Twenty Six

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Reign POV

      Pain sears through my abdomen, burning me like a fire iron coming in contact with human flesh. My body curls into a fetal position in an attempt to ease the searing hot pain. The stupid side affect from the drug Hope gave me refused to be ignored. Where was  Preston with a injection?

      Lucky for Axel, dad has no idea about the drug they gave me. We were all tip toeing around him because he was on a murderous rampage. He was reinstating members after putting them through  rigorous debriefing. Fortunately for me I don't have to suffer through his reinstating process.

A soft moan of pain slipped pass my lips as another wave of pain rip through me. Deep breaths in and out. In and Out. I felt as if I was coming on my period. I don't get bad cramps their always mild, I get bad back pain. I imagine if my craps were strong they would sync with the pain I'm feeling now. A knock on the hotel room door Nathaniel Sokolov lended me forced me to get out of my less painful position.

Every step I took resulted in unbearable pain. Every step felt like flesh burning acid being thrown on my skin. My breathing was labored causing my heart to race a mile a minute as it pleaded with me to gather normal amount of air.

"Reign?" I heard a distant voice call out to me.

     I barely registered the voice, it was almost impossible to focus on anything other than the pain. A slight groan slipped pass my lips as I placed my hand on the wall next to the now opened door. I just wish the pain would go away, after Preston gives me this shot I'll only have one more shot to get through. I wonder what type of drug Hope injected me with. A minor pinch in my skin fades to the back of my mind as I reminisce on the pass week.

      Bash was trying to understand his place in the Sons since dad demoted him. Dad has him handling some of the legit aspects of the Morrow Empire. So far Bash seems ok with this, I reckon it has something to do with him being as far away from dad as possible. Dad on the other hand is ecstatic about retaking the Sons under his wing. He cut ties with Nathaniel Sokolov and is currently trying to work something out with Jensen father but he hasn't been able to contact him.

       Dad chewed Bash head off, he called Jensen death sloppy and impulsive. Good thing no one told dad Axel was there, Poor Bash wouldn't have seem the sun rise the next day. While I was tuned into my thoughts I had become unaware of the pain lessening in my body. The pain had completely subsided the only thing it left behind was minor pains in my legs. Slowly I opened my eyes, and began taking in my surroundings.

       The Sokolov Hotel was extravagant. It was completely spacious, this room appearance was in between the colors gold and white. It gave it a royal look, as I was admiring it's beauty I noticed someone standing off to the side. The figure was obviously male. The male was wearing black professional shoes, with black suit pants. There were two straps on each side of his shoulders—suspenders—his white button up shirt was bunched up at his elbows displaying a full sleeve on one arm while the other only had one tattoo.

       Instead of his signature bun he had his blond hair down, his facial hair was perfectly trimmed. I didn't even let Axel get a word out, I just backed away slowly until I bumped into a desk.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned as I opened the drawer and slowly gripped the cold metal. Quickly I scrambled to the opposite end of the hotel room to put extra distance. I now stood on one side of the bed and him on the other end it put an obstacle in front of us.

Dad had said if I want to only have one bodyguard I would have to carry a gun. Let's talk about my no good bodyguard. Where is Preston? I swear I might as well have no bodyguard.

"It's part of the deal I made with your brother," He shrugged as his eyes traveled from my face down to my legs. A blush formed on my face as I realized he was looking at me in my Stitch onesie. "Lilo & Stitch?"

This only deepened my blush. "It's comfortable and soft."

"You look—"

"Ridiculous I know, maybe if you stopped sneaking into people rooms you wouldn't see them in their onesies." I replied as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I wasn't going to say you look ridiculous it's—cute—"

"So you're saying I'm cute?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well yeah you're cute."

"Cute is for babies, last time I checked I'm not a baby."

"Babies wear onesies you're wearing a one—"

"I really want to shoot you." I scowled as I fixed my posture to give me a better shot—if I decided to take it.

"Yeah but you won't." He shrugged as he walked around the bed.

"How do you know I won't shoot?" I retorted as I walked backwards from his advancing figure. Damn him and his entrancing eyes!

Instead of replying he just smiled at me. I felt my heart turn into a puddle of liquid at his intriguing smile. Before I could react he pushed my hand that held the gun out of the way causing me to drop the deadly beauty. Good thing the safety was still on otherwise he would have been shot. He grabbed a hold of my head and smashed our lips together.

He successfully turned me into a pile of mush at the gentle caress of his lips. My whole body had become enlightened with a new fire. A fire I wanted him to put out. A fire that sent waves of electric pulses of pleasure throughout me. It felt like I was floating in space with him as my only lifeline—my oxygen—I couldn't help but kiss him back.

Every fiber in my being begged me to allow him to hold me, to kiss me, to make l—,to have sex with me. I can't allow my feelings to get in the way of my objective.

"Shit Reign." Axel said as he pulled away from me and touched his bleeding lip. Oops! I didn't mean to bite him that hard.

"I don't know why you keep trying to pursue me," I retorted as I walked around him. "This can't work—we can't work—for starters we're suppose to be enemies according to our last names."

