Chapter Fourteen: Strong Genes

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Han and I woke up to someone banging on our motel room door. We flew up and looked at each other."Hey! Wake up you two!" We heard Brian's annoyed voice on the other side of the door. Han quickly put his shirt on and I got dressed too. Han walked over to the door and opened it and I flopped down on the bed. "What is up with you guys!?" Brian started. "Sorry...we went to bed late last night..." Han lied through gritted teeth. Brian stepped in and looked around in the room. "I hope you two didn't sleep in the same bed." Brian joked. I could feel my heart pound against my ribcages. "What do you think of me?" I asked with my arms crossed and Han shot me a nervous glance. "Just making sure...besides Han knows what's going to happen to him if you did." Brian said patting Han on the shoulder. "Is it okay to go home now or what?" I asked pissed only because Brian ruined my sleep in with Han. "Why do you think I'm here? Get your lazy asses ready we're leaving in half an hour. Han can I talk to you?" Brian said  walking out again. Han looked at me with a confused frown before going out and I just shrugged my shoulders. I took the duffle bag and searched through it for an outfit. Than I got into the shower,got out and got dressed. When I was done I went outside to Brian and Han talking. "Ready to go?" I asked. I noticed that Han was wearing different clothes. "Sure...let's go." "I'm just gonna go grab the bags." Han started the stairs and Brian looked at me. "Is everything okay between you?" He asked with a suspicious tone. "Yeah...why?" "He looks a little uncomfortable." I snorted. "Doesn't he always?"

Han reappeared with the bags and Brian and I got into his car while Han drove off in his. I got a text from Takashi and suddenly I felt like such a used slut.

Hey. I hope you're doing okay. I'm sorry for what happened to you baby. I wanna see you..if it's okay.

I texted him back knowing I have to face him some other time.

Sure. On my way home with Brian I'll text ya the time and place later.

After a while we pulled up to our house and Han pulled over shortly after that. He got out and just glanced at me before disappearing into the house. Mia,Letty and Dom came walking out and Mia came grabbing me in a suffocating hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay. How are you feeling!? Your bruises..let me look at it." She rumbled the sentences off.

"I'm okay..really. These simple bruises are nothing."

Dom came and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You sure you okay kid?" He asked a little concern.

"Sure...I've been through worst."  

"There you have it...O'Connor by blood."

Letty said with a joking tone and Mia glared at her. It's really obvious who's mamma bear between them.

"Go upstairs and rest for a little Chlo..and I don't wanna argue about it."

"'re acting as if I'm that difficult."

I took my duffle bag and went upstairs. When I walked past Han's room the door was open to a crack and I could see him doing push-ups. I just shrugged and went to my room. We already decided that we were going to leave each other alone. I should stick with that no matter how heartbreaking it is. I flopped on my bed and put the ear buds in my ears listening to music. I don't know for how long I was out cause when I opened my eyes it was already late afternoon. I flew up remembering that I still have to meet up with Takashi. I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom and ran a shower. When I was done I went downstairs everyone was curled up in front of the TV watching some movie. Mia,Letty,Dom,Brian and even Han who was eating a packet of chips. I went to the kitchen and threw myself a glass of water wondering how the hell I was going to sneak out without them noticing me. I looked at the key holder on the wall. There was about maybe seven car keys. Mustang....mine..I reached out but a voice behind me made me jump.

"Going somewhere..."

Han asked in a whisper so that the other's couldn't hear. I turned around and looked at him.

"I need to get out of here. I need some me time."

Han snorted and leaned against the wall arms crossed over his chest.

"You're not even suppose to sit foot out of the door. Tell Takashi you can't meet up. Not that you'll listen to me."

He turned around to walk out but glanced over his shoulder.

"Good luck anyway."

And with that he walked out the keys burning in the palm of my hand. A few minutes later I found myself jumping through my bedroom window. Landing on the ground with a soft thud. I quickly made my way to the garage and got into my Mustang Chelby 2016 model. Perks of having a ex-street racer for a brother. When I turned the key in the ignition the engine came to life puring like a kitty. Always had a soft spot for American Muscles. I pulled out and drove off as fast as I could knowing I will be in whole a lot of shit when I come back. I pulled up to where Takashi was leaning against his Nissan Fairlady Z33. I got out and walked over to him.

"Oh my god!! Chloe are you alright!?"

He came and grabbed me in a hug but he was being extra careful. I don't remember him as someone who would be careful...not even with me. But it's obvious...he's feeling bad. When he let go he looked at my face and his eyes shot full of tears. His jaw was clenched and he was bittered.

"I'm fine..don't worry." I tried to assure him.

"What did that bastard do to you!? What did he want!?"

He asked and I flinched at the sharpness of his tone. Not that I'm not used to it I'm just not used to him being so hurt..or was it all just an act.

"Chloe...look at me. What did that guy want?"

He said grabbing my shoulders so that I can face him.


I said as I swallowed hard at the lump building up in my throat. He let go of me and shook his head like his trying to get rid of a bad memory.

"You should go. You being here with me is a risk,it will always be a risk. I keep on putting your life in danger..."

I cut him off.

"No!! Don't say that...I knew about all the risks before I started dating you. So don't you dare put this on yourself."

"Chlo! I hate seeing you like this! You'll keep on getting hurt maybe even killed. I can't risk that, I should've ended things ages ago."

"I love you...Takashi. Really I do."

"I love you too...but it's better if I just disappear out of your life. For good."

"You think that's your decision to make?"

"Yes! It's mine! Just let it go...bye Chloe."

He came and gave me a hug and kissed me on my forehead. The tears ran down my cheeks unexpectedly. I tried hard to fight against it...the pain of losing someone close to my heart..again.

"Just like that huh?"

"It can't be otherwise."

I wiggled myself out of his arms and walked over to my car. It all happened so fast I was still walking over to my car when this bikes sped past us firing gun shots at us. Takashi grabbed me and ducked behind my car but I still got shot in my stomach. I put my hand over the wound and it really hurt like shit. When I looked at my hand it was covered in blood.

"You're bleeding!" Takashi yelled.

He grabbed my hand and tried to steady me but only than we realised he also got shot in his shoulder it was only a graze but he still got shot.

"Can you move?" I uttered out in pain.

"I'll be fine we need to get you to a hospital."

"What about you?"

"Don't worry about me,come on."

He put my arm around his neck and helped me over to his car. We got in and he started the car.

"Will be you fine..driving with one hand?" I asked the pain crushing my voice.

"Yeah..I'm a racer remember. Now safe your energy."

He sped off and the street lights was blinding me. It felt like I was so close to dying. The pain was undescribable Takashi kept on assuring me that I was going to be okay while I lost my consciousness a few times. When we pulled up to the hospital the nurses came rushing out with a stretcher. Takashi kept by my side but I knew he had to leave. If the police found him here...even worse what if Brian found him here.

"" I whimpered in pain. Takashi bent down so that he could hear me clearer.

"You need to get out of here. I'll be fine..."

He hesitated and I put my hand over his.

"I'm tired of running,I'm not leaving."

I gave him a faint smile.

"You kinda don't have a choice. Just go..I'll be okay..really."

"Excuse me sir but we have to get her into!"

The doctor interrupted. They pushed me into the theatre right after Takashi kissed me on my forehead and disappeared behind a closed theatre door........

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