Chapter 16

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History was a lesson I was top of the class for. No matter what subject that come up, I always aced the work and the tests we were given.

Because of this, the teacher left me to do my own thing whenever it came to doing the test. He knew I would finish it within half an hour and just have to sit there for the rest of it.

As he placed the piece of paper about the Ancient Egyptians, he gave me a wink before moving onto the next person. Ah, one of my favourites.

Should be done with this in around 20 minutes.

The rest of the class looked irritated, scratching their heads and the their faces falling into their hands.

When Mr. Adam gave the nod to the class to start the test, I flipped over the paper and began to answer the question straight away.

Around three questions in, I was half way through a sentence when suddenly the fire alarm sounded and about half the class jumped and a couple of screams were heard.

All eyes went to Mr. Adams who looked like he had no idea what was going on. This clearly wasn't a drill.

"Ok class, you know how it goes. Single file to the nearest fire exit. Leave your bags here." He announced and the class started to slowly file out, a couple quickly grabbing their bags before they go.

The only thing I made sure I took was my phone, since I had nothing else on me of significant value.

As we made it to the nearest fire exit that lead to the fields, a small bang sounded from the other end of the corridor.

A door swung open and a couple of people piled out, a blast of smoke followed out after them which caused a couple of people to scream.

What the hell? It was an actual fucking fire?

I don't think there's ever been a fire in this school since I've been here and I've been here since Year 7.

Those few students that came out the room ran down the hallway and towards our group that were still leaving through the exit.

And, of course, Harvey was one of them.

He joined me at my side, coughing a little bit "What the fuck did you do!?"

I glared at him as we soon made it to the field. Practically the whole school was already out there.

Groups of friends were huddling together as we waited for the final few students to come out and form into their classes.

"Wasn't me. Blame your psycho friend Leo over there." He muttered, shooting a look over to the far side of the field.

Leo stood by himself, hands in his pockets and not a care on his face.

Honestly? Why am I not fucking surprised.

I had barely spoken to Leo since ballet last week. We stayed in the park for about an hour before my brother phoned up worried about where I was.

Eventually, the final few teachers turned up and all the students formed into their class lines.

The registers were read out for each class and everyone in mine were their. It wasn't until a certain name kept being yelled that I zoomed in on Harvey's line.

"Hunter Lee?" The teacher shouted and everyone's heads looked around the field "Hunter Lee are you here!?"

My eyes locked with Harvey's and he just looked down.

What the fuck did those boys do.

Suddenly, there was a flash of movement from the other end of the field and a blur of motion headed back towards the building.

"Leo! Get back here now!"

Oh shit.

I don't know what possessed me, but I instantly followed, my body breaking into a sprint as I chased down Leo.

"Eliana McCoy don't even think about it!"

There were people following behind us but I put it to the back of my mind. I wanted to know what the hell had happened in the past 15 minutes.

The fire exit we left out of was still slightly open so Leo ripped it open and I was hot on his tail.

Smoke had begin to rise to the ceiling and it stung my eyes, my hand going to my mouth to cover it in some way.

"What are you doing?" Leo grabbed my arm and went to pull me to the exit but I shrugged him off.

"What am I doing? What the fuck are you doing Leo?" I glared at him "Do you know where Hunter is?"

Leo's lips remained closed so I started walking towards the room at the end of the corridor where the smoke was coming from.

"Eli don't!" Leo shouted after me, but I had already walked inside.

I could barely see anything, thick, black smoke coated the room and a small burst of flames sat in the corner by the windows.

I started scanning the room, a gut feeling keeping me from leaving.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Leo shouted, going to grab my arm again but I had already started moving, looking around on the floor to see if Hunter was in here.

I nearly gave up, my lungs starting to burn from the smoke inhalation but a small movement on the floor to my left made me stay.

Hunter was lying on the floor, unconscious. There was a small amount of blood trickling down his forehead and black stains underneath his nose.

"Shit." I cursed, running over to his body and pulling him towards the exit. Jesus, I didn't realise how heavy he was.

"Move." Leo grabbed Hunter's hoodie and pulled him up effortlessly into a fireman's carry.

I rushed to the door, kicking it open far enough so he could carry Hunters body through.

The next few moments were a blur. We emerged back into the field to be practically tackled by teachers and firemen.

Before the teachers could even go to reprimand Leo and I, we had to be seen by the fire and ambulance crew who finally showed up.

We only had some smoke inhalation so were weren't too bad.

We were both sat in the back of an ambulance, oxygen masks over our faces.

I didn't realise how much my chest hurt until I started breathing clean air. My eyes began stinging from how dry they were.

In my mind, the situation of what just happened hadn't even clicked in my brain and I just started to cry.

How could I have been so stupid? Running into a fire just to save my brother's friend. And why did I follow Leo? He could have handled it and I wouldn't have gotten into trouble.

I could get expelled for this.

All my hard work down the fucking drain. First ballet and now this? My world is starting to crumble around me.

"What the fuck are you crying for?" A raspy voice from next to me snapped me out of my crisis.

"Excuse me? Sorry for having feelings and knowing how to express them. Unlike some people." I closed my eyes and rested my head back, taking deep breaths from the oxygen tank.

"I was already going back into the building. So why did you?" Leo ignored my comment and continued to press.

"Does it fucking matter? It's done with." I shouted exasperatedly. I just wanted to go home. Being here was making my head and heart hurt.

There was movement from beside me and Leo's hands grabbed my arms, shaking me.

"Of course it fucking matters. You could've been hurt!"

"And I wasn't!" My eyes snapped open and I ripped the mask off my face "Why do you fucking care all of a sudden?"

"Of course I care. I'm not heartless." Leo spat, letting go of my arms and stepping out from the ambulance. He ran his hands over his face and through his hair.

"Could've fooled me." I muttered, not wanting to continue the conversation with him anymore.

It's like my prayers were answered when Harvey appeared beside the ambulance.

He completely ignored Leo and looked straight to me "Headteacher said we can go, but you've got a meeting tomorrow at 9 about all of this."

I nodded my head, slowly standing up and joining Harvey at his side "How's Hunter?"

"He'll live. Some carbon monoxide poisoning and a concussion, but he's fine." Harvey sighed. I knew he was worried about him.

"Let's go home." I followed him towards the car park and didn't give a second look back to Leo who watched us as we walked away.

I was going to be grilling Harvey when we got home about what the hell had happened. He may have said it was Leo's fault, but they were all in that room so he must have known something.

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