Chapter 27

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Ok so I'm going to skip 2 episodes.

I was sitting in the lobby with Camille and Jo.

"Ruby its not the same on set without you." Jo said.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't handle doing everything." I said.

"I understand." She said and I smiled and that's when Kaite stormed up to us.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You know that prank thing the guys do every year?" She asked.

"Yeah what about it?" I asked.

"Well they said that I couldn't join because I'm a girl." She said and we all just looked at her.

"What?" We all said.

"Yeah." She said.

"You know what that's about to change." I said seeing Kendall James and someone in a bear suit which I think is Carlos. I stood up and we all walked in front of them and I had my arms crossed.

"Oh hey." They said.

"Whats this about girls cant prank?" We said.

"We just don't want you guys to get hurt." Kendall said.

"Get hurt?" I asked.

"Or is it because your afriad to lose to a bunch of girls?" Jo asked and I pointed at her and nodded and the Jeniffers popped up and said something.

"As Sir High King Loard of Pranks I declare this day a mega prank day." Kendall said in a accent then the clock hit 12. "And it begans." He added and we all ran out but me Camille Jo and Katie stopped and as 3 guys tried to run they fell because Katie tied their shoe laces together.

"Ha." I said as the guys looked at us.

"3 down and 3 to go." Jo said.

"Boo." I said and they ran off and we laughed.

"This is going to be fun." Katie said.

"It sure is." I said and we walked off.

We were in the apartment and as I gathered up some stuff Jo and Camille were looking at the prank book.

After I gathered up some stuff I went back over to them.

"Ok I got some stuff." I said and they looked at me with a smile. "What?" I added.

"The Carlos amendment." Camille said pointing at it in the book and I smiled already knowing all the rules and stuff.

"If someone gets hurt they have to make sure that the person is ok." I said.

"Yep." They said and I looked at the stuff I gathered up.

"Let go into the hall and make a catapult." I said.

"Yeah and knowing the guys we can trick them." Katie said.

"Yeah but how?" Jo asked.

"We can sacrifice one of us, I'll do it." Camille said.

"Yeah while were setting it up the guys will probably watch us so we'll just explain stuff out loud, they'll try to make it backfire and if they do that then Camille will set it off and get hit in the face with the pie and she'll pretend to run off and cry, right into a trap." I said with a smirk and they all smiled and nodded their heads. "Well ok then lets go tell the other girls." I added and we ran out.


We were now in the hall setting up the prank explaing everything as we did and after we sat everything up we all looked at each other and high fived.

"Boo!" Kendall Carlos and James yelled and Camille screamed and stumbled back and got hit in the face with the pie and she started to cry and she ran off.

"Seriously." I said looking at them.

"We told You it would get ugly." Carlos said.

"Well is there anything in that stupid book that says you can go check on someone?" Jo asked.

"Yeah." They said. "Its the Carlos amendment." Kendall added repeating what its says and we gave them a look.

"Well are you guys going to go check on her." I said

"Yeah." They said and walked off and me Jo and Katie looked at each other and smiled and we ran off to the park.

When we got to the park we seen the girls step out and we grab 2 pies and we walked out infront of them.

"Its a trap." Kendall said and I smiled.

"Dogs Dogett I'm Kelly today, long story, and we have to go down to the studio." Gustavo said.

"Body shield!" Kendall Carlos and Logan yelled and got behind Gustavo and we threw the pies trying to hit the guys but it didn't work and the guys ran off.

"Dang it." I said as we watched the guys run off and I turned around and looked at the girls then we heard some squeaking and we turned around and seen Tyler pulling something.

"Well it wasnt a total bust." Katie said and we all smirked at Tyler and then we all threw pies at him and he ran off.

"Ok well now its just Kendall Carlos James and Jett." I said

"Yeah." They said

"Ok we need to split up, because knowing the guys they are probably spliting up too." I added.

"Ok." They said.

"Move out." I said and we all ran off somewhere.


This whole prank that has been all day and I looked at the time and seen that it was 6oclk which means I can use a water gun now and I filled it up with rotten milk and I walked off.

I was looking around for anyone and I couldnt fine anyone.

As I was walking I seen 2 girls covered in feathers.

"Kendalls by the elevators." One of the girls said.

"Ok thanks." I said.

"Your welcome." They said and I walked to the elevators and when I got there I seen Kendall and I cleared my throat and he looked at me.

