Other boys can fuck off

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Hey there you magicians!!! Are you curious as to why I'm calling you magicians? I'll tell you at the end of the chapter 😋

His face keeps getting closer and my heart's beating speed increases rapidly. I wrap my arms around his neck to support my jelly legs. He touches his lips to mine; just a mere peck and I stand on my tip toes to get more.......

"Hunter, Mum says it's time to go" Lily suddenly appears and even though she sees the position we're currently in, she keeps standing there smiling.

I move away from Hunter very reluctantly and he simply smiles and places a small peck on my cheek.

"See you at school tomorrow" he mutters before turning around and walking inside leaving me dazed.

"It worked, it worked! Now phase 2 is in progress" Lily mumbles to herself.

When she finally notices she wasn't alone, she lifts her gaze to mine and clears her throat.
I fix her with a glare for her earlier lies and give her an expectant look for her to explain herself.

"It was for a good cause! And besides I  ....... You'll never catch me alive!!!" She declares turning around to run inside when she can't find a good explanation.

I don't know when I start to run after her too and by the time we reach the living room, I'd already caught her and we were both a giggling mess.

Hunter's parents and him were already standing by the door and Lily hugs me one last time before she calls her dog and joins her parents. I also walk forward to stand beside my father.

"It's been a lovely evening and we're definitely looking forward to spending more evenings like this together in the future as a family" Mr. Stone says to us (I, my father and Mrs. Violet).

"It was a pleasure to have you all here tonight, have a safe journey home" my father replies as the Stone family starts to walk out the door.

My eyes meet Hunter's own just as he was about to walk out and he smiles. Out of reflex, my face breaks out into a smile in return. As the dog exits, Mrs. Violet closes the door and turns to face me.

"Looks like someone is already smitten" she teases and only then do I remember I still have a goofy smile plastered on my face.
I try to return my face to it's neutral state but fail horribly as my lips can't stop twitching in happiness. I don't even know why I'm happy.

"No, I'm not" I respond lamely still smiling as I walk upstairs to my room.

I hear the tinkle of her laugh fading as I put more distance between I and the living room.
When I get to my room, I jump on the bed and start to replay every single thing that happened tonight especially the part with Hunter in it. Unconsciously, the goofy smile on my face gets bigger.

A while later after I've overplayed everything in my brain, I pick up my phone ready to call my friends to tell them about the latest development. But just as I'm about to start a group call, my phone vibrates signifying I have a message. Confused as to who would be texting me at this time, I open the message. It was from an unknown number.

Unknown number:
Just wanted to be the last person to say good night. Have a good night and dream of me.

I reel back in surprise at the sweetness of the message. Do I have a secret boyfriend I don't know about?

Please, may I know who this is?
Only few seconds pass before my phone vibrates again and I hurriedly open the message.

Unknown number:
Who do you think it is?

Oh I don't know, a cyber stalker? A wrong number? My great grandfather's ghost? You could be anybody.

Unknown number:
Your great grandfather's ghost? Seriously?! I don't even know why I'm not surprised, I'm already used to your way of thinking. Here's a hint, I'm a guy and you last saw me an hour ago.


Unknown Number:
Dad? Why would your dad text you in your own house?

Beats me. Is it really you dad?

Unknown number:
Of course not. It's Hunter.

My heart somersaults as I read his name and I re read the message to confirm I'm not just seeing what I want to see.

Unknown number:
Are you still there. You've gone awfully quiet at the mention of my name.

I still don't respond because I suddenly feel I have to watch everything I say to him.

Unknown number:
Okay I lied. I'm not Hunter, I'm your great grandfather's ghost, now will you talk to me?

I burst into laughter at his message. I don't know what came over me but I save his number as My Jerk.

Oh shut up, will you ever let that go?

My jerk:
Ooohhh, she speaks! I was already thinking of coming back to your house. Did you know we don't live that far from each other? It's just 5 minutes walk apart!

How did you get my number?

My jerk:
I've always had it, I just never used it because there was never any reason to

Are you home already?

My jerk:
Yeah, I'm in my room about to sleep. I spent the day with the guys and I'm exhausted. But I just wanted to talk to you before I slept. I didn't know how you'd react to my call and so I texted instead. And judging from the silence that you gave me when I revealed who I was, it seems I made the right choice.

Why would you want to talk to me before you sleep?

That's what couples do. But I don't include that last part in the message.

My jerk:
What's up with the questions? We're not in a court room. Were you about to sleep too?

Hypocrite, you said to stop with the questions! But no, I was about to talk to my friends.

My jerk:
About what?

