Chapter 13-"Hay is for horses."

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Chapter 13-"Hay is for horses."

"Where were you at 10.43am today?" A police officer asked while typing furiously on his laptop even though I haven't said anything.

"At the lockers I guess." I replied simply.

Who even remembers where they are at 10.43am?

"What were you doing?" He stole a glance at me before looking back to his screen.

"Walking to class. Then I saw Levi and Lana almost got beaten up by Billy, Goat and Gruff so I went to beat them up first." I said exasperated with all the vague questions I couldn't answer.

"Is that your sole intention? From the doctor's report, it seems like one has a fractured arm, jaw and skull, other has a large ugly bruise on the stomach and the last has 8 deep gashes running along the stomach and cheek." He raised his eyebrow at me.

Wow, I didn't know I could do so much damage.

"Yup. My sole intention was to teach them a lesson." I replied, ignoring the damage he had listed.

I couldn't help but do a small victory dance in my head.

"It seems like an attempt of murder to me though." He shrugged and leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms.

"Why would I have any reason to kill them? I don't even know their names or faces. They probably wouldn't know me too." I huffed.

He was about to open his mouth but stopped by a knock on the door. Another police came in and handed a report file to the one sitting across me. After a while, he closed the file and settled his attention to me.

"The victims have written their statements. They admitted they had wanted to attack Levi Sanders first but you came in and beat them into a pulp. So, you can be released on bail on the condition that you have to pay for their medical treatments." He spoke slowly to me as if I'm a child.

How nice of them to admit their wrongdoings.

"Sure." I shrugged.

"You will wait in there until someone comes to bail you out and we settle your case." He pointed to the back door.

Another two police officers came into the room and escorted me to the prison cells. It wasn't like those dungeons, dirty and smelly like they all had said.

Instead, it is a nice little room painted grey, had a single bed pushed to the corner of the room and a little bedside table beside it.

The Silver Light pack sure treat their prisoners well.

I sighed and lay on the bed, thinking about everything today.

It has probably been quite a number of hours since I had been arrested. I'm not sure how long though. Since they took away my phone and I haven't gone outside for a while now.

I turned and lay on my side. Mom and dad is going to be pissed at me for abusing my strength. They knew I always had a lot of physical strength since I was born. More than a typical female wolf. I know, like I said, I'm a mutation.

You know, I didn't know what came over me when I was clawing that guy. I just felt the need to taste his blood, even though he has done nothing to us. Have I become a monster? My wolf said worriedly, her voice full of regret.

No you're not. You're just trying to protect the weaker ones. Don't worry, dad will get us out in no time. I assured her.

I really do feel like I'm becoming a monster. Our strength increased even though we barely work out these past few weeks. We didn't work out but we didn't even sweat at all when we beat up the three guys. This is getting weirder, Cleo. Anxiety laced her voice and I could feel her panic.

Hey, calm down. This might not be a bad thing after all. Maybe, you are going to shift? Let's visit the library or talk to someone about it. We might be able to shift for all we know. I expressed my excitement while trying to calm her down.

Maybe. She doesn't sound too convinced.

The door rattled open and in came another two police officers.

"Ms Havard, you have been bailed out." One of them spoke in a formal tone.

I stood up and smiled at them before following them through the hallways and out to the waiting areas where dad is probably waiting. When I arrived, dad was nowhere in sight.

Only the familiar dirty brown hair and eyes which resemble pools of chocolate await me.

Again, we had a staring contest.

His eyes were emotionless and he held a stoic expression on his facial features.

I'm starting to think we're Edward and Bella now.

Then again, we are not a couple.

I broke our gaze this time round and walked towards him, keeping my head down. He didn't say anything; just turned around and walked to the entrance, assuming I would follow.

Once I'm sure he couldn't see me anymore, I looked up. Staring into his broad back, muscles hidden underneath the thin fabric, I let myself wander into my thoughts.

Why did he come to bail me out? Dad is an ex-Beta of the pack. He could do the same too.

Isn't he still mad at me?

If he isn't, why didn't he talk to me?

I felt my nose crashed into something hard. Very hard.

