Love is Wicked

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Osiris held Skylars hand as they walked the hospital halls together, heading to her dads room. Once they reached his door, she knocked before walking in seeing him laying in bed watching tv. Ron looked over at his daughter and smiled. He notice so much as changed from when she was with Bryan till now. She was always smiling and glowing.

"Hey how you feeling?" She asked him.

"I'm feeling better" he answered. "How you been feeling?"

"Tired, hungry, and fat" she giggled making him and Osiris laugh lightly.

"She ate before she got here" Osiris stated and Skylar evilly glance over at him. "Now you mad cause I told the truth?" He chuckled.

Skylar rolled her eyes at him and walked over to her father. "I spoke to the doctor-"

"Hey let's not focus on that right now" her father stated cutting her off, trying to keep her mind stress free. "If you guys didn't mind I thought of some names last night" he said getting their attention. "I've written them down but I settled on two I hope you like them"

"Let's hear it" she said rubbing his hand.

"Well for the boy, I picked Knox"

"And for the girl?" Skylar asked him.


Skylar looked over at Osiris who was slowly nodding his head. "Knox and Niani" he repeated.

"I like them" Skylar admitted.

"Yeah, I like them too" Osiris agreed.

Just then Camilla walked through the door with a smile on her face, ignoring Skylar and Osiris as she went over to her husband, Ron.

"Hey sweetheart" she greeted kissing his forehead. "How you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better"

Ignoring her father's conversation he was having with his wife, Skylar wobbled over to Osiris with a smile on her face. "Feel" she told him grabbing his hand and placing it on her stomach. He couldn't help but smile feeling one the babies kicking against his hand. "You really like the names?"

"Yeah" he answered guiding her to sit on his lap.

Camilla cleared her throat, " So Skylar have you heard from Bryan lately? You remember your ex right? Oh wait does Osiris-"

"That's none of your business actually" Skylar stated cutting her off.

"Ooh now it's none of my business" she chuckled. "A few months ago I knew everything, does Osiris know about him leaving you-"

"Yo why you starting right now?" Osiris questioned cutting her off.

"Excuse me?"

"You so fucking disrespectful you know that?" He said looking straight at Camilla. "It's eleven in the morning and you came here and already trying to start some bullshit"


"Nah nah I'm tired of her running her loud ass mouth" he spat cutting Skylar off. "Yoo Ron you don't get tired of that shit man?"

Osiris lightly tapped Skylar's leg, signaling her to stand up. Once she stood up he told her to grab her things so they can leave. "Skylar's good over this way and she will always be good alright?...I take care of mines, let's go man" Osiris continued feeling his anger taking control but he quickly calm down remembering he was with Skylar.

Skylar said goodbye to her father and walked out the room along with Osiris, who looked over at her seeing a smile on her face as she stared at him.

"Wassup?" He chuckled. "You stay smiling at me?"


Before she could finish, Skylar felt pain in her stomach. She placed one hand on the wall and the other one on her stomach where the pain was coming from.

Osiris looked over at Skylar and squinted his eyes. "You good? What's wrong?"

Skylar shook her head, "Something's hurts"

"Okay, yoo can I get a nurse!! She starting to feel pain!!" Osiris shouted getting a couple of the nurses attention. They started running over to her as one of them brought a wheelchair over.

"Mam I need you to tell me where the pain is coming from?" One of them asked as she gently guided her to sit down in the wheelchair.

"My stomach and my lower back" she answered. "It's hurting really bad"

"Alright lets get her to the emergency room STAT!!" The head nurse shouted as one of the wheeled her away. "She could be going into premature labor"

"Osiris!!" Skylar called out looking around.

"I'm right here Sky, I ain't going nowhere" he said following them from behind.

Her mind began to race as she thought about the babies. Tears came to her eyes as she thought about the pain she went through from her first pregnancy.

Please, I can't lose my babies, she thought.


