Chapter 10: Take a Hint

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I look over at who dares to challenge me to a snowball fight. I see gray smiling at me, holding another snowball. I see the guys surround me with snowballs in hand. I look up and sigh smiling. I then look back to them and drop my crutches.

"You guys are going down."

They smile at me and snowballs rain. I drop and slide away making snowballs and throwing them like crazy at them as we are all hit.

"You got in my ear!"

I laugh till I am soon hit by another snowball. Then I see a scary sight. Gray is carrying and holding a huge ball of snow and is walking to me. My jaw drops as I get up and start to run away. He soon catches up as I am a bit handicapped and he throws it. It knocks me down and traps me under it. It breaks over me making it impossible to move. 

"Get her!"

"No! Get Gray!"

They come over and drop snow on my head.

"Okay! I give up!"

They soon stop.

"I wave the white flag!" I say while throwing snow at Gray.

They chuckle. I move the ice chunks off myself and stand up.

"Alright, c'mon."

L.J puts my arm around his shoulder walking me back to my crutches. But as I go to grab them he picks me up completely bridle style and starts to run.

"What are you doing?!"

The guys run after him as I cling to him terrified he's gonna drop me. Gray catches up and he passes me off putting me over Gray's shoulder.

"Let me down!"

The laugh as Gray runs over to a huge pile of snow.

"Don't you dare!"

Too late because he picks me up and throws me into the snow making me sink deep into the snow so that I disappear leaving a body shape in the top. I hear them laughing.

I make a bunch of snowballs as they come close to where I sunk into. When I see Gray look at me I start throwing snowballs. I pop my head out and throw even more with accurate aim.

"Alright, alright, we surrender."

I laugh seeing them all covered in snow.

Gray hands me my crutches pulling me out of it and giving me my crutches. We head back to the car and shake off the snow that covers us before getting in. 

"What kind of person throws another into a pile of snow?"

"It was awesome, you left a full on body print of how you fell!"

I roll my eyes laying back in the back seat.

"So what took you so long?" Gray says.

"Ran into some trouble."

"You don't have a black eye though." L.J. says.

"I may have mouthed off a bit though."

"Did it involve a slew of swear words?" Trever asks.

"What? No." 

"Then you did not mouth off right," Gray says with a smile.

"I called them out in front of a bunch of people."

"Any sort of fight happen?"

"I'm not sure you would call it that."

"Oh, the nerd is learning isn't she?" Mason says smiling and looking at the guys and me.

"We are such a bad influence." A says.

"Think we ruined her?" Trever says.

"I'm still here," I say interrupting their conversation

"Nah, she would go back eventually," Gray says waving me off.

They are so clueless.

"So how did things go with the street fighter? Details."

"Such a girl." L.J. says rolling his eyes.

"I wanna know!"

I already know losers.

"We didn't see her face," Trever says.

"We saw her hair and got her phone number. We also found out she goes to this school." Mason says.

"This girl has to be invisible, I have never met or seen anyone like her," Gray adds.

Ohhhhh.....if only you knew.....

"I already called dibs on her L.J." Mason says looking to L.J.

Kill me now. Phew...just breathe, don't react.

"And when she leaves you in a day, she's mine." He retorts.

*Mentally sighs deeply* what kind of stuff do they talk about when I'm not around?

"I would bang her," Mason says casually.

"Okay, okay, stop, don't want to hear anymore! I take it back!" I say covering my ears and burying my head in my hands.

*Mentally dies inside* Cause of death: Drama that can kill. Phew...I need help. God, please, save my soul. Breathe, don't react, don't react, just call a therapist. Or a few. Just...phew...anyone got some bleach? need something to help me forget whatever Mason had just said. Still, haven't calmed down. Someone, please help me.

"Nice reaction," A chuckles.

"Nope, don't even. Talk about almost anything else."

They laugh at my petrified reaction.

"How about-" Gray starts

"If you say anything other than music, movies, ice cream, popcorn or wherever we are going, I will cut you."

"Never mind."

They continue to chuckle at me.

"We have to stop somewhere first to pick up someone." 


"A's sister, Trevers cousin, and Mason's sister. They want to come with us."

"So they will tell me where we are going."

"They are ridding in Trever's car."


"Yep, so should we get back on the subject of-" Gray starts

"Don't even try."

They tease me about where we are going till we show up at a place that I don't recognize.

"What kind of place is this?"

They smile at me and we all get out. Trever soon pulls up and parks next to us. A and Trever get out along with three girls.

"Beth, this is Emma, A's sister, Sophia, Mason's sister and Charlotte, Trevers cousin."

I go to shake their hands but they go in for a hug instead. I hug each of them.

"Nice to meet you, Beth."

"Nice to meet you too."

The guys smile at my awkward response.

"Shall we go in ladies?"

We all begin to walk in.

