friend, no secret about you is going to change that." Margo says, raising an eyebrow at him. Robin blinks, thinking about what she just said.

If Jude is really his friend, Robin being an omega won't change that. As in, if Jude genuinely loves and cares about him, Robin's secondary gender won't ruin their friendship.

Okay, maybe that's how it works in movies, but in real life? In real life the best relationships can and have been ruined over shit like this. Sorry, but Robin is being realistic. He wishes things were that simple.

"I can't risk it." Robin responds, watching as Margo raises an eyebrow.

"Okay." She says. "Well, that's my advice. I can't think of anything else that would help."

She can't think of anything else? Well, guess it's nice to know Robin isn't just stupid. That this really is a sticky situation he's in. Still, he was hoping she'd be some help at least.

Robin sighs, staring down at the desk.

"If I were you, though, I'd focus on keeping the two of them apart. You should probably avoid the topic as well, if he's already suspicious of you. If you really refuse to tell him, try to minimize the conflict altogether."

Robin blinks. Okay, he never really thought about it that way. So stop the problems before they happen. Keep them apart and don't acknowledge the secret. He's been sort of trying to do that, though, but maybe he could try harder?

Okay. Minimize the conflict. He can do that.

"Thanks, Margo." He thanks the woman, and she smiles. He can tell that she wants him to listen to her actual advice, but he appreciates her working with him on it. He can figure this out.

He shouldn't admit defeat. Just because Jude is better than him in every way and always wins does not mean that Robin is going to lose this. He... he can figure this out. It will be alright. It will turn out okay.

Please, turn out okay.


Days until graduation:


Robin stares at the words written up on the whiteboard, sitting in his final class before lunch but not paying attention at all to what is being taught. He can't tell if he's looking forward to graduation or not.

It bothers him that he has no special interests. Nothing he wants to do with his life. No profession that appeals to him. He knows he doesn't want to go to college, but he doesn't think a technical school would be out of the question. Like, getting licensed in a certain field.

But the question is which field?

The bell rings, and Robin is so excited to go eat lunch. He didn't eat breakfast, and he barely ate during the whole weekend. He honestly just forgot, especially since Jude was busy working out and studying for finals, therefore unable to remind him.

Robin packs his things and heads to his locker to put it away, so he doesn't have to carry it all around at lunch. It doesn't take too long, but it still leaves enough time for Miles to come out of nowhere and pin Robin against the locker beside his open one. He does it in the same manner as always, with his arm against Robin's throat. Robin tries not to get irritated as the hallway begins to empty out.

"You told Jude, didn't you?"

Robin frowns, confused. "About what?"

"Our deal," Miles hisses, pressing harder and looking pissed off.

Robin raises an eyebrow, feeling confused. Why the hell would he tell Jude that Miles is blackmailing him over being an omega? Again, there's no way he could do that without Jude finding out, which is the last thing he wants to happen—especially right now.

"I haven't told Jude anything, but," Robin gulps, the arm on his throat getting increasingly uncomfortable, "he does know I have a secret."

"I know," Miles replies, frustrated, "he asked me if I knew what it was."

Robin raises an eyebrow. Jude asked Miles if he knew Robin's secret? Meaning that Jude had a civil conversation with this guy? No, there's no way. He hasn't seen those two have a single conversation without violence since at least middle school.

"Really? He didn't beat you up?" Robin asks, shocked. He's thankful, since that would mean Miles telling him everything. Still, he's surprised.

"Jude doesn't fucking beat me up, ever." Miles replies, even more pissed. Oops? "I'm so much better than him."

Robin tries not to roll his eyes. This guy needs to calm down. Maybe Robin is just tired, maybe he's too stressed. Maybe he's stopped caring about Miles' childish antics. Either way, he talks back for once in his life.

"Yeah? Okay, Second Place."

Miles grabs him by the hair, bringing his head forward before slamming it against the locker. It hurts quite a bit, mostly due to the sheer force that is applied, as well at the fact that it hits right on the little divots.


As Robin rubs the back of his head in an attempt to soothe the damage, his arm is grabbed and he is suddenly being pulled away from Miles.

Robin smells the familiar scent of Jude, which comforts him immediately. However, then he is thrown into full blown panic at the realization of what was just witnessed.

Jude just saw what Miles did. He saw Miles cause Robin harm, which is the number one best way to set Jude off. Oh no. Jude is going to snap.

Robin can't let him snap. That breaks his deal with Miles. He knows the guy won't hesitate to tell Jude his secret, as soon as Robin gives him a reason. Robin has to help him.

How in the world is he going to resolve this?

It takes a couple seconds for the dizziness from being yanked around to wear off, but once it does, Robin realizes that Jude is standing in front of him. He's holding Robin's wrist as he hides the omega behind himself, and Robin can only guess the murderous look in Jude's eyes.