"Ow..." I bounced back and rubbed my nose in pain.

I muttered a colourful string of curse words under my breath and discretely looked around to see if anyone caught my dumb act.

Of course, since when things ever went my way? Almost everyone in my surroundings were snickering or trying to hold back their laughs. I let my long hair drape over my face to cover the blush that is rising up my cheeks.

Looking straight ahead, Flash continued to walk further away from me, totally wasn't aware I just crashed into a sliding glass door.

I ignored the stares and laughs from the people in the police station and hastily pressed the button to open the sliding doors.

Aren't these doors supposed to be automatic?

I jogged after Flash and walked a few steps behind him, still rubbing my nose. I believe it's crooked now.

When we reached his black Bugatti Veyron, he stopped and turned around to face me, making me crash into his chest.

"Ouch... Why did you stop for?" I asked, rubbing my nose in the process.

"Let me see your nose." He pried my hands off my nose.

"No, I'm fine."

"Just let me see it, cupcake." He pried my hands off once more and I let him.

He examined it, lightly touching my nose which made me sensitive to the touch. I was full on checking out his face. His dark brown eyes were focused on my nose. Strands of dirty brown hair fell above his eyebrow which made me want to push it back up. The way his jawline is so perfect makes me want to-

My thoughts were cut off by his lips cracking into an amused small smile.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"That glass door must've done some damage. Unless you admit my chest is rock hard." He smirked.

The old Flash is back.

"Wait, you saw?!" I widened my eyes.

"Of course. How could I miss an embarrassing moment of you, cupcake?" He still has his smirk on his face and got into the car.

I followed suit and got inside too. The interior was different from the one I sat about a week ago. I'm guessing it's a different car this time.

No shit. My wolf rolled her eyes.

"Might want to get some ice on this nose." He suggested before taking off.

The first part of the journey was silent. I noticed Flash doesn't like to play music in his car. I gazed out into the window, the sun had almost set now replacing the sky with a starry blue.

"Oh shit, I left my belongings back at the police station. We have to turn back now." I silently cursed at myself for being forgetful.

"Oh shit, what are we going to do now? There's no U-turn until an hour more." His voice held panic.

That made me hyperventilate for a while and I hit myself in the head hard for being such a klutz.

"Just kidding, cupcake. I got your belongings at the back of the car." Flash laughed which made my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Oh." I paused. "But why didn't I see you holding my belongings just now?"

"They gave it to me in advance. So I put it in my car first."

"Why? To scare the crap out of me?" I questioned.

"Did it work?" He mocked.

No shit Sherlock.

I didn't answer.

It was silent between us again. Not an awkward one but a comforting one. I realised we never had an awkward silence between us before despite not getting along with each other.

My mind drifted to the incident at his office then to my best friend's words.

"You can choose to apologise to him." She said.

"Hey." I started to say.

"Hay is for horses. Just kidding. Carry on." His eyes still on the road.

"Um I just wanted to say I'm sorry for that day at the office you know I always had itchy hands and when I saw my friend's name I couldn't help but read the file and I promise you I didn't read the whole thi-" A strong hand covered my mouth which effectively stopped me from rambling.

I couldn't help but secretly took a deep whiff of his scent. Damn, even his hand smells like vanilla.

I'm probably being a creep right now.

He let his hand drop to the controller of the car and I resist the urge to feel disappointment.

"It's fine. It's my fault for lashing out at you too. You didn't know I hate people touching my stuff. Guess we're even now, huh?" He kept his eyes on the road.

"Well, now I know." I muttered. "I accept the half assed apology you gave me." I turned and smiled at him.

"Friends?" I stuck out my hand to shake.

"Not friends." He swatted my hand away.

He turned to look at me, a playful glint in his eyes. He moved closer to me and whispered, "Lovers."

He turned his eyes on the road again. I'm surprised we didn't crash the whole time he was driving without his eyes on the road.

He is referring to the bet. Almost forgot, we have to make the other fall in love.

My heart was about to race out of my chest. I hope he doesn't catch that my heart is getting ready for a marathon.

"Why, does that make your heart race?" I caught his side smirk.

