Forty Three

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Reign POV

      As I descended down the Hotel hallway my phone vibrated. Without looking at the Caller ID I answered the phone.


"Hey big brother!" I said with a huge smile on my face.

A silence followed causing an increase worry to swallow me whole.

"Bash, Are you alright?"

"Me da rabia that you didn't tell me about," (It makes me angry...) An exasperated sigh fell out of Bash mouth. "Charlie."

"Bash-Yo." (...I) I tried to speak but was cut off.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me, What the fuck?" Bash yelled through the receiver.

          For as long as I can remember Bash has always been a quiet storm. His temper rarely manages to escape him.

"te puedes tranquilizar, por favor?" (Can you just calm down, please) I spoke into the line to get him to relax.

"Tranquilo! Tranquilo? Estoy hasta aquí," (Calm down! Calm down? I've had it up to here.) He yelled into the receiver. "The woman that I love is dead and you want me to calm down!"

"Sebastian listen to me-"

"She is dead and I'm all the way across the world and your boyfriend killed her."

"Sebastian..." I proceeded to explain the situation only to hear a click in my ear. So I proceeded to text him only to be left on read.

"Miss Morrow? Where will I be taking you?" My driver said as I exited the building.

"I just have to make a quick stop home before I head to my meeting."

I had just changed into a pair black Champion tracksuit and was descending down the stairs when I heard my dad call out for me.

"Mija, the exchange between us and the Howlers will have to wait we need to attend a club meeting."

"A meeting for what?" I questioned as we headed towards the club office.

"You know club policy is if you can no longer ride a bike you can't lead," He said with his thick accent. Stress echoed across his face as he rubbed a hand through his jet black hair. " Y tu mamá es on me about handing the role back to Sebastian cause of my carpal tunnel syndrome."

"The rank members found out about your hands?" I said in a low tone as a group of members walked passed my father and I

"Yeah it hasn't spread to the club members yet, so we need to get ahead of this before they vote to up Jett rank from Vice President to President."

Upon arriving to the office the rank members were sat in their spots. When we walked in immediately the guys got quiet, their eyes followed dad and I. Dad pulled out the President chair and sat down with me standing behind him analyzing the room.

"As you all have discovered the real reason behind me passing the throne to Sebastian was because I could no longer ride, and no one is above the MC rules not even me." Even though I couldn't see dad face, I could imagine his teal colored eyes peering into each and everyone of their souls with an unwavering gaze.

The voting members simply nodded their head in agreement as they hung onto everyone word dad said.

"According to some chismoso a lot of you believe my daughter is not loyal to the Sons," He replied with a hint of accusation. I didn't show any emotion as dad brought up clubmembers insecurities. None of the voting members responded they just kept a neutral look on their face. "Do to popular demand the decision of who will lead the Sons is up in the air. Before we take a vote does anyone have anything to say?"

"We would like Reign to cut ties with the Dark Howlers so we can be sure her loyalty is with us and we need her to prove she is loyal to the Sons by killing the Dark Howlers leaders Maverick and Gunnar," Jett said as switched his gaze from dads to mine. "If she cannot do that we're prepared to vote in myself or Sebastian."

"Sebastian is—" Dad replied. I'm sure he said more than what I heard but I completely tuned him out.


Kill someone?

Kill a human being?

How could I do that? How could I make myself kill someone let alone the man I'm in love with? For the first time since I walked into this room I showed emotion. I was prepared to turn this business into something legit that way I wouldn't have to kill anybody. My heart was pounding out of my chest, it felt like someone had knocked the air out of my lungs. The thought of losing Axel made me sick to my stomach a wave of nausea attempted to rise up in the back of my throat. Fortunately for me and dad I was able to swallow the vile taste right back into the hole it crawled out of.

There is still so much Axel and I haven't gotten the chance to do like go on our first date. We haven't had the chance to do any of the things normal—cliché couples do like walking on the beach hand and hand. I refuse to kill anyone it's not in me and if I ever killed anyone I would just be a shell of the person I use to be.

"Seb is on his way back and he would like to have this voting matter situation before his arrival."

"What? Bash is coming home? He didn't tell me he was coming home." I stated in shock.

"Why would he tell you anything, especially since you didn't even tell him your boyfriend killed his girl?" Jett replied boldly.

"Vale, se acabo. Ya no te aguanto mas. We will vote on whether or not Reign or Sebastian will take over."(Right, enough. I can't stand this anymore...) My dad retorted with coldness dripping from his tone of voice. "Reign are you willing to accept the terms they have laid out for you."

I didn't even hesitant as soon as dad finished his sentence my words followed after. "No I don't accept I won't be killing anyone."

"You're weak." Our SGT of Arms stated.

"There are other ways to handle this situation and killing isn't always the answer." I replied with a nonchalant voice.

"Just like a woman to try and change the way shit is done." SGT of Arms replied

"Eres un misoginó! (you are a misogynist) I said with an angry tone and squinted eyes.

