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"Are you sure you're okay Meme?" Blue asked as we sat in the dance studio.

"Not completely but I will be BlueBell, I promise." I said as I scrolled through my music app on my phone.

"Maybe if you talk about it you'll fee better. Do you want to talk about it with me?" She asked making me smile lightly.

"I appreciate the offer Bluey but a lot of the stuff that happened to me isn't appropriate for a twelve year old to hear." I said making her sulk a little.

"Well maybe talk to Mommy? Or Grandma! I always talk to her when I'm feeling down." She said making me laugh.

"I still have to meet her silly. But I'll talk to someone eventually."

"I don't wanna seem mean but can it be soon? Seeing you cry like that was scary, I felt useless because I did't know what to do." She said softly making my heart drop. Haven't even been here a full month and I'm already stressing everyone out.

"Yeah, it'll be really soon Bluebell I promise." I said looking up from my phone so she would know I was serious.

"Girls!! Julius is here with the food!" Bey called out from the hallway as she passed by. Blue and I scrambled to get up before dashing out of the studio and to the kitchen.

"A damn shame. Here greedy butts." Bey said with a laugh as she handed Blue and I our food.

"Thank you Mommy, can I eat in my room so I can call Nani?" She asked making Bey nod almost immediately making her smile.

"Kaysiess, holler if you need me." She said before skipping away with her food.

"Just stealing my lingo. Get yo own swag kid!" I yelled at her playfully making Bey laugh.

"And where are my besties? I haven't seen them all day?" I asked Bey, realizing that Rumi and Sir weren't around.

"They're with Shawn's Mom. She took them to Lego Land." She responded before sitting beside me with her own food.

"Oh okay. Thought you put them up for sale or something." I said making her push my shoulder playfully.

"I made the joke once and you're gonna hold it over my head huh?" She asked making me nod.

"Mhm 'sholl is."

"Whatever. Now can we discuss what happened earlier or are you going to brush me off again?" She asked making me sigh. I thought to brush it off again until I remembered what Blue said in the studio.

"I just... We were at the mall cause I wanted to get some stuff for my room and I saw my old foster parents and it messed me up." I tried to rush out, feeling my chest tighten.

"I didn't know they were out and I didn't expect them to be here. Like why are they here?!" I said starting to grow frustrated but slightly panicked at the same time.

"Hey." Bey said softly before turning my head to look at her.

"Deep breaths. Slow, deep breaths." She coached me, helping me calm down before I had another panic attack.

"What do you mean you didn't know they were out? Are they supposed to be in jail?" She asked and all I could do was nod.

"It's only been eight years. They should've been in there til I was at least twenty. That's almost four years earlier than what I planned." I said picking at my nails.

"Did they see you?" She asked and I nodded, looking down at the ground.

"Did they try to talk to you?" She asked and I shook my head no.

"I ran out before they could. I was scared." I said, my voice cracking as tears started to well up in my eyes.

Beyoncé quickly pulled me into a tight hug, both of us abandoning our food as we rocked side to side.

"It's okay, they can't get to you anymore. You're safe." She said but I shook my head before responding.

"But what about after I leave here and have to go back to the group home? What if I see them again in public and have no where to run and hide?"

"Just because you won't physically be here doesn't mean I can't be there for you and help you along the way. No one and nothing can hurt you as long as I'm around okay? Absolutely nothing."

well this was ass

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