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lil time skip


"Happy Birthday to you!" I heard softly in my ear causing me to wake up. I turned my head, seeing Bey, Kelly, Solo and Ma Chelle standing next to me with plates full of my favorite breakfast foods.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Meoria, happy birthday to you!" They sang a little louder now that I was awake. I sat up with a smile on my face, lightly rubbing my eyes before speaking.

"Ugh DC3 singing to me on my birthday? Can life get any better?" I asked as they all sat on my bed with a laugh.

"You've been asking the same question for almost eight months now. How have you not gotten your answer yet?" Solo asked, making me shrug as I took a piece of bacon off of the plate.

"Well eat up sweet pea, we got things to do today." Ma Chelle told me as she placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Yes ma'am. Have you heard from Mari?" I asked glancing at her. She sighed before shaking her head no as she rubbed my back.

"No but don't let that ruin your day. We'll leave you to eat and once you're ready, come downstairs. You guys have to do a quick rehearsal at the venue before the show tonight." She replied making me nod.

"Okay. I'll be down in like an hour." I said giving them all a small smile. My feelings were hurt but I couldn't let them know that, they would hover if I did.

They all nodded and made their way out of the room, Bey closing the door behind her since she was the last one to walk out. Once the door was closed I grabbed my phone and texted Samaria's number.

I watched as it slowly delivered and waited to see if I would get a response. Our communication had basically been cut off ever since she went to go live with her mom.

I ate in silence, checking my phone every few minutes but I hadn't gotten a response by the time I was done eating. I sighed before setting my plate on the nightstand and getting out of bed.

I shuffled to the bathroom, ready to get the day over with before it even started. Turning seventeen was just another day for me, this was the first time in years it had even been acknowledged so while I wanted to be happy I couldn't be. I missed my little sister.

I continued my daily routine of doing my hair and light makeup before getting dressed for the day. Once I was ready I headed downstairs, seeing that everyone in the kitchen I made my way over.

"Okay I'm ready." I said sitting between Bey and Chelle. They both leaned over placing a kiss on both sides of my head as the kids ate their breakfast.

"Okay we just gotta wait on Blue and then we can go rehearse. And then after that we have some more stuff to do." Bey said as I laid my head on her shoulder.

"Does that stuff include a nap?" I asked making her laugh as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"We can squeeze one in somewhere. Didn't sleep good?" She asked making me shake my head.

"My body's been hurting a lot more lately. Probably just sore, but I toss and turn all night." I said making her hum.

"Well good thing a massage is on the agenda today. Maybe that'll help you out some." She said making me nod.

"Okay I'm ready!" Blue said as she skipped into the kitchen. Once she saw me she ran over and gave me a hug before wishing me a happy birthday.

"Alright gremlins. Let's roll." Bey said once we all got up. We traveled outside to the truck where Julius was already waiting for us, making our way to the stadium once we were all settled and buckled up.

The ride there was short so once we made it, we all rushed in to get this run through over with as quick as possible.

Everyone on the crew wished me a happy birthday whenever they passed, making me smile at how many people remembered.

We did our run through within two hours and once we were done BeyBey and Ma Chelle drug me all over the city, getting me things for my birthday.

"Beyoncé she is seventeen, she does not need a Birkin!" Ma Chelle scolded as Bey tried to buy me a bag.

"Belle its just a purse. It's not that big a deal." Bey said but the look Ma gave her made her put it back.

"Finee! Maybe a Chanel bag instead?" She tried to compromise.

"Oouu the purple one! Ma pleaseeeee??" I slightly begged with a pout. She went to protest but looked at me and caved.

"Fine but just one!" She said making me and Bey smile brightly.

"Okay so the purse, the matching wallet and some perfume!" Bey said, collecting everything and heading to check out before Ma Chelle could protest.

"You know what, it's not my card she's swiping so I don't care." She said making me laugh as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Exactly. Let big lip pay for it." I said making Blue side eye me.

"Alright now. Not too much on my dad." She said jokingly making us laugh.

Once Bey had came back, she handed me the bags which I took happily before we went to get our deep tissue massages.

After about tell hours we were done and all wanting a quick nap before the show so we went back to the house. We ended up falling asleep in Bey's room, Blue and I in the middle with Ma Chelle and Bey on the ends.

dk where this
book is going
just roll with it

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