Chapter 7

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The Maximoff twins and Bucky Barnes arrived early the next morning. The twins were quiet, well Wanda was quiet. Pietro was quiet for all of about five minutes then his mouth started running fast enough to rival his feet. He was a natural flirt and had you and Natasha laughing in no time. The boys didn't seem nearly as amused by his antics.

You'd just finished showing them around their floor and paused by the elevator. "All the information you need to know about SHIELD's requirements for your probation is in the folder on the counter in the kitchen. You should review it. There will be a therapist on staff starting today. He will come here for your sessions so you don't have to leave unless you choose to do so."

"Thank you," Wanda said giving you a small smile. "We appreciate your kindness."

"Dr. Jones will only have access to the common floor. It's up to you whether or not you allow him access to your private floor. If you need anything, just ask Jarvis and he'll let me know, okay?"

They both nodded and you waved as you stepped onto the elevator to head to Steve's floor.

It was quiet when you arrived and you tilted your head listening for any sounds. After a moment, you gave up and called out softly, hoping to get someone's attention. "Hello? Cap? Sergeant?"

Steve's head poked out of the door of a room down the hall and he smiled once he realized it was you. "Come on, Buck," he said as he stepped into the hallway and headed in your direction. 

Bucky wore his long hair loose so it covered most of his face. You gave him a warm smile. "It's an honor to have you here, Sergeant. Can I call you Bucky?"

He nodded once but kept his gaze focused on his feet. You shifted your attention to Steve figuring that would make the other man more comfortable. "You know you can move things around as you see fit. Dr. Jones starts today and will only have access to the common floor unless you choose to grant him access elsewhere. You got the folder of information on Fury's restrictions and requirements?"

Steve crossed his arms over his chest and nodded. "Yes. Thank you."

"Not a problem. I trust you to show him around." You glanced back to the other super soldier and immediately saw his shoulders tense back up. "You can feel free to ask me if you need anything, Bucky. Or you can tell Steve and he can tell me. Or hell, talk to yourself and Jarvis can tell me." His nod was so subtle you barely caught it. Your heart ached for this man. You didn't know his full history but you knew enough.

"Anything, Steve," you emphasized, knowing both men would be reluctant to trouble you. It was just how they were brought up.

You got into the elevator to head back to your floor and leaned against the back wall. "Jarvis, keep an eye on Sergeant Barnes for me please. Let me know if anything seems off."

"Of course, Miss."


A couple of hours filled with paperwork had passed before Jarvis announced the arrival of the therapist. You glanced at the clock as you told him to let the man up. It suddenly occurred to you that you hadn't seen Tony all day. That wasn't an oddity in and of itself as you normally only saw him when you headed to the lab. You had thought he might search you out after the almost kiss the day before but it was of no consequence that he hadn't. The two of you weren't love sick teenagers after all. You both had work to do.

The elevator dinged as it arrived on your floor and you stood to greet the psychiatrist. Barrett Jones wore a three-piece suit and a smile as he made his way to you. He did that thing where he shook your hand with both of his and you barely resisted the urge to cringe. You hated when people did that, particularly men. It was intrusive and always felt false to you somehow. You extricated from his grip as quickly as you could without being rude and gestured to a seat at the table.

You took the seat across from him and opened the file with all the paperwork he would need to fill out. "Thank you for coming in to get this taken care of."

"Of course." His grin was full of teeth and you shifted in your seat. There was no logical reason for you to feel uncomfortable in this man's presence and yet you did.

You sucked in a breath and slid the first paper across the table to him. "This is a nondisclosure agreement. Read it then initial here and sign here."

He passed it back to you almost immediately and you frowned at it. "Did you even read this?"

A shrug was his only answer.

You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. You really hated it when people signed things without reading them. A shove sent the form back across the table. "I suggest you read that."

"Look, sweetheart, I'm sure you're great at your job and all, but I'm here to see Tony Stark not his secretary." He crossed his legs and laid his hands together on top of his knee with the fingers laced together. You blinked as you processed the stupidity that just came out of his mouth. Obviously, this was not going to work.

"Jarvis, could you—"

"I've got this, J," Tony's voice interrupted and you looked up in surprise. You hadn't even heard him arrive. He came around the table to stand beside you, placing one hand on the back of your chair. He leaned down to kiss you on the cheek. "You okay?"

You gave a slight nod as your lips twitched. You seriously could have handled this on your own but this was bound to be amusing. Tony had a low tolerance for bullshit.

"Mr. Stark, my name is Barrett Jones. I'm certain you're familiar with my file. I just want to thank you for hiring me. It's an honor, sir." The asshole across from you stood and extended a hand for Tony to shake.

Tony looked at the hand then down to you. You had leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms over your chest in annoyance. "Never heard of him."

"Mr. Jones was to be our new attending psychiatrist. However, as it turns out he doesn't suit. I was just about to have him escorted out when you arrived."

He turned back to the other man. "Well, that's that then. I assume you can show yourself out."

Barrett looked between the two of you appalled. "You can't be serious?"

Tony pursed his lips as he lifted one brow. "She was the one responsible for filling this position. If she says you don't suit, that's all I need to know."

He huffed a laugh. "You won't find anyone more qualified than me."

You shrugged. His qualifications were impressive but there were more important things.

As the two of you just continued to look at him with blank expressions, a look of horror slowly formed on his face. "You can't just decide not to hire me. I already quit my job at the hospital. I'll sue."

"For what? No contracts have been signed. Even if they had been, there is a no asshole clause so we could fire you anyway," you informed him. "And you aren't allowed to even tell anyone that you were here per the NDA which you signed. So..."

"Last chance to leave on your own or I have you escorted out. You won't like that option."

His face turned red and he stormed to the elevator, which was open and waiting for him. As soon as the door slid shut, you spoke up. "Jarvis, make sure he receives a signed copy of the NDA by certified mail and monitor him on all channels for the foreseeable future."

"Already in process, Miss."

You stood from your chair to lean on the table so you and Tony were at a more even height. "So, what brought you down here anyway?"

He tilted his head as he smiled at you and took one hand in his. "Jarvis."

You arched a brow. "I didn't ask him to."

"I told you he's abnormally fond of you. He didn't like the way the shrink was acting with you."

"Well, thank you for coming to my rescue. I could have handled it, but thank you just the same."

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should have to." He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead. Your face heated under the attention. He grinned at you before turning to walk off, a hop in his step as he whistled a tune you didn't recognize.

You followed him with your eyes until he disappeared onto the elevator with a little wave. Once he was out of sight you decided it was time to have a conversation with your favorite AI. "Jarvis, can I ask you a question?"

"Certainly, Miss."

"Why do you look out for me like you do? You don't do that for anyone else." Having a conversation with someone you couldn't see was odd so you focused on your feet as you spoke.

"Your assumption is incorrect. I often take similar actions for Mr. Stark."

"Yes, well he's your creator so that makes sense. But you just met me, which brings me back to why me?"

"Because you are Mr. Stark's soulmate, of course."

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