Girl stuffs

My jerk:
Like what?

Nothing you should know about. Why are you so interested in our conversations anyway?

My jerk:
Girls talk about interesting things like thongs and lingerie ;)

*gasps* perv!!!

My jerk:
Only for you ;) ;)

Gross!!! And stop winking.

My jerk:
You know you love it

Before I can reply, another message comes in.

My jerk:
I'm picking you up for school tomorrow morning.

Why? I have a chauffeur.

My jerk:
Can't have a chauffeur taking you to school while your fiancé is alive, available and willing.


I'm Hunter's fiance. That doesn't really sound bad or maybe I'm just sleepy.

You're taking this engagement thing really well.

My jerk:
Ever heard of the phrase 'go with the flow'?

Okay then. What time tomorrow?

My jerk:
I'll pick you up by 7:30am

My eyes start to droop but I fight it because I didn't want to stop talking to Hunter.

Okay then. I'll be waiting.

My jerk:
I can sense you're getting sleepy, your responses are getting short. I'm gonna let you go now. Good night X
My heart flips at the 'X' in his last text.

Good night

My jerk:
Hey, where is my love?

I laugh at his childish way of asking back for a kiss emoji.


I press the send button before I can think and I anxiously await his response.

My jerk:
I'm definitely collecting those tomorrow. Now get some sleep.

I turn off the back light of my phone and I let sleep take over me with the biggest goofy smile on my face.


I wake up immediately my alarm rings which is a very rare occurrence and I get dressed for school. I put in extra effort into picking out my clothes and I keep telling myself it's because it's the first day of resumption not because Hunter was picking me up for school.

I finish my morning routine in record time before practically floating to the dining room in happiness. I hug my dad then greet Mrs. Violet and she grins knowingly at me.

I eat my breakfast in a hurry and just as I finish, I hear the honking of a car horn and I quickly pick up my backpack before power walking to the door.

"I won't be needing James to drive me today, I've got a ride" I yell as I open the front door but I don't miss the victorious look my father and Mrs. Violet share between each other making me wonder what it was they were both so happy about.

Everything floats away when I see Hunter leaning against his car and when he sees me, he walks towards me and takes my backpack from me just before he places a kiss on my cheek making my heart flutter.

We both walk towards the car, I don't know much about cars, but I know an expensive one when I see it and this one looks extremely expensive. It doesn't matter though, nothing could match Hunter's perfectness to me.

Slow down Daisy, you're going in too deep.

He opens my door for me but stops me from entering and I give him a questioning look.

"I want a picture with you" he says and I raise an eyebrow.

Before I can open my mouth to complain, he places his baseball  cap on my head and pulls me close as he brings out his phone.

"Smile" he says and I grin widely just as the camera flashes. He takes a couple more before finally allowing me to enter the car.

The ride to school was short and fun but I find myself wishing it was longer.

When we get to school, most students were already in school, standing outside catching up with their friends on what happened during the vacation.
I suddenly realize how it would look like to arrive in the same car with Hunter on the first day.

"Ummm... Hunter, I don't want any misunderstandings, can you drive back and drop me at a distance and I'll walk the rest?" I ask uncertain of myself.

He sends me a puzzled look "You've never cared about what people think about you, why do you now?" He asks parking the car in his reserved space and then turning to face me.

"I still don't care but I'd rather avoid drama and unnecessary misunderstanding on the first day of resumption" I respond.

"I don't see any misunderstanding here, I brought my fiance to school, that's all" he utters.

I sigh resignedly and nod earning me a smile from him. A smile I'm coming to adore a little too much.

He opens his side door and steps out then he comes to my side and opens my door for me.

Everywhere becomes silent as every, yes, every single pair of eyes turns to us. Though I'm used to attention, it's never been in this type of situation and I find myself wondering how to handle it.

All worries fly out the window though when Hunter grabs my hand after locking his car. Murmurs erupt in every angle of the school ground at his actions and I glance at Hunter only to see a look of determination on his face.

What is he up to?

He suddenly turns me towards him and traps me against the car door.

"You're right, we need to clear one misunderstanding" he states his breath fanning my face.

"And what would that be?" I breath out already dazed by him.

Get a grip Daisy, you're out in public!

"That you are mine and all other boys can fuck off" He answers hoarsely just as he finally closes the space between us and takes my lips for a world-rocking kiss.
I think I'm jealous of my own character!!!

This is weird! Do I need a doctor?

I bet you're all wondering why I called you magicians. It's because..........

I mean 2.88k reads and 560 votes!!! Thank you all so much.

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                          Love, Yvonne.

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