Chapter 10-"I believe the earth is round."

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Chapter 10-"I believe the earth is round."

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Since when did my alarm change to this ringtone? So annoying.

Beep. Beep.

I swear, one more 'beep' and I'm going to-


That's it.

I opened my eyes only to shut them again due to the bright light. I groaned at the throbbing headache I suddenly have and tried to raise my hand up to cover the bright light only to feel a sharp pain hence dropping down to the bed again.

I opened my eyes slowly this time and looked at my surroundings. Right, I jabbed myself with wolfsbane and now I'm in a hospital.

Suddenly, a nurse came in and gasped when she saw me staring at her. She rushed out of the door again and I could hear her shouting along the corridor.

"She's awake! She's awake!"

A few seconds later, two doctors and a shit load of nurses came rushing in, filling the entire hospital suite. They did the normal checkups like the ones on TV shows and asked how am I feeling.

"I'm fine, but could you prescribe me some painkillers? My head is throbbing right now." I asked politely, even though I actually feel agitated due to the headache.

"Sure thing. Your friends and family are on the way here." The pack doctor, whom I realised is the best doctor in the pack smiled at me, revealing the wrinkles on his eyes.

"Mhmm..." I mumbled and closed my eyes as if the darkness would swallow my pain up.

"I'll get you the painkillers right away." Was the last thing I heard before the click of the door shutting.

There was literally a moment of silence before I heard the door being violently pushed open.


Someone pounced onto me who I assumed is my best friend, forcing me to open my eyes and cough as the air was being suck out of me.

"Oh shit sorry! I forgot you just woke up." Teegan smiled sheepishly.

"But anyways, I'm so glad you're awake. I can't believe you were out for three whole days! I was so lonely in school ya know." She engulfed me in a hug this time round.

"Wait, what? Three whole days from a small amount of wolfsbane?" I asked in disbelief as I pulled away from the hug.

"The doctor predicted at least a week before you're awake but three days is actually a miracle." I traced the voice of the person and it led me to Storm.

His eyes were full of unshed tears so I opened my arms for him to hug me.

"I missed you so much, baby sis." He whispered in my ear and I giggled.

"Hey what is this? Shouldn't the patient's mom be the priority?" We let go of each other only to see mom put her hands on her hips playfully and pouting.

"Mom! I missed you too." I sniffed as I hugged her.

"I love you so much my dear." I could feel her tears wet my hospital gown but I didn't mind.

We pulled back from each other and welcome to another episode of nagging Anne where she will nag at her daughter for an hour straight.

"Why the hell did you risk your life like this?"

"Didn't you think of telling the higher ups about it?"

"Why can't you think before you act?"

"Didn't you think about the feelings of those around you before you act?"

"I think that's enough for her today, honey. Let's go, she needs some rest." Dad patted mom's back comfortingly to stop her overflowing tears.

I felt a huge wave of guilt flooding into my chest, making it heavy. I know I'm putting myself into a lot of danger but I couldn't risk losing a chance to save the pup. If anything happens to the pup just because of my own selfish needs, I would blame myself forever.

I couldn't risk telling anyone too. The dream served as a warning to me and it actually turned out to be real. As crazy as it might sound, someone has the ability to invade my dreams and possibly others too. I need to find that intruder.

"Rest well, sweetie. We'll come back to visit tomorrow okay?" Dad's comforting voice pulled me away from my thoughts.

He kissed the top of my forehead and left with mom.

"I'll visit you tomorrow too, Cleo. Have a good rest." Tee gave me a hug and left too.

"Storm." I called just as he was about to leave the room too. He turned around and raised a questioning eyebrow at me.

"Could you stay for a while here please?" I asked in a way he couldn't just reject his little sister's request.

He sat at the couch beside my hospital bed just as a nurse delivered a dose of painkillers to me. She warned me that it's drowsy but I popped it into my mouth nonetheless. As the nurse left, I turned towards him.

"Could you fill me in all the stuff that happened for the past three days?"

"Why? Wanna know if Flash saved you? Brought you to the hospital? Visited you?" He gave a mischievous smile.