"Hi." I said with a smirk.

"Its 6oclk." He said.

"Yep which mean we can use water guns with anything we want in it." I said.

"Another one of Carloss rules." He said then he said something about how Carlos didnt like to quit the pranking because of dinner or something like that.

"Well it looks like I cought you empty handed." I said.

"Yeah." He said then reached behind his back and pulled out a water gun. "Rotten milk, you?" He added.

"Same." I said and smelled the water gun a little and made a disgusted face. "Its disgusting." I added.

"Well you out of everyone else should know how messy these things get." He said.

"Yeah your right." I said and that's when the elevator doors open and out came Mr. Bitters. He was wearing sunglasses and a bandana and he had a jar of jelly or something.

"No one makes a mess at my PalmWoods." Mr. Bitterd said and scooped up some jelly and flung it.

"No." Kendall said and dunked and it hit me in the chest and I fell down and Mr. Bitterd threw some more and tried to get Kendall but Kendall dodged all of them.

"Dang it." Mr. Bitters said realizing that he was out so he walked off and Kendall rushed over to me and helped me up.

"How bad is it?" I asked.

"Its going to leave a pretty nasty stain." He said.

"Ugh." I said. "I better go and try and get this out." I added and he helped me up.

"Yeah." He said.

"Good luck." I said and kissed his cheek and poked my shirt and tasted the jelly. "Not bad." I added.

"You are such a dork." He laughed.

"You love me." I said.

"Yep I sure do." He said and kissed me and ran off and I went up to the apartment.

When I got into the apartment I tried to get the stain out of my shirt and I changed my clothes.

After I got the stain out of my shirt everyone walked in.

"Who won?" I asked.

"We did." Kendall said motioning between him and Kaite.

"Awesome." I said and high fived Katie.

"What about me, I won too." Kendall said and I kissed his cheek and he smiled.

"Ok lets make another crown." I said and we all nodded and made another crown.

After we made the crown we walked out by the pool which was now closed because Mr. Bitters said if they made another mess that he would close the pool for 2 weeks and that's what he's doing. Everyone who played was lined up and I was the one who was going to crown them.
After I put the crowns on their heads they walked down and stopped at the gate that was around the pool.

"It was worth it." Kendall said and turned around and we all cheered.

"I can't wait till next year so I can take you down." I said to Kendall.

"Oh you think you can take me down." He said.

"Yep." I said with a smiled and wrapped my arms around him and he looked down at me and smiled and kissed me and when we pulled away I smiled at him and took his crown and ran off.

"Ruby." He said and I laughed and kept running and I heard him running after me. "Give me back my crown." He added as we stood in the lobby and the couch was between us.

"No." I smiled and he started to run after me so I went to run but I tripped and fell down. "Ow." I added.

"Ruby are you ok?" Kendall asked running over to me.

"It's my ankle." I said holding onto my ankle.

"Can You stand on it?" He asked and that's when Carlos Logan and James walked in.

"I don't know." I said.

"Whoa what happened?" James asked and they came over to me.

"We were running around and she fell down and hurt her ankle." Kendall said helping me up and I tried to put pressure on it but it hurt.

"Ow." I said.

"She needs to go see a doctor." James said.

"What no." I said freaking out. "I-I mean why do I need to go to the doctor when we have Logan here." I added and Kendall picked me up and we started to walk off and when we got into the apartment Kendall walked over to the couch and sat me down.

"Here let me look." Logan said and came over to us and he took my sock and shoe and looked it over.

"Is it ok?" I asked

"Ruby I think you should go see the doctor." He said.

"What no, you know what I'm fine my ankle is fine." I said and stood up and put all my weight on my left foot.

"Ruby your putting all your weight on your left." James said.

"Wwhhaatt am not." I said waving him off.

"Ok then um stand up straight." Kendall said and I looked around at all the guys and I stood up straight and I felt the pain in my ankle.

"Ow Ok fine it hurts." I said and they all looked at me.

"You need to go to the doctor." Kendall said and I looked at James.

"Guys don't you remember she's afraid of the doctor." James said.

"Wait your still scared to go to the doctor?" Logan asked.

"Yes." I said.

"But we watched that movie when we were like 10." Carlos said.

"Yeah and I've been scared since." I said. "I'm not going." I added and tried to walk off but couldn't.