"Shut the hell up!" My dad yelled his accent was so thick it took me a minute to comprehend what he said. The room was in complete silence. "Let's take the fucking vote already before I have every single one of you at this table replaced."

Once he had everybody attention he shifted in his seat. "All in favor of Sebastian taking over as President raise your hand."

Everyone hand shot up immediately and I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. I'll be the first to admit I never wanted to be President of the Sons but it still hurt. It felt like my family was disowning me simply for being who I am. You couldn't tell that I was upset because on the outside I displayed a facial expression that seemed like I didn't care. The sound of multiple gunshots peeked everyone's interested.

There wasn't any hesitation from anyone sitting at the table. They all pulled their guns from their hiding spots and stood up quickly from their seats. Dad handed me his second gun which was strapped to his leg. The gun felt warm in my hand no doubt cause it was attached to my dad leg. I pulled out the cartridge-the way dad showed me when I was younger. I placed all the bullets in the gun then cocked the gun so it was ready to be put to use. An uneasy feeling was swimming in the pit of my stomach and for some reason I couldn't shake it.

"Mija, shoot first ask questions later. ¿Entiendes?" (Do you understand?) He replied with a stony expression.

I simply nodded my head before placing my gun on the table so I could tie my hair out of my face. It always irritates me when people in action movies have their hair just hanging down in their face when they're doing a fight scene or something. How can they even see their opponent next move? I picked my gun back up then proceeded to follow the group out the door.

The house was silent, but I knew as well as the men standing in front and alongside me that enemies have infiltrated our house. We were in a triangle formation and moving together like we were in a military unit. Dad was leading the group while I remained by his side and Jett lead the rear. We made our way through the hallway that lead to the foyer, no signs of life were present instead we saw feet laying horizontal. The doorway leading to the living room was blocking our view of anything else.

We made our way towards the living room, upon entering the living room couches were overturned with bullet holes in them. The television was broken, chairs were broken and the curtains was in an array. I finally followed the feet that were on the ground.


Another dead man in my house.

My stomach churned I clicked on the safety of my gun. The churning was so bad my stomach contracted viciously giving me no time to find something to chunk up my dinner. I broke formation, chunks of food appearing as if it was clam chowder sprayed out of my mouth and onto the tile floor. I dropped my gun on the floor then heaved again and again as I pictured the body I was now facing away from. The man who was clearly a patch member had his eyes yanked out their sockets. They were sitting next to his body, looking back at him. His stomach was carved into and his blood was used to write on the walls.

Even though words have no wings, they can still fly a thousand miles.

No one commented on my vomit instead they glanced at the body then glanced at the wall. The room was starting to smell like vomit acid, causing my stomach to contract violently only to have nothing come out.

"It's a message from Sehun." I replied causing all of them to turn their attention towards me.

More gunshots cracked in the air battling the thunder as the scariness sound. Sounds of erratic footsteps came descending down the stairs. My heart was racing out of anticipation and the fear that I might have to kill someone in order to stay alive. I stood up straight and wiped the remaining chunks of vomit off my mouth as I turned towards the opening of the living room. The ranking members were like being blocked by the wall so the men who came in couldn't see them.

It was like a scene out of movie as the men poured in the ranking members realized they weren't allies. I could only see the backs of my people, unfortunately I had a clear view of the men who had invaded my house. It was like that one scene from Bonnie and Clyde were their both driving at the end only to have the cops spray bullets into their car. My people were pumping the intruders with bullets, blood gushed out of our enemies mouths. Their bodies were waving in the air, blank looks in their eyes indicating they were dead.

Their bodies hit the floor, followed by an intense amount of ringing. Smoke steamed out of the guns, bodies splattered across the floor with lead inside of them. My eyes were open wide as I stared at their lead filled bodies. It was like everything was in slow motion, the members placed their guns behind their backs then went to pick up the guns from the dead men.

"These are guns from our armor." One of the members said causing everyone to check their newly found weapons.

"I don't recognize any of them." My dad replied.

My ears were still ringing, so I covered them to dim out the noise then focused on the floor. If I had been focusing on my surroundings rather than allowing the ringing to cut off my concentration, I would have notice Jett before he grabbed me. He had one arm wrapped around my neck and the other hand held a gun to my head.

"You wouldn't recognize them," Jett replied with a waver in his voice. "They are Sehun men after all, less pigs in this world now."

He replied as he walked backwards which would lead him to the kitchen. "que cabrón eres! (You bastard) Let my daughter go."

"She'll be fine," A familiar voice responded. "You on the other hand."

Jett had me in a death lock but the familiar person had stepped into my line of sight. His pitch black hair was slicked back and he allowed his facial hair to grow out. For a split second he turned towards me flashing his thick black eyebrows. His teal colored eyes were low with resentment and anger. I almost wanted to hang my head in shame as he turned around and took off his black suit jacket.

Bash unbuttoned his white button up sleeves, then took his gun out of and set it on the ground. The other ranking members had their guns pointed at Sebastian.