"What the heck? Tell me what bullshit did he feed you this time? I swear I'll hunt him down til the end of earth."

I sat up straight and looked down pretending to straighten my entangled hair. The truth is, I didn't want Storm to catch the blush that is forcefully making its way up to my cheeks.

God, what the hell is wrong with me?

"I believe the earth is round."

"That's not the point. I just wanted to ask what actually happened when I was out." I calmly looked at him, positive that the blush is not on my cheeks anymore.

"Ask whatever question you have and I'll answer. Not Flash's dick size though. That, you'll have to find it yourself." He gave a knowing look.


"Okay okay, calm down woman. Jokes aside now." He put his hands up in the air in a surrender position.

"Who saved me?"

"Lex Davis. The one who claims is your friend and from your school."

"Lex? How in the world- How did he- How?"

I was truly shocked that powerful growl belonged to Lex. There are so many reasons why it couldn't be him who saved me.

Storm explained everything about him in detail, including the interrogation with Flash.

"Okay, that seems a little fishy but we have to reason not to believe it. Maybe I can test him out in school." I suggested.

"No! You're not doing anything to risk your life again." Storm objected.

"Okay..." Sorry Storm, I've always been a stubborn girl.

"So I'm assuming Lex brought me to the hospital too?" I continued.

"Nope, your dear Flash came, arrested Lex and brought you and the pup, Aiden Cowell to the hospital."

"I HAVE NO FEELINGS FOR HIM and please call him jerk thanks." I screamed at the first part, exasperated that I had to repeat myself multiple times. That jerk must've told him something.

"If you were thinking if Flash had said anything to me, you're wrong. You two acted the same way when I talked about the other party. I study psychology, remember?" He folded his arms.

"Sometimes, your diagnosis could be wrong." I copied his pose.

"Maybe." He shrugged.

"How's Aiden though?" I asked.

"He's fine now. Parents had brought him home to recuperate. They would like to visit you maybe a few days later."

"Right." I mumbled and leaned back onto the bed which is now acting as a recliner chair. The painkillers are taking effect now.

"Well, if you have no more questions, I going now. I have a lot of paperwork to do. I texted Mr Smith, the police in charge of the case to take your statement tomorrow. So rest well, baby sis." He got to my bed and pressed a button to lay the bed straight.

"Mmm..." My eyelids drooping as I felt a kiss on my forehead.

Darkness surround me before I could even hear the door clicked shut.


I woke up to the bright light again. This time, I was smart enough to slowly open my eyes. I grabbed my phone on the bedside table to check the time.

Nice, I've officially slept for 15 hours and now it's in the afternoon.

I used the controller beside the bed and made it like a recliner chair. I checked through my phone and replied to everyone who asked me how I was doing.

Knock knock.

"Come in."

The best pack doctor came in again with a nurse this time to do the daily checkup on me.

"Organs are working fine... not a trace of silver... pulse rate normal..." He mumbled to himself and I could clearly hear him.

"So can I be discharged today?" I asked with a hint of anticipation.

Being hospitalised is so boring.

"We will monitor you for the afternoon and we'll decide by evening." He smiled and left with the nurse.

I was left alone for an hour, watching netflix on my phone. A police came in, who I recognised as the police commissioner in the pack. Mr Smith. I think that was his name.

"Hello, Cleo Havard." He greeted with a bright smile on his face.

"Hello." I greeted politely.

"As you have been informed by your brother, I'm here to take your statement regarding the kidnapping case." His tone became serious.

"Sure. Ask me anything. I will try my best to answer." I gave him a small smile.

"What do you know about this case. Tell me everything."

That's exactly what I did. I told him everything I knew about the case, leaving the dream out. I'll find out what's going on with that dream myself. After my long grandmother story, he scrunched up his eyebrows as if deep in thought.

"So the intruder really wasn't werewolf huh... Considering Alpha also said the same thing." He mumbled to himself.

"Alpha saw him too?" I asked, bewildered.

"He was telling us something about that guy vanishing into thin air and hearing a voice in his surroundings after that thing vanished saying his target is you. That's some demon magic right there."

