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We were all sitting at the table eating dinner.

"So I'm going to be taking Katie to Minnesota this weekend." Mrs. Knight said

"Why?" We asked.

"So I can see my friends." She said

"Yeah so do you guy want to go we are leaving first thing tomorrow." Mrs. Knight said

"I don't really feel like doing anything this weeked because I don't have anything to do." I said.

"Yeah mom I think we'll stay here." Kendall said and Carlos Logan and James nodded.

"Ok." She said and we continued to eat.

After we ate I did the dishes then went and gathered up some clothes and went to the bathroom done everything and walked out and went to the room and seen Kendall sitting at the desk on the laptop.

"So your mom and Katie are leaving tomorrow for the whole weekend." I said.

"Yeah and we get the whole apartment to ourselves, well and Carlos Logan and James." He said looking at me.

"I can't believe your mom trust us to let us stay here by ourselves for the whole weekend." I said

"How come?" He asked.

"Umm because just last week she left us alone for about 2 hours and we kinda wrecked the place." I said

"Hmm your right." He said and I crawled into the bed and layed down and covered up.

"Well I'm going to bed." I said

"Ok." He said and walked over to me and kissed me. "Goodnight I love you." He added.

"Goodnight I love you too." I said and got comfortable and fell asleep.

The next day I woke up and  Kendall wasnt in bed next to so I yawned and got up and gathered up some clothes and went to the bathroom done everything and walked out and went to the room fixed my hair and put on my socks and shoes and walked out and seen everyone in the living room.

"Ok try and not to wreck the place while I'm gone and call me if you guys need anything." Mrs. Knight said.

"Mom let's go." Katie said.

"Ok well we're leaving bye." She said and hugged all of us.

"Bye." We said and she walked out. "Well what's the plan?" I added.

"Guys mamma Knight said not to wreck the place." Logan said.

"Ok well what can we do?" I asked sitting down on the couch.

"Well we could go down to the pool." Carlos said.

"Ok yeah lets do that." I said and we all walked out and went to the pool.

When we got to the pool we all sat down on some chairs and thats when Camille came up to us.

"Hey guys." She said

"Hey." We said.

"Do You guys have any plans tonight?" She asked.

"No." We said.

"Ok well there is going to be this party across the street from here and the guy invited almost the entire PalmWoods, do you guys want to go?" She asked.

"Yes." Me Carlos and James said before Kendall and Logan could say anything.

"I guess I'll go." Kendall said and we all looked over at Logan.

"I don't know." Logan said unsure.

"Logan we need to have a little fun." I said and the others nodded their heads.

"Ok fine." He said.

"Yes." We said and I kissed his cheek. "What time does it start?" I added.

"8." She said

"We'll be there." I said

"Ok." She said and walked off and we all stayed by the pool for awhile longer.


I was in the kitchen getting something to drink.

"Ruby." I heard James say so I turned around and seen him holding up 2 different outfits.

"What?" I asked.

"Should I wear this outfit or this one?" He asked and I studied them for a second.

"That one." I said pointing to the one on the right.

"Thank you." He said and he walked off and I went into the living room and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

"Your brother is something else." Kendall said sitting down beside me.

"Hmm do you want to tell me something that I don't already know." I said looking at him with a smile and he kissed me.

"What are you watching?" He asked

"I don't know to be honest." I said and he wrapped his arm around me and we sat and watched TV.

We sat there for awhile and his mom called to check on us and he told her that everything was fine and everything.

"Umm are you 2 going to go get ready?" James asked and I looked at him. "Its 6:30." He added.

"I guess I'll go get ready." I said standing up and I went and gathered up some clothes and went to the bathroom done everything and walked out and went to the room fixed my hair and put on my socks and shoes and looked in the mirror and smiled at myself.

After I got done looking at myself in the mirror and smiled at myself I walked out and walked into the living room and seen the guys.

"Are You guys ready to party?" I asked.

"Oh yeah." They said.


We found Camille and we walked across the street to the house with alot of people and loud music.

When we walked into the house a guy walked up to us.

"You guys from the PalmWoods?" He asked.

"Yeah." We said

"Well welcome drinks are over there and remember to have fun." He said

"Ok thanks." We said

"Your welcome." He said and winked at me and Kendall pulled me closer to him and the but walked off.

"Logan come on." Camille said and dragged him away.

"Come on." I said looking at Kendall and he smiled at me and I dragged him to the dance floor.

