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This chapter is dedicated to klhine for being absolutely amazing. Love you!

It was Christmas. There were sounds of crackers and laughter everywhere. People have been talking, chatting, laughing, drinking, eating, enjoying since the morning. Since they got the presents under their Christmas trees. Joy and happiness were radiating from every house.

Every house, except The Burrow.

Silence hung around the crooked house, isolated from the happiness of others. The air around the house was thick, and sad. The coming of Christmas hadn't affected the house at all.

Inside the house, loads of presents sat wrapped under the Christmas tree, but not one of them were opened. The Christmas tree was decorated, but rather half-heartedly, just a few baubles hanging here and there.

Mrs Weasley was making a Christmas pudding, but she lacked her usual zeal and enthusiasm. Occasionally, he lifted her apron to dab at her eye. Quickly, so that her sons wouldn't see. Her figure had become plump to rather sunken, and broken. Fleur was helping her, trying to make a small talk - asking for her advice at small cooking tips. But Mrs Weasley talked very little.

Bill and Charlie were outside, gone to pick up few things at the nearest market. No one had let Mrs Weasley cook all the things like she used to. Everyone thought it might affect her already weak health.

George was in his room, as usual. He worked almost all day at Weasley Wizard Whizzes. When at home, he was usually found sitting quietly in his room.

Percy and Mr Weasley were at the Ministry. They had been going to the Ministry everyday since 5th May. The day since Ginny Weasley was untraced.

Harry had been going to the Ministry just as frequently, if not more than once a day. But today, he stayed back, for the sake of Mrs Weasley. He, Hermione and Ron were setting up the table.

Harry didn't talk much. He had never seen such a quiet Christmas at the Burrow before. Then again, how could any of them celebrate? One of their family was dead. Another untraced.

Harry felt empty. He missed Ginny's presence, her laughter, her voice, everything about her. It felt as if someone had cut off his limbs. Now he was expected to live his life as a cripple.

Hermione and Ron were the only ones who made him feel better. They were the only reasons why he hadn't given up yet.

"She's probably lost in the woods." Hermione always suggested, even though she knew herself how insane that theory was, "No one hasn't reached the end of the Forbidden Forest have they? Not even Hagrid. She might've gone out of the other end or still wandering and figuring out a way back. She's a tough girl, she'll come back."

Ron's theory was, surprisingly, more realistic.

"The deatheaters might've taken her. They'll probably want something from the Ministry in exchange of her. Or maybe some information. She maybe captive, we'll find her soon. We just have to wait a little more."

Harry couldn't think of how longer he had to wait. He had been going off to the Auror office since May, accompanying the search parties sent out for Ginny. Still no trace.

He couldn't help but feel awfully guilty. The Weasley had taken him up as a part of their family. That had cost them only trouble. They lost Fred because of him, now Ginny was untraced. The Weasleys were the only reason why he hadn't given up. He had to find Ginny. For them. And for himself.

Harry, Hermione and Ron laid out the table. Mrs Weasley set the pudding on the table as Bill and Charlie returned with tarts and cakes. George had come down. They all sat down quietly. Even meal times weren't same anymore.

Suddenly, everyone heard a large crack. Mr Weasley entered the house, flustered.

"I have news!" he shouted, as Percy followed him inside. Everyone shoot up from their chairs, Mrs Weasley almost dropped the plate she was holding.

"Iz it bout Jinny?" Fleur asked the question in everybody's mind, because others were too stunned to speak.

"Dad please sit down... yes, it is about Ginny." Percy replied as he forced Mr Weasley to sit down. However, he himself was almost knocked over by Mrs Weasley.

"Where is she? Is she alright? Is she with you?!"

"Mum, listen, it's not like that." Percy said, trying to hold her, "We have caught Lucius Malfoy." Mrs Weasley slumped her grip on Percy. Harry's mind instantly jumped to the worst conclusion, but he couldn't bring himself to ask it, or to believe it.

