Chapter 1

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I just walked out of the school from dance pratcie and I seen the guys turning the water sprinklers on and I seen the girls filed hockey team practicing.

"Oh no" I said as I seen the girls get soak then they started to scream and they all looked at the guys and seen that they did it.

"Run" I heard Kendall say and they all took off running I just laughed and shook my head and started to walk down the steps and I went over to the guys bags and picked them all up and started to walk to Kendalls house.
After a few I was finally there and I just walked in since this place is like my second home and I just put the guys bags down and went and gatered up some ice packs and stuff and thats when I heard the door open and 4 boys groaning in pain and the door shut behind them. So I walked out into the living room.

"Ruby how long have you been here" Kendall said

"Just got here" I said and handed him a ice pack then I handed the rest of the guys one.

"Thanks" they said

"Your welcome" I said and they sat down on the couch and Kendall turned on the TV and I sat next to him and he put his arm around me.
"So how was dance pratcie" Logan said

"Oh it went good" I said

"Thats good" he said

"Yeah" I said

After a few the guys were still groaning in pain and I was sitting in the chair across from them to just write stuff down and thats when the pussy cat dolls came on the TV.

"At least the pussy cat dolls make the pain go away" Kendall said and I just shook my head. "But my lovely girlfriend also makes the pain go away he" added

"Nice save" Carlos said

"I'm going to marry her someday" James said

"Your going to marry Nicole shisinger and how are you going to do that" Logan said

"Oh no no no no" we all said

"Because I'm going to be famous" James said jumping up on the table and said some stuff. "Own like 5 house then I'm going to marry her" he added

"Ok great are you done" Logan said

"No because this is the part where I shake my booty" James said and started to shake his butt in Logans face.

"Carlos" Kendall said

"On it" Carlos said and got up and put on his helmet and patted it and tackled James behind the couch.

"Oh that had to hurt" I said getting up and walking over to the couch and looking over and seen them fighting each other and I got my phone out and snapped a picture then put it into my pocket then I just flopped down on the couch next to Kendall.

"Do you wanna become famous" the guy on the TV said

"I wanna become famous" James said popping his up from behind the couch

"Well todays your chance if your in Minnesota" the guy said

"I'm in Minnesota" James said

"Come on down sign ups end at 5" he said and we all looked at the clock that was on the Wall and seen that it was close to 5.

"Call all moms now" Kendall said and they all pulled out their phones I would of called my mom but Logan was already calling her.

"Mom call me when you get this message" they said then sat their phones down on the table and we all sat down on the couch.

"Ring" James said after a few seconds

"James you guys just called" I said

"Ruby be quiet" he said

"Ok" I said then a phone started to ring so all the guys tried to hurry and pick up a phone and Carlos picked his up and answered it.

"Hello uhu ok great" he said with a big smile on his face and hung up.

"Your moms coming" James said with a smile

"No but this lady is sending her crew over to give us free aluminum sidings" Carlos said with a big a smile.

"Ahh" James said and went and tackled Carlos over the couch and onto the ground and I went and stood next to Logan and thats when a red vase came flying toward us and we hurried and dunk and I looked at Kendall wide eyed.

"Logan has his learners permit" Kendall said coming over to us and putting his arm around Logan and the guys poked their heads up and James had his arm around Carlos and Carlos had something in his hand.

"Yeah but I need a adult in the car with me" Logan said and Kendall put his arm around me.

"Kendall do something" James said

"What why me Logans the genius" Kendall said

"Yeah but I panic under pressure and you always come up with a plan" Logan said

"What I do not Kendall" said. "I have a plan" Kendall added and started to walk to his jacket.

"Whats the plan" James said putting my jacket on me.

"Thanks" I said

"Your welcome" he said

"We're going to go over to Mrs. M house and ask her to go with us to the aduations and they we will shovel her driveway all winter long" Kendall said as we walked out.

