Chapter 26

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These are thoughts


Mizuki pov.
"Mizuki!" Naoi calls me.

I jog over to him.

"What's up Naoi?"

"Let's do a three on three, you're playing too."

"Why only three on three? A bunch of people won't be able to play!"

"It's fine. They'll help with the points."

"Fine. You make the teams."

He nods, and I call the team over.

"Okay, we're playing a three on three match. Naoi is making teams."

"Will you be playing?" Taketora asks.


Naoi makes the teams.

Since Kenma is the only setter here, I would play as a setter too.

My team (blue team): myself, Inuoka, Kai

Red team: Kenma, Kuroo, Yamamoto

The others would help with points. The liberos wouldn't play, since it's a three on three.

We each get a colored thing to put on top of our shirt. I take of my hoodie and put it on. Then we split up. I talk with my team.

"Ok, so like you know I'll be setter. Inu, Kai where would you like your sets to be?"

"A bit farther from the net, and higher." said Kai.

"Same as Kai, but not to high for me!" Inuoka said.

I nod. "Got it."

I go to Naoi, who was ref. Kuroo was also there.

"Heads or tails?" Naoi asks me.

"Tails." I say, and he flips the coin. It lands on tails.

"Ok, do you want to serve or recieve first?"

I look at my team.

"Um, serve please."

He gives me the ball.

"Good luck Kitten." Kuroo says to me, smirking.

"Ya, good luck to you too. Though you'll be the needing luck." I say smirking, wiping the one off of his face.


I laugh as I walk back.

Kai is on my right, and Inuoka is on my left.

"Ready guys?" I ask the two.

They nod and the whistle blows.

I step back, and I bounce the ball a few times.

Then, I throw the ball in the air, run uptown it and jump. I hit it to the other side of the court.


It flies past the other team.


"Nice serve!" Inuoka and Kai highfive me.

"We'll get the next one!" The other teams said.

Hehe we'll see about that

I get the ball again, and I serve at the whistle.

As I jump, I aim for the left corner of the other side, on the line.

I hit it, and it slams right at that spot.

We get another point.

"That was awesome!" The two boys compliment me.

I smile. "Thanks!" I glance at the others, and they look really surprised.

I get the ball again, and I serve.

Ok this time...

I throw it up, and I hit it to the right side, but just to the back line.

Kuroo receives it.

Dammit. But it's coming back

The ball comes back to our side.

Inuoka hits the ball up to me.

Kai is ready to spike the ball over.

Ok, he said a bit farther from the net, and a bit higher...

I set it to him, and he spikes it. The ball goes in the air.

Yamamoto receives it, and it goes up to Kenma.

"Kenma!" Kuroo calls him.

Inuoka and I run together infront of Kuroo, and Kai is behind us ready to receive it.

"One, two, three!" I count, and we both jump.

Kuroo doesn't jump, and then after a second, he jumps.

Shit, a delayed spike.

"Kai!" I yell, and Kuroo spike the ball. Kai receives it.

"Nice receive." I say as I run to the ball. Both Kai and Inuoka get ready for a spike. They both jump up to spike.

Kuroo runs to Kai, and Yamamoto runs to Inuoka. Kenma is watching me.

I set it to Inuoka, and he spikes it. It hits Yamamoto's arm and it goes in the air.

"One touch!" He yells as Kuroo hits it up to Kenma.

Both Kuroo and Yamamoto run up, just like we just did.

"Kai, Inuoka, block them!"

The look confused for a second, and then they run to block.

I watch Kenma carefully.


As he sets, I run beside Inuoka and we block him. We get another point.

Jeez, that was close.

"Nice job guys!" I highfive Inuoka and Kai. I'm out of breath.


This is more tiring than I thought. And only three points?! I'm dead.

I get the ball again, and I serve.

The set keeps going for a bit, with my team in the lead.

At one point of the match, I fall after a dump.

Inuoka and Kai help me up.

"T-thanks guys." I hold on to them to regain my balance.

"Can you keep playing?" Inuoka asks me.

"Maybe you should take a break?" Kai says.

"I can keep playing! Please?" I ask them.

They look at Nekomata. He sighs.

"Mizuki, are you sure you can keep playing?" He asks me.

