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You know that feeling you get where you just want to run and hide behind a bush when you sense drama, but still peer over the bush because your a nosy person?

Well, that's me at this very moment. But instead of being behind the comfort and safety of the bush, I was stuck between two alpha males and this time the drama was my own.

How did we even get here?

Not a word was being uttered or inch of movement. Just an intense stare down, each waiting for the other one to make the first move. For one of them to start something.

Now was I gonna let a fight break out here?

I mean I like a good fight more than anyone else, but I was not gonna let it break out here of all places. In front of everyone.

What if one of them gets pushed into the fire?

I would have a roasted best friend or a roasted..

Wait, what is Jace?

A friend? My boyfriend?

We never established a title for this 'relationship'. We just agreed and went our separate ways. No rules, everything was fair game at this point. Only thing was to convince the one person we were trying to deceive. I know I asked him to be my fake boyfriend, but he never actually agreed to putting a name on this. So, what are we? Who do I introduce him as if I was asked?

Just Jace?

You really pick the right time to think about these things.

Not the time, Leah!

My conscious was right, I'll figure that out later. So I pushed that thought to far back of my mind. Now for the matter at hand. I turned my attention back to the two guys standing before me.

"Guys." I said trying to get their attention, but no avail. "Guys." I tried again louder and failed.

"Guys." I gritted out putting my hands on each of their chest pushing them apart and away from each other. Trust me it was a lot harder than I expected. Too much muscle, but I succeeded barely.

But is that something I should really complain about?

I was only able to move them a few inches apart. I stepped directly between the two trying to block them from one another, with their towering heights of six feet and over and my short stature of five feet five didn't do much.

"Nate." I called out trying to at least grab his attention it. His harden dark blue eyes landed on my own brown ones and soften slightly. "I promise we'll talk, but this is not the place for it."

Nate nodded after a moment of thought. "I know." He finally said. "But we need to talk soon."

"We will." I told him. "Soon." I just needed him to walk away from this. The tension was too high right now.

"Fine, I'll wait for you." He said taking a step forward and planting a soft kiss on my cheek. I felt like his words held some kind of double meaning to them. Was I reading into them more than I should have?

I heard a scoff from behind.ย 

The affection from Nate is something I should be use to after the many years of friendship, but after two years of no contact I'm sure my face held shocked. Nate's glanced up and gave Jace a glare almost as if he was rubbing that bit of affection in his face. His lips filled with a smirk before he turned on his heels and walked away.

I heard someone clear their throat, annoyed. I turned around to see Jace glaring at me with intense hazel eyes. "Oh please, don't let me interrupt your lovey dovey moment." He spat.

I narrowed my eyes. "Excuse me? That" I said pointing spot Nate was standing at. "Wouldn't have happened if you weren't being a jerk."

Jace arched his perfect brow, surprised I would challenge his words. "Did you not ask for my help?"

"Yes, I did!" I exclaimed. Yes, I asked for his help. But I wasn't expecting a almost brawl in front of the entire senior class. "But-"

"But, what Leah?" He cut me off as his cold eyes stared into me.

"I don't want you to fight him!" I told him throwing my hands up in the air. He scoffed once more. "You don't need to fight him."

Jace shrugged his shoulders. "Afraid I would wreck his pretty little face?" An icy smile landed on his lips.

I'm sure Jace could handle his own and the same with Nate. But I don't want anyone getting hurt.

I groaned in frustration. I was completely done with him right now. "You know what." I told him. "I'm done talking to you and I'm done with this party. I'm going home." I turned to walk away from Jace and his jerk face when I felt a strong hand grab my arm keeping me in place.

I turned around glancing down to hand on my arm and back to Jace. "What?" I asked annoyed.

"I'll take you home." He stated matter of factly. I arched a brow.

"And why would you do that?" I asked curiously and a bit surprised.

"Aren't we suppose to sell that we are a thing?" He asked and I nodded. In a way, yes we're suppose to sell the idea of us together. "Well, if we leave together then that would start the spark. The whole senior class is here to witness us leaving together."

He made a good point. If the students in our class could believe it, so will Nate.

I didn't know what to say, so Jace took my silence as a yes and took my hand into his pulling me out through the crowd. We weaves through a few people. Many looked at us with curiosity, some didn't even give us a glance. They must think I'm Jace's next conquest. Another one to add to his book.

If only they knew.

My eyes caught Kayla's gaze as we walked pass the makeshift dance floor. Her eyes widen in shock and disbelief. If she didn't think anything was going on with Jace before, she does now.