"You guys can shovel her driveway all winter long I'm not" I said

"Ruby" James yelled

"Ok fine" I will I said

When we got to Mrs. M house Kendall wrapped his arm around me and I got a little warmer and Kendall knocked on the door. After a second she answered the door.

"What do you guys want" she said

"We were wondering if you could take us down town so James can aduation for something all you have to do is sit there and Logan will drive and we'll shovel your drive way all winter long for free" Kendall said

"Ok" she said and went and grabbed her jacket and cane and the guys hurried and picked her up anf started to rush to the car and I closed the door and hurried to the car as well.

"Hurry" James said

"I dont want to break her" Carlos said opening the car door.

"Your not going to break her" I said and the guyd put her in the car and then we all pilled into the car and I sat on Kendalls lap.

"Logan hurry" James yelled

"I have to take it slow and make sure everythings alright" he said

"Logan just go" James yelled

"Fine" he said and sped off but then hurried and slammed on the breaks and I went flying and hit my face on the back of Mrs. M seat.

"Ow" I said

"Ruby I'm sorry" Logan said

"Its fine but why did you do that" I said

"Stop sign" he said

"Oh" I said

"Are you ok" Kendall said

"Yeah I'm fine" I said leaning closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me and Logan took back off.
After a few we were finally there and we all hurried and got out and we were all slipping on the ice but kept our balance and James hurried and rushed in and so did we but of course James was the first one in.

"I made it" James said turning around and showing us his number.

"Yes" we said and I went up to him and hugged him.

"You" a lady said

"Me" Logan said

"Yeah wanna be famous to" she said

"No I want to become a doctor" he said and she said something.

"Justin Timberlake made 5.3 million" she added

"Hit me" he said and she slapped a number on him.

"You" she said

"Me" I said

"Yep young pretty cute smile" she said

"Yeah I don't want to do this" I said

"Dont care" she said and gave me a number

"Ok" I said

"Oh I want to be famous to" Carlos said and started to sing and she slapped a number on him too

"You" she said walking over to Kendall. "Tall blonde and eyebrows wanna make your dreams come true" she added

"Yeah my dream is to play for the Minnesota Wildes but I wouldnt mind playing for the Maple Leafs" he said

"Dont care" she said and slapped a number on him. "810 is up next" she added and walked off and James looked down at his number and hurried and took it off and switched it with Logans.

"Oh look your up next" he said

"Dude you don't sing" Carlos said

"That was a terrible pep talk luckily I'm a genius" Logan said. "Kendall" he added

"Beat box" Kendall said and handed him the clipboard and walked off to where they were holding the aduations and we went and sat down.
I was humming and tapping my fingers to the song that I was going to sing.

"What are you singing" James said

"Oh you know the song that I have to sing since I have to aduation because of you" I said

"What its not my fault" he said

"Umm yeah it is" I said

"No its not" he said and I just glared at him. "Ok fine" he added and thats when Logan walked out and we heard yelling and Logan looked scared out of his mind and he came and sat down.

"Don't go in there hes Satan with bugeyed sunglasses" Logan said

"811" the lady said and James looked down and hurried and switched his number with mine.

"Hey" I said

"Look your up" he said

"No your up" I said

"Guys I'll go" Carlos said and switched numbers with me and walked through the door where they were holding aduations and we sat back down. After a few Carlos came back out with a big smile on his face.

"Not going to Hollywood" Carlos said with a big smile and we all smiled.

"812 812 is up" the lady said and she didnt seem so happy and James looked down at his number and he tried to hurry and take Kendalls number since he already tried taking mine but Kendall hurried and covered his number up.

"James" he said and we all stood up. "This isnt our dream this is your dream and oprotuintys like this come once in a life time so you got to grab it and go big time" Kendall added and pushed James towards the door where they were holding the aduations and he walked in and we all smiled.