After we got done dancing we walked over to a table that had different kinds of drinks and I smirked and poured me a glass.


Let's just say after the first drink I kept drinking and kept drinking.

"Woooo!" I yelled throwing my arms up because I just won a game and everyone cheered. Kendall wrapped his arm around me and I kissed his cheek.

"Ruby." I heard someone say so I turned around and seen Camille and Jo.

"I'll be right back." I said

"Ok." He said and I walked over to Camille and Jo.

"Yeah?" I asked

"Here take this." Camille handing me a shot glass.

"Ok." I said and I took it.

"And here you go." She said and handed one to Jo.

"Ok." She said taking it.

"Ok heres to RJC." Camille said and we looked at her confused.

"Ruby Jo and Camille." She said

"Oh Ok." We said and we held up the shot glasses. "RJC." We added and then we took the shot and that's when I looked over at Kendall and he looked amazing he was talking to Logan about something and he was holding a red solo cup laughing.

"Ruby." Jo said and I looked at her and Camille.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What are you looking at?" Camille asked.

"Kendall, he looks really good right now." I said. "I'll be right back." I added walking away before they could say anything and I walked right to Kendall.

"There you are." Kendall said

"Here I am." I said with a laugh now realizing how much I have drunk.

"Are you ok?" He asked and I didn't say anything instead I grabbed him and crashed my lips to his and he kissed me back.

"I'm going to go." I heard Logan say but We didn't say anything.

After a second we pulled away.

"Apartment?" I asked breathless.

"Yeah let's go." He said and we walked off.

When we got into our apartment we started to kiss each other again and he picked me up and started to walk to the room and he kicked the door shut and layed me down on the bed and hovered over me and we kicked our shoes off and he started to kiss my neck and I took off his shirt and he kissed me then started to fumble around in the drawer next to the bed. That's how the rest of the night went.


The next morning I heard the door open and close and I thought it was Kendall but I felt him next to me.

"Oh I'm sorry." I heard Carlos say and the door slam and I sat up a little and looked around so did Kendall and we looked at each other and laughed a little.

"What a great way to start the day." I said

"Yep." He said.

"Well I'm going to go get ready." I said and slipped on my clothes and went over and gathered up some clothes and went to the bathroom done everything and walked out and went to the room fixed my hair and put on my socks and shoes and walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning." I said looking at them.

"Good morning." They said and I grabbed a bowl and made me some cereal and sat down.

"So what are you guys doing today?" I asked taking a bite.

"Nothing." Carlos said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah." They said

"Well James do you want to go to the gym?" I asked as he pourd himself some coffee.

"Are You up for that?" He asked.

"Yeah I mean why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"I don't know." He said with a shrug.

"So do you?" I asked.

"Sure." He said then Kendall walked in and kissed my head and made himself something to eat.

"Do any of you want to go to the gym?" I asked.

"I don't have anything else to do." Kendall said.

"I'll go." Logan said and we looked at Carlos.

"Fine I guess I'll go." He said

"Yay." I said and ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek.

"You get excited over the littlest things." James said.

"I do not." I said

"Yes You do." Kendall Carlos and Logan said at the same time.

"Name one time I got excited over." I said washing my dishes.

"That time mom told you that she found your hair brush." James said

"That time you found a penny on heads." Carlos said.

"That time your favorite show was renewed for another season." Kendall said.

"Just yesterday when I said that I would go to the party." Logan said

"I said one time." I said walking over to them and they all smiled.

"Well we couldn't name just one time." James said putting his arm over my shoulders.

"Ok whatever." I said with a smile.


We were at the gym and I was at the punching bag hitting it while the guys were off doing something.

After I got done with the punching bag I went to the treadmill and ran for a little bit.

After a few we were back at the PalmWoods and we were sitting out by the pool.

"Hey guys." Camille said.

"Hey." We said.

"Ruby where did you go last night you said you were going to come back but you didn't." She said.

"Oh yeah I went back to the apartment." I said

"Oh was everything ok?" She asked

"Oh yeah nothing to worry about." I said

"Ok." She said.

"Hey does anyone want a smoothie?" I asked. "On me." I added.

"Sure." They said and I went and got everyone a smoothie and carried them back to the guys with Camilles help and we all sat out by the pool and talked about the party that we went to last night and we laughed at some of the stories that we told just enjoying each others company.

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