"Sebastian, what is this?" My dad said as he directed the other members to drop their guns.

"This is me standing up for myself and the Sons." Bash replied as he undid his tie and dropped it on the floor.

"Standing up for the Sons? You have betrayed us by getting involved with Sehun and his pigs. Not to mention you allowed your sister to get into a relationship with that Jensen kid! You cannot tell me you didn't know he was trying to gather information from us to send to his cop father?!" My dad replied with a seething tone.

"I'll admit I had no idea Jensen was a rat, he's gone I made sure of it." Bash replied with a stony expression.

"And because of your inability to lead you have caused a huge fucking mess," Dad retorted with his teal eyes on fire as he threw the ice from his voice into the air. "Jensen was able to get shipment days, some of our men were arrested moving the drugs from the islands into the mainland. You got the government looking at our business associates, we can't conduct deals with the triad anymore because you were to busy focusing on a gringa."

As quick as lightening, Bash was on the move. Bash attacked dad with his full amount of force, blow after blow like he was attempting to kill my father.

"Bash! Stop it! Please you're going to kill him."

"You mean like he tried to do to me?" Bash yelled with venom hanging onto his words. He gripped dad shirt with clenched fist. "How many times have you tried to kill me padre?"

"You will forever be a weak bastard," Dad replied in an egging tone. "You don't have the balls to kill me."

"Stop it dad!" I retorted as I struggled to get out of Jett's grasped.

"Stop moving Reign." Jett mumbled into my ear as he adjusted his grip on me. He removed the gun from my head in his struggle.

A sarcastic chuckled fell out of Bash mouth before he squeezed dad's neck.

"Stop him!" I yelled to the ranking members as they stood around unsure if they should get involved.

"Do it and I'll kill you my damn self!" Bash yelled as he diverted his eyes for a second to peer at them with lit eyes.

"Don't stop him." Dad chocked out with a small smirk on his face. It was almost as if he was testing Bash to see if he would actually go through with it.

Since no one else was going to break the two apart I would have to. I stepped on Jett foot then head butted him. I was almost free but he gripped my arm slamming my front into his. The gun was in between us, so I made a move to snatch it out of his hands. You always see a scene like this in movies. Two people struggling to gain control of a weapon, only one of us would make it out of this. A gunshot rung in the air, Jett and I fell to our knees. Our fingers were overlapped on the trigger, we both looked down to our torsos.

My black shirt was soaked with what I could only imagine as blood. Yet I felt no pain, Jett eyes widened with shock before he fell to the side and his eyes stared blankly at the wall.

"Jett! Jett? Wake up!" I replied as I shook him.

I killed someone.

I killed someone I have known since I was a kid.

He's gone.

"You killed him!" Someone yelled from behind me.

I started to stutter out a response as I turned around slowly only to see they were not looking at me. The ranking members stood over my dad and Bash. I could feel my heart beating, every beat was pumping through my ears as I crawled over to my father and brother. This powerful pounding was causing blurry figures to appear in front of me.

"¡Papá! ¡Papá!" I scream as I push Sebastian off of my dad.

I'm completely frozen in my spot as I continue to shake my dad and beg him to come back. If he could just open his eyes and everything would be fine. He would be fine therefore I would be fine.

"Estás bien. Breathe. Just Breathe. Abre los ojos. Come back. Estás bien." (You are okay...Open your eyes...You are okay) The tears burst out of my eyes like a water fountain. My chin is trembling and a pressure builds up in my throat. I clasped onto my dad pleading with him to come back to no avail. My body was wrecked with sobs, everything hurt.

I killed someone.

My father is dead.

My brother killed my dad.

"You killed him." I chocked out as I tried to search for my brother through blurry eyes.

"Reign-." I felt an arm try to pull me away from my dad.

I shrugged out of the grasp of Sebastian, then stood to wobbly feet. I did what I do best I ran.

I ran pass the bodies that littered the floor. I wiped my moist eyes while I ran in search of my motorcycle. Once I had located it, my eyes were a bit clear just enough to get me away from here and into the arms of the man I love. It took longer than necessary for me to get to the hotel because of my blurry vision. A big disappointment cause my body to drop in uncontrollable sobs as I realized the room was empty.

A cloth was dripped across my mouth followed by a body coming in contact with mine. I was too weak to stand very least fight off the person who had an unknown substance draped across my mouth. My vision darkened taking me out of my misery.

|Authors Note|

This is the longest chapter I have ever written it's over 3200+ words. The book is coming to an end and honestly I can't wait cause I need to go back and edit this book and take some unnecessary things out. I didn't edit this chapter and I pretty sure I didn't add accents to some of my Spanish words my apologies just point it out and I'll correct it.

You guys are absolutely amazing for sticking with me and my inconsistency. I swear I meant to upload this chapter sooner but my procrastination got the best of me throughout August.

Hope you all have a good school year! Classes just started for me and I'm already procrastinating. *sighs* I wrote this chapter instead of doing my essay which is due tomorrow.

Anyways pleasssssssse




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