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5 Years Ago

"Why do you have to leave?"

"I can't stay here anymore, Dad. Everything reminds of him."

"But what about your family?" Dad asked fighting back tears.

"I'll call everyday, but I just need to get out of Missouri." I said. "I just need to start over."


"Dad, I know." I nodded. "I'll come back to visit. I'll stay on track and go to school. I'll get a job. I'll even go to church."

"I was just going to say good luck." Dad said grabbing my hand. "You know, your aunt and uncle are going to be looking out for you."

"I know." I nodded.

"And I'm telling your Aunt Char that you'll be joking her for church every Sunday." He pulled me into a hug and I giggled against his chest. "And bible study every Thursday."

"I didn't say all that, now." I laughed.

"I can only hope, right?"


"Stay in touch with your cousin when you get out there. She can probably help you get settled."

She isn't even going to be there.

Once I get there, she's leaving.

We'll only see each other for a few hours.

"I will." I faked a smile.


In Arizona, things were hectic.

Amari was trying to leave as soon as possible without anyone noticing.

"So what're you going to do once you get to Pennsylvania?" I asked watching her pack.

"I don't know." She shrugged. "Start a new temporary life, I guess. Until all of this blows over."

'Blows over'?

Does this type of thing ever just 'blow over'?

"What about after?" I asked playing with my nails.

"Come back home and go about life per usual."

"I mean, after the baby comes." I said. "What're you gonna do with it?"

She stared at me for a second.

"You know I'd want nothing more than to sign custody over to you, but that would look suspicious." She said. "And I know Tyler. He won't just let it go so easily."

"I know I shouldn't ask, but..." I took a deep breath. "Never mind."

"Janice..." I cut her off.

"But he's okay with you giving it up for adoption in Pennsylvania?"

"He doesn't know I'm doing it in Pennsylvania yet." Amari said. "He just knows that I'm giving it up."

"Have you thought about what church you'd like to give it to yet?"

"I haven't."

"Oh..." I nodded. "Just... Let me know when you give birth, okay?"



"Tyler, we need to talk."

"Of course."

He grabbed my hand and lead me into his office.

He closed and locked the door behind us.

"Have you decided about the baby yet?" He asked.

"Are you sure you're okay with me giving it up?" I asked. "I know that you've always wanted kids and now..."

"I'm sure." He nodded. "I mean, we aren't together, I'm married, and you're going to school. I don't want to put Danielle through that. I don't want to put that baby through that. Our relationship is difficult enough without adding a kid to the mix."

"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm gonna do it in Pennsylvania. It's far away enough. We've never visited there so no one will be able to track it back to us."

"Pennsylvania? What if I change my mind?" He asked.

"You can't." I said carefully. "This isn't something you can just say 'never mind' to. Once it's done, it's done."

"But why Pennsylvania?" He asked. "Why not here? Just in case. I mean, you just bought a plan ticket. People will be able to track that."

"Under Janice's name. On paper, Janice is the only one going to Pennsylvania." I said.

"Want me to go with you?" He asked. "I could be there once the baby is born."

If I let him come, he would go back on our agreement.

He would choose to keep the baby instead of giving it up like we had decided.

I knew him.

"No. I need you to help Janice while I'm gone. I need you to look after her."

"Okay." He nodded. "Sure. Anything for you."

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek. "I'll see you in 9 months?"

"Yeah. You will." He smiled at me. "Send pictures of the baby."

"You know I will."

9 Months Later


"My name is Janice Rose. I was here maybe two days ago."

The secretary typed on the computer before smiling at me.

"Yes. You gave birth to a sweet little boy." She said.

"Yes. Exactly." I smiled at her. "I had decided to give him up, but that was a mistake. Do you know where he was taken?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure I'm allowed to give out that information." She said hesitantly.

"You can't tell me where my son was taken?" I asked looking at her dumbly. "How does that sound to you?"

"Ma'am, you already signed the papers. In regards to the law, he isn't your son anymore." She explained.

"I just told you that was a mistake." I said.

"I'm sorry. I really can't help you." She said.

"Fine. Where can I adopt my son?" I asked. "Who do I have to talk to?"

"You can call the church you signed him over to." She typed on her computer.

Isn't that what I just asked her?

"They'll be able to help you after that." She said.

"I was on so many drugs, I don't remember anything." I shook my head. "What church did I sign him to?"

She took a deep breath and looked around before quickly writing something on a sticky note.

"I can't help you anymore than I already have." She whispered before turning back to her work.

I grabbed the sticky note and walked away.

On it she had written the name of a church.

All I had to do now was follow that trail.

I called the church before showing up.

"Yes, we accepted him." The pastor said leading the way to the new babies. "It is so nice to see that you've had a change of heart, Ms. Rose."

"Yes. I fell in love with the little guy, but I didn't know until it was too late." I said.

"It's never too late." He said opening the door and allowing me to walk in first. "He is over here. The only new born we got that day."

There he laid looking so handsome.

My eyes watered as I stared down at him and he stared back at me.

"What do I have to sign?" I asked quietly as I picked him up.

"Just a few papers." Pastor said. "Then you can take him home where he belongs."

"Yes sir." I cooed rocking the little baby. "What a handsome little guy..."



"Come on." I said grabbing my car keys. "You have to go to school."

"But I don't wanna." My 4 year old son, Kyler, pouted.

"And I don't want to go to work, but I have to." I said handing him his book bag.

"But you get to be surrounded by cakes and cookies, mommy." Kyler said grabbing my hand.

"And you get to be surrounded by all of your friends, baby." I laughed.

I buckled him into the backseat before getting into the car myself.

"All set?" I asked adjusting my mirrors.

"Yes!" He cheered.

"Good!" I laughed starting the car. "I like that attitude!"

At his school, I got out of the car and helped him out before grabbing his hand to walk him inside.

"Ms.Rose?" Someone called causing me to look over my shoulder for the voices

It was a man I didn't recognize.

"Do I know you?" I asked looking around at all the other parents dropping their children off.

"I don't think you do." The man smiled at me before glancing down at Kyler.

"Baby, go say hi to your friends." I said nudging Kyler away and he ran off.

"Janice Rose, right?"

"Right." I nodded.

"I've been looking for you."

"And who are you?" I asked looking him up and down.

"James Young. I just dropped my kid off and people were talking about how great your cupcakes are." He explained. "I just wanted to know how I would go about placing an order for my kid's birthday."

"You'll have to call the bakery I work at." I explained. "It's on 5th and Main. It's called Baker's Dozen."

"Oh. Well, thank you." He smiled at me and walked away.

"Sure." I mumbled. "Kyler!"


"And she has Kyler with her." He explained. "There isn't any paperwork, but I think she adopted him."

"Of course she did." I sighed. "Okay. Thank you James."

"Of course." He nodded his head and left my office.


"She stayed in Pennsylvania? That was dumb." I shook my head. "Thanks for that."

I handed him his check and he left.

"Drew, prepare me a flight to Pennsylvania." I said. "And call Amari."


Y'all, I'm done for the week probably.

I'm having too much fun with these updates!

I always do this after going a long time without updating and I hate it!😭

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