"It sure is." I confirmed.

"Don't worry. The Alpha is personally looking into this matter with us. We will take your statement into consideration too. I'll get going then. Thanks for your cooperation."

"No problem. Feel free to ask me anything anytime." I chirped.

He got up from the couch and left.

I was left alone again.

Well, time to continue watching my netflix shows until evening.

The afternoon passed by torturously as I somehow got bored of rewatching Stranger Things and I stared up at the ceiling like I always do.

Jerk saved me but didn't even visit me once. Oh wells, what am I expecting? We hate each other anyways. But I still have to thank him though... Basic manners.

Like hell you do. My wolf sniggered.

Hey, didn't your parents teach you it's rude to eavesdrop others' thoughts? I lectured.

Well technically, my parents are your parents and you are me, I am you. So, it's not considered eavesdropping.

Okay, whatever you say, smartass. I rolled my eyes.

Just admit you miss mate and lose the bet to him. End my torture already. My wolf whined.

Shut up. I'm not missing him and the day I actually lose the bet, I will sell my body to satan before he even have the chance to have me. I said in a determined tone.

The day you decide to sell yourself to satan is the day I will take over and live happily ever after with mate. My wolf said in a dreamy voice.

We'll see about that. I smirked and shut her off. I made a mental note not to have wild thoughts like that again.

I looked around the room, wondering what I could do to keep myself occupied.

Ah! The tiles.

Just like that, I decided to count the number of tiles on the floor.

520 tiles later, the doctor came in to check up on me.

"Congratulations on your speedy recovery. It seems like you're fit enough to be discharged. I will contact your family member to sign the paperwork." The same doctor smiled at me.

"Thank you doctor." I smiled as brightly as I can, can't wait to get out of this place.

When the doctor and his nurse left, I stood onto the bed and fist pumped in the air. I jumped from the bed and landed on my two feet successfully. I went over to the wardrobe where I suppose all my belongings are.

I changed into the new set of clothes mom probably brought for me and waited on the couch like a kid anticipating her parents to pick her up from school. Soon enough, mom came in to pick me up and we're off.

"I'm sorry for lashing out at you, Cleo. I was so afraid I was going to lose you to the Moon Goddess." Mom's voice cracked despite keeping her eyes on the road.

"You know, I couldn't risk telling anyone. If something happens to the pup even though I know fully well I could've done something to prevent it from happening, I would live in guilt for the rest of my life. I'm sorry too, mom. I shouldn't have made you, dad and Storm worried about me. I promise, I'll try not to do anything to make you guys worry again." I put my hand up in a swear.

"Okay, I believe you. Now, let's get you home, well and rested. No phones, no television for today."

"Mom! I've already slept for fifteen hours today. Do you know how long it is? It's equivalent to 9000 minutes of sleeping or 54 000 seconds of recuperating. Allow me to visit the pack library? I wanna read some books, pwease?" I blinked my eyes innocently and asked in my best mommy's girl voice (even though I'm more of a daddy's girl).

"Pack Library? No. Library in the pack house? Yes. Take it or leave it." Mom says in a voice that means the decision is final.

"I'll take it gladly. Thanks Mom!" I threw her a hug.

"Don't hug me now, I'm driving." She shake with laughter.

"Yes, Madam." I mock saluted.

"So, I'll drop you off at the pack house?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's fine with me." I shrugged.

I kissed goodbye on mom's cheek and got out of the car. I climbed the steps up to the pack house which is literally a mansion or maybe even a castle.

Three people living in a big ol' mansion. Don't they get spooked out sometimes?

The pack house isn't free for anyone to enter like it's their own home except for the three higher ups which is the Alpha (obviously), Beta and Gamma's family. However, the pack house is the venue where big ass pack meetings are held at where the whole pack could visit the pack house.

I wonder why would they call it a pack house if pack members weren't allowed without permission...

Jerk should rename it instead.

Alpha's mansion?

Jerk's mansion? Nah, sounded too good. Let's bring him a lil' down shall we?

Jerk's kennel?

Sounds more like it.

