Chapter 14

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Kyle's POV

I got home and walked in greeting Eugenia who welcomed me with a hug.

"Donde esta el?" I asked.

"El esta en el estudio."

I made my way to the study and knocked gently.

"Come in," A voice calmly said from the room. I opened the door and entered seeing my dad sitting, reading a book.

"Hey, son."


"Nice seeing you, you not looking bad."

"Thanks," I said walking to him.

"How's school?"

"Como te importa," I muttered under my breath.

"Why are you here anyway?" Forgive me for being hard on him but it's like he doesn't care and often forgets he has a son here.

"To see you," He smiled.

"We both know that's a lie dad, why are you truly here," I moved my hands inside the pocket of my trousers and gave him a stern look.

"Well..." He said walking closer. "I was around and I decided to stop by and say hi before leaving."

"Well, you've said hi you can leave now," I said turning to leave the room.

"Son wait!"

"What?" I said not looking back.

"Can we spend the rest of the day playing games together like we used to? I'm sorry I've been away son but I'm here to make it right."

"I'm not interested," I said, continuing to walk to the door.

"Please, Mateo!" I stopped dead in my tracks. No one calls me that except mom. He has no right to. I clenched my fist in anger. He made me remember mom.

"Don't you ever call me that. You're not mom," I said through gritted teeth and walked out of the room as fast as I could.

How dare he! How dare he use the name of the only person that I've ever loved calls me. I went to my room and slammed the door shut. He has dome guts coming here and calling me that name after I haven't seen him in five years.

I plopped on my bed and started to think of the amazing moments I had with my mom. She was beautiful and graceful. I wish he had gone instead of her. When she died he just shut me out like he wanted to get rid of me. Now he has the nerve to come here and beg? I was interrupted in my thoughts with a knock on my door.

"What?!" I yelled.

"It's Eugenia."

I sighed.

"Come in ma."

She came in and sat on my bed. "I'm sorry I thought you were-" she cut me off.

"Your father?" She questioned with her eyebrow raised.

I nodded and she smiled.

"I want to talk to you boy. You see that man there is always going to be your father whether you like it or not. He made a mistake, and he wants to apologize. Why don't you give him a chance?"

"Lo odio," I said through gritted teeth.

"I know, él no es mi favorito también," she smiled.

I sighed.

"He called me Mateo. Only mom ever calls me that," I bowed my head.

"I understand son but he's your father and he wants to make amends. Play the game with him."

"I don't know ma. I mean five years?!"

"Que querría tu madre?" She asked. My head shot up at her question. What would my mother want? She would want me to make peace with him, she's so kind-hearted. I looked at Eugenia and she smiled.

"She would want me to go talk to him."

"You are right son."

"Thanks, ma." I hugged her. I'm so happy I have her. She reminds me so much of my mom.

"You welcome." She said and I laughed.

"You laughing at my English aye?"

I nodded laughing. Eugenia's English is so funny. It has a Spanish accent mixed with it. I don't blame her though because English isn't her first language.

"Well go talk to him, don't let him feel worse than this."

"Maybe I should give him an hour more to feel bad," I smirked.

"No!" she said, "Come on, off you go." And she started shoving me to the door.

"Calm down ma I'm gonna go," I laughed.

"I don't trust you boy," She said, still shoving me.


I opened the door to the study and saw him. It hurts my heart to call him my father. I wish he never even came. I was better off knowing he was on some island fucking girls and drinking coconut on a beach. Now he's here like a lost puppy putting on a guilt-stricken face and asking for forgiveness.

"Son I'm really sor-" I cut off immediately.

"Are you dying?" I can't help but ask why he is so keen on asking for forgiveness.

"No," He frowned.

"Am I dying?"

"No son!"

"They why now, after all those years. Why the apology now, why come home? It's been five fucking years! I sent you unending messages telling you to come back and even when you're at home you bring your secretary. I call but you never picked, hell you changed your number. I heard you were in Greece once for a conference and I flew there just to see you but you shut me out. I reached out to you over the past years when I needed you the most after mom died but instead you sent Eugenia! What was she supposed to be, a replacement?!"

I was fuming now, he needs to know that an apology isn't just gonna make me forget.

"Son I know I've hurt you, I've hurt you deeply and I'm aware but please I ask that you forgive me. I've come to my senses and seen that I've been a horrible father to you and I left you when you needed me the most but when your mom died I wasn't myself anymore. I didn't know how to live because she was the only woman I ever loved. It was hard for me and I didn't want to be weak in your eyes so I had to leave. But trust me son never for once have I forgotten you. I wrote you letters but I didn't dare to send them. I knew you came looking for me so I shut down all contacts. I love you, son, I truly do but all I ask for is your forgiveness. Please." He said crying.

"I just wish you never left. I wish you were here," I muttered.

"I know son, I know and I'm sorry."

"I forgive you, dad. I mean it's not like I can go adopt another dad."

He chuckled. Then he came to hug me.

"I'm so happy you've forgiven me and I promise not to ever hurt you again."

He whispered in my ear.

I smiled over his shoulder and hugged him tightly. I miss him.


"So a girl uhn?"

I'm having dinner with my dad now and talking about stuff.


"What's her name?" He asked smiling.


"Lilia? That's a beautiful name."

"Her name describes her," I said blushing.

"Whoa! I would love to see the girl who captured your heart. The bad boy finally falls in love."

I chuckled. "I don't know why I'm called that in school dad. I mean I'm in no way bad."

He shrugged. "Well, that's high school."

"But I'm serious son I want to meet her. Let us have her over for dinner tomorrow."

"Well I'll ask her, but let me tell you she's quite shy."

"I can deal with shy. Your mom wasn't bold herself," He closed his mouth sharply because he touched a touchy subject, mom.

"I'm so-rr- sorry son," He apologized stuttering.

"It's fine dad, it's been years," I replied smiling taking a fork of spaghetti in my mouth.

He sighed and smiled back. "I do miss her though. I remember her every day."

"Me too."


Dinner ended and I'm on my bed texting Lilia.

Kyle❤: Hey babe

I waited for like five minutes before she replied.

Lia💞: 💕

Kyle❤: What were you doing?

Lia💞: I just had a shower. How did the talk with your dad go?

Kyle❤: It was cool, he apologized.

Lia💞: Great! I'm watching the exorcist on your laptop.

Oh, I even forgot it is with her.

Kyle❤: Why horror? Would you be able to sleep😏

Lia💞: I'm strong💪

Kyle❤: Yeah right. My dad invited you for dinner tomorrow.

Lia💞: Me😨 He knows?!

Kyle❤: Yep

Lia💞: I don't know Kyle I'm scared. I mean it's your dad, one wrong move and he's gonna hate me😭

Kyle❤: Lol no babe he's pretty cool. Trust me.

Lia💞: Uhm okay but I don't have a gown to wear🙈

Kyle❤: That's fine I'll take you shopping tomorrow.

Lia💞: 😀😀😀

Kyle❤: Smh you weird.

Lia💞: But that's why you love me right😜


Lia💞: 😒

Kyle❤: 😏

Lia💞: I'm gonna continue my movie now.

Kyle❤: Okay just don't scream in your sleep.

I ended the chat smiling. I'm in love with a weirdo.

Chapter 14 is done!!!

Picture of Caleb above!

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