I will tell her everything soon.

Jace led me towards his sleek black Audi RS 5 that was park close to the clearing. There were a few people hanging out around the cars and some were leaving.

I would be lying if I said I didn't ogle over his car. It was freaking gorgeous. It was all blacked out and even in the moonlight it shined so beautifully.

It's one sexy car.

It's owner could be better.

"This is yours?" I questioned when we stopped in front of the car. I couldn't believe he owned something as gorgeous as this.

Jace glances back to me with a smirk playing on his lips and pulled out the keys from his pocket and unlocked the car. "Why? You wanna drive it?" He asked dangling the key in front of my face.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed reaching for the key. Jace pulled his arm higher. I should have known better.

But come on, if someone is literally dangling a key to such a beautiful car in front of your face wouldn't you want to take the chance and drive it?


I narrowed my eyes as Jace brings the keys back to a reachable level, a cheeky smile on his lips. "Come on. It's right here." He jingled the key right at my eye level.

I need to play this smart.

I need those keys, but he will just continue to raise his arm higher.

Damn it. Why am I so short?

Thanks for the genes, mom and dad.

I darted my hand forward as fast as I could to catch him off guard, but instead of grabbing the keys I grabbed Jace's arm to stop him from moving it higher. I was ready to grab the keys, but someway somehow Jace used this position to his advantage, using his arm he spun me around causing my back to collide with his solid chest.

His hand rested on my opposite shoulder as his arm kept me in this position, trapping me against him. I felt the heat radiating off of him onto my back, the scent of his cologne filled my senses once more. I was fully aware of every hard muscle of his upper body pressed against my back. I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks from our position.

Stop blushing!

I felt his warm breath fanning my cheek. He leaned in close to my ear and whispered. "The day you fall for me is the day I'll let you drive."

Jace then released me causing my back to feel cold from his missing presence.

Of course.

This is all a game for Jace. I have to remember that.

If he thinks I'll be the one falling for him, he has another thing coming. I turned around and rolled my eyes towards his direction. "Just take me home." I told him deadpanned.

Jace eyes studied my face for a moment and gestured towards the car for me to get in and that exactly what I did.

I slid into the comforts of his leather seats. The car still had that new car smell to it. Jace slid into the driver seat and started the car. The engine roared to life. The sound was like music to my ears.

As soon as I settled on the seat I felt my phone vibrate. Pulling out my phone from my back pocket. Kayla's name flashed along the screen. I unlocked the phone and opened the message.








I shook my head from the amount of messages I was getting from Kayla. It was consistent, one after the other with no breaks between them. I left her high and dry, with no information. So I don't blame her for freaking out, but damn she literally blowing up my phone.

I wouldn't be surprise if it exploded in my hand. I decided to send her a quick message to calm her nerves.

Leah: I'll tell you everything tomorrow! I promise. Jace is dropping me home. Okay, bye!

I sent the message and turned my phone to silent just as Jace pulled onto the main road. I couldn't handle on the dings.

"Who was blowing up your phone?" Jace asked after a moment. I glanced over to Jace to see one arm resting on the steering wheel, the other on the console. His hazel eyes trained on the road in front of us. His jaw set firmly. His dark hair was slightly messy from the amount of times his hands went through it.

He even made driving look hot.

"You gonna stop checking me out and answer my question?" Jace said turning his eyes towards me, a small playful smirk on his lips.

I felt my cheeks warm up. "Why? Are you jealous?" I teased.

Jace let out a low chuckle and glanced over to me. "Sweetheart, I don't get jealous." I shook my head at his response. Sure, okay. "Well?" He pressed.

Now it was my turn to smirk. "I'll just leave it up to your imagination." I said slipping my phone back into my pocket.

Jace's eyebrow shot up as a devious smile landed on his lips. "And so it begins."

"What?" I questioned with furrowed brows.

"Our game." His eyes held playfulness and a glint of mischief. I rolled my eyes and decided not to respond. We fell into a comfortable silence as he drove down the clear road.

I rested my head on the headrest of the seat as I looked out to the dark sky. The stars shinning brightly. All the events of the day started to set into my body. I could feel my eyes slowly start to get heavy as the seconds passed by and before I knew it I fell into a peaceful sleep.

Hello lovelies!

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
I'm starting to pick a cast! As you see Jace is the first one up!
And oh lord ๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿ˜ถ I'm swooned!

Jace or Nate? ๐Ÿค”

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Until the next chapter!

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