"Romeo and Juliet were suppose to be enemies. They got pass their parents problems so they could be together."

"You do know Romeo and Juliet died right?" I questioned with a slight frown.

"I never finished the book, I got bored trying to understand what was actually going on." He replied as he shrugged.

I just rolled my eyes at him before reaching into my onesie pocket to answer my vibrating phone.



"Yes, May I ask who is calling?" I replied in my professional voice. You know that voice your mom responds with when she's on the phone talking to someone important?

"Sehun Li, Jensen's dad." He retorted. Immediately my eyes widen causing Axel to frown at my sudden expression of alarm.

"Hi, Mr. Li—" I responded just before Axel took the phone from me to put it on speaker. I squinted my eyes at him before yanking my phone out of his hand.

Who is that? He mouthed.

"I have been trying to get in contact with Jensen, he's not returning my calls. Is he with you?"


Say you guys got into a fight and he stormed off, a week ago. Axel once again mouthed.

"Um, no I haven't seen him in about a week we had a fight over him returning to his boxing career. I didn't want him to return, but you know Jensen he doesn't listen to anyone..." A nervous laugh slipped out of my mouth.

Axel simply face palmed himself, much to my confusion.

"That's weird because Jensen already finished his last match several weeks ago, I also called his phone some girl named Charlene no—Charlie answered—she said something happened to my son. She wasn't clear on the details, I was hoping you would know since you and my son are in a relationship." Sehun replied. During his speech Axel was rummaging through the trash bin.

"I—Hello—You're breaking—up." I retorted as Axel repeatedly crunched an empty bag of chips.

"I said J—"


        How f—ing rude! I thought as I peered up at Axel who hung up the phone right when Sehun was going to repeat his previous statement.

"Why did you do that?" I questioned.

"There was no way of getting out of that situation," He shrugged. "Charlie already has him suspicious. She probably did that shit on purpose."

"What do you mean?" I frowned. Charlie definitely gives me weird vibes. I doubt her and Jensen were even close why would she try and give Sehun a hint?

"Charlie always has an endgame, she'll manipulate any and everyone for self preservation. I tried to tell Sebastian but your brother is s—"

"I'll gut you like a fish if you say something bad about my brother." I replied through narrow eyes.

"You'll gut me like a fish? Is this Reign speaking or Is that your father speaking?" He asked with skepticism .

I admit the pass couple of weeks have been tough on me. I feel like I'm losing myself I don't know what's coming from me or if it's coming from Dad taking me as his plus one to meetings for the club.

"What were you saying about Charlie?" I said in an attempt to ignore his question.

"She's a manipulative, psychopath." He shrugged as he came closer to me.

       This time I stood my ground my body was humming with electricity as I tipped my head back slightly. Last time I checked I was 5'7 Axel had to be at least 6'3 maybe taller.

"Manipulative? Psychotic?"

"When she and I were dating s—"

"You two dated?"

"Yeah in High School." He shrugged nonchalantly. I had to bite my tongue to censor my erratic thoughts. I wanted to tell him exactly how I feel about him dating Charlie. It's strange because I shouldn't feel—jealous—angry over him dating especially if the woman he use to date is a manipulative, psychopath, whor—stop Reign!

Instead of letting out my thoughts I replied with a hmm sound.

"She was the captain of the cheerleading squad and I was a bad boy or whatever." He chuckled.

      I simply rolled my eyes. Of course she was a cheerleader and of course he wanted to date her. A bubbling form of jealousy rosed in the pit of my stomach. It felt like a boiling wave of hot liquid, the scorching terror was targeting Charlie and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why.

"Let's just say she was able to convince any and everyone to do anything she wanted. She would tell a lie with no indication that she's lying, hell she rarely displayed any type of emotion." He replied with a far away look.

While he was deep in thought I walked around his figure, I need to keep a lot of distance from him. My head seems to not think straight when I'm practically within touching distance. My palms become drenched, and my wretched heart refuses to pump normally.

"I was definitely young and dumb when I was with her, I ignored all the signs. I ignored when she would be happy one moment and in an instant she would become angry. Her emotions were like a light switched not to mention she cheated on me numerous times." When I turned around I looked into his leaf green eyes, to someone who never had the opportunity to really look into Axel eyes they would just think he didn't care about what Charlie did to him back in the day.

His eyes held a hint of sadness, my feelings over the sadness in his eyes confused me. I was conflicted with whether or not I should comfort him or be jealous of Charlie because she stills has some type of hold on him. If she could hurt Axel a man who has no problem bottling up his feelings and tossing them aside like yesterday's garbage. I could only imagine what she would do to my sensible brother.

I have to figure out why Charlie is devoting her time to my brother. Could she actually be in love with Bash or is she jerking him around for her own benefit?

| Authors Note |
Guys I'm honestly in shock right now almost 43k reads?!? I honestly cannot believe this—Thank You, THANK You, THANK YOU! For taking time out of your lives to read my book

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! What did you guys eat? I had collard greens with turkey legs, dressing, chitlins, baked macaroni, turkey, ham, corn beard, and some other stuff I'm having a brain fart right now.

Who watches How to get away with murder? Who is mourning?

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