XCII- Who is Jack Briers?

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"All of the students are done for today." I tell Sam as I walk into his office.

"Good, are they gone?" I nod. "You're free to go then." I tell him goodbye and grab my bag to exit the classroom.

I get to the school library and get on the closest computer. I didn't want to do my research at the dorms in case Katie saw. The last thing I need is for her to be mad at me for snooping on her boyfriend.

I go on google and type in his name, along with his company. It pops up with a recent picture of Jack and his father, Wilson Briers. The first headline is about his possible merger with other small businesses in the city. That must be why he wants to speak with Dianne so bad. Most of the articles about Jack are how successful he became straight out of college. It's all very impressive but not what I'm looking for.

Then I see something on his father, Wilson so I switch gears a bit. There are a ton of pictures of them with their company. I sift through those and find an article on what Jack had as a role model growing up. Apparently, Wilson used to run the headquarters in New York for a tech company that branches out to the west. The article calls Wilson Briers, "A natural businessman." I skim over the good things it says about him until I get to the picture at the bottom. It's a group picture of six men in business suits. Wilson up front, with his arm around another man. They look like they might've been friends in real life. I read the caption, it lists off the names of the men in the picture. Along with Wilson Briers, and Henry Morgan.

"They knew each other?" I ask myself. Maybe that's why Jack has been insisting on doing business with Dianne. Their families have worked together before. I feel like there's more to the story, so I continue. I focus on Jack and his family before they adopted him. What's weird is I can't find anything on his adoption. In fact, I can't find anything between that last article and Jack starting his company.

What I did find was the article on the apartment that caught on fire. The fire department ruled it an accident and said two people died. I assumed that was Jack's dad and Shawn's dad but the two people listed are Gage and Henry Morgan. I quickly print the two articles and grab my stuff to go back to my dorm. I'm not sure what any of it means but I plan on finding out.

As soon as I get to my room I rush in. "Katie, I have something to tell you!"

"She's not here." I stop in my tracks at the sight of Jack in front of me. "What is that?" He asks, looking down at the papers in my hand.

I drop my bag on the floor and shake my head. "Nothing, it's just for a project."

He grabs them from me and looks them over. "Is the project about me?"

I sigh, "Look, I know you lied about your dad dying in that fire. I know you're only hanging around and waiting for Dianne because your father knows her. The only reason I know you weren't lying about being adopted is because you were in a foster home with Ty and Layla."

Jack looks at me momentarily before he starts laughing. I cross my arms over my chest and wait for his fit of laughter to end. "I'm sorry-I'm sorry." He says, trying to calm himself down. "It's just, you're so wrong about everything."

"What?" From his reaction, I might end up being a horrible journalist.

"I'm not waiting for Dianne because she knew my father. I'm not lying about my biological dad dying in that fire either." Any traces of anything being funny is now gone.

He's as serious as ever and it's hard to tell if he's still lying or not. I shake my head, "I read the article, the only people that died that day were Shawn's dad and his brother." Just like Shawn told me. So far, only one story adds up and it's not Jack's.

"Exactly." Is all he offers me. I take the paper back from him and read over it again. There's something missing but I just can't place it. Jack runs his fingers through his hair and looks pointedly at me. "My biological father was Henry Morgan."

I meet his eyes, they're as green as Shawn's. "No, that doesn't make any sense."

"My real name is Gage Morgan. I went to the hospital eighteen years ago as a John Doe, because I hit my head and lost my memory. As stupid as it sounds, it's very true. No one claimed me in the hospital because Dianne went back to Colorado right after Henry died." He pauses, waiting for me to catch up.

I'm trying to wrap my head around this information but it's a little far fetched. "Wilson Briers knew Henry, they worked together. Why didn't he tell Dianne after he found you in the foster system?"

Jack moves to sit on Katie's bed. While I stand still and try to piece everything together. "They couldn't get pregnant, and adopting a newborn would've taken years. They found me and saw an opportunity to skip the dedication and time it takes to raise a baby. They paid a lot of money to keep my adoption a secret and my dad transferred to a different company. No one even noticed." Nobody was looking for him because they thought he was dead.

"That's a lot to take in."

"Yeah, try remembering it eighteen years later."

"Shawn is never going to believe this, he's been having a really hard time. He thinks you both died that day." I make my way to the door to go see Shawn.

Jack rushes behind me, grabs my wrist, and turns me to face him. "You cannot tell him yet." He demands.

"What? Why?" Shawn deserves to know.

Jack presses his lips into a firm line. "I have a plan but I need Dianne to know first. You owe me, you can't say a word to Shawn about any of this."

"He's your brother." I say softly. Just saying it out loud is insane. "How have you been keeping this from him the whole time? He deserves to know." Katie does too, hell the whole world needs to know how Wilson Briers practically kidnapped a pre-teen.

Jack lets go of my arm and stands up straight, fixing his tie in the process. "He is my brother but we are strangers. It's not going to do any good telling him now."

"It's doing you good to wait. Tell me what your plan has been this whole time." So far the only thing he's accomplished is keeping it a secret.

He rubs the back of his neck, "Okay but if I tell you then you really can't tell Shawn yet." I hesitate but eventually nod in agreement. "I want to merge companies with Dianne so that I can have Shawn take over my father's half of the company. He's completely taken over running my business and it's going to his head."

I laugh curtly, "So you just want to use them to get back at your dad?

"No, well yes, but it's not that cut and dry. My dad deserves to lose everything. He might have raised me but he took me away from my real family. It's time for him to learn what it's like to have everything taken from him." He grabs my shoulders and meets my eyes. "I'm not the bad guy here." As weird as it is to admit it, I believe him. He's not trying to hurt Shawn, he's trying to hurt his father.

For some reason, I'm going to let him. "Okay." I say, despite my better judgement. "I'll keep your secret but you're on a time limit. I don't hide things from Shawn." Especially something as huge as this. I take a step back from him and sit on my bed. "Do you remember what Shawn was like? With your family, I mean." I know about what Dianne was like after but not much about the before.

Jack closes his eyes, as if to remember. When they open, he says, "I remember we were happy. Dianne was a stay at home mom so she took care of us. Everything was so normal." I smile, even if Shawn doesn't know it he was happy once.

"Shawn thinks you were the favorite."

Jack takes a deep breath. "I was just older and easier to deal with. What happened that day wasn't Shawn's fault. It's probably the only reason he's alive right now."

"What about you? How are you alive right now?"

"Honestly, I don't remember that. I just assume my dad got me out." He died in the process. "Now can I ask you something?"

I nod, "Shoot."

Jack fiddles with the watch on his wrist, like a nervous tick. "Does Shawn remember me at all?"

I'm surprised by his question, he seems so vulnerable. "He told me that he suppressed you for the longest time, so I'm not sure how much he actually remembers." He was only nine when it happened. I don't remember much before I was nine either.

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