"Hey what's going on?" Mrs. Knight asked.

"Ruby hurt her ankle and refuses to go to the doctor." James said. "You know What I'm just going to call mom." He added pulling out his phone.

"What no, fine ok I'll go." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'll take you." Mrs. Knight said and I put my sock back on. "Boys start on dinner." She added and she helped me and we walked out.

"I hate this." I said as we walked out of the lobby and got into the car.


Turns out I have to were a boot for a few weeks and use crutches for a week. Just great and also while we were out we went and told the producers whats going on and they said that we'll just have to like film me sittiing down for the week or like leaning on someone and while I have the boot on they will make sure the boot won't show. Now we are about to walk through the door.

Mrs. Knight walked in first and I walked in behind her and she shut the door for me.

"Ruby." The guys and Katie said and they came over to me and they seen that I was in a boot.

"Hey guys." I said.

"So they put you in a boot." Logan said.

"Yeah and I have to use these crutches for a week." I said and went to wash my hands since dinner was ready. It was kinda hard to do that but I did it and then I went and sat down at the table and started to eat.

"So how are you going to do your show?" James asked.

"Well for the week I'm going to be using the crutches I am going to be sitting down or leaning on someone or something else and then when I'm just going to be wearing the boot they won't show my feet." I said.

"Oh well I guess that's cool." Carlos said and I shrugged.

"I don't know." I said taking a bite of my food. "But this food is great." I added.

"Thank you." The guys said.

"Your welcome." I said and we ate.

After we got done eating Kendall took my dishes and I thanked him and I grabbed my crutches and went to the the room and I gathered up some clothes and went to the bathroom and I filled up the bathtub and put some bubbles in it. After I took a nice relaxing bubble bath I got dressed done everything and grabbed my crutches and walked out and went to the room and I set my boot down by the bed and my crutches and I got in bed and covered up and that's when I realized that my script was on the desk.

"Ugh." I said and that's when James walked in. "Oh hey James I thought you would be in the shower by now." I added.

"Oh I took one when you were at the doctors." He said.

"Oh, umm hey can you hand me my script its on the desk." I said.

"Oh Yeah." He said and walked over to the desk and grabbed the script and flipped through it and sat down next to me and read a couple lines. "Damon seems pretty cool." He added.

"Yeah." I said. "Didn't you watch the first season?" I added.

"No." He said handing me my script. "So tell me about your character." He added.

"Ok well I'm playing a vampire named Madeline who is Stefans twin sister and Damons younger sister, umm she doesn't really care what people think shes sassy, shes kinda like Damon, and if you mess with her friends or family or anyone that she loves she like changes into a whole different person. I said.

"Oh wow I can't wait to watch it." He said and I smiled and looked down at the script and started to read it. "Ruby." He added.

"Yeah." I said looking up at him.

"I'm proud of you." He said. "I mean your a song writer and then you were in this hit movie, then you got to be in New Town High and now your in The Vampire Diaries it's amazing Ruby I really am proud of you." He added.

"Thanks James." I said with a smile. "And I'm proud of you too James, I mean look at you living your dream having fun doing it and not caring what others think." I added.

"Thanks Ruby." He said.

"Anytime." I said and he pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back.

"Well I'm going to go to bed we had a long day with all the pranking and everything." He said and I smiled.

"Yeah for real." I said and he stood up.

"Goodnight." He said

"Goodnight." I said and he walked out.

As I was reading over the script Kendall walked in.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I said and he kissed me and I smiled at him.

"Reading over your script." He said.

"Yep." I said. "But I'm about to go to bed." I added and closed my script and put it down and layed down and he crawled into bed and he layed down and covered up and wrapped his arm around me.

"Today was fun." He said kissing my cheek.

"Yeah until I hurt my ankle." I said and looked at him.

"Yeah oh did you get that stain out of your shirt?" He asked.

"As good as I could." I said.

"Man that sucks." He said.

"Yeah but it's whatever." I said

"Yeah." He said.

We talked aand laughed for a little bit longer then I could barely keep my eyes open and I started to drift off to sleep with Kendalls arm around me and my head on his chest it was comfortable.

"Goodnight." He said

"Goodnight." I mumbled.

"I love you Ruby." He said.

"I love you too Kendall." I said and I fell asleep just like that in his arms comfy.

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