Hell yeah.


"You sure?" His side smirk grew larger. He must've heard my heartbeat.

"Yes. I'm not an amateur in this." I crossed my arms.

"It seems like you're an amateur for me, cupcake." He chuckled.

"Drive!" I pushed -more like nudged- his shoulder which earned me a louder laugh from him.

"So," He paused. "Why did you come to my office in the first place?"

"I just wanted to thank you for sending me to the hospital." I shrugged.

"You're welcome, cupcake. You're one of my female pack members. That's the least I should do." He wiggled his eyebrows at me before turning them back onto the road.

"So you're implying I shouldn't thank you because you're trying to get into my pants? Okay, that works." My voice hinting amusement.

He merely shrugged. I suddenly thought about why did he come to get me instead of my father.

"Almost forgot, why did you come to bail me out?" I asked.

"I...uh, I had some matters with the Alpha here. So I just drop by the station to pick you up." He replied, almost hesitantly.

"Since when are you so nice to me?" I mumbled.

"Since forever, cupcake." He threw a wink at me. "And it's called carpooling. Saves the environment."

"Yeah, like you actually care about the environment. You have like 10 cars and a freaking private jet." I rolled my eyes.

"Doesn't mean I don't care about the environment." He taunted.

I change the subject, knowing I can't win this argument.

"You know, if getting arrested then letting out after a few hours just because I beat up a few baddies, I wouldn't mind beating up a few more." I put my hands in front of the head rest and rest my head.

"Yeah, right. If it wasn't for me-" He stopped halfway.

"Wasn't for you?" I asked puzzled.

He didn't reply.

"Don't tell me you threatened the victims to admit their wrongdoings in their statements." I joked.

"How'd you know?" He snapped his head sharply towards me.

"Wait, so you did? I was joking." I looked back at him, wide-eyed.

Never knew I could hit the bullseye.

He didn't reply after that and we fell into comfortable silence.

One thing I learnt about him though: Flash Winston forgives and forgets easily, no matter how much of a jerk he is.

And maybe, just maybe. He is not that much of a jerk as I thought.


"Cleo! Are you alright? Why didn't you text or call me last night?!" Teegan exclaimed when I reached the booth we sat yesterday.

"Yeah, I texted you too." Mason joined in.

"Are you alright, Cleo? I called you last night." Lex asked.

"I'm so sorry we got you into this, pan-pan. I didn't have your number to contact you too." Levi said apologetically.

"I'm sorry too, Cleo. I didn't know I would cause you so much trouble." Lana looked like she was about to cry.

"Chill guys. One at a time." I turned to the twins. "Levi and Lana, don't blame yourselves. I chose to beat them up like that. I chose to help you guys. That's what friends are for right?" I gave them a hug from across the table.

"And I'm fine. They just asked me a few questions, took their statements and I was allowed to go." I shrugged.

"So simple?" Mason lifted his eyebrows.

No. Flash came to threaten the shit out of them to speak the truth so I could be let out on bail.

I couldn't say that or more questions will come and the rest of them would figure out Flash is my mate.

"Do you want Cleo to stay in there longer?" Tee elbowed his chest playfully.

"Then why didn't you attend chemistry?" Lex asked.

"Or calculus?" Lana piped in. I could tell she's getting comfortable with us.

"I was called into the principal's office first thing I arrived in school to have a nice long talk about the case. He will see if he can do something about it so my college applications will not be affected." I explained.

"Don't worry, pan-pan. You will get through this." Levi shot me a reassuring smile with a hint of apology.

I shot him the 'don't you dare feel sorry again' smile.

"Do y'all want to attend a party next friday? The jock in my French class basically invited everyone in school. Venue will be in the Night Shade pack." Mason asked.

"Hell yeah! Time to party!" Levi stood up and did a victory dance which made all of us laugh.

"I'm in too." Lex joined.

"Lana? Cleo?" Everyone turned their head expectantly to us.

"Um... I'm not a party animal so I guess I'll give it a miss." Lana said awkwardly.