"She's not...?" Ron asked the question for him. Harry envied how much courage Ron could muster up to ask that, when anyone else couldn't.

"No." Percy said quickly. "Malfoy admits trying to kill her, but he says she escaped. Under Veritaserum, his story is... well, sit down Mum."

"Malfoy says that Ginny had a time-turner." Percy said. The room became still and silent. "She escaped using that. But he couldn't say how many times she had turned it, because apparently she had used some spell called Revolvario Maxima."

"So that means..." Ron started.

"Ginny is alive." Harry concluded. "She might even be well, if she found her way to Hogwarts."

"But in that case, why hasn't she come back using the time turning yet?" Bill asked.

"If she found her way to Hogwarts, Dumbledore could've helped her back." Charlie said.

"Only if she has told Dumbledore the truth." George spoke up in a hoarse voice. "I know her, it is not likely that she'll tell Dumbledore the truth straight away. She might try on her own first. But she has the time-turner, the part I don't get is why she didn't use it to come back?"

"Are you sure he said Revolvario Maxima?" Hermione asked. She was listening quietly until this point.

"Yes." Mr Weasley confirmed.

"Then I think I know what happened." Everyone stared at Hermione.

"Time-turners have a controlling charm on them" Hermione continued, "it is to make sure that they don't go back in time more than ten hours. But when you use an ultimate spell on it, like Revolvario Maxima, Protego Maxima, Lumos Maxima, Protego Totalum, etc, that charm is broken. So the time turner might go back days, weeks, or even years. But since the Time-turners aren't made for that much strain, so usually they get jammed after the use."

"So that means, the time-turner can't be used again?" Charlie asked.

"Not immediately, no." Hermione replied. "But however, that jam wears off in... a while."

"How long, exactly?" Harry asked.

"Well, the longest recorded was five years." Nobody spoke. There was pin-drop silence.

"So you're saying..." Ron broke the uncomfortable silence, "that it hasn't worn off yet? Ginny has been gone since May, it's December now. It has been almost eight months time span."

"Eight months for us," Hermione corrected. "We can't tell for sure that it's also been eight months for Ginny."

"What do you mean?" Bill asked, confused.

"Usually when this kind of thing happens, another phenomenon is associated with it." Hermione recited, as if reading from an invisible book. "It is known as Time Glitch. Time doesn't go equally in both places. One person experiencing such a glitch swore under Veritaserum that he had been in past for only an year, while five years had already passed after his disappearance. So what felt like eight months to us might've been only five for her, or two, or even lesser than one." Hermione finished.

"Is there anything we can do to help her?" Harry asked.

"I don't know." Hermione said, thoughful. "But there might be a spell or two to help. I read a book entirely on the topic of Time Glitch. I will do a research as soon as I'm back at Hogwarts."

"We will go with you this time." Harry said and Ron nodded. "I'm sure Professor McGonagall would allow it if we request her."

A murmur of agreement passed throughout the table as everyone sat down. But there was a difference - everyone was feeling somewhat better than before.

Finally, after eight months of waiting in dark, they had found a ray of hope on how to proceed.

OK, OK... I have been a horrible person. I know. But guys, I had literally no time at all! I have started my college, and while I have gotten the subject of my choice, it is hella hard and requires lot of work. I have been stressing out a lot lately, and I haven't had time for writing! And I have been a bit out of inspiration as well, but I think it's fixed now. :)

Btw, the cover posted at this chapter has been made by samlynch22. Tell me if you like this one or the current one more!

Now, for a happier note, I have entered this book in #Wattys2015 under the pestering of my dearest friends - @befuddled_thoughts (Emma), @Elizabeth_TS (Liz), @samlynch22 (Sam). They have entered #Wattys2015 too, make sure to check out their works if you haven't already. And yes, please vote for this story and share it. Its #Wattys2015 afterall!

Any of you still reading this story? If you are, let me know by votes and comments.

Keep reading!

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