Jenny walked into her apartment with a frown on her face. It's been a few days since she spoken to Dre. Even though he reached out to her numerous times, she's been ignoring him.

Truth is, Jenny has been fallen hard for Dre but she felt like she wasn't good for a man like him. A man who had his head on his shoulders, who was doing so well in life. And she didn't want to mess that up.

You ain't nothing and you will never be nothing, she heard one of her fosters mother voice replay in head.

She turned on the light and froze when she seen Marquees sitting on her couch. His eyes was red, glossy and low with bags underneath his eyes like he hasn't slept for weeks. His perfectly, neat cornrows were now frizzy with some much new growth, you couldn't see the part between the braids.

"Wassup?" He asked staring straight into her eyes. Her mouth opened but no words came out as she stood there, in the middle of her living room, afraid to move. "What?" He chuckled. "You thought I wasn't going to find you?" He continued.

"How did you-"

"You forgot I know everything about you" he smirked standing up on the couch. He walked over to her and she quickly stepped back.


Before she could finish, he swung and punched her right in the face, knocking her down to the floor. "You really must be crazy if you think..." He kicked her in the stomach, knocked the air out of her. "I was going to let you go so easily...get your ass up I got something for your ass"

He picked her up off the floor and threw her over her shoulders, "No please, No!!!" She screamed, punching at his back.

"Shut the fuck up" he scolded walking up the stairs. He threw her on the bed and she immediately started to fight him. Throwing punches at his head but it didn't faze him as he grabbed her wrist and pin her to the bed trying to rip off her clothes.

Jenny continued to scream and fight but, "Noo!!!" She shouted. "SOMEBODY HELP!!"

She was praying that someone in the building would hear her screams. Marquees wrapped his hand around her throat and squeezed tightly, shutting her up. "What the fuck I just say? Huh?"

Jenny clawed at his wrist as she fought for her life. She felt him rip off her clothes and tears came to her eyes. Just when she was about to pass out he let go and before she could breathe he slapped her across her face.

"You think you can leave me?" He barked in her face slapping her again. She started to taste blood in her mouth.

Jenny started to cough feeling his hands roughly caress her body. "Noo..." she cried out. She felt her body growing weak and she couldn't help but stare at the ceiling, going into a different place, like when she was in foster care, as she felt Marquees body on top of her.


Jenny laid in bed in nothing but darkness. She hasn't moved since Marquees took advantage of her and left.

Why me? Why me God?, Was all she kept asking to herself and the man upstairs. Ever since she was seven and her parents died, she has suffer. On the outside, she showed nothing but happiness, love and confidence but on the inside, she was depressed, slowly giving up.

She finally got up, feeling pain all over her body but she ignored it. It didn't match the pain she has dealt with all these years of fighting.

Jenny slowly walked into the bathroom and went to the medicine cabinet. She opened it up and grabbed the orange medicine container. She opened it up and pour some of them in her hand before throwing them in her mouth, washing them down with some water.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and cried. There was dried up blood from her nose going to her chin, a red handprint around her throat and her hair was all over the place.

She pour more of the pills into her hand and stared at them for a few seconds before throwing them into her mouth and washing them down with water. Jenny looked at her self in the mirror and slowly started to feel the pain go away.


The buzzing sound from June tattooing his client filled up the shop as Kofi sat at the front desk of their tattoo shop going through the company emails.

He heard the bell above the door rung getting his attention. He looked over seeing Glo walking into the shop with a few of friends.

"Hey Kofi" she greeted with a smile on her face.

Kofi took a quick glance at her and friends before looking at the computer screen. "Wassup Glo?"

Just then Liberty walked through the door holding a big brown paper bag with TGIF written in big red bold letters on it in her hand.

"Excuse me" she said politely walking past Glo and her friends. And Glo couldn't help but roll her eyes as she moved a stepped over.

Liberty placed the bag on the counter and started to pull out the food. "I got you ribs Kofi" she told him making him smile.

