Chapter 37❤️

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          Gerald smoked his cigar and watched from a distance in his black matted suv at the sight of his doing. He was positive now that Big Rod gets the message and will soon agree to the business decision he gave him. Since big rod and him were once upon a time major plugs for one another, partners in his mind, he thought it would be no problem. Since Big Rod wasn't in the game anymore and hasn't been in over ten years, Gerald feels every major plug, every multi million dollar business deal, and fifty percent of all the money they made together belonged to him now.

And since Gerald knew Big Rod so well, he knew after all of this, was war. Whatever agreement they once had was off and Gerald was completely fine with that. Even though it's been over for years now. Big Rod is a family man, Gerald is not. Gerald feels everyone knows not to get involved with this lifestyle if you want a family. Gerald himself warned him family and this kind of business don't mix. Innocent people get killed and that goes for kids and all. Sounds cruel but that's that way it has to be in his mind.

            "Hit Vito." Gerald said to his men. "Put'em on speaker." The men did as he was told, calling Vito up and on the second ring he answered.
       "Who is these niggas you sent to do this?" Gerald asked loud and sternly so he hears.

        "I did what you asked." Vito says ignoring his question. "So with all do respect, Their identity isn't your concern."

         "You working for me and in return I get information on some young nigga you want. So what you do and decide behind my name is my concern. So I need names."

It grew quiet on the other end. Vito knew not to push his luck with someone like Gerald. He already had most of what he worked so hard for two decades for was now being drained by Gerald daily. But Vito had an idea that doing this will pay off soon enough. Getting Ghost on his side, following orders will give him back the spot at the top near Gerald where he was before this. Plus, since Cameron was in search for him and knows Gerald doesn't know, he'll keep that to himself for now.

          "Devin, Bo, Tony, Chris, Will, and Cody." Vito spoke. Gerald nodded to one of his men to write their names down and he did just that.

"Well they made a lot of fucking noise and didn't touch not a single soul. The fucking cars got more holes in them than their house. So that effects the amount I'm receiving from you. Sixty percent now."

The amount of angry rising in Vito was almost about to burst as he silently crushed the water bottle in his hand. It spilled all over causing him to angrily shoved his desk.

Gerald ended the call and looked back at the scene and motioned for his driver to go. But not before noticing Ranae staring at him with squinted eyes. Gerald took his glasses off for a better look and his first thought was how fine she was. She definitely was taking after her mother because Cathy is fine as well. He never met Big Rods kid except Cameron but he knew they was older and she looks legal. So he made note in his mind to meet her one day.

"Let's go." He says.

This was just the start of something worse to happen and he knew Rod was going to prepare for it. And he was as well for sure. But since he was doing Vito a favor to find information on Ghost. Who is very under the radar but his name and business is well known. Even to the point, old heads want to do business with him.

Gerald decided to not only try to find that information but find it for himself instead. He believes Vito is on his payroll now so his business is now his business.

They made it back to his safe house somewhere secluded in Chicago. He believed Rodney wouldn't find him or even be close to finding him. He knew he was safe and sound for right now.

Walking into his place, he was met by one of his workers who is a guard. Gerald sighs already know it's probably more bullshit.
"What?" Gerald said to him.

"There's something you should see."

Gerald followed him to his conference room and on a projector showed an unfamiliar place. "I found out who hit up Vito's spot in Ohio where Rods son was held."

The guard played the blurry video of a camera outside of someone's home a few houses down. It showed light from gun fire inside the house then half an hour later, Cameron fleeing from the house with duffle bags on foot down the street, disappearing out of camera view.

        "There was no one else present. He hit it up himself." His guard explained.

Gerald took in the information and was shocked. That hit at Vitos happened three years ago and finally he got who was behind it unlike Vito. Gerald was impressed by the youngsta that he dropped people in that house who been doing this for years.

He thought about keeping this information to himself but decided to fill Vito in but with a twist. "Call em' up."

His guard called up Vito and on the third ring he answered. "Im busy what is it?"

     "Not busy enough for this, your trap in ohio that was hit up, the hostage himself did it."

There was silence on the other end and then a deep sigh was heard. "You sure it was him?"

     "I have the footage unlike yo ass. He been playing yo ass like bitch. So since I found this information better then you could, I yet again did yo ass a favor. Don't bring this to him yet tho."

     "And why shouldn't I? He stole from me." 

    "Cause I said for you to wait. Wait until he comes asking about something and let me know. Keep him close."

Vito knew not to even waste his time arguing with him on why he shouldn't kill Cameron right now so he said okay and ended the call. What Gerald still didn't know was Cameron already looking for him. Vito wasn't going to keep taking shit from Gerald any longer. That trap had half a million and then some in it and it was lost to a kid. A kid that gave him the run around about what happened for three years but not anymore. He had a plan of his own already made up and was putting it into motion right now.


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