Red Riding Hood MANXMAN

Red Riding Hood MANXMAN

168,789 5,656 11

His voice was as cold as ice and as sweet as honey, "You will submit to me, I will rape you every night if I have to, skin you alive, starve you, and you'll watch from your cage as I make love to the others, but one way or the other you're going to submit to me, Little Red Riding Hood,"THIS STORY WILL HAVE MANXMANXMAN AND MANXMAN ACTION DON'T LIKE DON'T READ…

My Lovely Damnation BOYXBOY

My Lovely Damnation BOYXBOY

3,005 128 10

What if you were caught being in love, which is a sin where you're from, and the authorities tore out your beautiful wings and left you to grow hideous new ones? To be an unloved outcast for the rest of your life! What if your dad was an Archangel and he found out that you were in love with the devil's son? Well that's what Micha has to deal with, because we can't all just choose who we Fall In Love with...Is it worth Damnation to be loved?…

Silver Shackles, Silver Whip

Silver Shackles, Silver Whip

16,391 477 16

I hate him, he leaves me to die, he beats me, he drugs me, he makes me wish I were never born. Help me, free me from these silver shackles and take away this silver whip...…

The seven OTHER deadly sins

The seven OTHER deadly sins

1,001 28 6

Malice, Lying, Madness, Addiction, Vanity, Controlling, and Rouge; these are the seven other deadly sins, seven teens were chosen out of all humanity to be the embodiment of these sins, these children didn’t know each other, but they still were chosen……

Bloody Innocence

Bloody Innocence

884 38 10

This is a story of darkness and blood, of how even the purest white rose can be coated with thick red sin.…