Missing in Action

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The trio wrapped up their time at the park and made their way back to the apartment. After they arrived, Allison and Jason settled on the couch while Matthew excused himself, saying he wanted to get some fresh air.

All three of them shared an apartment, splitting the rent evenly three ways. It was a comfortable arrangement that they had settled into ever since they became roommates.

As Allison and Jason relaxed, the TV playing softly in the background, Allison's mind went to Matthew. He'd been unusually quiet throughout their time at the park, and his reaction to Jason's teasing had her thinking. Why was he so touchy about it?

Jason, noticing her distracted state, spoke up. "You seem deep in thought."

Allison snapped back to reality, realizing she'd been lost in her thoughts. She gave a small laugh. "Oh, yeah, just... thinking about some things."

Jason, sensing there was more to it than she was letting on, pressed on. "Anything you want to talk about? It seemed like you and Matt had a weird moment back at the park."

Allison hesitated for a moment, then decided to be honest with him. "You noticed that too, huh? I don't know, he just got really defensive when you called me a klutz. It was a bit strange. I don't know why it bothered him so much."

Jason nodded, considering her words. "Hmm, you know how Matt is. He's always been a bit overprotective. Remember when that guy tried to hit on you at that party last year? Matt was glaring at him like he wanted to punch his lights out."

Allison chuckled at the memory. "Yeah, that was pretty funny. But this was different. This wasn't about protecting me from some guy. It was just a word. A word that people have called me a hundred times before."

Jason shrugged, not quite understanding the situation himself. "Maybe he just doesn't like you being called that. I mean, you do have a knack for tripping over your own feet sometimes." He chuckled good-naturedly.

Allison rolled her eyes, half-amused, half-annoyed. "Yeah, thanks for that reminder." She paused for a moment, then added, "But why would he care? He's never gotten upset like that before."

Jason shrugged again, seemingly at a loss for what to say. "I don't know. Maybe he just had a bad day or something. Or maybe he's just getting more sensitive in his old age."

As Allison continued to ponder, the afternoon sunshine streamed in through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow on the living room. The soft hum of the air conditioner echoed through the apartment, creating a relaxing vibe.

Jason, still lounging on the couch, took a sip of his drink, the ice cubes clinking against the glass in a soothing rhythm. He glanced at Allison, noticing the frown on her face.

"Hey, don't worry about it so much," he said, trying to be reassuring. "Matt probably just had a rough day."

The room was bathed in the soft, afternoon light, the sun's rays filtering through the window, dust particles dancing in their path. The walls were painted a soothing shade of creamy white, while the furniture was a mix of cozy fabrics and warm wooden tones. The room breathed a sense of comfort and familiarity.

Allison nodded, her frown softening slightly. "Yeah, you're probably right." She paused, looking down at her hands. The apartment was tidy, the result of their weekly housekeeping rotation.

The coffee table, the center piece of the living room, was littered with some magazines and a couple of empty soda cans. Allison's phone, plugged into the charger on it, emitted a soft glow, signaling an unread text message.

Jason, sensing her still somewhat pensive mood, spoke up again, "Hey, cheer up. Matt will be back soon anyway."

Allison picked up her phone and saw the notification on her lock screen. Seeing it was a text from Matt, she unlocked it to read the message.

As she scanned the text, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It read, "Going out to hang with the guys. Back later."

This was uncharacteristic of Matt. He usually didn't go out a lot, and if he did, he would always let them know in advance.

Allison read the text again, surprised and slightly bewildered. It wasn't like Matt to spontaneously decide to go out without any warning, especially on a weekend.

She looked up from her phone, a mixture of concern and curiosity on her face. Jason, noticing her expression, asked curiously, "Everything okay?"

Allison shook her head slightly, still a bit disoriented by the unexpected text. "It's Matt. He says he's going out with some friends, but it's just strange. He rarely ever goes out, and he never does it at the spur of the moment like this."

Jason's eyebrows shot up, also finding it odd. "Yeah, that is a bit out of the ordinary for him. I don't think I've ever seen him go out without planning it weeks in advance."

Jason, sensing her preoccupation with Matt's mysterious outing, decided to ease the tension. He picked up the remote and tossed it to Allison, saying "Since Matt's decided to go MIA for a bit, why don't you pick something to watch? We can pass the time until he gets back."

Allison caught the remote, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "Thanks," she said, grateful for the distraction.

She started scrolling through the options, contemplating which movie or TV show to put on. As she browsed, her mind occasionally wandered back to the mysterious text from Matt, but she tried to push it aside and focus on the task at hand.

By the time Matt arrived back at the apartment, Allison and Jason were slumped on the couch, having managed to watch three movies and five episodes in the time he was gone. The room was dimly lit, the glow from the TV casting soft shadows on the wall.

Matthew pushed the door open, startling them momentarily. His eyes were bloodshot, and a strong smell of beer clung to him. He seemed a bit unsteady on his feet.

Allison looked up from the couch, her eyes wide as she took in Matt's disheveled appearance. "Matt? Is everything okay?"

Matthew stumbled slightly as he removed his shoes, his movements a bit uncoordinated. He looked at them, a sheepish smile on his face. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just had a few drinks with the guys, that's all."

Jason, sitting up a bit straighter, looked at Matt skeptically. "A few drinks, huh? You smell like a brewery, buddy."

Matt chuckled, the sound a bit slurred. "Yeah, maybe I had a few more than I planned on. Sue me."

Allison, still concerned, got up from the couch. "Maybe you should sit down before you fall over."

Matt obeyed, stumbling slightly as he made his way over to the couch and flopped down next to Allison, his head resting heavily on her shoulder. He closed his eyes, the alcohol taking its toll on him.

Allison, surprised by the sudden weight on her shoulder, looked down at Matt. His breath, warm and slightly sour from the alcohol, brushed against her skin. His hair, usually perfectly styled, was now tousled and messy. The faint smell of beer clung to him, mingling with the subtle scent of his cologne.

Jason, watching from the other end of the couch, let out a scoff. "Geez, Matt. You're a mess."

Matt mumbled something not understandable into Allison's shoulder, his words mumbled and slurred. He seemed completely out of it.

Allison looked at him, a mixture of concern and disbelief on her face. She gently patted his head. "Matt, how much did you really drink tonight?"

Matt, lifting his head slightly but still with his eyes closed, tried to hold up three fingers but ended up holding up six instead.

"Mm... just three beers," he mumbled, his words running together.

Allison and Jason exchanged glances, clearly not buying his claim. Three beers shouldn't have left him so completely smashed.

Jason, unable to help himself, snorted. "You sure about that? Your fingers say otherwise."

Matt, not quite grasping the mockery, opened one eye and squinted at his fingers, attempting to count them again. "Mm, yeah. Three. I counted."

Allison couldn't help but chuckle at his stubborn yet drunken state. "Matt, you're holding up six."

Allison looked at Jason apologetically. "I think it's time I get this one to bed."

Jason, amused by the sight of a drunken Matt, nodded. "Yeah, you do that. Good luck."

Allison, despite her petite frame, managed to drag Matt towards his bedroom. It was a clumsy and comical effort, with Matt stumbling and weaving as they navigated the hallway. Finally, they reached his room, and Allison managed to toss him onto the bed.

She covered him with a blanket, preparing to leave. However, as she turned to exit, Matt's hand grasped her by the waist, his grip surprisingly firm despite his drunken state. He pulled her down onto the bed next to him, wrapping his arms around her.

"Stay," he breathed into her ear, his voice thick with alcohol and drowsiness.

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