Jason Todd! X Reader

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Not Today

Imagine being kidnapped
By Joker and
Jason having to save you



A warm tear streamed down your face as he came strolling into the room. A wicked smile plastered on his face and a murderous laugh escaping past his lips. He walked over to you, running his hand on the underside of your chin, making you close your eyes and bite your lip to keep it from quivering.

"Oh, don't be scared, dearie," he grinned menacingly. Joker pulled his hand away from your chin. You choked back a sob as he circled you. "You're an interesting little thing. No wonder Red likes you so much."

"Please, just let me go," you wailed, more tears breaking from your eyes.

"Now, now," he cooed, putting his hand on your cheek and patting it lightly, all while looking you straight in the eye, "the party hasn't even started yet."

You sobbed, even more, praying that he would come to your rescue.

Joker rambled on about his master plan, saying it was cliche, but you were too terrified to care. You trembled in fear, no matter how hard you tried to stay still. Not that you could move much, your torso and arms were bound to a rolling/spinning chair. The rope hugged your body in the most unsettling way, making you feel even sicker than you were already feeling.

Joker grabbed the back of your seat and spun you around to face him, "You don't think Jason would mind if we had a little fun without him?" He pulled out a knife waving it in front of your face. You panicked and began to struggle against your bonds, squirming as he inched the knife closer to your face.

"No, don't," you wept, "please don't, please!" The blade made contact with your cheek, cutting and slowly sliding down, stopping a little above your chin. You screamed in pain, kicking and thrashing around until he pulled away.

More tears ran down your face, from pain but mostly terror. "Don't cry kiddo," he put the knife at your neck. He ran the blade along your skin, leaving another cut, "Uncle J will make sure you have a great time."

He then moved the blade just right above your kneecap and began to plunge it in slowly. You gasped and began to scream, crying an begging him to stop as the blade broke past your skin.

Suddenly a window shattered and barging in through it was none other than your boyfriend, Jason Todd, AKA the Red Hood.

Joker quickly stopped his actions and sliced through the ropes that bounded you to the chair. He then pulled you up by your arm, twisting it behind your back, locking you in place against his chest.

"Jason!" Joker shouted giddily, "How wonderful that you were able to join the party!"

"Joker, you son of a bitch," Jason aimed a gun in the direction you and the Joker stood, "let them go or else I'll--"

"Or you'll what?" The Joker broke into laughter, it echoing throughout the room, "You'll beat me with a crowbar and blow me up?"

"Don't tempt me." The Joker laughed at his words making Jason growl. "(Y/n), baby, everything's gonna be alright, stay calm, okay."

You nodded. "That's more I like it!" The Joker chuckled, digging the blade into your neck more, "You two lovebirds are just adorable, honestly."

"Shut the hell up!" Jason yelled, "Let them go. I won't ask you again."

"As a wise man once said, bite me," The Joker crackled.

"(Y/n)," Jason spoke softly as if his words might hurt you, "close your eyes." You listen to what he said, squeezing your eyes together as the rest of your body trembled in fear. You heard a click.

"Come on, Red," Joker taunted, "show me what you got!"

Then a gunshot.

You heard the Joker make a noise, his grip on you loosening. After that, there was a bunch of grunting and the sound of punches making contact against something. Curiosity got the best of you. You opened your eyes and turned around.

The sight you saw sent chills down your spine.

Jason's helmet was off his head as he repeatedly punched the Joker, who was practically motionless aside from clenching his hand, which you guessed Jason had shot, yet the son of a bitch as still letting laughter escape from his broken body.

"I'm done with your sorry ass hurting the people I love," Jason fumed. He stood up and cocked his gun back, aiming it right at Joker.

But after everything that happened today, you were done. Done with the violence, the blood, the laughing. "Jason, no!" you shouted making him turn toward you. You shook your head, "Not today. Please."

The Joker chuckled, "Why don't you listen to the dear, Jason,"

"How many times do I have to tell you to shut up?" Jason yelled kicking him. He then looked back at you and his features softened. Jason threw the gun aside and drove his knee into Jokers head, knocking him out.

You shut your eyes and let out a shaky breath you hadn't realize you'd been holding. When you reopened your eyes, Jason was walking up to you. He engulfed you in a hug, pulling you close to his chest, "I'm sorry." You tried to respond, but words couldn't form, so instead, you began to sob into his chest, hugging him back tightly.

After a few minutes, he kissed your temple, "GCPD will be here any minute, we gotta go." You noticed his helmet by your feet, so you picked it up and gave it to him. He smiled before putting it on and picking you up bridal style. At first you wanted to complain about him carrying you, but you were too tired to argue about it, instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck and cuddled into his chest.


Here Is another request I failed to write a long time ago...

I'm so sorry to the person that requested this...

Anyways, there are still more chapters I uploaded today. Feel free to check them out.


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