"So are we going to sneak in" I said

"Oh yeah" they said and we all looked at each other and smiled and snuck past the security guards and went and hid behind the seats and thats when James walked out and I smiled.

"Well hes not hideous" Gustavo said then James started to sing and thats when we poked our heads out even Mrs. M was by us and I have no idea how long she was there.
James was singing pretty good then his voiced cracked.

"Oh no" I said

"I'm sorry can I start over please" James said

"Oh yeah sure how about you go outside" Gustavo said. "And just keep walking because that was terrible" he added yelling and I felt my blood boil because James is good at singing.

"But I'm good" James said

"I don't need good I need someone who will knock me out of my seat as you can see I'm still in" he said yelling. "You have no talent" he added and by this time my blood was boiling but before I could stand up Kendall was already standing up.

"No talent" Kendall said walking out and so did I. "No talent No talent no talent you haven't had a hit in 10 years" he added.

"Yeah my brother has talent" I said

"Girl to my heart was hit 9 years ago" Gustavo said

"Oh girl to my heart lets see if I can remember that classic" Kendall said acting like he was thinking then jumped up on the table and started to sing and I just watched and danced along to his singing then he got in Gustavos face when he sung the heart part and Gustavo fell out of his seat.

"Hey stop security" the lady said and they came over.

"Oh heres a new hit for ya" Kendall said and started to sing the giant turd song and kicked the latte cups at Gustavo and security came up and grabbed him. "Hey let go of me" Kendall added.

"Hey let him go" I said and tried to pull them away and me and Kendall tried to fight them off then I heard Carlos jump in then James jumped off the stage and jumped in then Logan Jumped in then Mrs. M jumped in.
After a few we were all in a a cop car and I looked over at Kendall. "What are you going to tell your mom to get out of this on" I added

"Oh I have something up my sleeve" he said. "What about you what are you going to tell your mom" he added

"Oh yeah I'm not going to tell her" I said

"Classic Ruby" James said and I just smiled.

After a few we were at Kendalls house and he knocked on the door and the cops were still with us and after a second she opened the door and we all had smiles on our faces and she had a shock face.

"Mom remember that time I saved you from choking" Kendall said with a laugh. "And I love you" he added and she just coked her head to the side and moved over to the side to let us in and she thanked the officers and they nodded their heads and walked off and she walked in side and we all stood in a line

"Dude how did you know those songs" Carlos said to Kendall

"They play the 90s channle all day at work and I made up the giant turd song" Kendall said and we laughed a little then Mrs. Knight walked over to us and Katie stood by her.

"What happened" Mrs. Knight said

"We wanted to help James become famous" I said

"So we went and asked Mrs. M to take us" Logan said

"Then there was this really mean producer guy with big sunglasses" Carlos said

"Then I sung him the giant turd song and there was a tiny fight but know who got hurt" Kendall said

"Now I'm sad" James said

"Ok who wants a sandwich" Mrs. Knight said and we all smiled and raised our hands and started to walk off.

"Wait thats it no putting down the hammer no smacking with the hard cheese" Katie said and we all stopped and looked at her and smiled a little.

"I have no idea What that means but your not watching Fox anymore" Mrs. Knight said

"Well can I at least hear the giant turd song" Kaite said and the guys just looked at each other and started to sing it and I grabbed Katies hands and we started to dance to their singing then there was a knock at the door so they went to answer it still singing and me and Katie followed them and when Kendall opened the door they automically stopped singing and screamed and I went over to them and seen that it was Gustavo and his assistant that lady doing the aduations with him and I jumped back a little.

"You came back for me" James said and ran to him and hugged him.

"I didnt come back for you" Gustavo said pushing James off of him then he looked back towards the group. "I came back for him" he added pointing at Kendall and Kendall just pointed at himself and Gustavo nodded his head.

"I'll make some tea" Mrs. Knight said from the kitchen.

"Well this should be fun" I whispered to myself and crossed my arms and smiled a little. B

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