"Aww come on sis. Sometimes you got to just SHAKE IT OFF. SHAKE IT OFF." Levi sang -more like screeched- while doing a weird dance in his seat which almost looked like a drunk monkey playing drums.

His voice broke a few times may I add.

That earned a few stares from others; including the popular table, some of us wheezing, banging on the table and he earned a few playful slaps from Lex and Lana.

"Ow that hurts, Lex! You're just jealous you can't come up with a nickname for pan-pan and you can't sing as talented as me." Levi stuck out his tongue at Lex.

Lex stuck out his tongue back at him but didn't say anything.

"No way in hell I'm going if you're singing like that in the party." Lana muttered, embarrassed.

"I'm not going to sing like that in the party. I'm going to be full on Drake there." He closed his eyes and tried to imitate the moves from 'Hotline Bling'.

She muttered something under her breath. Somewhere between the lines of 'don't tell people I'm your sister'.

"Come on, live a little Lana. We can stay at the sides and watch Levi's awesome performance." I gave her a wink.

"Maybe we can put it on live too." Teegan whispered but loud enough for the whole table to hear.

In the end, she finally agreed. I don't know how to dance in parties. I'm just there for the free alcohol.

And maybe to forget everything that's happening in my life for a while.

When lunch break is over, we filed out of the cafeteria. I just found out that Levi and I have English for the next period.

Turns out, he was a joker during the whole time. We didn't pay attention to the teacher at all.

"David's father has three sons: Snap, Crackle and?"

"Pop." I answered simply.

"David's father." Levi said flatly.

"Oh. Oh my god." I slapped my own head.

How can I fall for such a lame riddle?

"Here's another one. What do you call a cheese that belongs to someone else?"

I didn't answer.

"Nacho cheese!" He started cracking up and I followed suit not long after.

See, laughing is contagious.

"Okay, one more. How are prisoners like astronauts?"

"Because they have uniforms?"

"Nope. Both are interested in outer space." He gave me a wide grin.

"Ha ha. So funny." I shoved his shoulder playfully and laughed afterwards.

"You suck at riddles despite having killer grades." Levi noted, propping his head up on the table while still facing my direction.

"I just can't riddle." I shrugged.

"Moving on to puns then." He whispered, "Just saying, I'm real good at it too."

"Bring it on." I wasn't even trying to think of the answers. Just trying to have fun with Levi and pass time.

"Okay, here it goes. How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?"

"Hmm... an octopus has eight tentacles-"

"Hold up. Minus the 'eight' in front, what do you get?" He smirked.

"10-tickles!" My eyes widened with realisation and I started laughing along with him.

I'm surprised we didn't get caught yet. Well, we're at the back corner of the class of 50 people.

"Good job, pan-pan." He patted my head.

"Next, you know what really bugs me?" He pretend to scratch his head.

"Bug puns? Insect puns?"

"Not bad huh? You're getting the hang of it." He winked.

Cuteness overload.

"Okay, last one for the day or I won't have any to last for the year." He cleared his throat.

"What do you call a mathematician who couldn't afford lunch?"

"That's a piece of cake. He could binomial." I replied with a smile on my face.

"Coming from a math freak. Not surprised." He shrugged and leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms.

"We still have twenty minutes until the end of lesson. What do we do now?" Levi groaned in his seat.

He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

Well, me too.

"Pay attention and I might consider rewarding you with ice cream later." For the sake of the greater good, I decided to be the mature one.

"Deal. Let's get ice cream later after school. We call the gang?" His face lighted up in a second.

"Wow, what did you call us? We're good girls and good boys." I said innocently.

"We're the good girls and bad boys." He corrected.

I still don't think he's a bad boy.

We exchanged numbers and added Lana, Teegan, Mason and Lex into the group chat.

Levi: Hey guys! Pan-pan over here says she's treating us some ice cream after school!! :)

Tee: diD sOmEonE saY iCe crEaM?

Ma(i)son: Hell yeah! Free ice cream

Lex: Double cookies and cream scoop with kit kat bits?

Ma(i)son: She could buy you a tub if you want ;)

Lana: Guess I couldn't reject free ice cream too :)

Me: Haagen dazs or Ben and Jerry's parlour?




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