"Yoo sis you a life a saver I was starving" he said grabbing his food. "Thank you"

"No problem"

"Kofi is Osiris coming in today?" Glo questioned.

Kofi shook his head, "Nah he had things to do" he answered.

"Oh can you call him for me please? My girl wants to make a tattoo appointment with him"

"Yeah I got you" Kofi answered closing his food back up. He picked up his phone and called up his cousin.

"Yoo" he greeted.

"Yoooo!!" Glo heard Osiris's voice and she couldn't help but smile lightly.

"Uh Glo came in with one of her friends and she wants to make an appointment with you....everything alight?...They trying to come out already?" Kofi questioned getting Liberty's attention.

"Wait she's about to give birth?" She questioned, nervously.

He shrugged his shoulders, "He said he gonna keep me updated, they at the hospital now, Skylar was feeling pain" he answered before going back to the phone. "Ya finally picked out the names?"

"They picked out the names?" Liberty questioned as Kofi nodded his head with a smile on his face.

"I mean I just want to know if he can do my friends tattoo or not" Glo spat, growing annoyed.

Liberty snapped her neck at her, "Alright calm down obviously something happen with Skylar and the babies"

Glo looked over at Liberty and rolled eyes before look at her friends. "Don't even worry about it" one of them whispered.

"He won't be able to tattoo for another week" Kofi answered dryly still holding the phone to his ear. "He said you can take his card and give him a call and set up an appointment" he continued picking up Osiris business card off the desk and passing it to her.

"Okay that's fine, I'll be in touch thank you" her friend said softly taking the card out his hand.

Glo stood up and walked into her room with her friends right behind and Liberty couldn't help but roll her eyes as she scrunched up her face, waving them off.

Once Kofi hung up the phone he couldn't help but laugh lightly. "Shorty bugging" he said nodding his head towards Glo room.

"She's weird as fuck" Liberty added. "I don't trust her"

"I think she has a crush on Osiris" he chuckled.

"Crush? Nah she's obsessed with the nigga"


Dre stepped out his car and hit the lock button on the keypad, locking the doors. He walked inside the apartment and went straight to the elevator, hitting the fifth floor button. The doors closed and he felt the elevator moving for a few seconds before feeling it stop.

Once the doors open he stepped off and went to the door on the right and knocked lightly. After waiting a few seconds, nobody answered so he decided to pound on the door but to his surprise it opened.

He opened the door wider and stepped inside, taking a look around. He seen her bag and car keys on the table so he knew she was home.

"Yoo Jenny!" He called out, heading upstairs to her room seeing her bed a mess. He looked into the bathroom seeing her laying on the floor. Dre ran inside the bathroom seeing her face bloody and bruised up with pills scattered throughout the floor.

Dre quickly squatted down next to her and lightly placed his fingers on her neck feeling a light pulse. He quickly react, after he took off his coat and sneakers, he turned on the cold water in the walk-in shower before gently picking her up off the floor.

He carried her inside and sat down with her letting the water hit her face and body. He sat behind her and pushed his fingers down her throat, trying to force her to throw up. He did this a few times and Jenny didn't budge.

Dre felt tears burning in his eyes but he refused to let them fall as he tried one last time. He opened her mouth again, this time using his pointer and middle finger, shoving them down her throat.

Her eye open and he quickly moved his hand, forcing her to throwing up the pills that she swallowed. He patted her back as she threw them all up, watching the pills go down the drain.

"Come on, throw it all up" he encouraged patting her back. Once she stopped throwing up she frantically looked around. She looked back at and Dre and started crying in his arms.

He looked down at her seeing her lips turning blue and her body shaking uncontrollably. He quickly react and picked her up out the shower and carried her to her bed, laying her down.

He lightly snapped her face, watching her eyes slowly close. "Yo Jenny don't go to sleep alright, stay awake" he told her as her eyes slightly opened again. He pulled out his cellphone and dialed 9-1-1 watching Jenny eyes closing.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"

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