Robin peeks around the alpha and finds Miles staring up at Jude. He's a couple inches shorter, a fact that has always pissed the bully off. He doesn't look as intimidated as he usually does when faced with Jude, and Robin knows why. Robin has to protect him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jude growls, and Robin tries to break out of his grip so he can stand in between the two, to no avail. Shit, he has to keep Jude from getting aggressive. How is he going to do that from back here? He understands that Jude is guarding him, which any other time he'd put up with. Now, though? Now Robin starts attempting to pry the guy's hand off his arm.

"What's it look like?" Miles replies, tone more confident than it usually is around Jude. Because Robin has to protect him.

"Looks like you don't know how to learn a fucking lesson, Novak." Jude sounds absolutely venomous, and Robin tries to come up with a way to deescalate the situation.

"Then give me a reminder."

Oh god, and now Miles is baiting him? Robin peeks his head around again to glare at Miles, who looks like he hasn't a care in the world. This is starting to really get on Robin's nerves.

Jude moves towards the guy, and the anticipation to fight loosens his grip on Robin. Robin wastes no time, throwing himself between the two. Jude immediately stops so Robin doesn't get caught in the crossfire, glancing down to meet the omega's eyes in confusion.

Robin has tried to talk Jude out of fighting on multiple occasions, but he's never gone so far as to put himself in the middle of it. This is a first, and it will most likely raise suspicion.

"Jude, stop. It's fine. Let it go."

Jude stares down at him, appearing irritated. It's not directed at Robin, though... yet. "Robin, go to lunch."

Robin shakes his head no. Absolutely not, he's not leaving these two alone when Jude is so pissed. He can't afford his stupid fucking secret getting out.

God, why did Miles of all people have to be the one to figure it out? This sucks.

"No." Robin replies firmly. Jude is looking more and more impatient as the seconds go by.

"Go to lunch," Jude says slowly, and this time it is very difficult to not listen to him. Why? Because he's doing the goddamn voice. The voice that makes him sound so unbelievably authoritative and alpha that it's damn near impossible for Robin to resist compliance.

Robin freezes for a second, before coming back to himself and refusing—albeit reluctantly.

"No. Come to lunch with me." Robin tries to compromise. Jude's eyes flick back up to Miles.

"I'll be there in a minute," he replies, voice harsher now that he isn't looking at Robin.

"Jude, come on," Robin tries again, voice growing more desperate. His eyes widen when Jude lifts him up and moves him off to the side, going towards Miles again now that Robin isn't in the way. Fuck.

Robin rushes back in front of Jude, surprised at his own speed. He puts both hands on Jude's chest, staring up at the guy. Jude just looks down at him, clearly beginning to get upset with Robin.

"Move," he says, tone of voice making it difficult to resist again. Still, Robin manages.

"No. Please just let it go, let's go get lunch—"

"Why are you protecting him?" Jude asks, glancing up at Miles and back down to Robin. He looks like a mixture of confused and angry.

"I think he's protecting you, actually," Miles gives his two fucking cents, making the situation worse like usual.

Jude looks even more pissed, and he reaches down to grab both of Robin's wrists. He makes to move the omega out of the way yet again, but Robin stops him just in time by saying one word;


Jude freezes, gaze immediately flicking down to lock his ice blue eyes with Robin's honey brown. Yeah, Robin never calls Jude by his actual name. Jude hates it, and doing so can cause one of two reactions. One, it can make him extremely pissed at whoever said it, which in this case Robin can deal with. Or, two, it can get his full undivided attention—though that usually ends in anger as well.

"What." Jude replies, voice dark as his anger turns to Robin. That's preferable to him fighting Miles, though, even though it's not good for Robin's heart.

"Please stop. Let's just talk about this later? Please."

Jude just drills his gaze into Robin's for almost a full minute, before growling, spinning around and storming down the hallway. Robin immediately follows after him as the fact that Jude is angry with him begins to set in. He hears Miles snickering behind him, and resists the urge to let Jude beat the shit out of him and damn the consequences. This is all Miles' fault.

Jude is mad at Robin. They've never really fought before, due to Robin's submissive nature. Jude has made him angry plenty of times, but Robin can count the amount of times Jude has felt this way towards him on one hand. Also, Robin's anger never lasted.

It bothers him immediately, especially when Jude doesn't even go to lunch. He ignores Robin completely, grabbing his books and walking to his next class. Lunch doesn't end for another twenty minutes, but he's probably just going to study in there. Anything to not be around Robin.

Robin is distracted the rest of the day, feeling a mixture of guilt and detest for Miles Novak. He doesn't know how he's going to get through this.

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