Dog food...

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[Valt, Rantaro, Cuza, and Silas were at the club (Don't ask) until...]

Cuza: *Yelling* Valt?!

Cuza: Has anyone seen my idiot brother?

[They like calling each other that in my book don't judge UnU]

Cuza: *Sees Valt talking with other people*

Valt: *Talking about people in BC Sol*

Cuza: We gotta go, Valt Silas and Rantaro are tired.

Valt: But I'm talking with my new friends!

Cuza: Do they know you eat dog food? We don't even have a dog!

Valt: NO I DON'T!

Cuza: P L E A S E. You probably have some in your pockets B^tch!*Reaches for his pocket*


[The pocket rips and dog food falls out]

Everyone at the table/Cuza: *Shooketh*

Everyone: *Leaves the table quickly*

Cuza: Uhhhhh I'm going to wait in the car... *Walks away*

Valt: *Goes emo mode*

[F^ck it I'm going to make a second part]

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