I was trying to bite back my laughter so people in the pack house wouldn't be disturbed by a lunatic who was just discharged from the hospital and laughing hysterically to herself. I would totally land myself in a mental institution.

To my surprise, there was not a single soul on the first floor. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Probably from when I tried to stop myself from laughing.

Guess I will not have to make a trip to the mental asylum.

I take in the scent in the house. Uncle John and Auntie Marie's scent are very faint. They probably gone out for quite a while. Whereas for almighty Alpha, his scent was stronger than theirs but I'm still not sure if he is at home.

Maybe he left a few moments ago? Or he's in his room at the top floor? I wouldn't know.

I climbed up the elegant spiral staircase to second floor where the library is. This library is a little different from the pack's library. Instead of having a wide variety of genres of books, it mostly held non-fiction books related to the world, our kind, and hopefully, other species.

I stopped at the top of the stairs, realising I need to walk pass the Alpha's office in order to get to the library.

The door is left ajar.

His scent got stronger on this floor.

I took a deep breath and walked normally.

Why am I so nervous? Right, I should thank him for getting me to the pack hospital anyways. Enemy or not.

I peeked into the small opening the door has left and inevitably let out a sigh of relief.

He wasn't there.

I pushed the door open slightly wider, enough for me to get in. I never been in an Alpha's office before. I imagined bookshelves that are three times my height, folders, stacks of papers, stationeries are neatly organised on the long mahogany desk, black couches are sleek and in pristine condition like it's only there for display.

Well, technically I got two out of three correct. The room I am in now has a incredibly large bookshelf where folders after folders are placed neatly and in alphabetical order. The shiny black leather couches seemed untouched too. Everything seemed like what I expected, except bigger. Way, way bigger.

And the desk.

Instead of being wooden like many other executives would use, it is made of glass and black in colour. Well, I can see that Flash likes his stuff black.

So basic.

It is as long as the dining table in the pack house where twenty people could fit in there and still not invade each other's personal bubble.

I went up the steps leading to the desk. It was like 5 small steps that are so redundant.

Yes, you heard me right. There are actual steps in his office.

I admired the glinting surface of the table, most of the surface has papers and report files spewed all over.

Can I now assume all males are so disorganised?

I looked at the black leather office chair that looks so comfy and inviting. It basically screams "Sit on me!" with its padded back and bottom.

Of course, Cleo being Cleo, she couldn't miss such an opportunity to laze right?

I walked round the table and settled my bottoms onto the cushion and leaned back. It's way comfier than I thought. I could just sleep in here and I wouldn't wake up for the next day.

I spun around with the seat, feeling like a six year old who sat on a carousel for the first time. When I got giddy enough, I stopped myself, facing the desk again.

Then, something caught my eye.

Amongst the heaps of papers and files, the report file at the top of the pile lay there as if its title is luring me to read it.

It was labelled, 'LEX DAVIS' in bold.

Tempted to satisfy my curiosity, I took the file and opened it to the first page. It contains Lex's particulars. I read the next few pages of his statements to Flash.

Yep, exactly what Storm filled me in about.

I continued reading the other pages of the report, my confusion grew bigger than before.

Investigation results show there is no climbing marks on trees near the borders. Of course there isn't! Who would climb a tre-

Right, Lex did say he climbed a tree and crossed the border.

And there is no climbing marks on any trees.

So, he's lying?

He did say he's an expert in climbing trees though...

Nonetheless, I continued reading.

No scent lingered on the trees.

That still couldn't prove that Lex didn't climb those trees. Scents fade away after an hour or two.

My eyes travelled down to the next few lines.

Statements of patrolling guards said they didn't notice anything out of order. The crickets continued creaking loudly and the birds continued chirping.

Okay, this is a little fishy. I'm also a good climber of trees and I often climbed them. Whenever I passed one tree to go another, the wildlife around me would be quiet as if they sense a predator on their way. The fact that everything is normal for the whole night is suspicious.

Did he lie? He may be in cahoots with the intruder for all we know.

But if he is, why did he save me?

One way to find out is to make a trip to the scene and try it out myself.


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