"So what is this place?"

"They didn't tell you?" Emma says furrowing her brows.


"Emma, don't tell her." A says looking back to us.

She leans over and whispers in my ear.

"It's a karaoke place."

My jaw drops.

"You guys are trying to kill me? That was your plan all along wasn't it? It all adds up now!"

They laugh at me.


"She is the new girl in this group. Her placement is automatically higher than yours."

He put's his hand on his heart, acting hurt. We walk in and someone is already singing. We take our seats. The guys all sit at one table and we sit at the other.

We order some fries and talk for awhile till a new group of guys walks in. They stand there for awhile as we talk but they point over to us. Charlotte speaks up.

"Girls, don't look now but four cute guys incoming."

I continue to eat my fries. Not interested. They walk over and pull up a chair. I notice the guys stopped talking and are listening in. They take a seat closest to one of us they want to flirt with.

"So you girls come here often?"

"Every now and again."

We continue to talk but these guys are not normal high schooler's. They come up with smart remarks and cheesy pickup lines, high fiving every time and acting like dirtbag teens. The guys are putting their heads down trying to stifle their laughter.

"So you got a number sweet thing?"

The guys fail even worse at stifling their laughter after hearing the guy say that to me.

"Not interested."

"No sign?"

"My sign? How about stop?"

I hear the guys almost spit their water.


He puts his arm around my waist.

"I'm gay," I say flatly.

He quickly retracts his hand the girls around me giggle and the guys are pounding the table about to fall over from trying to stop laughing.

"She's not, just messing around," Sophia says.

"Playing hard to get huh?"

He says instantly coming back.

"Playing single."

I am about to laugh at the guy's reaction who are just feet away from us.

"Why's your face all red Beth?"

"Spicy fries," I say putting another in my mouth. 

"So your name is Beth."

"Actually it's pronounced, not interested."

He puts his arm around my neck and I take it off.

After a while, all of us get tired of them trying to pick up lines and high fiving as if they won a trophy every time. 

"So, Beth, can I get that number?"

"You know what? Fine. It's 'keeps your hands to yourself'."

"Wow, your as much a player as me?"

"Here, have a spicy fry."

I say grabbing a few fries and putting them in his big mouth. I glance over and see the guys dying and crying of laughter.

Then I get an idea.

"Hey girls, I got an idea, why don't we give these guys a song?"

The instantly catch on and smile.

"Good idea."

"I think it's fair for their hard work of flirting."

We stand up at the same time and walk over. They watch us, scanning our bodies. The guys are still trying to stop laughing. Sophia and Emma flip them off as we walk over to the karaoke machine and the guy who operates it.

"What's it gonna be ladies?"

We scan the songs and scroll down.

"Hey girls," Emma says smiling.

She points to the perfect song and they smile at me. Charlotte clicks it and the guy smiles at me. He grabs four mics and hands them to us. We walk up on stage.

"We got four girl up here ready to sing 'Take a Hint', please say your names into the mic.





"Alright, here we go."

(Input song above and sang by them in a stylish fashion here.)

Applause fills the air and the guys are still dying as we take a bow. The guys hitting on us leave and the applause dies down when a new singer comes up. We head down and bring our chairs to the guy's table as they laugh at us.

"The I'm gay got to me!" Gray says wiping tears from his eyes after laughing so hard.

I stifle a laugh.

"What-spicy fries?"

The girls laugh as well. 

"It worked, right? You don't mess with a gay girl. It's deadly."

"Spicy fries?"

"No one and I mean no one questions the spiciness of fries."

"You were killing us over here!"

"I could tell."

"The song topped the cake too!"

"We are coming here every day from no on!"

"No. Not doing that every day."

Footsteps head our way and the guy hitting on me walks back in. 

"Why? Why am I cursed?"

He walks back over to me and we watch him except for me who puts a fry in my mouth. He quickly grabs my face and crashes his lips into mine, kissing me. I quickly throw a right hook making him almost double over, I cover my mouth and he gets up running out.

The guys and girls look at me in shock and I stare at the table.


"He stole my fry."

They start laughing and stop breathing as I stare in shock at the table.

"He no joke stole my fry. My spicy fry too."

"What are you gonna go do about it?"

"I'm gonna get my fry back."

I say standing up but quickly sit back down.

"My poor spicy fry."

They all continue to die of laughter.

"My first kiss was with a guy who stole my spicy fry."

"Your first kiss?" Grays says raising an eyebrow while trying not to laugh.

"Does that count as a first kiss? Mason says still laughing

"No. If you steal a gay girl's spicy fry, it does not count. Wasn't even a full kiss," I say still in shock.

"What was that punch? How did you learn to throw a hook like that?"

"No kidding."

"That was a 'don't kiss me' punch."

Trever soon falls over out of his seat from laughing.

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