"Yes!" I take a step, but then I stumble forward. Kai and Inuoka catch me.


"Ok, I think you're gonna have to take a break, Zuki." Kuroo says from the other side.

"But the set isn't over!" I protest.

21-23, blue team

"No, you're taking a break." Naoi says.


"Mizuki." Kuroo glares at me, and I flinch.

"Fine!" Kai and Inuoka help me to the bench. Fukunaga goes in for me to finish the set, and I watch from the side.

"You need to know your limits, Mizuki." Nekomata says to me seriously.

"Ya, ya I know." I grumble.

When they finish the set, the team takes a quick break.

Kenma pov.
I sit beside Mizuki during the break.

She looks a little sad...

"You okay?" I ask her.

"Ya, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." She smiles.

I nod slowly.

She's obviously not fine, but I guess she doesn't wanna talk about it...

Then, I give her my console.

"Do you wanna play?"

Her eyes light up. "Could I?"

I nod and I give her the game.

She started playing a few levels, quickly passing every single one.

I watch in awe.

How is she passing all the levels so fast? I've played this a bunch of times, but I never finished all those levels THIS fast

After she finishes a level, I tap on her shoulder.

"Hey, Zuki?"


"Are you that alienassasin0?"

Her eyes get big, and then she looks down.


No way. She's like, one of the best gamers there are!

"Please don't tell anyone! I'm trying to keep it a secret. Not many people know..." she says to me.

"Ok. I won't tell anyone." I say to her.

"Thank you!" She hugs me, and I blush.

Cute...and she's really pretty when she plays...what am I thinking

After, she looked like she realized something.

I tilt my head a little, confused.

"I just realized! You're catkema_05!" She says to me.

I nod. "Ya."

"That's so cool! We knew each other, but didn't actually know each other! Wait that doesn't make since..."

I blush a little.

She looks so pretty when she's happy...

Kuroo pov.
I watch Kenma and Mizuki talking on the side.

Kenma's actually talking to her...cute

Yaku and Kai look in my direction.

Yaku nudges me.

"Oooooooh, Kuroo!" He teases me.


Kai smirks. "You like Mizuki?"

My face goes red.

Yaku starts dying of laughter.


"You sure Kuroo?" Kai asks me, still smirking.

"GUYS! SHUT UP!" I yell at them.

I turn to Mizuki.

Do I...?

Mizuki pov.
After the break, we start to clean up the gym.

I help Shibayama and Fukunaga with the net.

I look around.

"I'm gonna help Yamamoto with the other stuff. Shiba, Fuku, can you finish with the net? Also, can I call you guys that?"

They blush and nod. Then I walk to Yamamoto.

"Hey Yamamoto! Need help?" I ask him.

He jumps, and nods.


Yamamoto takes a pole, and I take the other one. We bring them to the storage room.

"T-thanks Mizuki." He says to me.

"No problem, Tora! Can I call you that?"

He blushes and nods. I smile, and I grab a mop.

"Hey Mizuki, I can mop the floor." Yamamoto says to me.

"You sure?" I ask, and he nods.

"Thanks Tora!" I walk out, and I go to my bag to get my phone.

I call Keishin.


"Hello? Zuki?" Keishin answers on the first ring.

"Hey Keishi-nii! How's practice going over there?" I ask him.

"Pretty ok, the usual. How about you? How's it going with Nekoma?"

"It's awesome! Nekoma is really good, and fun too!"

"That's great. So, what's up?"

"Well, I donno how to get home..."

"Well, practice still isn't done here. Could someone go with you to the bullet train station?"

"Hold up, I'll ask Kuroo. I'll text you in a bit."


Call ended

I run to Kuroo, and I jump on his back.

"ZUKI! Get off!" He yells at me.

"Nope. So, um, could you come with me to the bullet train? You don't have to, just wondering."

"Ya, I'll go with you. Just get off of me."

I land on the ground.

"I gotta tell Keishin, be right back."

I jog to back to my bag, and I text Keishin. He said that he'd pick me up from the bullet train station.

"I'm gonna go change. I'll be right back." I tell Kuroo and I go to the change room.

I quickly change into some sweatpants and a different shirt. Then, I put my hoodie back on.

I walk out, and wait for the team to finish changing.

Lean against the wall, bored. Then, I fall asleep.


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