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"Yani you're falling behind! It's a quick step before the pivot!" I yelled over the music as the group ran through the whole routine for the last time.

It was the weekend before their competition and they needed to be sharp.

"I need one hundred percent! Liven up or we'll be here all night!" I shouted making them pick up their energy and hit the moves full out.

The music shut off and I let them take a water break before they started rehearsing again. By nine o'clock they had it done pack and were in sync.

"Finally, now was that so hard?" I asked making many of them side eye me.

"Look like that all you want to. Just remember to thank me when y'all win next Saturday. I gotta go, bye!" I said as I grabbed my bag and phone, walking out of the dance studio.

Thankfully I had a later curfew since it was the weekend so I stopped and got some food before heading back to the group home.

As soon as I entered the door many of the younger girls ran past me screaming and laughing. I shook my head before heading straight to my room, finding Samaria lying on my bed.

"If you don't move yo light skinned ass off my bed." I said making her sit up.

"Oreo don't be a meanie. You could've said please." She said making me laugh lightly.

"Fine. Samaria can you please getcho light skinned ass off my bed? I would like so sit and rest my body." I said making her smile and move.

"See how easy that was?" She said making me flick her off playfully as I sat down.

"Anywaysss. I heard there's an audition for dancers coming up later next week." She said making me look over at her.

"For what?" I asked as I munched on my fries. Thankfully they were still hot.

"It didn't specify but probably for a tour or something. I was going for the background singer audition so I was thinking you could come for the dancers audition, so I don't have to go up there by myself." She said with a bright smile which made me shake my head.

"Okay Sammy, I'll go with you. When is it?" I asked making her squeal.

"It's Thursday and it'll be at like noon or something. And we don't have school that day so it's perfect!" She said getting excited.

She continued to talk my ear off until I started getting ready for bed.

Soon I fell asleep and had a dream about being a dancer on tour, doing what I loved the most. Hopefully this dream will come true.


Thursday rolled quicker than I expected. Samaria and I were walking into the building where auditions were being held and soon departed from each other, going into the separate audition rooms.

The room for dancers had a good amount of people in it, not too many but not too few either. I just quietly found a corner to sit in so I could stretch and get mentally prepared to dance in front of others.

I put on of my airpods in and shuffled my playlist as I stretched while waiting for the auditions to start. Soon someone walked in with a clipboard and went around to get everyone's name. I was last luckily so when they came over I was done stretching and stood up, dusting my pants off.

"Hey love. Can I get your name and age please?" She asked with a warm smile.

"Hey, I'm Meoria Sanders and I'm sixteen. That's not a problem is it?" I asked cautiously, not wanting to be rejected immediately because of my age.

"For now, no. But if you get picked it might depending on what your parents say." She said making me sigh.

"I'm actually in foster care. A group home to be specific." I said lowly with a sad smile causing her to look at me with sad eyes.

"Well then if you get picked we can work something out with your social worker. You can go head and join everyone in the center of the room." She said gesturing where I needed to go. I simply nodded and went over to everyone, standing near the edge of the group.

The lady went and set her stuff down before coming and standing in front of us with a microphone in her hand.

"Hello everyone and thank you so much for coming to our auditions today! My name is Amari and I'll be teaching you guys a dance that would determine your eligibility for the job. But before we do that, everyone will have a chance to come up and preform their own choreography to a sonf of their choice." She said which made my heart race.

I quickly went over the endless amount of dances I had in my head before deciding on doing my choreography for Naughty Girl by Beyoncé. I had put some acrobatics in it to showcase my flexibility and it would be the best some to show my range of dance styles.

After her announcements we all sat down and she began calling us up one by one until it was my turn.

"Okay Meoria, it's your turn sweetie. What song?" She asked as I stood up.

"Naughty Girl by Beyoncé." I said standing where I stood. I gave her the thumbs up for the music and began walking around the room, dancing in front of everyone with a smile as they hyped me up.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(just focus on the first girl lol)

I got winded once the chorus hit a second time so I signaled for Amari to cut the music as I got up.

"Okay Meoria I see you girl!" She said making me laugh as I went back to sit down.

All the other girls got a chance to dance and some were amazing but you could also tell who wasn't prepared.

Soon everyone had gone and we were learning the choreography from Amari. Once we had learned it all we went in groups and danced.

I was in the first group thankfully so I could this over with. She put me in the center as we danced to Is It A Crime by Sade.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After everyone went she took a few minutes to get everyone's contact information before telling us we could go.

I practically ran out of the room, ready to go back to the group home and take a nap when Samaria came out of her audition room with a smile.

"Guessing it went good?" I said as we waked out of the building and to our bus stop.

"Definitely! What about you?" She asked.

"It was good. We had to do our own dance before we learned the one for the audition. I think they liked it." I replied before taking a sip of my gatorade.

"What you do?"

"Naughty girl." I said making her clap.

"Period!! That split got 'em didn't it." She said making me nod as I laughed.

"You know it did. Now come on, I'm ready to go and lay down." I said grabbing her hand as I pulled her towards the bus stop.


i added videos cause i didnt want to describe the dances lol

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